America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Naval planes blast 14 more Jap vessels

U.S. pincer drive perils foe on Leyte

Churchill: War to last long

Talks to Commons on return from Paris

Restless night spent by Ethel Barrymore

44-year rainfall record broken in Los Angeles

Little lady

By Florence Fisher Parry

Food shortage threatened by truck strike

Army, Navy may take over in Boston crisis

Supreme Court gets Negro-union case

Rail firemen want right to keep jobs

Government girl reported missing

Perkins: Social security tax doubling is big issue

Expiring Congress must take action
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

National TVA program urged by Roosevelt

He’d divide U.S. into 7 watersheds

Kimmel-Short decision near

A WPB expert reports –
‘Most critical shortages of war delaying victory’

‘Better to save G.I. Joe’s life first, then make job for him,’ speaker says

Cigarette rationing held impractical

Radio gag charged by Upton Close

Commentator blames radicals and Reds

Three nations balk at ban on Axis criminals

Argentina, Portugal and Éire hold back

B-29s of peacetime will carry 72 to 100 on stratosphere trips

Double-deck luxury transport now being tested are outgrowth of Jap terrorizers
By Max B. Cook, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Loaded dice net film star $18,500, prosecutor told

Money lost by plane part manufacturer in apartment rented by ‘Lippy’ Durocher

British in Italy push on road hub

Near Faenza, 30 miles east of Bologna

Private loans to Europe urged

Johnson Act’s repeal suggested

Monahan: Saluting Jeannie, a wonderful lass!

By Kaspar Monahan

Editorial: Pass the ammunition!

Editorial: It’s 1944, Congress!

Editorial: ‘U.S. patriots please copy’

Editorial: Interdependence