America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Editorial: The year ahead

Editorial: Cigarettes – looking backward

Edson: Congressmen like their little tricks

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Your Congressman

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Disputes among Allies

By Bertram Benedict

Program mapped by commission

Textbook under study by church group

Editorial: A better post-war order should be aim for new year

By the Religious News Service

Soldier-gangster, 3 pals seized

Millett: Family meddling shatters many happy marriages

Wartime divorces too numerous
By Ruth Millett

Quality strictly rationed –
Williams: Everybody’s in the Bowls – except the best teams

By Joe Williams

Secret weapon revealed –
Amazing refueling at sea is answer to Navy’s nonstop blows at Japs

Enemy learns the hard way about transfer of oil, gas at full speed
By William McGaffin

Stokes: Personal story

By Thomas L. Stokes

Perkins: Dissenters

By Fred W. Perkins

Love: Other snows

By Gilbert Love

Gallup: Processing ‘raw’ figures necessary in opinion polls

Failure to make adjustments blamed for inaccurate Literary Digest survey in 1936
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Chaplin blasted by Joan’s lawyer

Case is recessed until Tuesday

Harry Bridges to seek divorce

Chicago ideas may help build British homes

U.S. official studies blitzed regions

Quit grumbling, Teamsters told

Veteran’s chances for building slim

B-29 crew on flight eats hot meals

Food warmers hold soup, stew, potatoes

Stock prices close year on strong note

General average hits best level since 1937