America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Patricia cheered by dad’s arrival

Seabee visits child dying of leukemia

AFL to seek 100,000 extra war workers

Critical industries will get support

House leader backs more to raise Congress’ story

McCormack cites higher living costs and maintenance of two residences

Senate may probe Biddle dispute

British in Italy drive to road hub outskirts

Eighth Army breaks Faenza stalemate

17 Congressmen reach London

Fighters receiving ‘em –
Noncombatants may get no smokes for 60 days

By Edward P. Morgan

Kirkpatrick: Plenty of American smokes in France

By Helen Kirkpatrick

Cigarette shortage probe underway

Senate group seeks full-dress study

Playboy faces prison sentence

‘We’ll do it or die’ –
‘Let’s get to hell out,’ major says – and Yanks do

Doughboys wield bayonets, fight, and die, but the objective is obtained
By Henry T. Gorrell, United Press staff writer

2,000 planes blast oil plant at noon hour

Raiders unopposed over Merseburg

Stoll, Heinz visit European areas

Luce costs listed

Hartford, Connecticut –
Receipts of $10,938 and expenditures of $10,901 were filed in the Secretary of State’s office today by the Clare Boothe Luce for Congress Committee.

Industry members issue dissent

G.I. irked to bathe for camp visitors

Millett: G.I. ‘yes men’ will change

Unaccustomed to speaking up
By Ruth Millett

Marines to assign 1,500 women reserves to duty in Hawaii

Volunteer service at island bases will be for minimum of two years

Poll: Public ahead of Congress in youth training

Peacetime draft backed by majority
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Congress delays compulsory drill

Early action in next session urged

War is costing us $250 million a day but economists say we can stand it

Victorious nations with debt entirely internal always recover, history shows
By Joseph H. Baird, North American Newspaper Alliance

Witnesses report –
‘Jews gassed and burned – as usual’

1,765,000 reported ‘exterminated’

Washington (UP) – (Nov. 25)
“Those remaining, about 3,000, were immediately gassed and burned in the usual manner.”

This line, varying only slightly, runs like a refrain through first-hand reports released tonight by the War Refugee Board of life and death inside the German “extermination camps” of Auschwitz and Birkenau.

The reports were written by two Slovakian Jews and a Polish major who escaped. They estimate that about 1,765,000 Jewish prisoners were gassed at Birkenau from April 1942 to April 1944.

Both camps are in southwestern Poland. Although Birkenau was the main slaughterhouse, Auschwitz produced its share of murders, too. Jews generally were gassed. Some were killed with injections of phenol in the heart. Non-Jews usually were shot.

Experimented with bodies

Theoretically, only the aged, weak and ill were murdered. Those able to work were permitted to work – until they became ill.

Jews from all over enslaved Europe were transported to the two extermination camps. The Polish major described a “hygiene institute” where German doctors performed biological experiments with “male and female prisoners, especially Jews.”

The major’s report said:

Here, sterilizing by X-ray treatment, artificial insemination of women, as well as experiments on blood transfusion were carried on.

‘Showers of death’

At first, those “selected” for death were taken to Birkenau and gassed and buried in a nearby forest. They were packed into rooms under the impression they were to be given shower baths en masse. The rooms then were sealed, and SS men threw hydrocyanic bombs through ventilation openings.

It soon became necessary, in order to kill efficiently, to construct special gassing chambers and crematoria. A new way of gassing was developed. The shower bath fiction was continued, with “selectees” jammed into the rooms naked and guards shooting off guns to frighten the doomed persons into huddling closer together. Then the doors were sealed.

‘Do not forget – Revenge’

The report continues:

Then there is a short pause, presumably to allow the room temperature to rise to a certain level, after which SS men with gas masks climb on the roof, open the traps, and shake down a preparation in powder form out of tin cans labeled “Cyklon – for use against vermin,” which is manufactured by a Hamburg concern.

After three minutes, everyone in the chamber is dead.

The ashes were used for fertilizer, it was said.

Whenever the trucks drew up before the infirmary, those summoned to get in them knew at once where they were going.

The Polish major reported:

Most of them were quiet and bid us farewell, but never forgot to remind us: “Do not forget – Revenge.”

Buy as shells go by –
Fighters backing Sixth War Loan

Eisenhower writes ‘we will go full out’

Miami ready for winter of fun despite warnings by OPA, ODT

Thousands crowd hotels and homes

Kurusu: Beware, America!

Jap ‘peace’ envoy denies aggression
By the United Press

26 have been killed so far –
War reporters also die at front

Heavy price in lives and injuries listed as writers go right into battle lines

Editorial: Another Pacific milestone

Editorial: Converting job to be done

Editorial: Get started