America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Flying parson says –
God won’t pull chutist’s rip cord, but prayer may help Yank do it

By Paul Cranston, North American Newspaper Alliance

Seizing criminals to be big task

Reds do best job in catching Nazis

6 Ringling Circus officials to be sentenced Tuesday

Precautions against fire inadequate Hartford prosecutor tells court

Col. Palmer: Martial law is last act for dictator

Vengeful mass purge may be Hitler plan
By Col. Frederick Palmer, North American Newspaper Alliance

Editorial: The Navy scores again

Editorial: War on the closed shop

Editorial: Weapons for peace

Gabble, gabble –
THEY are very important people, THEY are!

By William A. White

English translation of Gypsy Baron to be presented

New York City Opera Company to bring cast to Syria Mosque
By Ralph Lewando, Press music editor

Author and publishers dispute novel’s release

Vicki Baum denies writing story titled Once in Vienna
By Gilbert Love

Fan mail hits high mark

Notes to actors deluge studios

Welcome to murder in our movies bringing ‘crime wave’ to town

By Florence Fisher Parry

Knox bids adieu to W. Wilson

He’s through with scholarly roles
By Maxine Garrison

Three mediocre productions getting Broadway yawns

Overtons, Hope for Best, Alice in Arms get critical brushoff
By Jack Gaver, United Press drama editor

Old timer modern air star

KDKA pioneer on coast quiz
By Si Steinhauser

Brothers aid composers

Give new songs family boost

Byrnes aide says –
No sports ban contemplated

Natty suits, ‘jools’ for dolls –
Boxing enjoys boom despite talent of questionable ability

By Jack Cuddy, United Press staff correspondent

Textile makers unable to cope with demand

U.S. directives affect production, prices

Changes in international trade system advocated

Monetary manipulation will not solve post-war problems, expert says

Civil War veteran 104 tomorrow

Saturday, February 17, 1945

LOS ANGELES, California (UP) – Capt. John Alden Howell will observe his 104th birthday tomorrow with the same philosophy of life that he developed when he was a boy, riding beside “Stonewall” Jackson in the Civil War.

He said:

If you want to be 104, make the 23rd Psalm part of your daily life, eat three square meals a day, keep your chin up and your temper under control.

Capt. Howell is reported to be the oldest living officer of the Confederate Army, the oldest retired lawyer and the oldest Freemason in America.


Report by Sgt. Richard Mawson (BBC), February 19 JST:

Report by Arthur Prim (CAN):

Report on Iwo Jima landing (CAN):

Report by Leslie Nichols aboard battleship (MBS):

Salzburger Zeitung (February 19, 1945)

Deutschland soll ausgehungert werden

Aufschlussreiche Meldung aus Eisenhowers Hauptquartier