America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

156 Jap ships, 593 planes wrecked by U.S. 3rd Fleet

Climactic naval developments expected in next 60 days in Philippines region

24 lose lives in California airliner crash

18 soldiers, 3 sailors among victims

Men 18 to 30 face early call –
Draft needs are doubled, Patterson tells Congress

Armed Forces must have 150,000 men a month – National Service Act urged

Cigarette thefts bring stiff terms

Startling disclosures due in Army trial
By Helen Kirkpatrick

Coal crisis blamed –
‘Dimout’ nears for all U.S.

1,500 U.S. planes pound Germany

20 below reported at Michigan town

By the United Press

Common miracle

By Florence Fisher Parry

Meter plants’ strikers face drastic action

1,200 get warning to return to work

More meat, maybe!
Ceiling price cut on live cattle

Move may end quarrel of dealers, producers

Perkins: He isn’t an Uncle Sammy Claus when it comes to Christmas pay!

Shipyard workers wrap their gift for maritime USO but Treasury ties it up with red tape
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Transcontinental speed record set by plane

In Washington –
Sharp cut in civilian goods supply forecast by WPB

Closer manpower, material controls may force many luxury items out of production
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Senate asked to act now to keep peace

Vandenberg urges immediate treaty

Education council urges delay in conscription bill

Petition sent President, Congress says issue could be decided better after war
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Biddle denies ‘deal’ in Browne-Bioff case

Berle nominated envoy to Brazil

Tokyo reports night B-29 raid on Jap capital

Enemy claims no damage caused

Japs refuse to fight as Yanks swarm on Luzon

Not single American reported killed as first wave hits beach in Lingayen Gulf
By Ralph Teatsorth, United Press staff writer

Defenses rushed on Chinese coast

Japs alarmed by U.S. Philippines gains

Yanks follow Jap example in invasion at Lingayen

That was where enemy struck in 1941 to seal fate of Americans on Luzon
By Frank Hewlett, United Press staff writer

Belgian town bombed in ‘error’

U.S. feints dupe Jap propagandists

Enemy had reported ‘attempted’ landings
By the United Press

Aussie Premier lauds MacArthur

Snowshoe troops clash in Italy

Editorial: MacArthur returns