America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Horror tale told by Gestapo aide

Dismembered body carried atop auto

Hard fighting, work ahead, President says

Urges every effort for lasting peace

Elliott, fiancée fly to wedding

Marriage scheduled ‘sometime today’

Voices rise in prayer as ship sinks –
Four chaplains choose to die that soldiers might live

Give away own lifejackets, encourage men to seek safety, then go down with ship

Priest attacks opposition to Vatican envoy

Hits Church Council stand as isolationist

Roosevelt 24,907,349; Dewey 21,544,089

New York –
With the official count completed by half the 48 states and only 2,075 precincts missing in thee other 24 states, the United Press tabulation of the presidential popular vote today showed President Roosevelt’s plurality over Governor Dewey had reached 3,363,260.

The count:

Roosevelt 24,907,349
Dewey 21,544,089
Thomas 41,685
Teichert 28,391
Watson 32,683
Byrd 17,763

School union calls strike in New York

200 employees already fired

Soldier vote boosts Roosevelt margin

Nazis retake some isles in Dodecanese

German commander seeks reputation
By George Weller

Allies closing arc on Faenza in Italy

U.S. heavies blast Koblenz, railway hub

Fighter escort downs 21 German planes

Nazis say V-3s will hit Gotham

U.S., Spain agree on air rights

Contract covers commercial work

Poll: 76% believe Nazis torture their victims

Unable to agree on total number
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Chickens to join cigarettes, butter under the counter

Large percentage of poultry production in the East to be set aside for Army

Officers blamed in ‘fag famine’

Bad supply alleged by Army major
By Edward P. Morgan

Sub sinks but skipper is rescued after days of torture and hunger

3 more indicted in Michigan quiz

New York phone firm to hire Negro operators

Col. Palmer: Tokyo unable to withstand mass air raids

Japanese cities highly inflammable
By Col. Frederick Palmer, North American Newspaper Alliance

Who cut Hall? Still undecided

Trial of Dorseys halted for weekend

Editorial: Pearl Harbor whitewash?

Editorial: 27 men from the front

Editorial: ‘Sing America’