America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Editorial: ‘Ye’ did break faith

Editorial: That Siegfried Line


Editorial: Dewey-Hull felicitations

Most Americans will share the gratification expressed by Governor Dewey and Secretary of State Hull in their exchange of letters regarding the nonpartisan basis of their foreign policy consultations.

In commenting on the recent conversations between his adviser, John Foster Dulles, and the Secretary, the Republican presidential candidate said they showed that Democrats and Republicans are beginning “to wage peace as we wage war” on a plane above partisanship. Mr. Hull in reply hailed Mr. Dewey’s letter as “a heartening manifestation of national unity” on the peace problem.

We believe these Hull and Dewey expressions represent much more polite amenities. Unquestionably both men share the same sincere desire for a constrictive peace and the same determination to keep debate above the party level.

Of course, this does not mean that these should be no debate. The democratic process, which we are fighting to preserve, requires frank debate of honest differences in judgment as to the best route on the uncharted sea of international organization. As Mr. Dulles stated on Mr. Dewey’s behalf, their agreement with the Secretary of State reserves the right of “full public nonpartisan discussion of the means of attaining lasting peace.”

Edson: Surplus property will yield only about $15 billion

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Will o’ the wisp

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Interstate cooperation

By Burt P. Garnett

Two-way blitz hits Jap-held Palau Islands

New attacks made near Philippines

Moselle offensive may turn into another Patton surge

By B. J. McQuaid

Reich pounded again –
Bombers raid ‘just ahead’ of troops

German war centers hit in new attack

Brother’s keeper freed on murder charge

Allied gains peril gate to Po Valley

Resistance, rains hamper advance

Freed Yanks smile, cheer at sight of American girl

150 released prisoners board Gripsholm in Sweden on way back home
By Nat A. Barrows

Japs’ escape plot foiled by Aussies

231 either killed or commit suicide


Davis makes plea for ‘sound’ peace

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – (special)
The American people are determined to win a post-war peace which “cannot be a New Deal peace, a Democratic peace or even a Republican peace,” U.S. Senator James J. Davis (R-PA), member of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, told the first Dewey campaign audience last night.

He said:

The people of America will not be content merely with the winning of the initial peace. They will be content only with the creation and maintenance of a sound and stable system of peace among all nations – to the end that neither this generation nor those of future generations will ever again be obliged to endure the carnage and cruelty of war.

It must and will be an American peace – a peace of justice, honor and human decency which shall forever banish war from the minds and hearts of men.

Mr. Davis, candidate for reelection to a six-year term, said the people of the United States are concerned about four fundamentals, which he listed as winning the war, preserving the peace, maintenance of a high order of sound economic progress and ending of “executive fiats, administrative commands and the continues unauthorized encroachments of paid bureaucrats and naïve planners who hold themselves above the people and above the law.”

Stringent curb on Axis urged

Settle their future, Brookings suggests

Lucille Ball sues Arnaz for divorce

Steele: China’s ordeal

By A. T. Steele


Stokes: League foes

By Thomas L. Stokes

Washington –
The first faint evidences of a cabal against the proposed international peace organization are beginning to appear in the Senate which must ratify a treaty providing the necessary machinery.

It has similarities, in its vague preliminary stages, to the gradually developed plot which kept the United States out of the League of Nations 25 years ago, both in its origin, which is isolationism or “nationalism” as it is now being called, and in its method, which is sabotage by sniping and piecemeal attack.

It will bear close watching and a constant check by the public if this country is not to lose the peace as it did 25 years ago.

Although representatives of this country, Great Britain and Russia are formulating the general outlines of an international organization here at Dumbarton Oaks, the real fight, as far as the United States is concerned, will come in the Senate, as it did before.

First sign of attack

The first sign was the attack delivered this week by Senator Harlan J. Bushfield (R-SD) against the reported American plan insofar as it would not require American representatives on the council to come back to Congress for approval every time for the use of force against an aggressor.

Though the Dumbarton Oaks Conference is only preliminary, with no power to approve anything finally, the point raised by the South Dakota Senator has been seized to begin an undermining attack, and obviously with political intent as well, as was plain from the Senator’s direct attack on President Roosevelt. The terms and conditions for the use of force are still only in the discussions stage and will not be settled for some time. They must await the general conference later and a treaty embodying them.

The Senator’s object seems to be to stir up the latent fires of isolationism and feed them for political purposes, for the campaign and later.

It has been learned since that he is by no means alone, that something approaching a general understanding among isolationists in the Senate – largely Republican but with some stray Democrats – is in the making. At least that is the word from Senate Democrats interested in the international organization.

Plot hard to combat

This sort of plot is hard to combat. It was done that way 25 years ago. The tactics are the same – to pick out one phase, now another, for attack, and thus to draw together as many dissident elements as possible in a common front of opposition.

Two such centers of opposition have already been suggested, that raised by Senator Bushfield, and the argument that creation of an international organization should await a general peace treaty covering terms of settlemen of all issues raised in the war, territorial arrangements included.

Republicans may find themselves in a mixed role in this campaign on the international issue.

Governor Dewey has taken a stand for an international organization and his representative, John Foster Dulles, conferred here with Secretary of State Cordell Hull recently, with the upshot that they agreed to remove the international organization from partisan political debate during the campaign, through leaving it open to general discussion.

Now, if Republican Senators meanwhile are going to indulge in such sharpshooting as that of Senator Bushfield, it gives the appearance of a species of doubletalk, especially since he is not alone among Republicans.

Maj. Williams: Vital air rights

By Maj. Al Williams

Here are Americans –
Families’ reactions worry wounded G.I.’s

Men in war hospital often keep presence in U.S. secret until they are nearer home
By Frederick Woltman, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Simms: Attack on Phillips’ report benefits Japs, Nazis most

Revival of ‘who won the war?’ issue offers foretaste of peacetime disputes
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor