America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

The Pittsburgh Press (January 7, 1945)

3 U.S. convoys reported near Philippine isle

One at Lingayen Gulf, Tokyo claims

Two drives cut Nazi north flank

First Army launches new thrust – tanks also gain two miles
By James McGlincy, United Press staff writer

SHAEF: German losses 100,000 – American ‘not near as high’

First indication of Ardennes casualty ‘ceiling’ – there’ll be no scapegoats for setback
By James McGlincy, United Press staff writer

In State of the Union message –
Roosevelt demands draft of manpower, induction of nurses

Placing of 4-Fs in war jobs also asked – victory in Europe this year foreseen

New peace move by Hitler indicated

Nazi offensive called part of plan
By Virgil Pinkley, United Press staff writer

Navy fliers rip 83 Jap ships

U.S. carrier planes also bag 331 planes

Physical standards down –
Army to take 18-to-36 men changing jobs

Draft boards hold key to turnover

Nonessential firms hit –
WMC to use force to fill war jobs

Plants must give up men, official says

Cargo record claimed by TWA

Seat in Congress remains unfilled

Lt. Fulton has not reported for post

‘Painter-laureate’ of Army, Navy dies

U.S.-Polish head hits Red ‘tyranny’

Roosevelt’s message hailed in Congress as ‘timely, constructive’

Both Democrats and Republicans comment favorably on plans for war and peace

Essential job list no longer limits draft

Deferment chiefly up to individual board
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Biddle and Hoover win damage suit

Why Army, Navy need more nurses

Election’s officially over! It’s 432-99 for Roosevelt

Ward officials fight seizure in U.S. court

Roosevelt’s order illegal, firm says

Perkins: Labor hears repercussions of Reds’ rift with Allies

Disagreement between ‘Big Three’ may complicate plans for world body
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Fear of Petrillo charged to WLB

Radio man wants him treated like Avery

Stripping Germany of war industries to keep peace urged

Westinghouse scientist offers plan to remove fangs of the ‘rouge nation’
By Dale McFeatters, Press business editor

Superfortresses blast Jap homeland plane center

Raids on Nanking, Tokyo also reported

Black market deal fatal to Chinese

Burma Road town retaken by Japs

U.S. chief in China has nasal operation