America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Berlin radio fakes BBC broadcast

By Nat A. Barrows

Army policies inefficient, Ward’s says

Company accused of OPA violations

Soldier sorry for killing Briton

Work-or-fight talk already pays dividend

Men are flocking to war jobs
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Silent death strikes Yanks in Luxembourg ‘Little Alps’

Improved German racket guns fire 12 to 20 projectiles at a time, without noise
By Robert W. Richards, United Press staff writer

Child saboteurs seized by Allies

Crippled Superfortress bluffs Jap fighters over Tokyo

Only tail guns working, yet B-29 scares away interceptors, gets back to base

Singapore ripped by Superfortresses

Japs report ‘scores’ of casualties

Typhoon sinks 3 destroyers in West Pacific

Heavy loss of life on U.S. ships hinted

Nazis plan steps to hold in Italy

London paper opposes return of Gen. Bradley to head 1st, 9th Armies

Daily Mail calls disclosure that Montgomery will yield post ‘unnecessarily offensive’

Splitting of front causes shift in Allied command

By James McGlincy, United Press staff writer

Medal of Honor presented to seven American heroes

Medical aid private walks up to Roosevelt on crutches, get tribute from Marshall

Time reporter killed in Pacific

William Chickering covered Leyte drive

183 physicians died in service in 1944

24 plane victims still unidentified

Disunity in Japan hinted by paper

By the United Press

Tax deadline is Jan. 15, U.S. warned

Treasury outlines what must be done

Russia owes UNRRA fund $1,300,000

Payment withheld pending study of use

Milady’s glamor is linked to lowly lump of coal

Nylons and perfume made from ‘fuel’
By Jean Younger, United Press staff writer

Chaplin’s retrial set for May 2

Soldiers want training law, Congress told

‘Best way to keep peace’ is cited
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Communists seek a role in Bridges hearing

By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

Editorial: Senate foreign policies

Editorial: What price war?

Editorial: ‘Written in history’