America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Edson: Trouble looms over Berle’s air agreements

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: What’s the answer?

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
The Atlantic Charter

By Bertram Benedict

Ward is given until Monday to obey WLB

Government seizure threat hurled

No Christmas spirit here –
Perkins: CIO union seeks to put ‘the screws’ on Mr. Avery

But defiant Ward president is reported to have possible new tricks in his bag
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

U.S., Britain may act to end controversy

May issue statement on policy in Europe

Nimitz plans headquarters ‘far west’ of Pearl Harbor

Disclosure moves up preparations for attacks on last bases shielding Japan

New B-29 attacks reported by Tokyo

Japs announce flight over Kobe, Osaka

Chinese Army 100 miles from Liuchow base

Allies continue advance in Kwangsi

Army ranks filled quickly at front

Replacements sent in every 24 hours

Aide finishes suicide effort of Jap Saipan commander

U.S. Marine captain tells of finding general’s body in cave on Mariana island

Returning Yanks frolic in Paris

AMG to abolish Nazi Labor Front

By the United Press

Bond sales near $17 billion

American relief for Italy urged by Roosevelt aide

Myron Taylor, envoy to Vatican, asks for gifts to save nation from Communism
By Eleanor Packard, United Press staff writer

Stokes: ‘Joker’ is no joke

By Thomas L. Stokes

Maj. Williams: American system

By Maj. Al Williams

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, the last-minute shopping rush is on. The stores are as crowded as suburban trains out of Tokyo, and the department stores are getting clerks wherever they can.

I was waited on this morning at the purse counter by a little boy who came in to see Santa Claus. Santa promised to bring him what he wanted for Christmas and five dollars a day extra if he would work in the store.

And that ex-prize fighter they had behind the perfume counter certainly looked strange demonstrating “Forever Thine” on the lobe of his cauliflower ear.

But honestly, some people will buy anything. One department store manager told me he put some empty tin cans out on a counter as an experiment. Sure enough, he sold one. With a couple of ribbons and a flower it should make a nice party hat.

Monahan: Young and Gay is just that at Penn

Diana Lynn, Gail Russell amusing in screen version of bestseller
By Kaspar Monahan

Government girls are running their own little city in capital

Millett: Even Santa has war problems

By Ruth Millett

Gotham’s big weekend –
Ramblers, Giants rule favorite to capture title gridiron games

By Carl Lundquist, United Press staff writer