America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Editorial: $83 million, plus or minus

Editorial: Thanks to Mr. Voorhis

Edson: Federal works program won’t help enough

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Political integrity

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
An expensive luxury, war

By Bertram Benedict

Monahan: C. Laughton superb in The Suspect

Ella Raines co-starred in taut murder drama on Fulton screen
By Kaspar Monahan

Relief on tax sought first for individual

Then corporations would follow
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

U-boats step up December attacks

Stokes: Trade cartels

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: Tonsils

By Frederick C. Othman

Maj. Williams: What is wrong?

By Maj. Al Williams


Officers, crew worthy of Navy’s new fighting ship

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, I don’t know what you other housewives are doing with those cancelled blue points, but I’m pressing mine in my ration book, same as I pressed the rose in my diary, which George gave me on our honeymoon.

I guess most of us had to listen to our husbands’ corny jokes about getting caught win our “points” down.

Like everyone else, I was a little upset at first, and then I began to feel a little sorry for the head of the OPA. Goodness, he couldn’t keep 20 million housewives happy even if his name were Boyer instead of Bowles.

And you can bet beef will soon be hard to get again. The way things are going, soon the cow is going to be as sacred in this country as it is in India.

Nettie Rosenstein offers solid, down-to-earth styles

Glamor in dresses – emphasis placed on wearability
By Lenore Brundige, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Adjourn until April –
Pro grid owners postpone action

Stocks resume upswing after early decline

Industrial group leads advance

War surplus job goes to ex-publisher

Britton is cautious on policy and plans
By Roger W. Stuart, Scripps-Howard staff writer

WAVES recruiting quotas reduced

Frankie to be killer not diller on radio

Won’t sing but he’ll hum a bit
By Si Steinhauser

Bing Crosby’s wife put in oxygen tent