America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Führer HQ (November 26, 1944)

Kommuniqué des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht

Gegen unsere Abwehrfront östlich Aachen griffen die 9. und 1. amerikanische Armee auch gestern mit stärkeren Kräften an. Gegenstöße und Gegenangriffe warfen den in einzelnen Abschnitten geringfügig eingebrochenen Feind zurück, soweit er nicht schon im Abwehrfeuer liegen blieb. Die Nordamerikaner verloren dabei eine größere Anzahl von Panzern und Gefangenen.

Im Raume von Metz halten sich weiterhin Stützpunkte des äußeren Verteidigungsringes. In Lothringen hielt der Gegner seinen Druck gegen unsere gesamte Front in einer Reihe von Vorstößen und Panzerangriffen aufrecht. Nordwestlich und östlich des Bischwaldes sind ihm dabei einige kleinere Einbrüche gelungen. Unsere Panzerkräfte nördlich Saarburg stehen in erbitterten Kämpfen mit starken feindlichen Verbänden.

Im Umkreis von Straßburg, in dem sich die Besatzungen einiger Befestigungen hartnäckig verteidigen, konnte der Feind seinen Einbruchsraum nur geringfügig nach Norden und Süden erweitern. Auf dem Vogesenkamm wird vor allem bei Markirch erbittert gekämpft. Nordöstlich Belfort brachten unsere Truppen nach einer geringfügigen Absetzbewegung die nachstoßenden feindlichen Kräfte wieder zum Stehen.

Im Ober-Elsass und an der Schweizer Grenze sind neue Kämpfe mit frisch herangeführten feindlichen Verbänden entbrannt. Geschwader deutscher Jagdflieger zersprengten bei erfolgreicher Straßenjagd feindliche Nachschubkolonnen.

Die Besatzung von La Rochelle durchstieß 20 Kilometer östlich der Stadt stark befestigte feindliehe Stellungen, machte mehrere hundert Gefangene und warf den Gegner, der im Kampf und auf der Flucht schwere Verluste erlitt, aus einer Reihe von Orten. Nach Erfüllung ihres Auftrages kehrten unsere Truppen mit umfangreicher Beute an Waffen und Versorgungsgütern zurück.

In heftigen Luftkämpfen wurden über der Westfront 14 anglo-amerikanische Flugzeuge abgeschossen.

Die deutschen Fernwaffen belegten weiterhin den Großraum von London, Lüttich und Antwerpen mit ihren schweren Geschossen.

Im adriatischen Küstenabschnitt hat sich die Abwehrschlacht bis in den Raum von Faenza ausgedehnt. Unsere tapfer kämpfenden Divisionen vereitelten die erneut mit starken Kräften geführten gegnerischen Durchbruchsversuche vor neuen Stellungen südlich des Lajone-Abschnittes.

Seit dem Abfall Bulgariens werden die Marschbewegungen unserer Armeen aus Griechenland und dem östlichen und südlichen Balkan fortgesetzt. Unter ständig härter werdenden Gefechten und bei schlechtesten Wetter- und Straßenverhältnissen zerschlagen unsere Truppen in immer wiederholten Gegenangriffen alle Versuche starker bulgarischer und bolschewistischer Kräfte, in die Flanke dieser Bewegung zu stoßen. Starke Nachhuten schüttelten überlegen nachdrängende wurde unsere Front im mittleren und nördlichen Balkan laufend verstärkt.

Im Raum westlich Apatin und Batina blieben die erneut angreifenden Sowjets vor unseren Stellungen liegen. In Mittelungarn führten die Bolschewisten zwischen Budapest und Ungvár zahlreiche Angriffe. Sie scheiterten im Feuer unserer Grenadiere, das Artillerie- und Werferbatterien wirksam verstärkten.

In Kurland splitterte sich der feindliche Großangriff an der hartnäckigen Gegenwehr unserer Truppen in örtlich begrenzte Kämpfe auf. Sie brachten unseren Divisionen einen erneuten Abwehrerfolg.

Anglo-amerikanische Kampf- und Tiefflieger griffen in den Westgebieten am Tage Städte im frontnahen Raum und die Zivilbevölkerung durch Bombenwurf und Bordwaffenbeschuss an. Bei einem Angriff nordamerikanischer Terrorverbände auf Mitteldeutschland wurde vor allem das Stadtgebiet von Merseburg betroffen. Störflugzeuge warfen in der vergangenen Nacht verstreut Bomben, besonders auf Süd- und Mitteldeutschland. Flakartillerie brachte acht Flugzeuge zum Absturz.

Bei den harten Abwehrkämpfen im Raum Geilenkirchen hat sich die 9. Panzerdivision mit zugeteilten Heerestruppen unter Führung von Generalmajor Freiherrn von Elverfeldt durch besondere Standhaftigkeit ausgezeichnet. Vom 17. Bis 22. November wurden durch die Division 134 feindliche Panzer, teilweise im Nahkampf, vernichtet und mehrere hundert Gefangene eingebracht. Im gleichen Kampfraum zeichnete sich der Gefreite Deld in einer Panzerjägerabteilung durch hervorragende Tapferkeit aus. Er schoss als Richtschütze mit seinem Geschütz zehn nordamerikanische Panzer ab. In den bisherigen Kämpfen bei Aachen haben sich die 3. Panzergrenadierdivision unter Führung von Generalmajor Denkert und die 12. Volksgrenadierdivision unter Generalmajor Engel durch unerschütterliche Standhaftigkeit und hartnäckiges Zupacken bewährt. Ihrer vorbildlichen Haltung und Ausdauer sind in diesem Frontabschnitt im Wesentlichen das Scheitern der feindlichen Durchbruchsversuche zu verdanken.

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (November 26, 1944)


PRD, Communique Section

261100A November


(16) CMHQ (Pass to RCAF & RCN)


Communiqué No. 232

Allied forces have closed up to the western defenses of Venlo. Farther north, the advance continued and we are approaching the villages of Swolgen and Grubbenvorst.

Rocket-firing fighters, operating in support of our ground forces in Holland yesterday, attacked defended positions to the east of Nijmegen. Fighter-bombers bombed barracks south of Hilversum and cut rail tracks in the Amersfoort, Zwolle, Utrecht and Arnhem areas.

Strongpoints, and gun and mortar positions in the Dunkirk area were also attacked by rocket-firing fighters.

In the Geilenkirchen sector, there is no change in the ground situation. Troop concentrations north of Geilenkirchen were attacked by other formations of rocket-firing fighters.

Our forces west of Jülich are fighting in the immediate vicinity of Koslar and have captured Bourheim. Farther south, Pützlohn has been taken and the advance to the southeast continues. House-to-house fighting is in progress in the outskirts of Weisweiler, and at one point we have reached the Weisweiler–Langerwehe road. On a hill south of Langerwehe we are fighting to regain a small amount of ground lost in an enemy counterattack. Our forces north of Hürtgen are within a few hundred yards of Grosshau and Hürtgen itself is under fire from our artillery.

Strongpoints and transportation targets in the area north of Düren were attacked, fighter-bombers attacking a number of pillboxes and gun positions in this area. Medium bombers, which were covered by fighters and fighter-bombers, went for the rail yards at Rheydt. The rail yards at Münchengladbach, Harff and Grevenbroich were also attacked by fighter-bombers.

Northeast of Thionville, our forces across the German border have reached Tettingen-Butzdorf, three miles southeast of Remich. Biringen, southwest of Merzig, has been taken and we are advancing north of Bouzonville.

A number of enemy positions in villages near the meeting point of the French-Luxembourg-German border were the targets for fighter-bombers. Behind the enemy lines in the same area, railcars and motor transport were destroyed and tracks cut in many places, while the railyards at Gemünden, northwest of Karlstadt, were also attacked.

Medium and light bombers went for an arsenal in Landau and ammunition dumps at Kaiserslautern.

In the area east of Metz we have reached Narbefontaine, seven miles northwest of Saint-Avold. The Albestroff Forest, northwest of Fénétrange has been cleared of the enemy, and patrols are in the Woods of Givrycourt to the east. Units which crossed the Saar River in the Fénétrange area have liberated Baerendorf.

Substantial gains were made against light resistance in the north Alsace Plain and the Vosges mountains. Strasbourg has been cleared of the enemy except for the defenders of the Rhine Bridges. The prisoner count in the city has reached 5,000.

In eastern Alsace, fighter-bombers attacked tanks, motor vehicles, locomotives and railcars, and cut rail lines. Eleven enemy aircraft were shot down during these operations.

According to reports so far received, six of our aircraft are missing from yesterday’s operations.

Our units advancing from the Saint-Dié region towards Strasbourg pushed almost through the Saales Pass in the northern Vosges.

In the southern Vosges and Belfort Gap, the enemy has been cleared from additional areas northeast and east of Belfort.



“P” - Others

PRD, Communique Section

D. R. JORDAN, Lt Col FA2409


U.S. Navy Department (November 26, 1944)

CINCPAC Communiqué No. 190

Carrier-based planes of the Third Fleet on November 24 (West Longitude Date) attacked shipping and airfields in and around Luzon in the Philippines. Incomplete preliminary reports indicate the following damage done to enemy forces:


  • One heavy cruiser of the KUMANO class, previously reported damaged, near Santa Cruz (Communiqué No. 187).
  • One destroyer.
  • Four ships tentatively identified as small fast transports, at Marinduque.
  • Nine cargo ships.
  • One small oiler.
  • Two luggers.


  • Four cargo ships.
  • One oiler.

Our planes shot 29 enemy aircraft out of the air and ships’ anti-aircraft fire accounted for eight more and an additional 35 were destroyed on the ground.

Near Nichols Field, seven tank cars were strafed and burned.

A strafing attack was made on a convoy of 150 trucks south of Manila.

Radio installations on Chichijima were bombed by Navy search planes on November 24. Despite moderate anti-aircraft fire, a hit was scored and a large fire started. Other targets on Hahajima and Mukojima in the Bonins were also bombed by Navy search planes on the same date.

Mitchells of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing attacked harbors and shipping in the Bonins on the night of November 24. Hits were scored on a ship at Chichijima.

Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing bombed installations on Rota in the Marianas on November 24.

Neutralizing raids on Japanese-held atolls in the Marshalls were continued on November 24 by Corsairs of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing and search Venturas of Fleet Air Wing Two.

The Pittsburgh Press (November 26, 1944)

Yanks break into Cologne plain

Troops use bayonets to turn back Nazis, move nearer Rhine
By James F. McGlincy, United Press staff writer

Steel pay raised 5 to 10 cents

WLB meets union’s ‘fringe’ demands, but denies full increase
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

Service journal says –
Short, Kimmel Pearl Harbor trials unlikely

Vindication hinted after latest probes

Washington (UP) – (Nov. 25)
The unofficial Army and Navy Journal said today that, “according to gossip in well-informed Washington circles,” the Navy Board which recently reinvestigated the Pearl Harbor disaster did not find cause for instituting any court-martial proceedings against RAdm. Husband E. Kimmel, who was the naval commander there Dec. 7, 1941.

The Journal also predicted that it was unlikely that Maj. Gen. Walter C. Short, the Army commander, would be court-martialed. If proceedings should be held in Gen. Short’s case, it said, his friends were confident he would be vindicated.

Roberts Commission findings supported

The Journal said the Navy Board, like the Roberts Commission which investigated Pearl Harbor immediately after the disaster, had found that it was the Army’s function to insure the base against attack. It was the Navy’s function to support the Army indirectly by operations at sea and directly with such equipment as it had ashore and afloat.

A new Army Board of Inquiry was said by the Journal to support the findings of the Roberts Commission that the War Department had failed to comment upon the measures which Gen. Short had reported he had taken to guard the base. These measures were reportedly in conformity with instructions given him not to take measures which would alarm the civilian population.

Army, Navy warned

Concerning Adm. Kimmel, the Journal said:
“Since the Army was responsible for the aircraft warning system, he assumed that it was in operation, which was not the case, and this point doubtless was fairly explored by the Army Board. The truth seems to be that both the Army and Navy command did not believe that an attack by the Japanese was in prospect, although warnings of its possibility had been communicated by the War and Navy Departments.”

The Journal said it was not known whether the Army and Navy boards commented on the charge that Adm. Kimmel and Gen. Short failed to consult frequently, though it was known the two officers consulted on Nov. 27 and Dec. 1, 2 and 3, 1941, especially with reference to the possibility of replacing Marine Corps planes with Army planes on Wake and Midway Islands.

The Journal continued:

However, the usage at that time tended to separate the Army and the Navy, a usage which was discarded immediately. Today there is complete cooperation and coordination between the services, and enabling it is the designation of an Army or a Navy officer in command.

The Journal said jealousies still exist between the two services but are suppressed by the High Command policy.

Should Adm. Kimmel be vindicated, he will expect to be restored to active duty, the Journal said.

Short retired

As Gen. Short retired two years ago, his vindication would not result in his return to active duty.

The reports of the separate Army and Navy boards were filed a few weeks ago with the Secretaries of War and Navy. Some official indication of the conclusions may be given soon.

Jap convoy sunk, 2,000 men perish

Leyte reinforcements of enemy blasted

Japs hit by new air, sea blows

Manila raid reported; subs sink 27 ships

Wave of suicides reported in Nazi Army and Gestapo

Many prefer that way out rather than to face what will happen in defeat
By Paul Ghali

Bern, Switzerland – (Nov. 25)
The “sin of self-destruction” is the universal theme of Germany’s military chaplains these days – probably on orders of the German Army High Command. The fatherland has broken out in suicide rash.

SS (Elite Guard) and Gestapo men, as well as soldiers whose families have been wiped out by bombardments or who fear a return to the front, are doing away with themselves rather than to face what they realize is coming to them when Germany is defeated.

Hatred of the brown-shirted regime is reported to be increasing daily not only among the German people but inside the German Army as everybody wonders just what has happened to Adolf Hitler. Der Führer’s continued “flight from publicity” has apparently had a catastrophic effect on the faithful, for his continued silence seems to confirm the rampant rumors as to his bad health or even death. The case of Marshal Erwin Rommel, whose recovery after injury on the Western Front had been reported, only to be contradicted weeks later by announcement of his death, is not forgotten.

Now the people ask, “was Hitler wounded more dangerously than we were told during the July 20 attempted assassination?”

Heinrich Himmler and his cohorts undoubtedly have their hands full these days, not only in attempting to deal with this rising hara-kiri mania but with widespread sabotage, which appears to mark the initial signs of active resistance against the Nazi empire.

The Oldenburg railway bridge on the Oldenburg–Bremen line has been destroyed. At the same place, on the same night, unknown enemies of the National Socialist Party lit up the railway station as a target for British fliers.

Sabotage is reported in the German Army and in the armaments industry. For many weeks the oval hand grenade No. 39 has been found to have construction faults which can only be laid to sabotage. This type of grenade explodes too soon, often killing the man who is throwing it. Submachine guns, too, are often found to be unusable owing to tiny technical faults invisible when they leave the factory.

“Vengeance on the SS” is now the common footnote on Volkssturm (People’s Army) posters.

As a result of all this recalcitrance, the Gestapo is reported to be tightening its iron grip and the army its punishment measures.

Sent to Eastern Front

Any soldier guilty of the slightest fault is either shot or sent to the “punishment company,” where treatment is said to be so bestial that the men prefer death. Some are sent instead to the Eastern Front, thus carrying their death sentences with them, for they are placed in positions where escape is impossible. These punishment squads are known as “companies of death.”

On the home front, death seems to have lost its horror. Visitors to Switzerland, who have seen bombarded German towns, have been impressed by the indifference with which the people apparently regard bodies lying in roads for days on end “because nobody claims them.”

“Do what you like with the dead, we’re fed up with them,” is the reply now when survivors of Allied bombings request municipal aid, according to accounts reaching here.

135 dining car workers held in $200,000 theft

Indictment charge stewards and waiters with pocketing money paid for meals

Mother of war prisoner finds comfort, new friends

Woman learns son is safe and well from letter read at meeting of captives’ kin
By Joseph Williams

Reconversion plans upset by bullet plea

77,000 more workers must be found

1% security tax may be retained

Roosevelt may veto ‘freezing’ bill

Freeport to honor World War II hero

U.S. churches begin fight on conscription

Delay in legislation until after war urged

New York (RNS) – (Nov. 25)
Protestant and Roman Catholic organizations are marshalling their forces for active opposition to wartime passage of any legislation to provide permanent peacetime military conscription in the United States.

It is expected that measures calling for compulsory military training of the nation’s youth will be considered when the new Congress convenes in January, and it is certain that the Christian churches will raise a united voice of protest at public hearings on the proposal.

Strong pronouncements urging postponement of action on the question while the country is at war have been issued by the Federal Council of Churches, and by the Roman Catholic hierarchy of the United States.

Careful study urged

Most of the opposition expressed in religious circles has requested that consideration of the matter be delayed in order that complete and careful study may be made before a decision is reached. Groups that have taken this stand include the Methodist Church, the Presbyterian Church in the USA, Northern Baptist Convention, United Lutheran Church, Disciples of Christ, and the National Commission on Christian Higher Education of the Association of American Colleges.

Several other groups have adopted vigorous statements against the principle of compulsory military training, including the Religious Society of Friends, the Church of the Brethren, the Evangelical and Reformed Church, the United Council of Church Women, the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the National Council of Catholic Women, the Catholic Central Verein of America, and the National Catholic Women’s Union.

Pacifists in forefront

Most active in combating conscription legislation are the recognized pacifist organizations, five of which, it was recently announced. Have already sent staff members to Washington to lobby against such measures. Leading these forces is the Friends Committee on National Legislation, the Fellowship of Reconciliation, the War Resister’s League, the National Council for the Prevention of War, and the International League for Peace and Freedom.

President Roosevelt recently issued a statement in which he called on Congress for early action on the proposal, and the War and Navy Departments, the American Legion, and the Veterans of Foreign Wars are also advocating its adoption.

Prohibition drive to be renewed

Washington (UP) – (Nov. 25)
Rep. Joseph R. Bryson (D-SC) said today that he would redouble his efforts early in the 79th Congress for approval of a national wartime prohibition measure.

Mr. Bryson said it was too late to do any good in the present Congress which expires Jan. 3, but added “We will get an early running start in the next Congress.”

His bill calls for national prohibition for the duration of the war and six months afterward to reduce absenteeism and aid in the prosecution of the war.

Soldier vote gives GOP House seat

Chinese member of WASPS killed

Hazel Y. Lee

Detroit, Michigan (UP) – (Nov. 25)
Authorities at Romulus Army Air Base reported that Hazel Y. Lee, 31, American-born Chinese member of the Women’s Air Force Service Pilots, died today at Great Falls, Montana, of injuries suffered Thursday when a fighter plane she was ferrying crashed near the city.

She began flying in 1932, and spent six years in China as an employee of the Chinese Air Force. She enlisted in the WASPS in February 1943 and had been stationed at Romulus since August of that year.

Her husband, Maj. Yin Cheung Louie, is a flier with the Chinese Army.

Patricia cheered by dad’s arrival

Seabee visits child dying of leukemia

AFL to seek 100,000 extra war workers

Critical industries will get support

House leader backs more to raise Congress’ story

McCormack cites higher living costs and maintenance of two residences

Senate may probe Biddle dispute

British in Italy drive to road hub outskirts

Eighth Army breaks Faenza stalemate

17 Congressmen reach London

Fighters receiving ‘em –
Noncombatants may get no smokes for 60 days

By Edward P. Morgan

Kirkpatrick: Plenty of American smokes in France

By Helen Kirkpatrick

Cigarette shortage probe underway

Senate group seeks full-dress study

Playboy faces prison sentence