British report Nazi massacre
Van Johnson hates that title, loves babies, dogs, animals
By Maxine Garrison
Designed-for-lady-look dominant – ‘Chopin Series’ shows romance
By Lenore Brundige
War dogs return home gentle after civilian course
By Roger W. Stuart, Scripps-Howard staff writer
One man even moves from his apartment so ex-wife can continue living there
By Gracie Allen
Well, I think it was nice that Mr. Roosevelt managed to cut the war budget $18 billion below last year’s estimate, but I do wish he hadn’t announced it just as I was trying to get George to increase my household allowance by three dollars. George says if the President can cut expenses, I can.
Well, there’s a difference. Gen. MacArthur is a lot closer to Tokyo that he was last year, but I’m still as far away from getting a lamb chop from my butcher as I ever was. And the cost of chasing Jap admirals may be down this season, but eggs are still on the way up.
Goodness, I can certainly sympathize with Mr. Roosevelt if he has to go through the same things to get money out of Congress that I do to get it out of George. Besides, I need a little pin money so that I may look pretty for my husband, whereas I don’t think members of Congress care whether Mr. Roosevelt loves them or not.