America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Hitler: War will turn in Germany’s favor by 1945

Fuehrer grimly promises elimination of anyone who falters during struggle
Saturday, February 24, 1945

LONDON, England (UP) – Adolf Hitler, in a speech read by a henchman, said today that the war will turn in Germany’s favor during “1945.”

Der Fuehrer grimly promised the “elimination” of any German who falters during the struggle.

The German radio reported Hitler’s first reported speech since January 30, 1945. The German DNB Agency said it was read for him at a Munich Nazi Party celebration. It was addressed to old party comrades on the 25th anniversary of the forming of a Nazi Party program.

As he had January 30, he made little effort to gloss over the struggle which faces Germany. He said that each German “must throw everything into the balance so as to free our people from this plight.”

Will happen this year

The speech said:

There must be no doubt that National Socialist Germany will carry on the struggle until the historical turning point takes place, and this will happen during the present year.

Hitler said that to preserve the German nation, its people must be ready “to shoulder every sacrifice in order to safeguard this life for the future.”

Working relentlessly

He said:

My own life has only such value as it has for the nation.

Therefore, I am working relentlessly at the reestablishment and consolidation of our fronts for the defensive and the offensive, at the production and employment of old and new weapons, at the stiffening of the spirit of our resistance, and, if necessary, just as in previous times, at the elimination of all wreckers who either do not join in the struggle for the preservation of our nation or who want to oppose it.

Hitler said he was almost sorry that Allied bombers had not wrecked his house at Berchtesgaden, for had such action been carried out, he could have shared this additional burden with his people.

Can’t stand weakness

He said:

I have read these days in the British papers that the enemies intend to destroy my country house. I almost regret that this has not been done, for whatever I call my own is not more valuable than that which my compatriots possess. I shall be happy to share in carrying unto the last, and as far as is humanly possible, every burden that others have to bear.

The only thing I would be unable to bear would be signs of weakness among my people.

Hitler explained that his sense of duty and his present work kept him from delivering his speech in person, the Berlin radio said. He said that only the Nazi Party program had enabled the Germans, to carry on, and added:

Whoever is amazed at the miracle of the present resistance, or even cannot understand it, ought to consider what it means that I, an unknown man without a name, began a struggle for an idea and thus for a conquest of power, likewise against a united world of enemies.

“We all know how difficult the present struggle is,” he said. “Whatever we may lose in this battle bears no comparison to what we would lose were it not crowned by success.”

Americans take new peak in Italy

Attacks on fresh Nazi troops repulsed

Mississippi shipyard hit by walkout

Men demand exactly ‘what we asked for’

Supreme Court may hold key to coal strike

Portal-to-portal ruling due March 5

Editorial: Nationality groups

Editorial: The summit of Suribachi

Capture of Mt. Suribachi by U.S. Marines should cut the American casualty rate in the Battle of Iwo Island – the highest so far in the history of the Pacific warfare. That mountain dominates the five-mile island. Its guns accounted for many of the American killed and wounded.

Now that Suribachi is in our hands, our artillery can pour it on the Japs below. Already their casualties are estimated at double our own.

This improved position on Iwo does not mean, of course, that victory will be easy. The second airfield, and virtually all of the central and northern parts of the island, are still mostly held by the enemy although we have a toehold on the airstrip. Literally every foot of the rocky advance will be contested from well-prepared defenses. There will be few prisoners.

But we at home, who wait and pray, can be thankful that American heroism in the first part of the battle has turned the tide. Because of this, and the foresight of the high command, our forces now apparently have numerical superiority ashore, as well as control of the sea and air. The result is not in doubt.

Editorial: Sense from the censor

‘Like Shangri-La’ –
Monahan experts on Yalta for his youngsters

By Kaspar Monahan

‘Universal Nazi’ is portrayed in powerful Wescott novel

Greek family German victims
By John D. Paulus

Rudy Vallee to rile male tempers again

His singing used to vex the men – now it’s wife-stealing role
By Hazel Hartzog

Barnes: Critic after sea jaunt catches up with new and departed shows

By Howard Barnes

Monahan: Historical notes on two ladies – Empress Catherine and Mae West

By Kaspar Monahan

Shirley, high school senior, eager to go to college

She’s cramming for her exams while continuing as actress
By Maxine Garrison

Favorite of G.I.’s on radio

Lew Parker to clown on MBS
By Si Steinhauser

Rochester ‘windy’ guy

Never runs out of conversation

Loop leaders optimistic –
Baseball waits on manpower bill

By Leo H. Petersen, United Press sports editor

SWPC agency charged with inefficiency

Ex-director hits policy of Washington office

G.I.’s returning from overseas to get U.S. duty

Rotation plan lets soldiers have relief

Znaimer Tagblatt (February 26, 1945)

Unter englischen Druck – Kriegszustand zwischen Türkei, Deutschland und Japan

Führer HQ (February 26, 1945)

Kommuniqué des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht

Wie bereits gemeldet, wurde im Süden der Ostfront der über den Gran nach Westen vorgedrungene Feind durch Verbände des Heeres und der Waffen-SS im kraftvollen Angriff zerschlagen oder auf das Ostufer zurückgeworfen. Die Bolschewisten verloren in diesen Kämpfen 700 Gefangene und über 4.000 Tote. 90 Panzer und 334 Geschütze aller Art wurden vernichtet oder erbeutet.

Entlang der Gebirgstäler des slowakischen Erzgebirges traten die Sowjets mit starken Kräften zum Angriff an und erzielten südlich und östlich Altsohl geringen Geländegewinn.

An den bisherigen Brennpunkten des Abwehrkampfes in Schlesien scheiterten auch gestern die feindlichen Durchbruchsversuche nördlich Zobten, südlich Goldberg und bei Lauban am hartnäckigen Widerstand unserer Panzer und Grenadiere. Auf dem Westufer der Lausitzer Neiße zerschlugen eigene Angriffe trotz starker Gegenwehr zwei feindliche Brückenköpfe. An den Stadträndern von Forst und Guben brachen zahlreiche Angriffe der Bolschewisten im Abwehrfeuer zusammen.

Die Besatzungen von Breslau und Glogau verteidigten sich in erbitterten Straßenkämpfen, so dass dem Feind nennenswerte Erfolge versagt blieben.

Von der Oderfront und aus Westpreußen werden erfolglose Aufklärungsvorstöße der Sowjets gemeldet. Zwischen Neustettin und Könitz konnte der Gegner mit Infanterie und Panzern auf schmalem Raum unsere Sicherungslinie durchstoßen und nach Nordwesten Boden gewinnen. In der Tucheler Heide und westlich der unteren Weichsel zerschellten starke feindliche Angriffe.

An der Südfront in Ostpreußen wurden in schwerem Abwehrkampf die eigenen Stellungen behauptet.

In Samland haben Verbände des Heeres unter Führung des Generals der Infanterie Gollnick mit wirkungsvoller Unterstützung durch die Luftwaffe und Einheiten der Kriegsmarine in sechstägiger Angriffsschlacht starke Teile von zwei Sowjetarmeen geschlagen, den Gegner in entschlossenem und schwungvollem Angriff nach Nordosten zurückgeworfen und damit die unterbrochene See-, Straßen- und Bahnverbindung zur Festung Königsberg wiederhergestellt. Die blutigen Verluste der Bolschewisten betragen mehrere Tausend. 550 Gefangene wurden eingebracht, 59 Panzer, 490 Geschütze, 110 Granatwerfer sowie zahlreiche Handwaffen vernichtet oder erbeutet.

Südöstlich Libau scheiterten auch gestern die feindlichen Durchbruchsversuche an der Standhaftigkeit unserer bewährten Kurlanddivisionen.

Im Westen zerschlugen Artillerie und Werferfeuer starke Bereitstellungen des Feindes südöstlich Kleves. Im Raum um Goch haben unsere Truppen, bis zur Selbstaufopferung standhaltend, ihr Hauptkampffeld gegen den feindlichen Ansturm gehalten und 23 feindliche Panzer abgeschossen.

Die Schlacht an der Rur nimmt an Heftigkeit zu. Zwischen Linnich und Düren und besonders im Raum Jülich warfen die Amerikaner beträchtliche Panzerkräfte in die Schlacht. Unsere Verbände brachten den Feind vor unserer zweiten Stellung zum Stehen oder schlugen ihn in Gegenangriffen zurück. Im Raum von Jülich verloren die Amerikaner allein 14 Panzer.

Deutsche Kampfflugzeuge griffen mit guter Wirkung den feindlichen Nachschubverkehr an und fügten dem Gegner beträchtliche Verluste zu.

Östlich Neuerburg in der Eifel konnte der Feind mit zusammengefassten Kräften den Prüm­A0bschnitt an einzelnen Stellen überschreiten. Beiderseits Saarburg traten auf beiden Seiten neue Kräfte in die Schlacht. Erbitterte Kämpfe um mehrere Bunkergruppen sind hier im Gange.

Die Besatzung von Gironde-Nord meldet anhaltendes Artilleriefeuer, teilweise schweren Kalibers, und rege feindliche Spähtrupptätigkeit.

Kleinstunterseeboote versenkten vor der englischen Küste aus dem Themse-Schelde-Verkehr ein feindliches, mit Truppen beladenes Schiff von 5.000 BRT, einen großen Zerstörer sowie zwei Geleitfahrzeuge.

In Mittelitalien wurde auch gestern um den Monte della Torrazzo nordwestlich Poretta gekämpft. Erkundungsvorstöße der Briten am Senio-Abschnitt scheiterten in unserem Feuer im Gegenstoß.

In Kroatien lebte die feindliche Angriffstätigkeit im Großraum von Sarajewo in den letzten Tagen beträchtlich auf. In mehreren Abschnitten sind heftige Kämpfe gegen starke Bandenkräfte im Gange.

Anglo-amerikanische Terrorflieger warfen am gestrigen Tage Bomben auf München, Aschaffenburg und Linz sowie auf Orte in Westdeutschland und am Bodensee. Besonders in München entstanden neue schwere Schäden an Kulturdenkmälern. In der vergangenen Nacht flogen die Briten nach Mitteldeutschland ein. In erbitterten Luftkämpfen über dem westlichen Reichsgebiet wurden 23 feindliche Tiefflieger abgeschossen. Durch Flakartillerie der Luftwaffe und Nachtjäger verlor der Gegner weitere 28 Flugzeuge, fast ausschließlich, viermotorige Bomber.


In Westpreußen und Pommern hat sich die Sturmgeschützbrigade 190 unter Führung von Major Kröhne in ununterbrochenem Angriffs- und Abwehrkampf besonders bewährt. Die Brigade hat entscheidenden Anteil an der Abwehr feindlicher Panzerkräfte und schoss bei nur vier eigenen Verlusten innerhalb eines Monats 104 Panzer des Gegners ab.

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (February 26, 1945)


PRD, Communique Section

261100A February


(16) CMHQ (Pass to RCAF & RCN)
(20) PRO, ROME


Communiqué No. 324

UNCLASSIFIED: Allied forces are now across the Roer River on a wide front and have continued to make good progress against moderate enemy resistance. North and northeast of Linich we have occupied Doveren, Lövenich and Ralshoven, and east of Jülich our units have cleared the Hambach Forest and have captured Steinstrass.

In the Düren area, the towns of Ellen, Merzenich, Binsfeld, Stockheim and Kreuzau have been captured. We repulsed a tank-supported counterattack near Ellen. The castle of Rath, between Ellen and Merzenich was captured and more than 250 prisoners were taken from the castle.

Northeast and east of Vianden we have taken Scheuern, Weidingen, Fischbach-Oberraden, Utscheid, Brimingen and Mettendorf.

Our forces have crossed the Prüm River in the area seven miles north of Echternach, and have pushed two miles northeast of the crossing point. The towns of Wettlingen and Holsthum have been captured and we are fighting in Peffingen.

In the Saarburg area, our units have extended their bridgehead to a width of four miles and a depth of two miles. Two counterattacks in this area have been repulsed. We have cut the main highway out of Saarburg at a point three and one-half miles east of the town.

In the Saarbrücken area, our elements on the east side of the Saar River in Germany cleared the remaining enemy from the Hinterwald, just east of Bübingen, after three enemy counterattacks were repulsed.

North of nearby Bliesransbach we wiped out a forty-man enemy patrol.

At Strasbourg, two attempted enemy raids on the Fort of Commerce were turned back. Farther south a group of prisoners were taken from a hostile force which crossed the Rhine at Marckolsheim.

Allied forces in the west captured 3,149 prisoners 23 February.

Medium and light bombers attacked the comunications centers of Uedem and Xanten. At Weeze, a formation of enemy tanks was successfully attacked and dispersed by rocket-firing fighters which also hit enemy troops and fortified buildings in the Uedem area. Other medium and light bombers struck at targets at Wegberg, north of Erkelenz and just east of Düren.

Enemy rail communications were again heavily attacked. Rail lines and rolling stock in Holland, eastward to north central Germany, and as far south as Pforzheim in the upper Rhineland were hit by fighters and fighter bombers. Communications centers in the region of Köln and rail bridges at Ahrweiler, south of Bonn and east of the Rhine at Cölbe and Niederscheid were attacked by medium and light bombers. Escorted heavy bombers in very great strength struck at rail yards at München, Aschaffenburg and Ulm. Other targets for heavy bombers were tank plants at Friedrichshafen and Aschaffenburg, air bases west of Nürnberg, and an oil storage depot at Neuburg.

The synthetic oil plant at Kamen, near Dortmund, was attacked by other escorted heavy bombers for the second consecutive day.

A large ammunition dump at Siegelbach, southeast of Heidelberg, and barracks and supply dumps at Donaueschingen were struck at by medium bombers.

During the day, 39 enemy aircraft were shot down and 20 others were destroyed on the ground. From incomplete reports, three medium and light bombers and 28 fighters are missing.

Last night, light bomber attacked the important communications center of Erfurt and bombed targets at Berlin. Other light bombers struck at rail targets in Holland and north of the Ruhr and objectives west of the Rhine from Emmerich to Cologne.



“P” - Others

PRD, Communique Section

D. R. JORDAN, Lt Col FA4655
