America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Editorial: Providing their wants

Edson: More accurate controls needed by flying bombs

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Problem of the veterans

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
Price controls

By Bertram Benedict

Petrillo cuts musicians’ hours

Gloria Vanderbilt heading for Reno

Stokes: Characteristic

By Thomas L. Stokes

Othman: Friend of man

By Frederick Othman

Love: Our butter supply

By Gilbert Love

The story of radar –
Invisible beam locates target, then guides bullets to victim

Bombing accuracy is stepped up
By Peter Edson

Perkins: Effort at unity widens AFL splits with CIO

Groups farther apart since London session
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Weary writer stranded in Miami now faces ‘eviction’ from hotel

By Joe Williams, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

Goodness, it seems everyone else has forgotten them. But I want Herbert Hoover, Alfred Landon and Thomas Dewey to know I worry and wonder about them all the time.

The three one-time candidates for President must feel awfully neglected. Even Secretary Ickes doesn’t say things about them anymore.

Of course, I can understand Mr. Hoover retiring from the public eye. He’s probably having trouble getting the laundry to starch those tall collars and send them back to him. The Republican Party could survive almost anything but the sight of Mr. Hoover in a low-necked polo shirt.

I don’t know if Mr. Landon has something to keep him busy but anyway, my husband George says Thomas Dewey has a nice paying job as Governor of New York. Just keeping up with Mayor La Guardia’s activities in the newspapers can occupy his mind nicely.

Millett: What became of sirloin husband threw at wife?

By Ruth Millett

Does war front want home front baseball?
Yanks appreciate baseball broadcasts – so does Fritz

By Jack Cuddy, United Press staff writer

3 power pact to reduce war output denied

WPB official has no knowledge of compact

Bretton Woods agreement hit by legislator

Pact based on economic fallacy, he asserts

Plane output below schedule

6,286 ships accepted during February

Hannegan profits in deals with U.S.

Yanks in prison camps getting relief items

Servicemen prove talented radio actors

Understand human emotions
By Si Steinhauser

One Touch of Venus beguiling musical

Mary Martin is beautiful goddess in fast-paced, witty offering
By Kaspar Monahan

Garson’s legs subject of controversy

Not knock-kneed, says E. Johnson
By Erskine Johnson