America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Methodists to oppose compulsory drill

Forced into marriage, naval lieutenant says

Commanding officer’s wife threatened him with court-martial, pilot charges

Washington believes –
Nazi home front collapsing, but army will fight longer

Civil government breaks down – ration system fails – half of coal supply lost

Army’s draft of job-quitters faces fight in Senate

4-Fs inducted under work-or-fight order will be sent to camps in Illinois

Miss Perkins asks labor unit control

Reorganization urged by her

New world labor group is approved

AFL is invited to become member

U.S. soldier is sought in British girl’s death

Poll: Public backs Big Three’s main issues

Surrender of Axis demanded by people
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Polish socialist backs Big Three

Crimean decision called ‘victory’
By Leigh White

George bill vote cheers Democrats

Tight squeeze scored without aid of GOP
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

First veteran gets G.I. business loan

He plans to deal in wholesale meat

First WAC to get G.I. loan seeks clear title to house

Petrillo wins radio fight

Germans shell patrols in Italy

Eighth Army repels Nazi thrusts

Clark predicts Nazi withdrawal

By the United Press

12 die, 15 missing in Tacoma fire

Four-story apartment hit by flames

Another invasion of Reich predicted

Service journal picks Danish area

Killer dog loses first round in fight to avoid execution

Court rules animal is personal property, not subject to habeas corpus action
By Ed Werkman, United Press staff writer

Body of sailor found dead identified

Simms: Tokyo attack wrecks Japs’ war strategy

Raid marks turn in whole Pacific war
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Jap hold on Chinese coastline limited to control of key ports

One important city, Foochow, remained in Allied hands until recent enemy attack

U.S. heavies blast 2 Nazi railroad hubs

Fortresses set fires in Frankfurt-on-Main

Women wanted in standing army

There’s a great day comin’ –
John Q. can hardly wait to tell ‘em: Yeah, don’t ya know there’s a peace on!

There are lots of names in his little black book and there’s a day of reckoning coming – butcher and baker better behave

Willkie memorial building planned

Except for some rascals –
War reporter finds home front isn’t land of 4-Fers getting rich

Combat troops wrong when they picture U.S. living on steaks, earning big money
By William H. Stoneman