America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

5,000 made idle by steel strike

Bomb, shell casing production halted

Perkins: Sidney Hillman to be hero of day at CIO convention

PAC chief will make first appearance on platform to urge expansion of his agency
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

WLB to meet 8 steel demands

Annual wage plan reported rejected

Editorial: Wartime Thanksgiving

Editorial: Separate guarantees and alliance

Editorial: Speaking of Congress

Editorial: Equal rights

Edson: World Economic Council part of peace proposal

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Thanksgiving

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
‘Unconquerable’ Metz

By Bertram Benedict

Allies in Italy near Faenza road junction

Eighth Army seizes fortified village

Dead Nazi soldier sprawls in aisle of German church

Reporter comes upon G.I.’s kneeling at altar amid wreckage left by battle
By W. C. Heinz, North American Newspaper Alliance

Two warships hit as Yanks raid Borneo

Manila now in range of land-based planes

Jap commander in China ousted

Tokyo War Ministry announces shakeup
By the United Press

Millett: Teach girls homemaking

They’re allowed to be ignorant
By Ruth Millett

Escaping Nazi protests Swiss snub of his ‘heil’

German fleeing from France says border guard was contemptuous of ‘salute’
By Ludwig Popper, United Press staff writer

Injured air chief is rushed to U.S.

In Washington –
Flood control fight imperils river projects

President’s plans headed for trouble
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

End of cigarette ban for Yanks due Monday

Five dead Jerries in two rooms; it’s grim humor

Stokes: Land of the free

By Thomas L. Stokes

Col. Palmer: Watch the Rhine

By Col. Frederick Palmer

Maj. Williams: ‘Hate weapons’

By Maj. Al Williams

The forgotten front –
Tongue-clucking ‘trouble’ stories about FFI are without foundation

Ex-French Maquis now neglected army
By Tom Wolf