America at war! (1941–) – Part 5

Save this for your grandchildren –
You’ve just lived through biggest news month in history

2,000 B-29s to pulverize Jap islands

Doolittle says B-17s to be medium bombers

Nazi plot to invade Britain from within thwarted by Yanks

Germans planned attack on London by 75,000 escaped prisoners, airborne troops
By John B. McDermott, United Press staff writer

Allied censorship to stay in Europe

Information will be kept from Japs

Man found slain in hotel closet

Luzon Yanks near big dam above Manila

Nearly two million tons of ships blasted

Chinese crush Jap drive on U.S. air base

More than 20,000 enemy troops killed

Widow says Nazis murdered Rommel

Eisenhower telephoned Ninth Army to stop

Jimmy Doolittle rates a ‘sir’ now

Gangsters ruled Germany, captured general asserts

Von Falkenhorst, ex-commander in Norway, calls war ‘most insane in history’
By Jack Fleischer, United Press staff writer

U.S., Britain oppose inviting more nations to ‘Frisco conference

Proposed ban on Denmark may prevent revival of Russian demands for Poland

Stalin replies in Polish dispute

London paper says he’s standing pat

Simms: Early fall of Franco is predicted

By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Editorial: Whoa! Where are we going?

Editorial: Bad judgment in the House

Editorial: San Francisco ‘crisis’

Editorial: Preferred captors

Nazi strategy in the closing days of belligerency seems to have clarified itself: the “government” under Adm. Doenitz was stalling to permit German troops to surrender to the Anglo-Americans before they were ca0tured by the Russians.

This is proving embarrassing to us. The British and Americans were obligated to share captives 50-50, whoever took them, but the British say their facilities are packed – so can’t we please keep more than half?

What we keep we have to feed. Is there still an unused notch in your belt?

Edson: Gromyko replaces Molotov – he’s an enigma, too

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Time for forgiveness

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Post-war economics

By Bertram Benedict

Mme. Alda freed on ration charge

Egypt to be base

CAIRO, Egypt – Egypt will be an Allied supply base for the war against Japan, British Ambassador to Egypt Lord Killearn announced in a V-E Day celebration speech.

Auto output within next 2 months seen

Changeover to include light trucks

Reconversion lag to whittle jobless fund

Millions to seek federal assistance
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer