America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

U.S. heavies blast Rhine bridges

Russians critical of U.S. press

U.S. worried over fate of Greece, Poland

Roosevelt wants rights restored

60,000 Germans fleeing in Italy

Wheeler peace plan assailed by Stettinius

Senator opposes surrender policy

Kate’s big shopping spree foiled by snoozing in store

Maid picks out a lot of nice things, goes to sleep – and police get her

Poll: Public favors change in treaty voting

Wants both Senate and House to act
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Reiss: Nazis waging large-scale war of nerves

By Curt Reiss

Allied differences played up by Nazis

Germans talking of third world war

Editorial: What are we fighting for?

Editorial: Time to consult

A. L. Swim: Fancy words not needed to help free enterprise

By A. L. Swim

Perkins: Congress looks at PAC

By Fred W. Perkins, Press Washington correspondent

Great poet condemned unjustly by Graves is critic’s opinion

Readers may take offense
By John D. Paulus

Ziff appeals to Americans to face cold, cruel world

Countries may plot against us warns author and publisher
By Harry Hansen

Two bright musicals come to Broadway

Sing Out Sweet Land and On the Town are hailed as smash hits
By Howard Barnes

Hopper: Among other things that designer Irene will play herself in movie

By Hedda Hopper

Gamble? Why what an idea!

Mr. Raft never made 13 passes!
By Erskine Johnson

Wild tune show hits Broadway

Olsen & Johnson in new madhouse
By Jack Gaver, United Press drama editor

Monahan: Two tough weeks, mates, but there are clearing skies ahead (we hope)

By Kaspar Monahan

Radio set outlook is gloomy

Building for military only
By Si Steinhauser

McConnell keeps young

Air veteran is past 50