America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Davis named U.S. stabilizer

Taylor succeeds him as WLB chairman

Because of floods –
25,000 made idle in war plants

Shipyards, mines, steel plants hit

Lewis starts ‘war of nerves’

How dear to my heart

By Florence Fisher Parry

U.S. tanks not worth drop of water, crews say

Yanks who drove into Cologne feel blue when kicked around by old German armor
By Ann Stringer, United Press staff writer

Suspicious Nazi civilians rounded up inside Cologne

18-year-old youths appear to be wounded, attempt to fraternize with American G.I.’s
By C. R. Cunningham, United Press staff writer

Mrs. MacArthur, 6-year-old son return to Manila

MANILA, Philippines (UP) – Gen. Douglas MacArthur’s headquarters announced today that the general’s wife and six-year-old son, Arthur, have returned to Manila.

The announcement said that Mrs. MacArthur had returned to Manila “to aid and assist in such way as she can in the care of internees and the rehabilitation of the city and its inhabitants.”

She and the boy accompanied Gen. MacArthur when he left Luzon in speedy PT-boats three years ago.

Final assault near against Japs on Luzon

Yanks close against summer capital

U.S. heavies raid oil, rail targets

Resume blows at Reich after lull

Fifth Army Yanks capture three more Italian heights

Brazilians aid in three-day drive gaining five miles – 1,200 prisoners taken

Dancer spared – Yank to hang

Criticism of UNRRA mounts as red tape hinders action

Destitution in liberated countries spreads but agency is handicapped
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

In Washington –
Churchill’s optimism may affect Congress’ draft of manpower

‘Good heave’ could end war in Europe, he says, as U.S. is asked to tighten belt
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

Senate nears showdown on work-or-fight measure

Kluxer renews freedom fight

Perkins: Portal wages case before Supreme Court

Ruling may affect new UMW demands
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

3 WACs receive Soldiers Medal

Contractor tells of ‘peace’ fees

Claims union leaders were paid $212,000

At Americas’ meeting –
Resolution hinted on Argentina

Action is forecast for tomorrow

Chaplin will quiz writer but he must pay $2,500 bill

Comedian wants to know about possible Ruesch-Barry affair

Editorial: Cologne – and more

Editorial: Anti-discrimination law