America at war! (1941–) – Part 4


Remarks by President Roosevelt
October 29, 1944

Delivered at Clarksburg, West Virginia


My friends:

This being Sunday, the Governor, cooperating with me in keeping politics out of it, says that he is not even going to introduce me.

I have been here before, and it is a great comfort to come on a Sunday in a campaign year, because on Sundays my life is made much more comfortable by not having to think about politics. Unfortunately, I do have to think about the war, because every day, including Sundays, dispatches come to me, on the train even, to tell me of the progress of our boys in Europe and in the Pacific and in the Philippines. I cannot get rid of that.

Coming up through the state today, I have been looking out of the window, and I think there is a subject that is a good subject for Sunday, because I remember the line in the poem, “Only God can make a tree.” And one of the things that people have to realize all over the United States, and I think especially in West Virginia – I don’t see the trees I ought to see. That is something that we in this country have fallen down on. We have been using up natural resources that we ought to have replaced. I know we can’t replace coal – it will be a long time before all the coal is gone – but trees constitute something that we can replace.

We have to think not just of an annual crop, not just something that we can eat the next year. We have to think of a longer crop, something that takes years to grow, but which in the long run is going to do more good for our children and for our grandchildren than if we leave the hills bare.

I remember a story, and it is taken out of Germany. There was a town there – I don’t know what has happened in the last twenty years – but this is back when I used to be in grade school in Germany – and I used to bicycle. And we came to a town, and outside of it there was a great forest. And the interesting thing to me, as a boy even, was that the people in that town didn’t have to pay taxes. They were supported by their own forest.

Way back in the time of Louis something of France – the French king was approaching this town with a large army. And the prince of the time asked the townspeople to come out to defend their principality, and he promised them that if they would keep the invader out of the town, out of the principality, he would give them the forest.

The burghers turned out. They repulsed the French king. And very soon the prince made good. He gave the forest to the town. And for over two hundred years that town in Germany had to pay no taxes. Everybody made money, because they had no taxes. In other words, it was a forest on an annual-yield basis. They cut down perhaps seventy percent of what they could get out of that year’s mature crop. And every year they planted new trees. And every year the proceeds from that forest paid the equivalent of taxes.

Now that is true more and more in this country. There are more and more municipalities that are reforesting their watersheds, putting trees on the top of their hills, preventing the erosion of soil. They are not on a self-sustaining basis because it has only been started within the last ten or fifteen years. And yet while only God can make a tree, we have to do a little bit to help ourselves.

I think that all of us sort of look at our lives in terms of ourselves, and yet your children, your grandchildren, your great-grandchildren, your great-great-grandchildren – some of them will be living right around here, right around where the population is today. Perhaps the old house – perhaps a better, new house. And more and more we are going to think about those grandchildren and great-grandchildren. It doesn’t amount to very much, this cost of planting trees, and yet the hillsides of West Virginia of our grandparents’ day were much more wonderful than they are now. It’s largely a deforested state. And I believe that from the point of view of the beauties of nature, from the point of view of all that trees can be, and from the point of view of your own grandchildren’s pocketbooks, the small number of cents, the small number of dollars that go into reforestation are going to come back a thousandfold.

Up where I live, in the country on the Hudson River, my family had – when I was a boy – five or six hundred acres. It wasn’t valuable land. And my own father, in the old days, would go in every year and cut the family needs in the way of timber.

When I was a small boy, I realized that there was waste going on; and when I went to the State Senate as a young man, somebody appointed me to the Conservation Committee. Some parts of Upstate New York were being eroded, a lot of topsoil was running away, we were getting more floods than we had ever had in the old days.

And just as an experiment, I started planting a few acres each year on rundown land. I tried to pasture some skinny cows on it. And at the same time, I went into the old woods and cleaned out no-account trees, trees that were under grown or would never amount to anything, crooked trees, rotten trees.

Well, the answer was this. When the last war came on, the old woods had some perfectly splendid trees, because I had cleaned them out, cleaned out the poor stuff.

And during that war, I made $4,000, just by cutting out the mature trees. And I kept on every year. And in the winter time, when the men weren’t doing much, they cleaned them out. And the trees grew.

And a quarter of a century later, there came this war. I think I cooperated with the Almighty, because I think trees were made to grow. Oh yes, they are useful as mine timbers. I know that. But there are a lot of places in this state where there isn’t any mine timber being cut out.

And in this war, back home, I cut last year – and this is not very Christian – over $4,000 worth net of oak trees, to make into submarine chasers and landing craft and other implements of war. And I am doing it again this year.

And I hope that this use of wood is growing, for all kinds of modern inventions, plastics, and so forth. I hope that when I am able to cut some more trees, twenty or twenty-five years from now – it may not be I, it may be one of the boys – we will be able to use them at a profit, not for building mine chasers or landing craft, but for turning them into some humane use.

And I believe that in this country – not in this state only, but in a great many more – we in the next few years, when peace comes, will be able to devote more thought to making our country more useful – every acre of it.

I remember eight years ago, out in the West, we knew that there were great floods and a dry belt in there. We knew, also, that trees bring water and avoid floods. And so, we started one of those “crackpot” things, for which I have been criticized, a thing called the shelter belt, to keep the high winds away, to hold the moisture in the soil. And the result is that a great success has been made of that shelter belt. Not much ran downhill and the farmers are getting more crops and better crops out there on the prairies in the lea of these rows of trees.

Forestry pays from the practical point of view. I have proved that. And so, I hope to live long enough to see West Virginia with more trees in it. I hope to live to see the day when this generation will be thinking not just of themselves but also of the children and the grandchildren.

I had a happy day this morning in looking out at this wonderful scenery, but I couldn’t take my eyes off those bare hilltops. I couldn’t take my thoughts off the fact that this generation, and especially the previous generation, have been thinking of themselves and not of the future.

Someday I hope to come back, and I hope to see a great forestry program for the whole of the state. Nearly all of it needs it. I hope to come back and be able to say:

I stopped, once upon a time, in Clarksburg, on a Sunday morning, and just avoided politics and talked to the people in Clarksburg, and they must have heard me all over the state, because they started planting trees.

And so, I think my Sunday sermon is just about over. It has been good to see you, and I really do hope that I will come back here, one of these days soon.


The Pittsburgh Press (October 29, 1944)

Entire force of 4 carriers is wiped out

Scope of American victory widens
By Mac R. Johnson, United Press staff writer

Yanks advance to Luzon Strait

Americans reach last water barrier to main island of Philippines
By William B. Dickinson, United Press staff writer

Bong bags No. 31 in first 5 hours in Philippines

Sharpshooting flier now leading ace

Escape route shelled –
8 Nazi divisions face entrapment

German flank broken in the Netherlands
By James F. McGlincy, United Press staff writer

Stilwell relieved of Far East post

Clashes with Chiang on policy blamed


110,000 attend Chicago rally –
Roosevelt advocates reduced taxes, hits his imitators in GOP

New Deal actions to aid U.S. businessmen, farmers and workers cited and extolled
By Merriman Smith, United Press staff writer

Chicago, Illinois – (Oct. 28)
President Franklin D. Roosevelt, in one of the most spectacular appearances of his political career, before a crowd of 110,000 in Soldier Field tonight heaped sarcastic scorn upon his Republican opponents for attempting to embrace New Deal policies and made a strong bid for business support by advocating reduced taxes to help private enterprise provide 60 million post-war jobs.

House before the President arrived at the huge arena, long lines of Chicagoans pushed and shoved their way into the massive stands which were swept by a cold wind.

Tonight’s crowd was probably the largest ever addressed in person by Mr. Roosevelt, rivaled only by his 1936 crowd in the Hollywood Bowl in California.

Lists post-war plans

The President made a sweeping review of what the administration had done since 1933 to aid the workers, the farmers and the businessmen of the nation. Then he listed a number of things he wants done after the war to keep our economy up to present levels or higher.

  • “I propose that the government do its part in helping private enterprise to finance expansion of our private industrial plant through normal investment channels.”

  • Encourage large and small plant expansion and replacement of obsolete equipment by acceleration of the rate of depreciation for tax purposes on the new plants and facilities built in the war.

  • “An adequate program” to assure “full realization of the right to a useful and remunerative employment” must “provide America with close to 60 million productive jobs.”

  • Continuance of local, low-cost housing authorities.

  • Congressional creation of the Fair Employment Practice Committee as a permanent agency of the government.

  • A “genuine” crop insurance program for farmers.

  • The lifting of wage, production, and price controls and soon as possible.

  • “Every facility” for small business in the purchase of government owned plants and inventories.

Opens with sarcasm

The President opened up with a sarcastic, scornful mimicry of Republican charges against his administration, saying that while he had “a certain amount of previous experience in political campaigning,” this was “the strangest campaign I have ever seen.”

He said various Republican orators were saying in effect that “those incompetent bunglers in Washington have passed a lot of excellent laws about social security and labor and farm relief and soil conservation” and if elected the Republicans promise “not to change any of them.”

He threw back at Governor Thomas E. Dewey, the Republican candidate. without mentioning his name, Mr. Dewey’s oft-repeated phrase “it is time for a change,” by saying that he would give the Republican campaign orators some more opportunities to say “me too.”

‘Cater to isolationists’

The President said of Republican orators:

They also say in effect: “Those inefficient and worn-out crackpots have really begun to lay the foundations of a lasting world peace. If you elect us, we will not change any of that either.”

“But,” they whisper, “‘we’ll do it in such a way that we won’t lose the support even of Gerald Nye or Gerald Smith – and this is very important – we won’t lose the support of any isolationist campaign contributor. We will even be able to satisfy the Chicago Tribune.”

Mr. Roosevelt based his discussion of the United States of the future on his “economic bill of rights” taking this from his State of the Union Message to Congress last January when he set forth an eight-point plan for economic security and freedom.

60 million jobs

After the war, he said, “an adequate program” to assure “full realization of the right to a useful and remunerative employment” must provide this country with close to 60 million “productive jobs.”

He foresaw a vast expansion of our peacetime productive capacity, proposing that “the government do its part in helping private enterprises to finance expansion of our private industrial plant through normal investment channels.”

As an example of what he had in mind, the President said large and small business “must be encouraged by the government to expand their plants and to replace their obsolete or worn-out equipment with new equipment.”

Future foreign trade

He said:

And to that end, the rate of depreciation on these new plants and facilities for tax purposes should be accelerated.

The President then turned to future foreign trade, saying “never again must we in the United States attempt to isolate ourselves from the rest of humanity.”

He added:

I am confident that, with Congressional approval, the foreign trade of the United States can be trebled after the war – providing millions of more jobs.

Such cooperative measures provide the soundest economic foundation for a lasting peace, and, after this war, we do not intend to settle for anything less than lasting peace.

Bids for labor support

Mr. Roosevelt made a forthright bid for labor and farm support in this, his first major appearance in the Midwest during his fourth-term campaign, demanding that America remain “the land of high wages and efficient production.”

“Every full-time job in America must provide enough for a decent living,” he said, promising an end after the war to wage and salary restrictions.

After the war we shall, of course. remove the control of wages and leave their determination to free collective bargaining between trade unions and employers.”

Saying that it was “common sense to see to it that the working man is paid enough, and that the farmers earn enough,” the President struck at the Republican administrations preceding his first term.

Hits ‘moguls of 1929’

He said:

Certainly, the American farmer does not want to go back to a government owned by the moguls of 1929 – and let us bear it constantly in mind that those same moguls still control the destinies of the Republican Party.

Promising continuance of the policy to help as many farmers as possible to own their own farms, the President said this meant something to the veterans who left their farms to fight.

He said:

This time they can grow apples on their own farms instead of having to sell apples on street corners.

Mr. Roosevelt said the war proved that the American businessman, worker and farmer could work together as “an unbeatable team.”

We know that – our allies know that – and so do our enemies.

That winning team must be kept together after the war and it will win many more historic victories of peace for our country, and for the cause of security and decent standards of living throughout the world.

Speaks at Fort Wayne

At Fort Wayne, Indiana, the President accused the Republicans of continuing campaign “misrepresentations,” and told a railroad station audience that between now and Election Day he will press his policy of citing them.

The President’s train made a five-miles-an-hour run through Lima, Ohio, where a sizable crowd gathered along the railroad tracks to wave at him as he passed through.

‘Don’t seem to like it’

In a rear platform appearance at Fort Wayne, the President piled more scorn on the Republicans, saying he had heard “some rather irritated comment by Republican campaign orators about my taking this campaign trip.”

He said:

They don’t seem to like it. They seem to believe that I promised them that I was not going to campaign under any circumstances and that therefore they could say anything they wanted to about my policies and my administration.

However, they conveniently overlook what I actually said in my speech of acceptance last July. I am going to quote from that speech – and I am sure you will pardon me if I quote correctly.

‘Free to report’

He continued:

I shall, however, feel free to report to the people the facts about matters of concern to them, and especially to correct any misrepresentations.

I believe that the American people know what those misrepresentations have been – and just who have made them. I think the American people know that in my speeches in this campaign I have pointed out and corrected many of those misrepresentations. I expect between now and Election Day to points out and correct more of them.

This seemed to point to several more presidential campaign appearances before Nov. 7. The only ones announced thus far, after Chicago, are a rear platform talk at Clarksburg, West Virginia, tomorrow, Boston Nov. 4 and a radio address on Election Eve.


Philadelphia key in Roosevelt bid

Big majority needed to carry state
By Kermit McFarland, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania – (Oct. 28)
President Roosevelt’s arduous campaign here yesterday was based on the general beef among both active political leaders and local political writers that he will need an imposing majority in this city if he is to carry Pennsylvania again.

His personal appearance here, featured by a four-hour, 45-mile tour in an open car despite bitterly cold and wet weather, was designed to stir up the vote the Democrats believe is pro-Roosevelt.

The tour took the President through districts of the city which have generally backed him in previous elections. This strategy was in line with the now prevailing belief that to defeat Governor Thomas E. Dewey in Pennsylvania, every potential Roosevelt vote must be turned out to the polls.

Estimates on majority vary

Estimates on what will happen in Philadelphia, which four years ago gave Mr. Roosevelt a majority of 177,000, vary all the way from some wild-eyed Republican guesses of 30.000 for the President to some similarly extreme Democratic guesses of a 200,000 majority for him.

Democratic money is being bet on a Roosevelt majority of 135,000 and some conservative Democratic leaders are forecasting as much as 150,000. The real Republican figure, from the less rambunctious viewers of the situation, is a 75,000 Roosevelt majority.

The Philadelphia Bulletin, a conservative newspaper supporting Mr. Dewey editorially, published a poll, completed 10 days before Mr. Roosevelt’s visit, which shows 59 percent of the vote for the President and 39 percent for Mr. Dewey.

The Bulletin said one percent of those interviewed declined to say how they will vote and another one percent indicated preferences for minor party candidates.

All registered voters

The polltakers said they limited their results to persons who said they are registered and intend to vote. The survey was done with secret ballots.

This poll would indicate a Roosevelt majority of about 175,000, assuming that the total voter turnout equals that of four years ago. The poll did not take into account the vote of men and women in the armed forces, who have been sent 123,000 military ballots.

The President carried Pennsylvania four years ago by 281,000, which was almost precisely the sum of his majorities in Philadelphia and Allegheny counties, the total vote in the other 65 counties of the state being a virtual deadlock.

City’s vote important

In the face of evidence that the 1940 Roosevelt majorities elsewhere in the state are being pared down this year, the Philadelphia result becomes of major importance in the President’s bid for another term.

Estimates of the crowd which lined the streets to get a glimpse of the President as his motorcade toured the city ran all the way from 600,000 to two million. But no accurate guess was possible because the crowds were stretched out over 45 miles of streets.

In some sections, they were sparse, in others the congestion nearly blocked the progress of the President’s car.

Crowds friendly, smiling

There was nothing like the President’s visit in 1936, the last time he made a campaign here “in the usual sense,” when it took nearly two hours to go five miles along Market Street and into Camden.

The crowds yesterday were friendly, smiling and for the most part in a gay mood, despite the drenching thousands of them endured. But they did not show the hysteria which characterized the demonstration in 1936.

In some sections, there was little more than applause and smiles, with a few shouts of encouragement mixed in. But at the Navy Yard, where 30,000 civilians are employed, at Cramp’s Shipyards where there are 14,000 employees, and in Camden, New Jersey, where Mr. Roosevelt spoke briefly, the crowds were hilarious.

In Camden they had stayed in the rain upwards of an hour awaiting the President’s arrival. His short talk there was unscheduled. The cold rain was at its worst during the Camden visit.

Democratic leaders were well pleased with the crowds which appeared to greet the President. They said they believed the turnout particularly impressing in view of the weather, the fact that Mr. Roosevelt, before he finished the tour, was running almost an hour late and that thousands who are engaged in war work were unable to leave their plants.

Didn’t expect converts

They did not expect the President’s visit to convert many Dewey voters, but they did lay great stress on the value of the trip in stirring up enthusiasm among potential Roosevelt voters.

They are in the position of trying to show high confidence over the outcome of the election and at the game time impressing on the pro-Roosevelt voters the extreme necessity of going to the polls Nov. 7 if the President is to win.

In other words, while saying they are confident of a big Roosevelt majority here, they are endeavoring to break down any idea that it is a “sure thing.”


Campaign expenses thus far –
GOP has spent $1,688,368; Democrats pay $1,052,589

Group and individual contributions to both parties listed by clerk of House

Washington (UP) – (Oct. 28)
The Republican National Committee has spent $635,779.57 more thus far in the presidential campaign than the Democratic National Committee and has received $1,335,143.50 more in contributions, reports filed with the clerk of the House of Representatives disclosed today.

The Republican Committee spent $1,688,368.79 from Jan. 1 through Oct. 23 as compared with $1,052,589.22 spent by the Democratic Committee through Oct. 24.

The Republicans listed contributions of $2,428,321.52 and the Democrats $1,093,178.02.

The CIO Political Action Committee spent $378,730.90 from Jan. 1 through Oct. 25 and listed contributions through Sept. 10 at $101,606 05.

The National Citizens PAC said it had spent $165,018 and received $271,531 through Ort. 22.

Contributors to the NCPAC included Singer Frank Sinatra, $5,000, and Mrs. Marshall Field, wife of the publisher of the newspapers, PM and the Chicago Sun, $2,500.

The Pennsylvania State Republican Finance Committee reported expenditures of $609,477.17 from Jan. 1 through Oct. 25 and receipts of $912,713.18 for the same period.

Contributors to the Pennsylvania group included Mr. and Mrs. J. Howard Pew of Ardmore, Mrs. Margaret R. Grundy of Bristol, Eugene C. Grace of Bethlehem and Howard S. Vanderbilt of New York, with $3,000 each.

The International Ladies Garment Workers Union campaign committee for Roosevelt and Truman spent $68,165.24 and received $85,237.05 through Oct. 23. The largest contribution was $27,500, from the New York Joint Board of Coat Makers Union Campaign Committee.

The Democratic National Committee, listed President Roosevelt as contributing $1,000, and Mrs. Roosevelt, $100. Other Democratic contributors included:

Movie magnates Albert Warner, Jack Warner and Harry M. Warner, $5,000 each; Floyd B. Odlum, financier, $5,000; William L. Clayton, surplus property administrator, and Mrs. Clayton, $5,000 each: Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Goldwyn, $5,000 each; A, J. Drexel Biddle Jr., former Ambassador to Allied governments-in-exile, $2,500; RAdm. Frederick R. Harris, $2,500; Laurence A. Steinhardt. former Ambassador to Turkey, $2,000; Mr. and Mrs. Henry Morgenthau Jr., $2,000; and Mrs. Emma Guffey Miller of Slippery Rock, Pennsylvania, $2,000.

Guffey sisters give $2,000

Daniel J. Tobin, president of the International Teamsters Union (AFL), $1,000; songwriter Irving Berlin, $1,000; Mrs. Herbert H. Lehman, wife of the Director General of the United Nations Relief and Rehabilitation Administration, $1,000; Senator Theodore F. Green (D-RI), $1,000.

Ida V. Guffey and Pauletta Guffey of Washington, DC, $1,000 each; Breckinridge Long, Assistant Secretary of State, $1,000; Homer Cummings, former Attorney General, $1,000; Mrs. Nellie Tayloe Ross, director of the mint, $500; Secretary of Labor Frances Perkins, $300: Attorney General Francis E. Biddle and Mrs. Biddle, $250 each; Secretary of State Cordell Hull, $250; Leon Henderson, former Price Administrator, $200; and Mr. and Mrs. Harry L. Hopkins, $100.

Mellons give GOP $5,000

The contribution list of the Republican National Committee during the period in question showed two $50.000 donations and one for $40,000 by the United Republican Finance Committee for Metropolitan New York.

Other large donations were $50,000 and $25,000 by the Republican Finance Committee of Pennsylvania.

Other gifts to the GOP National Committee follow:

Max C. Fleischmann of Santa Barbara, California, $5,000; M. T. Grant of Madison, Connecticut, $4,000; J. Howard Pew, J. N. Pew Jr., Miss Mary Ethel Pew and Mrs. Mabel Pew Myrin of Philadelphia, $3,000 each; Mrs. Sarah Mellon Scaife, and W. L. Mellon, both $3,000, and aul Mellon, $2,000.

Other GOP contributors:

Page F. Stranahan, Marie C. Stranahan and R. A. Stranahan, all of Perrysburg, Ohio, $3,000 each; Mrs. Oliver G. Jennings and L. K. Jennings of New York, $3,000 each; Mrs. Elizabeth B. Blossom of Cleveland, Ohio, $3,000; Russell H. Bennett of Minneapolis, $1,000, and Mrs. Helen H. Bennett, $3,000; Edward S. Hutton of Westbury, New York, $3,000; Sterling Morton of Chicago, $3,000; Ralph M. Shaw of Chicago, $3,000; Charles G. Dawes of Chicago, $2,500; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Morrison of San Antonio, Texas, $2590 each; Mr. and Mrs. John J. Sheerin of San Antonio, $2,500; also M. E. Coyle of Detroit, $2,500; C. E. Wilson of Detroit. $2,500; Thomas Morrison, Helen B. Morrison of Spring Lake, New Jersey, $2,000 each; Mrs. John D. Rockefeller Jr. of New York, $1,000; Lammont DuPont of Wilmington, Delaware, $2,000.

Senator Davis spends $4,154

Meanwhile, the Secretary of the Senate disclosed that the highest campaign expenditures report filed by a Senate candidate up to tonight was submitted by Richard J. Lyons, Illinois Republican, who is opposing Democratic Senator Scott W. Lucas.

Mr. Lyons said in a preliminary report that he has spent $22,484 and received $10,930 in contributions.

Republican Homer E. Capehart, opposing Democratic Governor Henry Schricker of Indiana for the Senate, reported expenditures of $5,630; Senator Millard E. Tydings (D-MD), $8,321; Senator James J. Davis (R-PA), $4,154. Senator George D. Aiken (R-VT), his Democratic opponent, Harry W. Witters, and Senator Lister Hill (D-AL), all reported no expenditures.

Simms: Protectorate is envisioned for Poland

‘Atlantic Charter’ appears dead
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

‘Uncle Joe’ Stilwell believes in direct words and action

General walked out of Burma with his men, returned with them after jungle victories

Army engineer takes over in India-Burma theater

Ex-Marshall aide gets China post

A 1,000-mile trek –
Chinese fleeing advancing Japs

Miserable refugees take to the road
By Albert Ravenholt, United Press staff writer

Factory sales to Alcoa scored


‘Get Willkie’ plan revealed by Mead

Buffalo, New York (UP) – (Oct. 28)
Senator James M. Mead (D-NY) charged tonight that former President Hoover and Governor Thomas E. Dewey initiated an undercover campaign some few months ago to drive the late Wendell Willkie out of the Republican Party.

Senator Mead said here before his departure for New York, where he will make several campaign speeches:

I am in a position to prove that Mr. Hoover, following conferences with Mr. Dewey, advised nationally known Republican leaders that “Tom and I are agreed that the sooner we remove the corn Willkie from the Republican toe, the better it will be for the Republican Party.”

Senator Mead’s statement said:

Mr. Willkie, with his irresistible charm, his wealth of wisdom and the purity of his motives, was well on his way to his second nomination for the Presidency when Hoover and Dewey set out… to stop him and obtain the green light for the New York Governor.

One of the first men to take the cue from Hoover and Dewey was Senator Alexander Wiley of Wisconsin, a pre-war isolationist of the first order and the man who later was to participate with Mr. Dewey and Mr. Hoover in the presidential primary contest of that state, which proved the political death knell of the able and revered Mr. Willkie.

Mr. Dewey and Mr. Hoover did not forget the generous contribution Senator Wiley made to Mr. Willkie’s defeat and his reward came on last Wednesday when Mr. Dewey, en route to Chicago, chose to stop in Wisconsin to give not only his unqualified endorsement to Wisconsin’s leading isolationist, who is seeking a second term, but to make a speech for him.

How Mr. Dewey can tell the people that his party no longer stands for isolation, and go out and embrace and endorse full-fledged isolationists like Mr. Wiley, is one of the mysteries of the Dewey campaign.


If you have swoons –
Sinatra, speaking for common man, introduces Vice President

Don’t look, Dewey, sings Ethel Merman

If you have swoons, prepare to swoon them now. Frank Sinatra reached the pinnacle of his career last Thursday night when he was chosen to introduce the Vice President, Henry A. Wallace, over a national network.

For the benefit of the Sinatra audience – some of whom may have been put to bed by their parents before the rather late broadcasting hour, and others of whom may have swooned before the climax – we have secured from the Blue Network the text of his oration. It is the story of the “average citizen” and the “little man” – of whom The Voice said he is one.

Sinatra shared the program with Ethel Merman of musical comedy fame (Anything Goes, Du Barry Was a Lady, Something for the Boys, and others). Ethel finished off the program with a campaign song, “Don’t Look, Mr. Dewey, Your Record Is Showing.”

‘Thrilled and excited’

Sinatra didn’t sing – just talked. Mr. Wallace was sandwiched in between Frank’s oration and Ethel’s song. The Ladies Garment Workers Union paid for the broadcast.

Sinatra began:

This is a new experience for me, and I am thrilled and excited and eager about it, because it is the first time in my life that I am going to make a political speech.

I imagine most people associate me with the world of entertainment, but tonight I want to step out of this world for just a few minutes to tell you how I feel about something that is as important to me and my children as it is to you and your children and your loved ones on the far-flung battlefields of the world.

I want to tell you why I am for the reelection of Franklin D. Roosevelt. I am speaking as an average citizen, as a father and an American.

For the younger generation

It seems to me that never in the history of this great nation of ours have you and I and, above all, the younger generation, had so much at stake.

And I believe that the great problems of the post-war world, the military problems at this very moment, can be worked out and will be worked out under the leadership of the man in the White House – our Commander-in-Chief.

I cannot help thinking back for a moment to those apple-selling days when thousands of kids roamed the countryside because there wasn’t enough for them to eat at home – the days of the long lines of men and women seeking jobs that weren’t there. Gone are those days – gone, let us hope, forever – and don’t let us forget it was our great President who worked out with his advisers the program of social security, unemployment insurance, CCC camps for boys, NYA, better housing, all of which made up a pattern for a better life.

Can there be a question in anyone’s mind that Franklin D. Roosevelt is qualified by such experience and background to work with the statesmen of our allies so that our children and our grandchildren, and even we, can live in a world of peace and security?

I have yet to read a single sentence or hear a word spoken that logically denies the achievements of Franklin D. Roosevelt in the past, and his ability and astuteness to cope with the problems of the future.

Those who have spoken against him, it seems to me, have indulged in carping and unfair criticism and have failed to make even a dent in the intellectual armor of the President.

One of the common people

And let me say just one word, or perhaps repeat what I have said once before, and that is – what I like most about the President is, he is pretty fond of the little man. In that respect I guess he is just like Abraham Lincoln, who once said that God liked the common people because he made so many of them. Well, I am one of them – even with all my good fortune. Don’t let the common man down – keep Franklin D. Roosevelt in the White House.

Then came the supreme moment of this spokesman for the common man – his introduction of the Vice President.

He said:

Now it is my privilege, my great honor, to present the symbol of the common man – the symbol of an American to the rest of the world – the Vice President of the United States, Henry A. Wallace.

Mr. Wallace delivered a prediction that Roosevelt would win by over three million votes, and then Sinatra returned to the radio to introduce Ethel Merman’s song.

‘Don’t Look, Dewey’

Sinatra said:

Once to every woman, my wife included, comes that embarrassing moment when a friend whispers kindly, “Don’t look now, but your slip is showing.” “Well, there’s no whispering when this girl’s step up to the microphone to sing… and what she has to sing about can be shouted from the housetops. Ladies and gentlemen, Miss Ethel Merman with E. Y. Harburg’s new song – “Don’t Look Now, Mr. Dewey! (But Your Record Is Showing).”

Because of the newsprint shortage, we can’t risk our paper quota by printing all of Ethel’s song, but here are some high spots that carry the idea of campaigning 1944 style:

…the ship of state, oh the ship of state
Is not the Albany night boat,
And when the people turn out to vote,
Somebody is going to miss that boat.

Don’t look now, Mr. Dewey,
But your record is showing…
Your new-deal trousers are smart, no doubt.
But the old-deal short tails are sticking out.
Don’t look now, Mr. Dewey,
But your record is fooey;
The soldier vote you jumbled,
On Russia you jumbled,
On lend-lease you brumbled,
On world peace you mumbled,
The dumb’lls you’ve assembled
Will be stumble-bumbled–
So, Dewey,
Don’t look now.


3 Mississippi electors bolt Roosevelt-Truman

Say they’ll vote for Harry Byrd because of convention’s race planks
By James Perry, United Press staff writer

Jackson, Mississippi – (Oct. 28)
Three of Mississippi’s nine Democratic presidential electors announced today that they will not vote for President Franklin D. Roosevelt and vice-presidential candidate Harry S. Truman in the Electoral College.

Frank E. Everett of Indianola, Clarence E. Morgan of Kosciusko, and W. G. McLain of McComb issued a statement here in which they said they would vote for Senator Harry F. Byrd (D-VA) for President.

The statement, addressed to the Democratic voters of Mississippi, said that the Mississippi Democratic Convention in June had freed all electors from the obligation of voting for party nominees if the National Convention failed to restore the two-third rule or if it adopted race platforms obnoxious to the South.

Race planks hit

On the basis of these instructions, the statement said, Mississippi electors have the right to vote for any Democrat holding similar views to those expressed by the state convention.

The statement contended that the National Democratic Convention did pass obnoxious race planks and failed even to consider restoration of the two-thirds rule.

The action of the three electors today was expected to cause a furor in Mississippi political circles as voters must vote for all nine electors or ballots will not be counted. A possibility that a second pro-Roosevelt slate of electors might be placed on the ballot was ruled out because the deadline set for qualification of electors was Sept. 7.

Signed a statement

Soon after the state Democratic convention in June, the Executive Committee in Mississippi had requested that all party electors support Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Truman at that time eight electors signed a statement pledging their support unless something happened to make the election of President Roosevelt inimical to the best interest of the South and Mississippi. The ninth pledged unqualified support.

Later, when Roosevelt backers threatened to put a second slate of electors on the ballot, Governor Thomas L. Bailey issued a statement in which he said he had been assured by all electors that they would support party nominees.

Factors are given

The three electors named the following factors which make it impossible for them to support the Democratic ticket:

  • Appeals by nominees for the Negro vote in the South.

  • Promises to do away with race segregation in the South.

  • Open acceptance of support by candidates of Communists and Sidney Hillman, chairman of the Political Action Committee.


‘The Voice’ gives $5,000 –
Perkins: Clothing firms backing PAC with cash

All employ members of Hillman’s union
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Washington –
A report on file today with Congress, as required by the Corrupt Practices Act, by the CIO-sponsored National Citizens Political Action Committee (a twin of the other PAC), shows more than a score of clothing manufacturers as contributors of $100 to $500 each to this organization for reelection of President Roosevelt.

These manufacturers are members of the industry in which the dominant union is the Amalgamated Clothing Workers, of which the president is Sidney Hillman, who is also chairman of both Political Action Committees. Some of the concerns listed as contributors were the following, all in New York City: Acme Pants Company, Topp Overcoat Company, W&C Clothing Company, Carlyle Clothes, Winshire Clothes and Dutchess Slacks Companies.

No corporations on list

According to their listing, none of the contributing concerns are corporations. The Corrupt Practices Act makes it an offense for “any corporation whatever” to make a political contribution in connection with a national election, and also forbids any political committee to receive such contributions. The law makes no mention of business concerns not organized as corporations.

Total contributions up to Oct. 23 to the Political Action Committee were given as $271,531, in comparison with the $1,500,000 which Chairman Hillman announced in August might be raised. Of the total contributed, $29,614 represented unlisted gifts of less than $100. Among the largest contributors was Frank Sinatra, “The Voice,” who was down for $5,000.

Union donations curbed

The Corrupt Practices Act, as amended by the War Labor Disputes Act, also makes it a punishable offense for “any labor organization” to contribute in connection with national elections.

Another report just received by Congress shows that the International Ladies Garment Workers Union Campaign Committee for Roosevelt and Truman had collected $85,237 up to Oct. 24, almost entirely from campaign committees of local unions and of joint boards representing various associations of workers in the women’s garment industry. The largest contribution listed was $27,500 from the New York Joint Board Cloak Makers Union Campaign Committee.

The Ladies Garment Workers Campaign Committee listed expenditures up to the date of the report totaling $68.165, including a contribution of $35,000 to the Liberal Party of New York, David Dubinsky is president of the union and is also active in the Liberal Party, which was created after a left-wing group, with the cooperation of Mr. Hillman, took over control of the American Labor Party in New York.

PAC held within law

Mr. Dubinsky and others called this week on President Roosevelt to arrange for a great rally in Madison Square Garden at the close of the campaign.

Arguments are expected in Congressional committees after the campaign on whether any of these activities violate the spirit or the letter of the law.

Attorney General Francis Biddle has ruled repeatedly that activities of the Political Action Committee were within the law.

The reports to Congress also show that Republican fundraisers have not been idle. For instance, the Republican Finance Committee of Pennsylvania reports that on Oct. 25 it had collected $912,713 to add to a balance of $18,274, making a 1944 fund of $930,987. It had spent $609,477. Among the large contributors were members of the Pew and DuPont families, and also former Senator Joseph Grundy.


Dewey pledges stable prices to farmers

He also promises end of ‘dictation’

Aboard Governor Dewey’s campaign train, Utica, New York (UP) – (Oct. 28)
Voicing his confidence that he will win the presidential election next month, New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey told a crowd of several hundred persons here today that “Your new President will never use his office to separate the country.”

Mr. Dewey added in a brief speech from the rear platform of his campaign train:

Your new President will never use his office to claim personal or political credit for the magnificent achievements of the military leaders and the sacrifices of the American people and their sons.

Several hundred persons, carrying banners which read “We Want Dewey,” “No Fourth Term” and “Win With Dewey,” gathered around the rear platform of the train when it stopped here en route to Albany from Syracuse, where the GOP standard-bearer made a speech attacking the Roosevelt administration’s farm program.

Hits farm program

Mr. Dewey told the crowd that it was just “like old home week” and that he was glad to be “campaigning in my own home state.”

He said:

Change in administration can only mean that we will end the chaos, bungling and confusion in Washington.

When we have a new administration, we can go forward and win the war even quicker.

In his Syracuse speech, Mr. Dewey charged that the administration’s farm program had been “exploited for political profit” and was designed to give the national government “control over the operation of our farms.”

Urges ‘expanding industry’

Bringing his campaign for the White House to usually-Republican Upstate New York, Mr. Dewey told an overflow crowd at Syracuse Central High Schol that it “took a war to get decent farm prices” under President Roosevelt and that farm programs had been set up “as an excuse for regimentation and wasteful bureaucracy.”

The nominee said farm prices are linked with factory employment and that to maintain fair returns for the nation’s farmers the city dweller must be able to find jobs.

He said:

We can have fully employed agriculture with fair prices and a real market if we have three square meals a day for all our people. That can be obtained through a fully employed, expanding industry with real money for real jobs.

The farm and food problems of the United States are inseparable. Neither will be solved until all our people are well fed, and our agriculture is stabilized on a par with industry and labor.

Willkie backer helps

Republican Leader Rolland B. Marvin, ardent supporter of the late Wendell L. Willkie, presided at the rally. Mr. Marvin and Mr. Dewey were reported at odds for some time, but have since closed the breach.

Mr. Marvin said:

I want to say to Governor Dewey today that you don’t have any worry or fear what we’re going to do in this section of the state. We are going out and give Tom Dewey the biggest, majority that any candidate ever received.

Counts on farm vote

Mr. Dewey’s farm speech, which had been postponed a few days ago so the GOP candidate could “reply” to Mr. Roosevelt’s foreign affairs address, opened his drive for support in upstate counties of New York, whose 47 electoral votes are expected to play a major role in the election. GOP leaders are counting on a heavy upstate vote to offset the usually large Democratic margin in New York City.

Iowa Governor B. B. Hickenlooper introduced Mr. Dewey by radio from Burlington, Iowa. He said Mr. Dewey would sponsor a farm program “free from politics.”

Hits price structure

The Roosevelt administration failed to achieve “anything like fair prices” for the farmers despite 12 years in office and that the underlying factor was that there were 10 million unemployed, Mr. Dewey said.

He assailed the administration for assigning two men to one job and cited agencies involved in the sail conservation program. He said the Soil Conservation Service had accomplished good im some parts of the country but added that the program “will fail if it is used as an excuse for regimentation and wasteful bureaucracy.”


Truman to make 7 speeches here

Main address set at 9:00 p.m. Thursday

Senator Harry S. Truman, Democratic candidate for Vice President, will make seven speeches here Thursday in a 12-hour schedule announced yesterday by the Democratic County Committee.

Mr. Truman will top his tour of the district with a major address in Syria Mosque at 9:00 p.m. ET.

The Republicans will stage a rival rally the same night in North Side Carnegie Hall at which Republican County Chairman James F. Malone, District Attorney Russell H, Adams, and candidates will speak.

Before the evening rally, he will speak in Braddock, East Pittsburgh, Wilmerding, McKeesport and Uniontown and, on his return to Pittsburgh, he will deliver a 15-minute radio talk.

Pinchot on program

On the program with Senator Truman at the Syria Mosque will be Gifford Pinchot (former Governor of Pennsylvania), James L. McDevitt (president of the AFL State Federation of Labor), David J. McDonald (secretary-treasurer of the United Steelworkers) and Orson Welles (movie and radio star).

The rally will start at 8:00 p.m. with County Commissioner John J. Kane presiding.

Senator Truman will arrive here via the Baltimore & Ohio at 8:45 a.m. and will stop at the William Penn Hotel.

Schedule given

He will make a 10-minute speech at 10:45 from his auto at the corner of Eighth Street and Braddock Avenue, Braddock. He will speak at 11:30 at the mill gate of the Westinghouse Electric Company, Cable and Braddock Avenue, East Pittsburgh.

Senator Truman will then go to the Westinghouse Airbrake Company plant in Wilmerding where he will speak at noon. A half hour later, he will attend a luncheon given for him by Mayor Frank Buchanan at the Penn-McKee Hotel, McKeesport.

He will speak at 3:30 from the Courthouse steps in Uniontown.

His radio broadcast is scheduled over KQV at 6:15. This speech will be rebroadcast over WCAE at 11:15 p.m.

Patterson: Nation is 10% short of war requirements

U.S. victories slow up arms production

Tax proposal seen spurring plant growth

Foster depreciation of equipment urged
By Roger Budrow, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Science aids horror –
Nazi crematorium in Holland burned 13,000 prisoners

Sometimes they were hanged first; Gestapo butchered 600 just before Germans fled
By B. J. McQuaid