America at war! (1941–) – Part 4


Fala not on destroyer, President’s aide says

Washington (UP) –
You can take it from Adm. William D. Leahy, as quoted yesterday on the House floor by Democratic Leader John W. McCormack (D-MA), that President Roosevelt’s Scottie dog, Fala, was not left behind in the Aleutian Islands and returned by a specially dispatched destroyer.

Mr. McCormack’s refutation brought countercharges from Rep. Harold Knutson (R-MN) that 43,000 gallons of gasoline were consumed on a recent Australian trip of “a certain very high-placed American woman” in a bomber which had been remodeled for installation of a shower bath.

Formosa blasted by U.S. bombers

Japs report attack on Davao, Philippines
By the United Press

Transshipping by Japs approved by Russians

Million Belgians ordered to open war on Germans

Nazi broadcasters acknowledge Brussels may be taken by Allies this weekend

Norris ‘very critical’

McCook, Nebraska –
Former Senator George W. Norris, 83, lost all consciousness last night and was reported by his doctors to be in a “very critical condition.” He suffered a cerebral hemorrhage Tuesday.

Editorial: Congress needs help

Editorial: Scaring off buyers

Editorial: Sour grapes, maybe

Edson: Business leaders making plans for post-war era

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Hail and farewell

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
The Fourth Republic?

By Bertram Benedict

Yanks in China give to missions

Churches welcome American soldiers

Poll: Peace needs in Europe confuse public

Conflict in thinking on occupation, education
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Boy, an ex-Marine at 15, to reenter high school

After going through rigorous boot training youth is ‘discovered’ and discharged

Millett: ‘Babysitters’ are needed

Help young folks have recreation
By Ruth Millett

Big weekend may complete Brown collapse

By Glen Perkins, United Press staff writer

Ernie Pyle V Norman

Roving Reporter

By Ernie Pyle

In France – (by wireless)
We left Paris after a few days and went again with the armies in the field. In Paris we had slept in beds and walked on carpeted floors for the first time in three months.

It was a beautiful experience, and yet for some perverse reason a great inner feeling of calm and relief came over us when we once again set up our cots in a tent, with apple trees for our draperies and only the green grass for a rug.

Hank Gorrell of the United Press was with me, and he said, “This is ironic, that we should have to go back with the armies to get some peace.”

The gaiety and charm and big-cityness of Paris somehow had got a little on our nerves after so much of the opposite. I guess it indicate that all of us will have to make our return to normal life gradually and in small doses.

Paris prices inflated

Paris unquestionably is a lovely city. It seems to me to have been but little hurt by the war. You can still buy almost anything imaginable if you have money. Everybody is well-dressed. But prices are terrific, and already they have started zooming higher.

Those of us who expect to be coming home before long have made shopping tours and stocked up with gifts. And with the exception of perfume, which is dirt cheap, we pay about three times what we would at home for the same thing.

I’m sorry the restaurants could not open before we left. For although I’m not much of a gourmet I do value the sense of taste, and we’ve eaten enough meals in private homes and small-town restaurants over here to realize that it’s all true about the French culinary genius.

They simply have a knack for making any old thing taste wonderful, just as the British have a knack for making everything taste horrible.

The other night we were talking about the beautiful women of Paris – as who doesn’t?

One fellow said the women here were the most beautiful in the world.

They have that knowhow

But I said no, that wasn’t true. You see women in America and England who are just as beautiful as any in Paris. But it seems that here the percentage of good-looking women is higher than in other countries.

And another fellow said no, that wasn’t it either. He thought the ratio was approximately the same in America and England and France. But in Paris a bigger percentage have the gift of getting themselves up to look devastating.

And I guess that’s it.

We thought there were a lot of people on the streets those first two days. But you should have seen Paris a few days later, when the whole populace began to come out. By midafternoon it is almost impossible to drive in the streets because of the bicycles. They take up the entire street, as far as you can see. The sidewalks are packed. It’s like Christmas shopping tithe at home.

Within three days, Paris was transformed from a city crackling and roaring with brief warfare into a city entirely at peace. With in three days Paris was open for business as usual, and its attitude toward the war reminded me of Cairo after it threat of danger had gone.

As usual, those Americans most deserving of seeing Paris will be the last ones to see it, if they ever do. By that 1 mean the fighting soldiers.

Rear echelons get the kisses

Only one infantry regiment and one reconnaissance outfit of Americans actually came into Paris, and they passed on through the city quickly and went on with their war.

The first ones in the city to stay were such nonfighters as the psychological-warfare and Civil Affairs people, public-relations men and correspondents.

I heard more than one rear-echelon soldier say he felt a little ashamed to be getting all the grateful cheers and kisses for the liberation of Paris when the guys who broke the German Army and opened the way for Paris to be free were still out there fighting without benefit of kisses or applause.

But that’s the way things are in this world.


Stokes: Ghostwriters

By Thomas L. Stokes

Washington –
Every now and then a frank sort of fellow turns up in politics who won’t play by the old rules and who shows up the pretenses and synthetic practices such as, for example, speeches prepared by ghostwriters.

It’s an old custom, this business of making speeches written by someone else, practices by men of both parties, even including Presidents. Many a contribution by those earnestly interested in the election this year will find its way into the pockets of men smart with words who sit in backrooms at campaign headquarters and pound out on loose-limbed phrases and bright quips.

This is not to say they get rich at it. Far from that. But there are so many of them in campaign years. Their reward is in thinking up the stuff, in imagining how they’ve caught the other side off-guard or on a vulnerable point. Their despair comes when they are sitting at the radio at night with the family and hear their product butchered, words mispronounced, emphasis in the wrong place, and they mutter: “Why, the so-and-so can’t even read!”

Governor Warren incident

The latest ghostwriting scandal is amusing. It was ferreted out by shrewd little Senator Joe O’Mahoney of Wyoming, who is in charge of the Democratic senatorial campaign.

He said flatly the three Republican governors who started off the gubernatorial phase of the campaign didn’t like the speeches written for them by National Chairman Brownell’s ghostwriting squad in New York headquarters and had changed them before delivery.

One of the three, Governor Earl Warren of California, spoke up promptly. Yes, he had changed his.

Californian is frank

Republicans probably learned another lesson, too, from this episode, which is to be careful with Governor Warren.

They got burned on him once before when he refused to accept the vice-presidential nomination at Chicago, a minor sensation. It is a sensation when a fellow turns down a vice-presidential nomination, for you always see so many hopefuls around national conventions.

Governor Warren is a frank gentleman, and it seems to take Republicans a long time to find that out. Long before the convention, he kept saying he couldn’t accept the nomination. But Republicans wouldn’t believe him. He was not sure the Republicans could win this year, nor that they could carry California.

The ghostwriting incident indicates he’s not so sure yet about California. He showed this in the changes in his speech. The original sent him from New York bore down heavy on the CIO and its PAC. He toned that down considerably.

The CIO is strong in California, and presumably has done a good job of registering its voters. Governor Warren is taking no chances.

Maj. de Seversky: Jap airpower

By Maj. Alexander P. de Seversky

Over 1,000 U.S. fliers rescued from Romania

Liberated Yanks kiss crews of Fortresses flying them back to Italian bases
By Sgt. L. E. Smith, written for the United Press

51 Guam natives beheaded by Japs

By Charles Arnot and Mac R. Johnson