America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

U.S. Navy Department (December 24, 1944)

CINCPAC Communiqué No. 212

Liberators of the Strategic Air Force (STRAIRPOA) bombed the airstrip and plane dispersal areas on Iwo Jima in the Volcanoes on December 22 (West Longitude Date). Two enemy planes offered slight resistance.

Other STRAIRPOA Liberators struck Woleai in the Western Carolines on December 22.

Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing bombed and strafed targets at Babelthuap in the Palaus on December 22, sinking three enemy barges, damaging three others and two boats and damaging other installations.

Fighters and dive bombers of the 4th MARAIRWING continued to strike at enemy-held bases in the Marshalls on December 22.

The Pittsburgh Press (December 24, 1944)

Patton’s Third Army gains in counterdrive on southern flank

Foe sweeps to within 24 miles of Sedan – and imperils Allied supply route to north
By James F. McGlincy, United Press staff writer

Allied planes lash foe in 5,000 sorties

Perfect flying weather aids air blitz

Land-based Liberators rip Clark Field in Manila area

100 Jap planes destroyed or damaged in major attack from new bases in Philippines

Horse racing banned; professional athletes face draft reviews

Crackdown on sorts brings grave doubts whether baseball and football will continue

Back home for Christmas –
Wounded Yanks can’t believe it – they kneel and kiss U.S. soil

By W. H. Shippen Jr., North American Newspaper Alliance

Navy opposes diverting ships for relief use

Tight situation in Pacific cited

Sculptor calls changes in Roosevelt indescribable

Davidson: ‘Can’t tell you in words’ – inauguration medal to carry likeness

Unrationed food to go back on list

Meat, vegetables to require points again

News ‘blackout’ to Yanks charged

Swiss admit 1,500 U.S. fliers

Charles Dana Gibson, 77, dies at home in New York

Heart attack fatal to famous artist who started to glorify girls in Gay ‘90s

CIO blames police for Ward riot

Union charges ‘brutal beating’ of pickets

Political council of Allies urged

Senators fight power politics

Wartime experiences prove soldiers need full year of training

‘Effective preparation for combat’ is aim of program being set up for citizen army
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

White Christmas for most of U.S.

By the United Press

WLB policies hit by AFL as unfair

War Fund yields $139 million

New B-29 forays reported by Japs

Superfortresses in action for 6th straight day

Defeat on foreign soil may be German aim

By Collie Small, United Press staff writer

Col. Palmer: Nazis’ ability to open drive still puzzling

How long has push delayed final victory?
By Col. Frederick Palmer, North American Newspaper Alliance

A doughboy-captain says –
‘We kill and kill them, but Germans keep coming’

Even officers are riflemen as weary Yanks, sleepless for 50 and 70 hours, delay Nazi drive
By Morley Cassidy, North American Newspaper Alliance