America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

UAW strikers face action by their union

Men ordered back at Packard plant

‘Little Steel’ wage debated on radio

War Labor Board man fears upward shift

Plane missing 1½ years found in Montana


Stokes: Study in technique

By Thomas L. Stokes

Supply – Lifeblood of victory

700,000 items included in supply list
By Marshall McNeil, Scripps-Howard staff writer

K-9 platoons save lives in Pacific

Dogs ease nervous strain on patrols

Gracie Allen Reporting

By Gracie Allen

En route across the country –
Well, here we are going to Boston to start our bond tour. Before we left, we heard a lot of scary stories about how crowded the train would be, but George and I are in a great big drawing room – where seven people have a drawing to see which one gets the berth.

The other six go to the club car to sleep. But it’s very hard to sleep there because it’s full of Republicans reading the “Business Opportunity” ads out loud.

Everyone said we wouldn’t be able to get food on the train. But so far, we haven’t missed a single meal. We just wire ahead to the next town and have a man stick a sandwich through the window.


Nations to hear GOP unity pledge

New York (UP) –
Herbert Brownell Jr., Republican National Committee chairman, pledged his party to national unity and expressed the hope that President Roosevelt’s reelection would speed victory in a post-election statement recorded yesterday for broadcasting to foreign nations.

The statement, for broadcasting on the powerful OWI transmitters, was apparently aimed at clearing up any misunderstandings in foreign nations which may have arisen during the heated American election campaign.

He said:

For months, Governor Dewey, the opposing candidate and a great American, led the Republican campaign. That campaign was waged, in the true American spirit, with all the vigor he could command. It was waged fairly and constructively, always with the best interest of our country uppermost in mind.

Nicaragua celebrates

Managua, Nicaragua –
President Gen. Anastasio Somoza ordered all government offices and banks throughout Nicaragua closed yesterday to celebrate President Roosevelt’s reelection.

3 countries plan airlines to New York

11 nations announce global aspirations

$800-a-year tax on average family seen

Banker favors heavy corporate levies

Film folk’s light reading lost as Dorsey case fizzles

Prosecutor to ask for dismissal with key witnesses missing; Hall wants to forget

Is Doris Duke’s divorce a divorce?


Ex-streetsweeper named Minnesota Congressman

Minneapolis, Minnesota (UP) –
William J. Gallagher, former streetsweeper, whose victory over Republican Rep. Richard P. Gale was Minnesota’s major political upset, was not surprised today – he was dumbfounded.

“This is what I’ve been aiming at for years,” he said, putting a little coal in the living room heater. “But I never thought I had a chance when Gale had that 8,000-vote lead.”

The lead Gallagher spoke of was a tabulating error made in counting 3rd district returns in Hennepin County. When all precincts were counted, Gale had 69,155 votes to Gallagher’s 71,322.

Gallagher won nomination and election as a member of Minnesota’s Democratic-Farmer-Labor Party which is a fusion of the old Farmer-Labor Party and the Democrats.

Gallagher, a small, partially bald 69-year-old man and a $25.48-a-month city pensioner, conducted a modest campaign.

He explained:

I just did a little janitoring out at Shedd-Brown Manufacturing Company. I managed to raise about $200, and my campaign didn’t cost quite that much.

A single-taxer

Although the Congressional post will be the first political office Gallagher has ever held, it is not because he has not tried.

He said:

I’ve been politically minded ever since I got out of high school back in the nineties. I worked for a while as an editorial proofreader for the “National Single-Taxer” – that was a magazine published in Minnesota then, and I’m still a Henry George man. I’m a single-taxer.

Until he retired in 1942, Gallagher had been employed as a common laborer and a handyman at freight house and as a streetsweeper in Minneapolis.

In 1922, he ran for the office of state representative, but was defeated by 101 votes. He ran unsuccessfully for the same post in 1924 and 1926.

Gallagher married for the first time in 1936, and his wife is now a chocolate dipper at a candy company.

Gallagher said:

She hasn’t been thinking much of going to Washington. She didn’t even leave her job when that tabulating error was found and I was in. She stayed on until 5 o’clock.

In Washington, Gallagher said he would back President Roosevelt’s policies (“I’ve always been a Woodrow Wilson man, myself”), but the first thing he expects to do is rooms of a frame building.

“She sure needs it, doesn’t she?”

She does.

Millett: Is mother shy of glamor?

Some people think she is
By Ruth Millett

New attitudes greet sex education idea

Teaching child facts of life is accepted as wholesome necessity
By Myrtle Meyer Eldred

Jack Benny starts ‘goodwill tour’ on radio

Gets extra air as ‘visitor’
By Si Steinhauser

Völkischer Beobachter (November 11, 1944)

England und Amerika ‚Erben von Israel‘

Eisenhowers erster großer Herbstangriff

US-Fahrhundert über Rom

Führer HQ (November 11, 1944)

Kommuniqué des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht

An der lothringischen Grenze versucht der Feind mit zwei starken Angriffskeilen Metz von Norden und Süden zu umfassen und aus unserer Front herauszubrechen. Der Schwerpunkt der Kämpfe liegt hierbei zwischen Seille und dem Rhein-Marne-Kanal.

Südlich Diedenhofen wurden die Nordamerikaner wieder über die Mosel geworfen und das rechte Flussufer vom Feind gesäubert. Flussabwärts schlossen Volksgrenadiere den feindlichen Brückenkopf nordöstlich Königsmachern ein und drängten den Gegner weiter auf die Mosel zurück.

Im Kampfabschnitt nordöstlich Delme wichen die amerikanischen Verbände vor den Gegenangriffen unserer Reserven. Im Raum von Château-Salins verstärkten sich die feindlichen Panzerkräfte weiter und konnten nach erbittertem Ringen über die Stadt hinaus Boden gewinnen. Sie verloren jedoch durch unsere erbitterte Abwehr 52 Panzer.

Das Feuer der Vergeltungswaffen auf London und Antwerpen wurde fortgesetzt.

Im Etruskischen Apennin machten unsere Truppen bei erfolgreichen Unternehmungen zahlreiche Gefangene der 1., 46. und 78. englischen Infanteriedivision. Im Kampfraum südlich Forli zerschlugen sie einen Übersetzversuch britischer Verbände über den Rabbi und brachten Angriffe des Feindes am Westrand der Stadt zum Scheitern.

In Nordmazedonien und Serbien wurden unsere Marschbewegungen planmäßig fortgesetzt. Mehrere Bandengruppen würden unter schweren feindlichen Verlusten zerschlagen.

In Ungarn schränkte regnerisches Wetter die Kämpfe ein. Vor Budapest verbesserten unsere Truppen ihre Stellungen im Angriff. Nördlich der mittleren Theiß wurden die angreifenden Bolschewisten abgewehrt und mehrere Einbruchsstellen, die aus den Vortagen verblieben waren, durch Gegenangriffe eingeengt. Nach heftiger Feuervorbereitung erneuerten die Sowjets ihre Angriffe westlich des Lupkower und des Duklapasses. Sie blieben im Feuer vor unseren Bergstellungen liegen.

Im ostpreußischen Grenzgebiet lebte die Gefechtstätigkeit wieder auf. Aufklärungsvorstöße der Bolschewisten beiderseits der Romintener Heide scheiterten.

Anglo-amerikanische Tiefflieger und Terrorverbände griffen erneut Ortschaften und Personenzüge in Westdeutschland an. Durch Bordwaffenfeuer und Bomben erlitt die Zivilbevölkerung Verluste. Der Gegner verlor 21 Flugzeuge, in der Mehrzahl viermotorige Bomber.

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (November 11, 1944)


PRD, Communique Section

111100A November

(1) AGWAR (Pass to WND)

(5) AEAF
(16) CMHQ (Pass to RCAF & RCN)
(17) COM Z APO 871


Communiqué No. 217

Allied forces continued their advance in the Metz–Nancy sector against light to moderate resistance yesterday. Château-Salins has been freed and our units have pushed on to Amelécourt and Dampont. The Delme Ridge, six miles east of Nomeny, has been reached. We have also reached Vigny and Secourt east of Louvigny. Small gains have been made in the area of Maizières-lès-Metz. Fighter-bombers attacked enemy positions east of Metz.

In the Moselle River bridgehead northeast of Thionville, we have made gains south and east of Kœnigsmacker and have repulsed a minor counterattack east of the town. In the Hürtgen area, our units continued their attack against heavy resistance from dug-in enemy positions. Many mines are being encountered. A counterattack was repulsed in this sector. West of Schmidt, we have made progress and are clearing pillboxes. In the area north of Aachen and west of Köln, fighter-bombers went for freight yards, railway lines, roundhouses and trains. Among fighter-bomber targets were a freight yard at Ameln, a roundhouse three miles south of Jülich, two trains at Wegberg and a railway control station at Rheindahlen.

Other fighter-bombers targeted the rail and road in the center of Baal, starting a number of fires, and a warehouse near Erkelenz was also attacked. An enemy strongpoint north of the Reischwald Forest and a factory at Weeze were hit by rocket-firing fighters. Fighters and fighter-bombers supported ground operations and continued attacks on enemy communications in eastern Holland and across the frontier into Germany. Rocket-firing fighters attacked a railway junction south of Emmerich. In the Meurthe River Valley, slight gains were made northwest of Saint-Dié. The villages of Le Ménil and Biarville have been taken. A local counterattack was repulsed east of Bruyères, and in the Vosges, enemy attempts to infiltrate were frustrated.



“P” - Others

PRD, Communique Section

D. R. JORDAN, Lt Col FA Ext. 9


U.S. Navy Department (November 11, 1944)

CINCPAC Communiqué No. 180

Carrier‑based Hellcat fighters, Avenger torpedo planes and Helldiver dive bombers of the Third Fleet attacked a 10‑ship enemy convoy just outside Ormoc Bay on November 10 (West Longitude Date), destroying or probably destroying nine ships. The convoy consisting of three large transports, one medium transport, five destroyers, and one destroyer escort, was apparently attempting to reinforce enemy positions on Leyte Island. The damage inflicted upon the enemy consisted of the following:

  • Transport seen to explode and sink.
  • The three other transports seen to sink.
  • Two destroyers seen to sink
  • One destroyer escort seen to sink
  • One destroyer left awash, thought to have sunk.
  • One destroyer with bow blown off, thought to have sunk
  • One destroyer damaged

These ships destroyed and damaged are in addition to the ones destroyed the previous day in the same general area by Gen. MacArthur’s land‑based aircraft and reported previously by him.

Approximately 20 aggressive enemy fighters furnished aerial cover for the convoy attacked by the carrier‑based planes. Of these 13 were shot down and five were probably destroyed. In addition, a two‑engined reconnaissance plane and a dive bomber were shot down near our carriers. Our losses were nine planes but it is believed that most of the pilots and aircrewmen were rescued.

Catalinas of Fleet Air Wing One on the night of November 8 bombed ground installations at Koror Island in the Northern Palau Islands. Hellcats of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing harassed the Arakabesan Area on Babelthuap in night sorties. Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing bombed Yap Island, hitting the airstrip, hangars and small craft.

Liberators of the 7th Army Air Force on November 8 bombed anti-aircraft gun positions and harbor shipping at Hahajima in the Bonins. Other Liberators bombed Okimura Town on Hahajima, causing two large explosions near anti-aircraft gun positions. A Navy search Liberator bombed Iwo Jima in the Volcano Islands while Army Liberators strafed Kita Iwo Jima. On November 9, 7th Army Air Force Liberators again bombed Iwo Jima, hitting the airfield. Our planes were intercepted by from three to five enemy fighters, of which one was shot down and two damaged.

Corsairs of the 2nd Marine Aircraft Wing strafed enemy targets on Rota Island on November 9.

A single Navy search plane on November 9 dropped bombs on the airfield and barracks at Nauru Island while Corsairs of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing continued to neutralize enemy‑held positions in the Marshall Islands.

The Pittsburgh Press (November 11, 1944)

Superfortresses rip warehouses in Nanking

Shanghai also target of bombers