America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Security tax head opposes freezing rate

More money needed, House group is told

Mutilation slaying admitted by man

Soldier votes boost margins of Democrats

Returns completed in 30 state counties

War makes ‘nationalists’ of soldiers, Alabaman says

Congressman urges channeling of veterans’ feeling into safeguard for world peace
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Editorial: More pay for steelworkers

Editorial: Strikes and statistics

Editorial: Movies join the general staff

Editorial: Home front test

Editorial: Insurance for peace

Heath: How hoarding helped reduce cigarette stocks

By S. Burton Heath

Ferguson: Child labor

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Surplus property disposal

By Bertram Benedict

National sales $680 million

Some opinions on Brazil by one who lived there

Yanks learn little about folks there from film – it’s vice versa
By Douglas Naylor

NLRB retains status quo in records case

‘Platter turners’ stay in 2 unions

First WACs land in Philippines

Erie and Republic girls with group

Perkins: Earnest moves in offing to ‘rewed’ Lewis and AFL

Rising political influence of CIO cited as one reason for desire for a reunion
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

New AFL blast at WLB awaited

Steel wage ruling to bring criticism

Yugoslavia ousts Eleanor Packard

Censors at Belgrade protest dispatches

Stokes: Bad start

By Thomas L. Stokes

Maj. Williams: Air rights

By Maj. Al Williams