America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Edson: Administration of peace plan is outlined

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Cheerful givers

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Status of post-war planning

By Burt P. Garnett

New TVA-type projects urged

By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Edson: Little bands of lonely men make Greenland icecap safe for U.S. fliers

Three-quarter million square mile expanse of wasteland was region of fear before
By Peter Edson

Stokes: Big business

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: Wrong number

By Frederick Othman

Maj. Williams: Facts about robots

By Maj. Al Williams

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Well, today George and I went to Brooklyn. George’s ancestors came over from there a couple of generations ago and he’s always wanted to see the motherland.

I love Brooklyn, especially the food. We had a rare delicacy known as “ersters,” similar to our own North American oyster.

I was particular anxious to have George show me the famous indoor baseball team they have there. He said the Brooklyn Dodgers aren’t an indoor team. But I distinctly remember reading they spent the season in the cellar.

And speaking of that, I hear that Noël Coward, the famous English playwright, may become a Brooklyn Dodger himself. People say after his recent disparaging remarks about the fighting qualities of the Brooklyn soldiers in the war, he’s going to be dodging Brooklyn for the rest of his life.

First Army men impatient to push into Reich

By W. C. Heinz, North American Newspaper Alliance

Banker urges U.S., Argentina cooperation

Sees disagreement growing worse

Magazine says –
Railroads fear competition by government

Hold up billions in capital expenditures

Monahan: Garson and Pidgeon costar at the Penn

In Mrs. Parkington they play founders of financial dynasty
By Kaspar Monahan

Brundige: Melodious Brazil at Fulton

Tito Guizar and V. Bruce costar
By Lenore Brundige

Millett: Civilians get in line without uniforms

Returning servicemen will discover familiar looking events at home
By Ruth Millett

Buckeyes-Michigan tops card –
Colleges stake bowl chances in weekend football climax

Eisenhower again pleads for shells

11,859,000 in service

FHA moves to speed insured G.I. loans

Uncle Sam eases restrictions on forums

Resume firing quizzes from floor
By Si Steinhauser

Establishing Special Temporary Positions in the Public Health Service

For Immediate Release
Office of the Press Secretary
November 24, 1944

By virtue of the authority vested in me by Section 207(a) of the Public Health Service Act, approved July 1, 1944 (58 Stat. 682, 685), I hereby establish in the Public Health Service one special temporary position of Associate Chief of the Bureau of State Services and one special temporary position of Chief Medical Officer for the War Shipping Administration. Commissioned officers of the Public Health Service shall have the grade of Assistant Surgeon General during the period of their assignment to such positions.

The positions established by this order shall cease to exist upon the termination of the present war or of the emergency declared by me on May 27, 1941, whichever is earlier.

November 24, 1944

Völkischer Beobachter (November 25, 1944)

Unter der Feuerwucht deutscher Artillerie –
Abwehrerfolg gegen 3 Armeen

Für einige hundert Meter Bodengewinn –
Division um Division geopfert

Von unserem Berichterstatter in Schweden