America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Touring Chicago with a notebook –
No meal-in-a-pill future for U.S.; post-war foods will be old-fashioned

Researchers at work developing new taste delights for civilian trade after war
By Josephine Gibson, Pittsburgh Press home economics editor

Steele: Wild animals roam unmolested in old Tibet

By A. T. Steele

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, our bond tour today takes us to Philadelphia, “The City of Brotherly Love.” Incidentally, Philadelphia boys have knocked off so many Nazis and Japs in this war that Hitler and Tojo would like to sue the city for false advertising.

I’m launching a ship today at one of the great Philadelphia shipyards. That’s a strange custom – breaking a bottle of champagne over the bow of a ship. But it’s lucky the custom started with champagne and not Scotch or we’d have a mighty small Navy.

You might say that newspaper gossip columns got their start here. This is the home of the great Benjamin Franklin who, among other things, was the Walter Winchell of his day. Mr. Franklin, as you know, wore square spectacles. My goodness, they must have had square keyholes in those days.

Millett: Problem confronts soldier and his war wife in peace

The woman who lived lonely life must be given some consideration
By Ruth Millett

Hat prices run high in Paris

Famed designer asks $60 to $100
By Judy Barden, North American Newspaper Alliance

Rose Bowl draws unbeaten rivals

Trojans-Vols game presents top attraction

At least they fought –
Steelers give Packers scare in 35–20 loss

Giants, Redskins shape as rivals for Loop title

Why not practical man?
Williams: Baseball no longer needs name figure to fill jurist’s job

By Joe Williams

Tiny electron helps Army ‘see’ enemy

Father-daughter team wages scientific war

Kilgore urges cartel conference

Aetna Life sponsors television broadcast

Clare Luce turns aside Army plea to stay silent

Congresswoman complies with request until she gets ‘short end of deal’

Chinese physician one of captains in WAC

Navy needs men for radar training

Finnegan sounds like a dope but he isn’t

Takes life easy in California
By Si Steinhauser

Edson: ‘Man dying,’ says sign in snow, Yanks do ‘impossible’

Pilot lands ski-plane on rocky runway to effect heroic rescue in Greenland
By Peter Edson

Revoking the Designation of Dunkirk, New York, as a Customs Port of Entry

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
November 27, 1944

By virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 1 of the Act of August 1, 1914, 38 Stat. 609, 623 (19 USC 2), it is ordered that the designation of Dunkirk, New York, as a customs port of entry in Customs Collection District Number 9 (Buffalo), be, and it is hereby, revoked, effective at the close of business December 31, 1944.

November 27, 1944

Appointment of Disabled Veterans Completing Courses of Instruction Prescribed Pursuant to the Act of March 24, 1943

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
November 27, 1944

By virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 1753 of the Revised Statutes and by the Civil Service Act (22 Stat 403), it is hereby ordered as follows:

When a disabled veteran shall have completed a course of training prescribed by the Administrator of Veterans’ Affairs in accordance with the provisions of the act of March 24, 1943, Public Law 16, 78th Congress, in any department, independent establishment, or agency of the executive branch of the Federal Government, such veteran may be appointed to the position for which the training was received without regard to the requirements of the Civil Service Rules and the War Service Regulations: Provided, that the veteran is recommended for such appointment by the employing agency, that the Civil Service Commission determines that the course of training is adequate for the satisfactory performance of the duties of the position, and that the veteran passes, prior to appointment, such noncompetitive examination as the Commission may prescribe.

November 27, 1944

Völkischer Beobachter (November 28, 1944)

Pierlot-Krise verschärft sich –
Belgien vor einer Hungersnot

Kommunisten entfesseln Unruhen in Brüssel

Washingtons Drillmeister

Zum 150. Todestag von Friedrich Wilhelm von Steuben

Beendete Regierungskrise im Bonomi-Italien –
Nach wie vor Kerenski-System

Hull zurückgetreten

Stettinius sein Nachfolger

Erfolgreiche Gegenstöße