America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Roosevelt reveals –
Plans to occupy Reich underway

U.S., Britain, Russia agree on principle

The gulpers

By Florence Fisher Parry

New League plans sped by Allied accord

Three big powers already agreed on framework


Roosevelt, Truman plan campaign

Senator considers half-dozen speeches

Washington (UP) –
President Roosevelt, just back from a five-week inspection trip into the Pacific, turned today from direct problems of war to home front issues and strategy talks for his fourth-term campaign.

Mr. Roosevelt lunched with Senator Harry S. Truman (D-MO), his fourth-term running mate – the first meeting of the two Democratic Party standard-bearers since their nomination last month.

Sees Marshall, Hull

The President returned yesterday from his 15,000-mile inspection tour and conferred shortly afterward with Gen. George C. Marshall, Army Chief of Staff, and Secretary of State Cordell Hull.

Mr. Roosevelt’s declaration, in his nomination acceptance speech, that he would not campaign in the usual sense was expected to leave to Mr. Truman the burden of the Democratic Party’s national campaigning.

To speak Aug. 31

Mr. Truman said earlier this week that he preferred to do the job in a half dozen major speeches, the first of which he will make at nomination notification ceremonies in his native Missouri. This was reported that address has been scheduled for Aug. 31 at Lamar, Missouri, Mr. Truman’s birthplace.

After discussing speaking schedules and other campaign matters with Mr. Truman, Mr. Roosevelt was expected to arrange another campaign conference this week with Chairman Robert E. Hannegan of the Democratic National Committee.

‘Liberal’ nomination accepted by Truman

Washington (UP) –
Senator Harry S. Truman (D-MO), Democratic vice-presidential nominee, today accepted the vice-presidential nomination of the Liberal Party of New York.

Richards: Snipers and happy French hamper Yanks in Orléans

Sweating doughboys perplexed because they can’t celebrate and fight at the same time
By Robert E. Richards, United Press staff writer


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Simms: Record belies charge GOP is isolationist

Until 1919, the term applied to Democrats
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Washington –
After Governor Thomas E. Dewey’s criticism against the proposition of having the Big Four lay down the law and forcing the rest of the world to live up to it, it seems certain that foreign policy will become an issue in the presidential campaign.

Already, Democrats are saying the Governor’s remarks sounded like the Republican “theme songs of isolation.” But before the broad charge of “isolationism” is made against the GOP, a glance at the record might cause the Democrats to pause.

It was under William McKinley, a Republican President, that we acquired Hawaii. Under him we also took the Philippines, Guam, Puerto Rico and Samoa.

Viewed with alarm

The Democratic platform of 1900 viewed all this with alarm saying: “No nation can long endure, half republican and half empire.”

This week, the Democratic side of the Senate parceled out islands all over the Atlantic, Pacific and Caribbean which it said we must now have for our security.

In 1904, under President Theodore Roosevelt, we came into possession of the Panama Canal. That year the Democratic platform set its “face sternly against executive usurpation of legislative and judicial functions whether that usurpation be unveiled under the guides of executive construction of existing laws, or whether it take refuge in the tyrant’s plea of necessity or superior wisdom.”

Endorsed Hague Conventions

The Hague Conventions, forerunner of the League of Nations, international arbitration machinery for disputes and war outlawry, were formed in 1899 and 1907, with American help, during the administrations of Mr. McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt.

President Howard Taft (1908) was one of the chief promoters of the League to Enforce Peace. He negotiated arbitration treaties with Britain and France, backed a world court or high commission to which controversies between nations must be submitted. Elihu Root, Henry L. Stimson and other Republican leaders supported these and similar measures calling for international cooperation.

GOP isolationist in 1919

A comparison of the records pretty clearly indicates that the Republican Party, by and large, has been more international-minded than the Democratic Party. The GOP became identified with “isolation” almost entirely during the years of Warren G. Harding and Calvin Coolidge, in fact largely as a result of the fight against the League of Nations in 1919-20.

Even there, the record reveals that we would have entered the League had President Woodrow Wilson been willing to accept the reservations of Senator Cabot Lodge.

And yet the Democratic platform of 1924, while backing the League, stipulated that America should enter only after a national referendum and then subject to “such reservations or amendments as the President and Senate may agree upon.” The 1928 and subsequent Democratic platforms forgot the League, even those on which Franklin D. Roosevelt based his candidacy.


Stokes: Dewey realizing interest of voters in foreign policy

Opposition to ‘Big Four’ alliances believed first step in presenting definite stand
By Thomas L. Stokes, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Washington –
Governor Thomas E. Dewey’s statement on post-war foreign policy, deploring any continuing “Big Four” military alliance that would dominate the small nations, aroused considerable political interest here.

For the Republican presidential candidate thus far has been sparring with his views on an issue of which millions of voters are seemingly predominantly conscious this year and upon which they expect full, free and frank discussion.

It is assumed here that this is merely a beginning, and that Governor Dewey will later elaborate so the public may get a clear picture of how he would handle foreign policy, if elected. This initial statement, in advance of his major campaign speeches, indicates that the Republican candidate realizes the public interest in this issue.

Dewey urged to speak out

Governor Dewey’s advisers have been urging that he had better speak out or President Roosevelt would run away with the ball, being in the favored position of creating policy day by day.

Some Republican strategists think there is a substantial bloc of voters, for example those who feel warmly toward Wendell Willkie, who will be swayed to one party or the other largely on the issue of international collaboration. This includes many persons normally Republican who may be inclined to support the President on this score alone, if Governor Dewey does not satisfy them.

Governor Dewey has quite a job to do in the field of foreign policy. Republicans are on the defensive. The burden of proof is upon them. They must dispel the doubts in many minds, which Democrats are trying to nourish, hanging over from what the Democrats call the “betrayal” by Republicans of the League of Nations after the last war.

And doubts that arise currently about some figures high in Republican councils, include the vice-presidential candidate Governor John W. Bricker, Senators Robert Taft and Arthur H. Vandenberg, and former isolationists such as James S. Kemper (chairman of the Republican Finance Committee) and Werner W. Schroeder of Illinois (a newly-elected vice chairman of the Republican National Committee).

Struck at vulnerable spot

Governor Dewey appropriately seized the occasion of the conference beginning here next week among representatives of this country, Great Britain, Russia and China to issue his statement warning of “Big Four” military domination and “power politics.”

Governor Dewey did strike at a vulnerable point – “power politics.” Many others have been critical of the secret meetings of Allied leaders, at Cairo and Tehran, suspicious of the mystery about decisions that concern all the people.

Secretary of State Cordell Hull quickly denied any thought of a continuing “Big Four” military alliance as Governor Dewey had suggested. The Secretary is naturally sensitive and seriously concerned. He has been working for months on the plans for international organization, carefully, solely, particularly, and it is not all as simple as it might look.

Aside from whatever political motives are involved, the Republican candidate has made a timely contribution in his warning against a “power politics” solution of post-war world organization. And he has whetted curiosity about the complete outline of his post-war international views.


In mysterious circulars –
Dewey attacked as pro-Negro

Memphis, Tennessee –
Business firms and individuals here are indignant over mysterious circulars they have received this week, attacking Republican presidential nominee Thomas E. Dewey as being pro-Negro and for poll tax repeal.

The folders, which are unsigned, carry pictures of Mr. Dewey talking with Negro leaders and attending a cocktail party with Negro newspapermen.

The Memphis Press-Scimitar said it had traced the printing of the folders to the Linotype Printing Company here. Clarence Bowe, secretary of the Shelby County Democratic Primary Board and a partner in the firm, denied that his company put out the material, which was mailed in Nashville, Memphis and New York.

One of the pictures of Mr. Dewey appeared in Life Magazine recently.

A postal inspector here said there was no violation of federal regulations involved, although declaring “this thing was designed to reflect on a person’s character.” He said that because the circular was sent in an envelope, it was malleable.


Dewey reveals two major speeches

Albany, New York (UP) –
Governor Thomas E. Dewey will throw his campaign for the Presidency into high gear early next month with major political speeches at Philadelphia and Louisville, Kentucky.

While the speeches were the first announced for the campaign, there were indications that Mr. Dewey may deliver his first major speech around Labor Day. He will speak at Philadelphia Sept. 7 and then go to Louisville to address the National Federation of Republican Women’s Clubs the next night.

The Philadelphia speech will be delivered to a Republican rally in Convention Hall under the sponsorship of the State Committee.


Connally suggests ‘Big 4’ keep peace in own spheres

Senator opposes world police force as an international ‘game of cops and robbers’

Washington (UP) –
Chairman Tom Connally (D-TX) of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, rejecting proposals for an international police force, suggested today that the Allied “Big Four” use their Armed Forces in “spheres of responsibility” at the direction of the future world organization.

At the same time, Mr. Connally took occasion in an interview to endorse President Roosevelt’s declaration that Germany and Japan must be occupied completely by Allied troops. In the case of Germany, Mr. Connally called for total disarmament and the shutdown of her war producing industries.

Denouncing the idea of a world police force as an international “game of cops and robbers,” Mr. Connally said each nation must pledge its own responsibility toward keeping the peace.

How League would work

He said:

For example, if the Balkan powder keg began exploding again, the League, or any such organization, would have the authority to direct Russia to throw in forces if necessary to straighten out the situation.

On the other hand, if the trouble occurred farther north, Great Britain would be called on to do the job.

He admitted that a League would “run into trouble,” however, if it “tried to interfere in internal fights” such as the “touchy Great Britain-India problem.”

Mr. Connally’s denunciation of an international police force was based on the fear that it would lead to what he called “denationalization.”

Opposed to disarmament

That, he declared emphatically, would be “the worst thing that could possibly happen.” Each nation, Mr. Connally insisted, must maintain its sovereignty, and the United States must “never again for her own security and the world’s.”

Mr. Connally said Allied occupation of Germany might be handled by having each of the Allied powers keep strong forces in the Reich – probably under a joint command.

Backing up his denial of Governor Thomas E. Dewey’s charges that the “Big Four” apparently seek to dominate the world, Mr. Connally promised that the small nations would get “an even break” in the anticipated new league of enforce peace.


House to open politics probe

Washington (UP) –
The House Committee on Campaign Expenditures will open its inquiries Monday into this year’s primaries and probably will include in its report an opinion on CIO political activities, Chairman Clinton P. Anderson (D-NM) said today.

Mr. Anderson said representatives of the CIO Political Action Committee and other groups would be called to testify next week. The CIO was recently given a clean bill of health for its primary election activities by a Senate investigating committee.

While the committee will handle only direct complaints about Congressional campaign expenses, Mr. Anderson expressed the opinion that it would end up with a thorough knowledge of CIO political efforts.

Friends of Rep. Richard Kelberg (D-TX), who was defeated for renomination, have complained that the CIO and others spent up to $130,000 in his district to defeat him. Mr. Anderson indicated that this case will be looked into carefully.

Among groups to appear before the committee besides the CIO are the Democratic and Republican National Committees and the House Congressional Committee of the two parties.

Perkins: WLB votes, 10–2, to refer Petrillo’s case to Vinson

Economic stabilizer has power to penalize unions refusing to obey orders
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

German Army revolt urged by officers

Paris radio reported seized by rebels

Nazi resistance dwindles in Italy

After a 45-minute chute lesson –
Vermillion: Jumps into France, but fails to find Nazis

By Robert Vermillion, United Press staff writer

Casey: Nutcracker travels along with escaping Nazi force

Disorderly stand is dubious future of Germans who got out of Normandy pocket
By Robert J. Casey

Nazi remnants battered by Allied planes

Yanks rip airdromes, plants in France

Kirkpatrick: Nazis misfire on propaganda inside France

Practically all of it deals with Jews
By Helen Kirkpatrick

Yet he faces court-martial –
PT-boat man ‘at liberty’ drives truck for Army

‘AWOL’ Yank found passing the ammunition while his craft is being repaired
By Edward V. Roberts, United Press staff writer

Allies to help Hungarian Jews

Stock market will be closed on Saturdays

Security exchanges to take holidays

Job priority for veterans causes clash

CIO, Army officers argue on seniority