America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Editorial: Congress stints itself

Editorial: Lame-duck reconversion

Editorial: Old-age insurance for all

Ferguson: Chivalry

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Surplus war property

By Burt P. Garnett

Stokes: Super-lobbyist

By Thomas L. Stokes

Love: A vast war

By Gilbert Love

Touring Chicago with a notebook –
New dehydrated soups, breakfast foods, (even rubber!) created by cereal firms

In addition to compact foods, service forces get standard cornflakes, puffed rice, etc.
By Josephine Gibson, Press home economics editor

Yank back from overseas with a baby for his wife

But she isn’t sure whether she will accept either the G.I. or his daughter

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, there seems to be a sudden trend toward using good-looking men in politics and if you ask me, it’s a healthy sign. Take Junior Stettinius, our new Secretary of State: He’s ruggedly handsome.

Governor-elect Tobin of Massachusetts is suavely handsome, Governor Green of Illinois is boyishly handsome, and Mayor La Guardia of New York wears large, handsome hats.

Washington society ladies aren’t exactly members of the bobbysock set, but you should have heard them sigh when wavy-haired Paul McNutt whispered “All or nothing at all” regarding his control of manpower. I can just see him now in a double-breasted blue suit competing with Walter Pigeon for Greer Garson’s affections.

Goodness, with all the good-looking devils going into politics, the newsreels have more dimples than the main feature.

Millett: ‘Weaker sex’ is no more

‘Inferiors’ have super traits
By Ruth Millett

A war plant doctor in Seattle claims that women tire less easily than men, learn faster, live longer, endure routine more cheerfully and take orders better.

Assuming that the doctor is right (and it’s a pleasant assumption), how come? The doctor didn’t say. But maybe: Women tire less easily than men because though there is always some woman to say “You poor dear” to the man who claims he is “dog tired,” nobody loves a tired woman.

Maybe the reason women learn faster is because they meet life’s greatest challenge when they are young. A man works up gradually to becoming an important person or a man of responsibility, but a woman has her main job in life thrust on her when she becomes a “Mama,” and that is usually when she is just a girl herself. To handle that job, she has to learn fast.

Why they live longer is easy. No wife wants a successor in her husband’s affections and her only way of making sure she won’t have one is to outlive him.

And the sex that is condemned for life to cooking three meals a day and doing the dishes afterwards just has to endure routine good-naturedly.

As for taking orders well, men have conditioned women to that by building up the bugaboo that there is something mighty funny about a woman’s taking herself seriously enough to get to the place where she can give orders herself.

Which just adds up to the fact that our superior traits are probably largely the result of our inferior position.

Both teams strengthened –
Dobbs’ return helps cadets for Navy test

Army is rated two touchdowns over Navy

By Harry Grayson

Social security costs facing big increase

Bill proposed to extend benefits

Job ‘bonus’ depends on type of discharge

Sixth radio station permit is asked here

Former KQV men are applicants
By Si Steinhauser

In Washington –
Littell fired as Roosevelt upholds Biddle

Dismissal climaxes bitter dispute

Senator says Stettinius delayed defense program

Langer opposes former steel executive’s appointment as Secretary of State

Völkischer Beobachter (December 1, 1944)

Glodschey: Deutsche Kreuzertat im Westsibirischen Meer

Von unserem Marinemiterbeiter Erich Glodschey

Blick auf Montgomery

Eisenhower sucht neue Angriffspunkte

Die bolschewistische Weltanschauung fordert:
‚Ausrottung ganzer Volksschichten in Deutschland‘