America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Steel union sees break in pay fight

Expects ‘Little Steel’ formula changes

Stokes: Al Smith

By Thomas L. Stokes

Love: Auto care

By Gilbert Love

Morale flies high with Army nurse aboard

Sky ambulances evacuate 1,000 Yanks a day
By Ralph R. Watts, North American Newspaper Alliance


Dewey strategy is to call shots on day-to-day basis

Republican candidate will plan speeches as replies to what Roosevelt says
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Albany, New York –
The underlying strategy of Governor Thomas E. Dewey’s bid for the Presidency between now and Nov. 7 will apparently be to call his shots on a day-to-day basis.

Today, he has only four major appearances scheduled – Charleston, West Virginia, Saturday; Chicago Oct. 25; Minneapolis, probably Oct. 26; and Boston Nov. 1.

Allegheny County Republican leaders expect Mr. Dewey to deliver a speech here late this month. Monday, Oct. 30, is the tentative date, but no final decision has been reached. The proposed rally will probably be an indoor affair.

Mr. Dewey thus will be able to fit the rest of his campaign pattern directly to the reports from his advisers, timing appearances where they will do the most good, and what he says often may be determined by what President Roosevelt has just said previously.

What will Roosevelt say

Today, nobody could be sure what Governor Dewey will say Saturday night. For a couple pf days, everyone here has been asking:

What will Roosevelt say? Will he continue the kind of attack he made before the Teamsters Union, or will he forget about Fala and try to get back on a lofty plane?

The answer to that almost surely is the answer to what Mr. Dewey will talk about when he goes into the mining country Saturday.

Pennsylvania return seen

A month before the election, Pennsylvania and Massachusetts are seen in the Dewey camp as being the real battlegrounds of the campaign, but aside from the scheduled Boston speech, nothing is being said how the Republicans are to wage their battle in either state.

Mr. Dewey made his first formal campaign speech in Philadelphia, and earlier had meetings with Pittsburgh leaders, but advisers there press the view that he will have to return to Pennsylvania. Michigan and Missouri are other states where some contend the Governor should speak again to bolster good prospects he is believed to have in these sections.

Governor Dewey is paying attention to the vote of many special groups. Next Sunday, on his way back to Albany from Charleston, he will review a huge Pulaski Day parade in New York in which many thousands of Poles from several states will march. Again, next Tuesday, he will be in New York for a Columbus Day parade which annually attracts big Italian crowds.


Browns eye second win over Cards

Redbirds send Lanier against Potter after losing opener, 2–1
By Leo H. Petersen, United Press sports editor

Probable lineup

Browns Cardinals
Gutteridge, 2B Bergamo, LF
Kreevich, CF Hopp, CF
Laabs, LF Sanders, 1B
Stephens, SS Musial, RF
Moore, RF W. Cooper, C
Christman, 3B Marion, SS
Hayworth, C Verban, 2B
Potter, P Lanier, P

Umpires: Sears and Dunn (NL), McGowan and Pipgras (AL).

Sportsman’s Park, St. Louis, Missouri –
The St. Louis Browns, hoping to duplicate the feat of another American League hitless wonder team a generation ago, sent Nelson Potter, a 19-gamer winner, to the mound today in an effort to make it two straight over the Cardinals in their first intracity World Series.

Manager Billy “The Kid” Southworth, trying to rally his Redbirds and even the series, chose Max Lanier, a husky lefthander who has been having arm and back trouble, for his club’s hurling chores. He won 17 games until injuries plagued him late in the season.

The Browns, American League orphans for 42 years, played the kind of ball in the opening game yesterday which characterized Fielder Jones and his Chicago White Sox back in 1906. Manager Luke Sewell’s team got only two hits off Big Mort Cooper, the Cardinal’s fastball artist, but one of them was George McQuinn’s home run with a man on base and it was all the margin Dennis Galehouse needed to win, 2–1.

Recall ‘hitless wonders’

Like the White Sox of that other era, the Browns have been short on hitting all year long, but their pitching and fielding was good enough to bring them their first American League pennant and they carried the momentum of that last-ditch stretch drive in which they nosed out the Detroit Tigers by one game into the World Series.

Just like yesterday, the crowd was slow in coming into flag-bedecked Sportsman’s Park. Not even the bleacher seats were filled two hours before game time when the Cardinals began their batting practice.

It was an ideal baseball day with a hot October sun drying up the puddles which a heavy rain last night left on the playing field.

Litwhiler benched

Southworth announced during batting drill that he was benching Danny Litwhiler, his regular leftfielder because of his bad knee, for Augie Bergamo, a rookie. The substitution also changed the Cardinal batting order with Bergamo in the leadoff spot instead of Centerfielder Johnny Hopp.

The Cards were hitting the ball much sharper in their workout and began rattling the fences with line drives.

There were about 10,000 in the park when the Browns began their hitting drill. There were a few scattered cheers, but otherwise the crowd was undemonstrative.

Potter Browns’ ace pitcher

Potter has been pretty much of a baseball traveler until this season. After the Cards let him go, he went back to the majors via the Philadelphia Athletics and, after he was found wanting by no less a judge of baseball talent than old Connie Mack, was picked up by the Browns. It proved to be a gilt-edged pickup. He won 19 games this year to head Sewell’s staff and lost only seven. he won 13 of the 15 starts he made for Sewell after returning from a 10-day suspension for throwing spitballs.

McQuinn’s homer spoils Cooper’s two-hitter

The power that won yesterday’s game for Denny Galehouse came from the Browns only two lefthanded hitters – Gene Moore and George McQuinn – and Southworth figured that Lanier may be the man to tackle them at the table.

Gaslehouse allowed seven hits against the two that Cooper yielded, but that extra mileage the Browns received at the plate was the difference. McQuinn had hit only 11 homers all year and his 11th iced the first game of the crucial Yankee series.

Galehouse, who did not begin taking a regular turn in the box until mid-season because his war plant kept him busy every day except Sunday, turned in a pitching masterpiece. He battled his way out of trouble in the early innings and then shut the scoring door when the Cards made a last ditch stand in the ninth.

Cooper loses another heartbreaker

When the Cards finally broke through his fast low ball and change of pace pitching in the ninth to score their single run and break his streak of scoreless innings at 21 – he had won one of the important Yankee games, 2–0, and had shut out Boston for four innings in another – he had enough left to retire the Cardinals one run short.

It was another heartbreaking defeat for Big Mort when facing American League hitters. His homerun ball plagued him in two All-Star appearances and three previous World Series defeats before he served that “fat” one to McQuinn yesterday.

But the Cardinals were not downhearted. Southworth was sure Lanier would square that account this afternoon and, as Pepper Martin, the old Wild Horse of the Osage, pointed out, the Cardinals lost the first game in 1942 when they eventually defeated the Yankees.


No parades, no burning, but lots of ducats –
Othman: This is sad World Series for ticket scalpers

By Frederick C. Othman, United Press staff writer

St. Louis, Missouri –
The saddest gents in all St. Louis today are those dirty bums, those lowdown crooks, those thieving racketeers in the checkered coats, the ticket speculators. They got what was coming to ‘em.

As of now, a few hours before the second game between the Cardinals and the Browns, the shifty-eyed ones with the pockets full of ducats are going bankrupt. One of ‘em grabbed me and wouldn’t let go and finally said he’d sell me a ticket for today’s game for less than it cost at the box office. Last week he was peddling the same seat for $35. Yesterday he was asking $10. Today he was begging for anything and it serves him right, according to police, who have been chasing him and his pals from Grand Avenue to 12th Street and back again.

Face the facts

We might as well face the facts. This World Series is no sellout. Maybe there isn’t enough bunting downtown; there isn’t any. Maybe there haven’t been enough parades; I haven’t seen one. Or maybe the series has been oversold and the fans are afraid to buck the ticket office.

Truth is that 33,242 patrons, including Mrs. Mary Ott and Harry S. Thobe, saw the first game in a ballpark designed to pack in 40,000 customers. Mrs. Ott, the only lady baseball fan who can neigh like a horse, paid her way in and got her money’s worth. You should have heard her; she sounded like the animal tent of a circus just before its collapse in a cyclone.

Thobe, the liveliest bricklayer that Oxford, Ohio, ever produced, sneaked in behind a truck of bottled beer, but he gave value received. He wore one red shoe and one white one, carried a red parasol and sported a wing collar and a crimson necktie. He danced on the infield for free to the tunes of a sour-sounding band and announced that the Yankees were the only baseballers who did not make him welcome.

Yankees too dignified

“They are very dignified,” Thobe said. “They always chase me out because I make too much noise.”

So all right. That leaves us with Game No. 2, and at this writing there are seats for sale and not much of a line at the bleachers window, or the pavilion wicket, either.

One of the difficulties, of course, is that everybody loves everybody at this ball game and you miss most of the fun unless you’ve got a team to hate. How can a loyal St. Louis fan deliver raspberries to the Cards? Or scream down curses on the Browns?

‘Ain’t no fun’

All he can do is sit there quietly, chewing deluxe 15-cent hot dogs and cheering both sides equally. No matter what happens. St. Louis wins and that, according to Mrs. Ott, a hefty lady in a speckled dress, ain’t no fun.

The situation’s got her down. If only Detroit had come to town, she said dreamily, she could have put some steam behind those neighs. She could have made uncomplimentary noises such as nobody ever heard before. For weeks she’s been practicing, sotto voce, in her bath.

Now look. It just ain’t right and you can take that from Mrs. Ott.


Clutch hitter –
McQuinn beats handicaps

St. Louis, Missouri (UP) –
Six weeks ago, Manager Luke Sewell, trying to win his first pennant – and incidentally the St. Louis Browns’ first American League title – was wondering whether he would have to finish out the season with Mike Chartak, a parttime outfielder, at first base.

Today, he was mighty happy that he didn’t have to. Not that he has anything against Chartak, but any manager would be glad to have George McQuinn’s flashy fielding and clutch hitting.

At that time there was doubt whether McQuinn would be able to finish out the season. He was troubled with sciatica and then came the news that his brother was missing in action. He has gone down in the Atlantic.

McQuinn rested

That news, together with sciatica, was too much for McQuinn. Sewell “rested” him for several days, using Chartak, like McQuinn a fugitive from the New York Yankee farm system, at first base.

But, as the season drew toward a close, Sewell called on McQuinn again. And he produced. In one of those four highly important games with the Yankees he hit his eleventh home run of the season and it won a game the Brownies had to win to stay in the running for the American League pennant.

They went on and won it – and today they were off to a winging start in the World Series – thanks to 33-year-old George McQuinn.

All year long McQuinn has been helping Luke’s pitchers out of touch spots with his fielding. He was his usual self in that department yesterday and for good measure, he added his bat.

Hits payoff blow

He struck the payoff blow – a home run in the rightfield pavilion. It came with Gene Moore, who had singled, on base and that made the difference between the final score of the Browns 2 and the Cards 1.

“It was a low fast one,” McQuinn said, “I didn’t hit it particularly hard, but I caught it just right.”

So did one of 33,000 fans sitting in the pavilion. The blow cost big Mort Cooper, the fastball hurler of the Redbirds will testify that McQuinn has the right idea. It cost him a two-hit ball game and the extra mileage on that second hit was the difference.


Fits ‘poor man’s’ series –
Williams: Underprivileged Brownies make two hits go long way

By Joe Williams

St. Louis, Missouri –
A 33-year-old righthander, Dennis Galehouse, who has never pitched better than .500 baseball at any time since he has been in the big leagues, pitched the Browns to victory in the opening game of the poor man’s World Series. The circumstances of the pitcher’s background somehow made this a fitting start.

It was also fitting that the Browns, appearing in the series for the first time in history, and never too well-heeled in any department, made only two hits, yet these, accounting for two runs, proved sufficient to turn back their city rivals, the supposedly much more trenchant Cardinals. This was their way of showing the underprivileged can make a little go a long way.

One of these hits was a home run by George McQuinn which barely reached the rooftop in right field. Two were out at the time and Gene Moore was on first by virtue of a single. McQuinn hit the second pitch, a fast ball, letter high and, as the game was played, this proved to be the payoff. McQuinn, incidentally, is a Yankee discard and it was not surprising he applied the familiar Yankee technique.

Junior Loop jinxes Cooper

Once again Morton Cooper was the victim of an American League assault, Cooper is one of the most able pitchers the game has seen in a generation, In the National League he is feared and respected, a routine 20-game winner; but when he faces an American League entry something happens to him and generally it is not for the best. Only once has he won from the younger league. In all his other starts, in the series and the All-Star games, he has met with failure.

Even when he has all his stuff, which is considerable, Cooper manages to throw one pitch which costs him the ball game. It is usually a homerun pitch, as was the case, in yesterday’s opener. He had pitched three hitless innings and had got the first two hitters in the fourth when Moore broke the spell with a single and McQuinn followed with a homer. That was all the hitting the Browns did all afternoon.

One indiscreet, or unlucky, pitch had ruined an otherwise splendid pitching performance.

Recall ‘hitless wonders’

Cooper was taken out in the eighth for reasons of strategy, so-called, and Blix Donnelly (really, that’s what he calls himself) did not permit another Brownie to reach first base. The Browns are properly called the modern hitless wonders. A week azo they took a key game from Hank Borowy of the Yankees on two hits. They seem to have taken up where the White Sox hitless wonders of 1906 left off and it was the White Sox, as your granddad will tell you, who upended Frank Chance’s great Chicago Cubs in the series, and the Cubs were thought to tower above the White Sox in much the same way the dope describes the Browns’ situation, or did before this series started.

The Cardinals had nine men left on the bases, which is proof enough they had ample scoring possibilities. That they were unable to capitalize on these possibilities was due to the resolute and knowhow pitching of the veteran Galehouse, who was at his best in the clutches, unflustered and markedly self-reliant.

The Cardinals’ most inviting chance came in the third when Hopp and Sanders led off with singles and Musial advanced the runners via a sacrifice bunt. This brought Walker Cooper to the plate and Galehouse deliberately walked him to fill the bases. Then he fanned the long-hitting Kurowski and beguiled Litwhiler into an infield out.

Passes through trial

This was the most trying situation Galehouse faced all during the game but, once past it, he handled the power-packed Cardinals’ batting order with authority. It was the first World Series game he ever pitched, but he has been around so long he knows all the answers: which probably explains why the Browns manager, in a surprise move, handed him the all-important starting assignment.

As for the Browns, they were in the ball game for only one inning, the fourth, in which they got their two runs. At all other times, they looked completely helpless and the innocent bystander found himself wondering how they ever succeeded in winning those four straight from the Yankees. Actually, a base on balls was an explosive rally for them. Three Brownies walked and they, aside from Moore and McQuinn who made the hits, were the only ones to reach first base. They weren’t hitting any loud cuts either. Most of them rolled to the infield or fanned.

‘Press research’ studied by Dies

Owner of service hits ‘Gestapo’ tactics

Those We Love, radio favorite, to return

By popular demand is understatement*
By Si Steinhauser


Wickard to speak in farm states

Washington (UP) –
Secretary of Agriculture Claude R. Wickard will leave today on a four-week speaking tour of 11 leading agricultural states to open formally the bid of the Democratic Party for the “traditionally” Republican farm vote.

Mr. Wickard has scheduled a series of 23 speeches between Oct. 7 and Nov. 3. His itinerary will carry him into Ohio, Kentucky, Missouri, Oklahoma, Kansas, Illinois, Iowa, Wisconsin, Minnesota, Indiana and probably Pennsylvania.


Radio Address by President Roosevelt
October 5, 1944, 10:05 p.m. EWT

Delivered at the White House, Washington, DC


Broadcast audio:

My fellow Americans:

I am speaking to you tonight from the White House. I am speaking particularly on behalf of those Americans who, regardless of party – I hope you will remember that – very much hope that there will be recorded a large registration and a large vote this fall. I know, and many of you do, from personal experience how effective precinct workers of all parties throughout the nation can be in assuring a large vote.

We are holding a national election despite all the prophecies of some politicians and a few newspapers who have stated, time and again in the past, that it was my horrid and sinister purpose to abolish all elections and to deprive the American people of the right to vote.

These same people, caring more for material riches than human rights, try to build up bogies of dictatorship in this Republic, although they know that free elections will always protect our nation against any such possibility.

Nobody will ever deprive the American people of the right to vote except the American people themselves – and the only way they could do that is by not voting at all.

The continuing health and vigor of our democratic system depends on the public spirit and devotion of its citizens which find expression in the ballot box.

Every man and every woman in this nation – regardless of party – who have the right to register and to vote, and the opportunity to register and to vote, have also the sacred obligation to register and to vote. For the free and secret ballot is the real keystone of our American Constitutional system.

The American government has survived and prospered for more than a century and a half, and it is now at the highest peak of its vitality. This is primarily because when the American people want a change of government – even when they merely want “new faces” – they can raise the old electioneering battle cry of “throw the rascals out.”

It is true that there are many undemocratic defects in voting laws in the various states, almost forty-eight different kinds of defects, and some of these produce injustices which prevent a full and free expression of public opinion.

The right to vote must be open to our citizens irrespective of race, color, or creed – without tax or artificial restriction of any kind. The sooner we get to that basis of political equality, the better it will be for the country as a whole.

Candidates in every part of the United States are now engaged in running for office.

All of us who are doing it are actuated by a normal desire to win. But, speaking personally, I should be very sorry to be elected President of the United States on a small turnout of voters. And by the same token, if I were to be defeated, I should be much happier to be defeated in a large outpouring of voters. Then there could not be any question of doubt in anybody’s mind as to which way the masses of the American people wanted this election to go.

The full and free exercise of our sacred right and duty to vote is more important in the long run than the personal hopes or ambitions of any candidate for any office in the land.

The administration which must cope with the difficult problems of winning the war, and of peace and reconstruction, should be chosen by a clear majority of all the people and not a part of the people.

In the election of 1920 – one of the most fateful elections in our history as it proved – only 49 percent of the potential voters actually voted.

Thus, more than one-half of American voters failed to do their basic duty as citizens.

We can be gratified in recent years that the percentage of potential voters in national elections who actually voted has been steadily going up, but it is a slow process.

In 1940, it was 62½ percent.

And that still is not nearly good enough.

This year, for many millions of our young men in the Armed Forces and the Merchant Marine and similar services, it will be difficult in many cases, and impossible in some cases, to register and vote.

I think the people will be able to fix the responsibility for this state of affairs, for they know that during this past year there were politicians and others who quite openly worked to restrict the use of the ballot in this election, hoping selfishly for a small vote.

It is, therefore, all the more important that we here at home must not be smackers on registration day or on Election Day.

I wish to make a special appeal to the women of the nation to exercise their right to vote. Women have taken an active part in this war in many ways – in uniform, in plants and ship yards, in offices and stores and hospitals, on farms and on railroads and buses. They have become more than ever a very integral part of our national effort.

I know how difficult it is, especially for the many millions of women now employed, to get away to register and vote. Many of them have to manage their households as well as their jobs, and a grateful nation remembers that.

But all women, whether employed directly in war jobs or not – women of all parties, and those not enrolled in any party this year have a double obligation to express by their votes what I know to be their keen interest in the affairs of Government their obligation to themselves as citizens, and their obligation to their fighting husbands, and sons, and brothers and sweethearts.

It may sound to you repetitious on my part, but it is my plain duty to reiterate to you that this war for the preservation of our civilization is not won yet.

In the war, our forces and those of our allies are steadily, relentlessly carrying the attack to the enemy.

The Allied Armies under General Eisenhower have waged during the past four months one of the most brilliant campaigns in military history – a campaign that has carried us from the beaches of Normandy and of southern France into the frontiers of Germany itself.

In the Pacific, our naval task forces and our Army forces have advanced to attack the Japanese, more than five thousand miles west of Pearl Harbor.

But German and Japanese resistance remains as determined and as fanatical as ever.

The guns of Hitler’s Gestapo are silencing those German officers who have sense enough to know that every day that the fighting continues means that much more ruin and destruction for their beaten country. We shall have to fight our way across the Rhine – we may have to fight every inch of the way to Berlin.

But we Americans and our British and Russian and French and Polish allies – in fact, all the massed forces of the United Nations – we will not stop short of our final goal.

Nor will all of our goals have been achieved when the shooting stops. We must be able to present to our returning heroes an America which is stronger and more prosperous, and more deeply devoted to the ways of democracy, than ever before.

“The land of opportunity” – that’s what our forefathers called this country. By God’s grace, it must always be the land of opportunity for the individual citizen – ever broader opportunity.

We have fought our way out of economic crisis, we are fighting our way through the bitterest of all wars, and our fighting men and women – our plain, everyday citizens – have a right to enjoy the fruits of victory.

Of course, all of us who have sons on active service overseas want to have our boys come home at the earliest possible moment consistent with our national safety. And they will come home and be returned to civilian life at the earliest possible moment consistent with our national safety.

The record is clear on this matter and dates back many months.

Bills to provide a national program for demobilization and post-war adjustment – and I take an example – were introduced by Senator George and Senator Murray last February, nearly a year ago.

This legislation, since May 20, 1944, has contained the following provision, and I quote: “The War and Navy Departments shall not retain persons in the Armed Forces for the purpose of preventing unemployment or awaiting opportunities for employment.”

And that provision was approved by the War Department and by this Administration months ago.

On June 12, the Director of War Mobilization, Justice Byrnes, made a public statement in behalf of this bill. He said:

Our fighting men are entitled to first consideration in any plan of demobilization. Their orderly release at the earliest possible moment consistent with the effective prosecution of the war, has ever been the primary consideration of both the President and the Joint Chiefs of Staff.

And on September 6, the War Department issued its plan for speedy demobilization, based on the wishes of the soldiers themselves.

Well, the George Bill has been passed by the Congress. It has been signed by me. It is now the law.

That law is there, for all Americans to read – and you do not need legal training to understand it.

It seems a pity, a deep pity, that reckless words, based on unauthoritative sources, should be used by anyone to mislead and to weaken the morale of our men on the fighting fronts and the members of their families here at home.

When our enemies are finally defeated, we all want to see an end at the earliest practicable moment to wartime restrictions and wartime controls.

Strict provisions for the ending of these inconveniences have been written into our wartime laws. It seems to me it is largely a question of knowing the truth. Those who fear that wartime measures, like price and rent control and rationing, for example, might be continued indefinitely into peacetime, ought in common decency to examine these laws. They will find that they are all temporary – to expire either at an early fixed date, or at the end of the war, or six months after the war, or even sooner if the Congress or the President so determines.

The American people do not need, and no national administration would dare to ask them, to tolerate for a minute any indefinite continuance in peacetime of the controls essential in wartime.

The power of the will of the American people expressed through the free ballot that I have been talking about is the surest protection against the weakening of our democracy by “regimentation” or by any alien doctrines.

And likewise, it is a source of regret to all decent Americans that some political propagandists are now dragging red herrings across the trail of this national election.

For example, labor-baiters, bigots, and some politicians use the term “Communism” loosely, and apply it to every progressive social measure and to the views of every foreign-born citizen with whom they disagree.

They forget that we in the United States are all descended from immigrants, all except the Indians; and there is no better proof of that fact than the heroic names on our casualty lists.

I have just been looking at a statement by a member of the Congress, Rep. Anderson, Chairman of the House Committee on Campaign Expenditures, about a document recently sent free, through the mails, by one Senator and twelve Representatives – all of them Republicans. They evidently thought highly of this document, for they had more than three million copies printed free by the Government Printing Office – requiring more than eighteen tons of scarce paper – and sent them through the mails all over the country at the taxpayers’ expense.

Now, let us look at this document to see what made it so important to thirteen Republican leaders at this stage of the war when many millions of our men are fighting for freedom.

Well, this document says that the “Red specter of Communism is stalking our country from East to West, from North to South” – the charge being that the Roosevelt administration is part of a gigantic plot to sell our democracy out to the Communists.

This form of fear propaganda is not new among rabble rousers and fomenters of class hatred, who seek to destroy democracy itself. It was used by Mussolini’s Black Shirts and by Hitler’s Brown Shirts. It has been used before in this country by the Silver Shirts and others on the lunatic fringe. But the sound and democratic instincts of the American people rebel against its use, particularly by their own Congressmen – and at the taxpayers’ expense.

I have never sought, and I do not welcome the support of any person or group committed to Communism, or Fascism, or any other foreign ideology which would undermine the American system of government, or the American system of free competitive enterprise and private property.

That does not in the least interfere with the firm and friendly relationship which this nation has in this war, and will, I hope, continue to have with the people of the Soviet Union. The kind of economy that suits the Russian people, I take it is their own affair. The American people are glad and proud to be allied with the gallant people of Russia, not only in winning this war but in laying the foundations for the world peace which I hope will follow this war – and in keeping that peace.

We have seen our civilization in deadly peril. Successfully we have met the challenge, due to the steadfastness of our allies, to the aid we were able to give to our allies, and to the unprecedented outpouring of American manpower, American productivity, and American ingenuity – and to the magnificent courage and enterprise of our fighting men and our military leadership.

What is now being won in battle must not be lost by lack of vision, or lack of knowledge, or by lack of faith, or by division among ourselves and our allies.

We must, and I hope we will, continue to be united with our allies in a powerful world organization which is ready and able to keep the peace – if necessary, by force.

To provide that assurance of international security is the policy, the effort, and the obligation of this administration.

We owe it to our posterity, we owe it to our heritage of freedom, we owe it to our God, to devote the rest of our lives and all of our capabilities to the building of a solid, durable structure of world peace.

Völkischer Beobachter (October 6, 1944)

Über Krokodilstränen und Kümmernisse hinweg –
England und USA beugen sich Moskaus Willen

Die neue Westfront

Rückhalte deutscher Abwehr
Von Hauptmann Ritter von Schramm

Im Zeichen der Verbrüderung –
Sowjetorden und Roosevelt-Büste

Genf, 5. Oktober –
Die bolschewistisch-anglo-amerikanische Verbrüderung ist erneut durch eine Reihe von Ordensverleihungen unterstrichen worden. Montgomery und einige weitere Befehlshaber erhielten hohe sowjetische Orden, desgleichen Lord Beaverbrook und der britische Industrieminister Lyttelton für die Verdienste um die Kriegslieferungen an die Sowjetunion.

Roosevelt wartete mit einem Gegengeschenk auf und ließ Stalin eine Roosevelt-Büste überreichen. Ferner wird der Nationalrat der amerikanisch-sowjetischen Freundschaft in diesem Jahre in allen Städten der USA große Freundschaftskundgebungen veranstalten.

Feindlicher Kreuzer im Pazifik gesunken

In den Gewässern westlich der Insel Peleliu sank nach einer heftigen Explosion am Nachmittag des 2. Oktober ein feindlicher Kreuzer.

Führer HQ (October 6, 1944)

Kommuniqué des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht

An der Westfront setzte der Feind im Raum nördlich Turnhout nach Zuführung neuer Kräfte seine Durchbruchsversuche auf Tilburg fort. Nach geringen Anfangserfolgen wurden seine Angriffsspitzen im Gegenangriff zurückgeworfen. Besonders heftige Kämpfe entwickelten sich im Raum von Wageningen, wo unsere Divisionen von Osten und Westen her zur Einengung des feindlichen Brückenkopfes zum Angriff antraten. Der Feind leistet dort erbitterten Widerstand und verstärkte seine Brückenkopfbesetzung durch Abwurf weiterer Fallschirmjäger. Heftige Kämpfe sind im Gange.

Südlich Geilenkirchen trat der Feind aus seinem Einbruchsraum erneut zum Angriff nach Osten und Nordosten an, wurde jedoch durch sofort einsetzende Gegenangriffe zum Stehen gebracht. In den beiden letzten Tagen wurden bei diesen Kämpfen 40 feindliche Panzer abgeschossen.

Nördlich Nancy wurde eine feindliche Einbruchsstelle bereinigt, dabei vier Offiziere und 110 Mann gefangengenommen.

Zwischen Épinal und Lure versuchte der Gegner auf breiter Front in unsere Stellungen auf den Vorbergen der Westvogesen einzudringen. Seine starken Angriffe wurden jedoch überall, zum Teil im Gegenangriff, zerschlagen oder aufgefangen.

Der Großraum von London lag wieder unter dem Feuer unserer „V1.“

In Mittelitalien wiederholte der Feind unter starkem Artillerieeinsatz seine Versuche, beiderseits der Straße nach Bologna auf breiter Front unsere Gebirgsstellungen zu durchstoßen, um in die Po-Ebene einzubrechen. In schweren Kämpfen wurden die feindlichen Angriffe, die in verschiedenen Abschnitten mehrmals wiederholt wurden, zerschlagen. Im adriatischen Küstenabschnitt scheiterten ebenfalls alle feindlichen Vorstöße.

Auf dem Balkan dauern die schweren Kämpfe an den bisherigen Brennpunkten südlich des Eisernen Tores und im Raum von Belgrad weiter an.

Im Raum westlich Arad gewannen die Gegenangriffe deutscher und ungarischer Verbände mit Unterstützung unserer Schlachtflieger weiter Boden. An der übrigen Front des ungarisch-rumänischen Grenzgebietes, südwestlich Großwardein und westlich Torenburg wurden feindliche Angriffe abgewiesen.

In den Waldkarpaten haben die sowjetischen Großangriffe gestern an Heftigkeit nachgelassen. Die an zahlreichen Stellen bei starkem Regen und ersten Schneefällen geführten schwächeren Angriffe blieben erfolglos.

Südlich Rozan griffen die Bolschewisten aus ihrem Brückenkopf heraus an. Sie wurden abgewiesen, örtliche Einbruchsstellen im Gegenangriff abgeriegelt. In den beiden letzten Tagen wurden bei den Kämpfen am Narew insgesamt 78 feindliche Panzer vernichtet. Südwestlich und nordwestlich Schaulen traten die Sowjets mit starken Kräften unter Einsatz zahlreicher Panzer und Schlachtflieger zum Großangriff an. Harte Kämpfe sind hier im Gange.

Unsere Besatzung von Ösel steht im Nordostteil der Insel in heftigen Kämpfen mit gelandetem Feind.

In der Ägäis versenkten leichte deutsche Seestreitkräfte ein britisches Kanonenboot und nahmen Teile seiner Besatzung gefangen.

Anglo-amerikanische Terrorbomber griffen gestern Münster und Köln an und richteten weitere Angriffe gegen Wilhelmshaven, Dortmund, Koblenz und Rheine.

In der vergangenen Nacht war das Stadtgebiet von Saarbrücken das Ziel des britischen Bombenterrors. Einzelne Flugzeuge warfen Bomben auf Berlin. Flakartillerie und Luftwaffe schoss 19 Flugzeuge, darunter 14 viermotorige Bomber, ab.

An den Pässen der Ostbeskiden haben sich Oberleutnant Schupfen Bataillonsführer, und Oberleutnant Möhrle, Kompanieführer in einem Jägerregiment, durch hervorragende Tapferkeit ausgezeichnet.

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (October 6, 1944)


PRD, Communique Section

061100A October

(1) AGWAR (Pass to WND)

(5) AEAF
(16) CMHQ (Pass to RCAF & RCN)
(17) COM Z APO 871


Communiqué No. 181

Allied troops have crossed the Dutch frontier north of Antwerp in the neighborhood of Putte. we have continued to make progress north of Baarlé-Nassau and Poppel. Gains made along the Hilvarenbeek road have brought us within three miles of Tilburg.

Stubborn German resistance from strong points in impeding our forces in the area of Overloon. Two enemy counterattacks southwest of the town were contained.

Fighters and fighter-bombers and a small force of medium bombers, operating in close support of our ground forces in Holland attacked enemy troops and strongpoints and destroyed a number of locomotives, railway trucks and barges in Holland and Germany. According to reports so far received, six enemy aircraft were destroyed in the air.

South of Aachen, patrol activity continues along the front, and considerable enemy artillery fire has been falling in and around Monschau.

Our troops fighting in Fort Driant have been mortared and shelled by the enemy. Fighting has been in progress near Sivry, north of Nancy, where earlier, an enemy counterattack was repulsed.

In support of our troops near Nancy, fighter-bombers attacked troops and fortified buildings. Other fighter bombers hit the railway station at Sarrebourg, destroyed a number of motor vehicles in the same area and struck at barges and canal installations on the Marne-Rhine Canal east of Nancy.

Heavy bombers in very great strength, strongly escorted by fighters, bombed railway yards at Köln and Rheine and German Luftwaffe installations at Handorf, Lippstadt, Paderborn and Münster-Loddenheide. The escorting fighters destroyed 15 enemy aircraft on the ground and one in the air, and strafed locomotives and goods trucks. Thirteen bombers and five fighters are missing.

Wilhelmshaven was attacked by a strong force of heavy bombers, with fighter cover. One bomber is missing.

Nineteen thousand civilians have been evacuated from Dunkerque under a truce arranged for that purpose.



“P” - Others

PRD, Communique Section

D. R. JORDAN, Lt Col FA Ext. 9


The Pittsburgh Press (October 6, 1944)

U.S. bombers blast 200-mile strip of Reich

Capital raided during noon hour, Nazis say

First Army opens new drive; Yanks gain in forest battle

Americans push mile from deepest wedge in Reich near Stolberg
By Virgil Pinkley, United Press staff writer