America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Italians seize port behind German line

Eighth Army battles heavy counterdrives

Tokyo raided by Superfortresses for fifth day

B-29s test defenses in Jap capital

Speed ammunition to front, Gen. Eisenhower pleads

Fluctuating conditions and weather upset estimates, he tells Congressmen

Boards may call 50 over-26 men

Simms: Eden, Molotov and Stettinius may confer

Big Three need better understanding
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Senators fear Chinese disaster

French-Russian agreement signed

De Gaulle now wants pact with U.S.

Editorial: ‘Work or fight’

Editorial: The Russo-French alliance

Edson: Clayton opposes cartels, despite what they say

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Friendly foe

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
In the final week

By Bertram Benedict

How should a lady walk? Ella solves the problem!

WLB grants independents membership

‘Strings’ attached to recognition

Labor doubts UMW-AFL truce

Stokes: Dose of disillusion

By Thomas L. Stokes

Maj. Williams: Time to fly in

By Maj. Al Williams

Congress would like pay raises but members fear result at home

Army surgeon cited need for blood

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, the Japs have finally admitted they had an earthquake. Personally, I don’t know how they noticed they had one at all, what with the heavy B-29 bombings and violent tremors that have been coming out of the Japanese Admiralty in the past few weeks.

In fact, there’s been so much quaking going on among the officials that it wasn’t until one of the admirals stepped out for a breath of fresh air that he noticed there was an earthquake going on in the rest of the country.

The whole situation brings up a very interesting problem. The Japanese warlords plan to escape to Germany in a submarine if things go bad. The Nazi warlords plan to escape to Japan in a submarine if things go bad. Say, it might be good business for someone to open an underwater drive – somewhere up in the Arctic Ocean.

Millett: Party phone liners should live up to golden rule

By Ruth Millett

Giants enter playoff with Packers

Rout Redskins, 31–0, to clinch Eastern title