America at war! (1941–) – Part 4

Carriers prepare to meet competition from airlines

New cars, lower fares planned after war
By S. Burton Heath, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Finally transcribed the article. It’s quite the fascinating story…

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Oberdonau-Zeitung (September 25, 1944)

In den USA wächst die Judenfeindschaft

Sie ernten, was sie gesät – in allen Feindländern dieselbe Erfahrung

Kärntner Volkszeitung und Heimatblatt (September 25, 1944)

Die Schweren Kämpfe im Norden der Westfront dauern an

Weitere Versuche des Gegners zur Ausschaltung der befestigen Hafenplätze

Berlin, 25. September –
Während die schweren Kämpfe im Norden der Westfront mit den Luftlandetruppen des Feindes sowie im Süden mit den ununterbrochen angreifenden Verbände der Nordamerikaner andauern, setzt der Gegner seine Versuche fort, die befestigten Hafenplätze im Pas-de-Calais und an der Atlantikküste auszuschalten und seine dort gebundenen Kräfte freizubekommen.

Im eigentlichen Boulogne, wo Stadt und Hafen völlig zerstört sind, ist der Kampf beendet, dagegen halten sich noch mehrere Stützpunkte südlich des Hafens gegen den Ansturm des Feindes. Im Vorfeld des befestigten Bereichs von Cap Gris Nez herrschte lebhafte beiderseitige Spähtrupp Tätigkeit. Die schweren Batterien „Todt“ und „Großer Kurfürst“ legten starkes Sperrfeuer auf vom Feind besetzte Orte und auf erkannte Bereitstellungen. Batterie „Todt“ beschoss außerdem die militärischen Anlagen von Dover und Folkestone, wo sich starke Rauchentwicklungen zeigten. Die Städte nebelten sich dann so stark ein, daß eine weitere Beobachtung des Schießens ausfiel.

Unsere Marinebatterien in Calais bekämpften mit heftigen Feuerschlägen feindliche Batteriestellungen, die daraufhin ihr Schießen einstellten. Gegen Stadt und Hafen Calais richteten sich am Sonnabend drei schwere Luftangriffe des Feindes, der anschließend im Schutze künstlichen Nebels die deutschen Stellungen zu stürmen versuchte. Ein örtlicher Einbruch in einen Stützpunkt war der einzige Erfolg des sehr starken Vorstoßes. Er wurde im Gegenangriff sofort wieder vereinigt. Vor Dünkirchen schob sich der Feind unter Artillerie- und Jagdbombereinsatz näher an unsere Hauptkampflinie heran. An der Atlantikküste scheiterten bei Lorient und Saint-Nazaire mehrere Vorstöße des Gegners, der hier empfindliche Verluste davontrug.

Die Verluste der Amerikaner auf Peleliu

Zu den schweren Verlusten der Amerikaner bei den heftigen Kämpfen auf Peleliu (Palau-Gruppe) wird ergänzend noch mitgeteilt, daß die Amerikaner in der Zeit vom 16. bis zum 22. September außer 5.000 Toten noch 7.400 Mann an Verwundeten verloren.

Führer HQ (September 25, 1944)

Kommuniqué des Oberkommandos der Wehrmacht

In Westholland wehrten die eigenen Truppen in neuen Stellungen mehrere feindliche Angriffe ab. Im Raum Arnheim–Nimwegen fügten die Gegenangriffe dem aus der Luft gelandeten Feind, der noch nicht zum größeren Angriff antrat, weitere hohe Verluste zu. Örtliche Vorstöße des Gegners scheiterten zum Teil in erbitterten Nahkämpfen. Von den noch westlich Arnheim auf engstem Raum kämpfenden Resten der ersten englischen Luftlandedivision wurden weitere 800 Verwundete eingebracht, östlich Eindhoven erzielte der Feind geringen Geländegewinn.

Eigene Schlachtfliegerverbände griffen trotz schlechten Wetters erfolgreich in die Erdkämpfe in Holland ein.

Nördlich und südöstlich Aachen wurden Angriffe des Feindes unter Abschuß mehrerer Panzer abgewiesen. An der Eifel-Front verlor der Feind bei erfolglosen Angriffen 16 Panzer.

Nördlich Nancy und bei Château-Salins warfen eigene Angriffe den Feind trotz hartnäckigen Widerstandes zurück. Im Raum von Épinal und Remiremont hielten die schweren Kämpfe an. Bei erbittertem Widerstand der eigenen Truppen gewann der Angriff des Feindes nur örtlich an Boden.

Bei Dünkirchen und Calais beiderseitige lebhafte Artillerietätigkeit. Die kampfentschlossenen Besatzungen von Lorient und Saint-Nazaire zersprengten feindliche Angriffe und führten erfolgreiche Gegenstöße. Nach Vernichtung der letzten Stützpunkte ist die heldenhaft kämpfende Besatzung von Boulogne nach schwerstem Ringen der feindlichen Übermacht erlegen.

London lag in der vergangenen Nacht wieder unter dem Feuer der „V1.“

In Mittel-Italien setzte der Feind gestern seine schweren Panzerangriffe nordöstlich und östlich Fiorenzuola fort Er wurde fast überall abgewiesen und konnte nur einen inzwischen abgeriegelten Einbruch erzielen. 14 feindliche Panzer wurden abgeschossen.

An der Adria wurden unsere Truppen befehlsgemäß in neue Stellungen nordwestlich Riminis zurückgenommen. Hiergegen geführte zahlreiche Angriffe des Feindes wurden unter Abschuß von 35 Panzern zerschlagen.

Im südwestlichen Siebenbürgen kam es auch gestern nur zu Kämpfen örtlicher Bedeutung. Beiderseits Torenburg und im Nordteil des Szekler Zipfels wurden Angriffe bolschewistischer und rumänischer Verbände abgewiesen oder aufgefangen. In diesen Kämpfen verlor der Feind allein bei Torenburg 30 Panzer.

An den Beskidenpässen südlich Sanok und Krosno wurde gestern in Angriff und Abwehr mit wechselndem Erfolg gekämpft. Zwischen dem Nordrand der Karpaten und Mitau fanden keine wesentlichen Kampfhandlungen statt.

Im Raum südlich Riga warfen Truppen des Heeres und der Waffen-SS die Bolschewisten in erfolgreichen Gegenangriffen zurück. An der übrigen Front des Nordabschnittes verliefen die Absetzbewegungen weiter planmäßig. Der in mehreren Abschnitten nachdrängende Gegner konnte unsere Bewegungen nicht stören. Nach Zerstörung aller militärisch wichtigen Anlagen wurde vor einigen Tagen die Stadt Reval geräumt.

Unsere Absetzbewegungen nach Nordfinnland nehmen den genau vorbereiteten Verlauf.

Bei Prilep in Mazedonien wurde eine starke bulgarische Kräftegruppe bei geringen eigenen Verlusten zerschlagen. Sie ließ ihre gesamte Ausrüstung an Geschützen und schweren Waffen in unserer Hand. An der bulgarischen Westgrenze und am Eisernen Tor sind örtliche Kämpfe im Gange.

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (September 25, 1944)


PRD, Communique Section

251100A Sept.

(1) AGWAR (Pass to WND)

(5) AEAF
(16) CMHQ (Pass to RCAF & RCN)
(17) COM Z APO 871


Communiqué No. 170

Fierce fighting continues in the Arnhem area where we have succeeded in passing some reinforcements to the north bank of the river under cover of darkness.

East of Nijmegen, Allied troops have entered German territory in the neighborhood of the Reichswald Forest.

The area north of Veghel, where enemy pressure was strong, has been cleared after the repulse of a counterattack from the village of Erp.

East of Eindhoven, our bridgehead over the Bois-le-Duc Canal was extended to the neighborhood of Deurne. Further west, we have pushed the retreating enemy from the Escaut Canal to the general line of the Antwerp-Turnhout Canal.

In the Geilenkirchen area, our troops met concentrated medium artillery fire, which was countered, and patrol activity continued in the sector. In the area of Roetgen, south of Aachen, one of our units reduced a German strongpoint, and slight gains were made against stubborn enemy resistance. A German counterattack was repulsed east of Aachen with heavy enemy losses.

In France, the Metz area, the enemy is still strongly entrenched on the west side of the Moselle River, and south of Metz, our troops are continuing to meet strong opposition.

Allied forces have cleared Leyr, eight miles northeast of Nancy, and are clearing the Forest of the Bois de Faulx and the Forêt de Champenoux, to the east of Nancy.

In the Meurthe Valley, our units have made further gains in the Forêt de Mondon, northwest of Baccarat.

Enemy fortified positions at Calais were attacked early yesterday evening by heavy bombers.

Support for the ground forces in Holland and eastern France was provided by fighters and fighter bombers, which attacked tanks and armored vehicles near Nancy and mortar positions and infantry in the Arnhem area.

Locomotives, railway trucks and motor transport in Holland were also attacked by fighters.



“P” - Others

PRD, Communique Section

D. R. JORDAN, Lt Col FA Ext. 9


U.S. Navy Department (September 25, 1944)

CINCPAC Communiqué No. 131

Units of the 1st Marine Division maneuvered so as to bypass enemy strongpoints on Peleliu Island and made substantial progress in a northerly direction along the western arm of the island during September 24 (West Longitude Date). At one point on the western shore, they are less than a mile from the northern tip of the island. During the night of September 23-24, an enemy barge was destroyed by naval gunfire. Certain elements of the 81st Infantry Division have reinforced the 1st Marine Division, while other elements are continuing to mop up on Angaur Island. Through September 24, our troops had counted 8,288 enemy dead, of which 7,313 were killed on Peleliu and the remainder of 975 killed on Angaur. Heavy fighting continues.

Harbor facilities and shipping at Chichijima in the Bonin Islands were bombed on September 23 by 7th Army Air Force Liberators.

Seventh Army Air Force Liberators bombed Marcus Island on September 22 and again on September 23.

On September 23, Corsairs of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing strafed gun emplacements at Rota Island in the Marianas. There was meager anti­aircraft fire.

Bivouac areas at Jaluit Atoll were attacked twice on September 23 by Corsairs and Dauntless dive bombers of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing. Other Corsairs struck at defensive positions at Wotje Atoll and Mille Atoll on the same day.

The Pittsburgh Press (September 25, 1944)

Reinforcements reach paratroops in pocket

Underground in Reich ordered to immediate action against Nazis
By Virgil Pinkley, United Press staff writer

Navy smashes 103 Jap ships, 405 aircraft

Manila area blasted again by Third Fleet
By Frank Tremaine, United Press staff writer

1,200 Flying Fortresses hit three Nazi cities

Near record force hammers Rhineland

Americans seize Apennine Pass

Drive down slopes into Po Valley


‘Who’s a liar?’
Bitter words due to fly in vote drives

Dewey to answer Roosevelt tonight
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

Russians publish Roosevelt speech

London, England (UP) –
Radio Moscow said that President Roosevelt’s campaign speech was published today in the newspaper Pravda.

Washington –
President Roosevelt and Governor Thomas E. Dewey are about to jolt the electorate wide awake in the next six weeks with a campaign of extraordinary bitterness likely to be marked by ejaculations of “who’s a liar?” and “you’re another.”

Mr. Roosevelt’s political advisers were enthusiastic over the sound and reception of his Saturday speech here to the International Brotherhood of Teamsters (AFL) in which he charged Governor Dewey with lying in the Nazi pattern in his attacks on administration policy.

Dewey answers

Governor Dewey came back in a statement from Belen, New Mexico, in which he said:

Since the man who wants to be President for 16 years has now dropped the mask for a non-political campaign… I shall feel free to examine his record with unvarnished candor in the future, beginning with a national broadcast from Oklahoma City tonight.

Governor Dewey’s address tonight will be broadcast at 10:00 p.m. ET over KDKA and KQV.

Unless the President abruptly changes the tenor of his campaign and Governor Dewey backs away from the implications of his own statement, the 1944 presidential campaign will be one to be remembered for ill-feeling.

On his arrival this morning in Oklahoma City, Governor Dewey, aroused by President Roosevelt’s use of “epithets and mudslinging” in his opening campaign speech Saturday night, promised to deal with the President’s speech “point by point” in his own address from here tonight. He said he thought it was a “tragedy” that a “nominee for President finds it necessary to bolster a waning cause by importation of the language of our enemies and sinking to the level of mudslinging and the use of such words as ‘fraud and falsehood.’”

Candidates get jitters

It is logical to expect, also, that within another fortnight the actions of both candidates will be affected noticeably by the gnawing doubts which afflict statement as polling day approaches.

It is a matter for laughing recollection among persons closely associated with Mr. Roosevelt’s 1936 and 1940 campaigns that Democratic Headquarters began to get jittery in early October of those years. It was about then four years ago that the President abandoned his no-campaign program to embark on the inspection tours of national defense plants which Republicans so bitterly assailed as campaigns in disguise.

Next speech Oct. 5

This year, Mr. Roosevelt has said that he will not campaign for reelection “in the usual sense.” His advisers, however, will press for an active campaign. As the days pass, the pressure will increase, especially for Mr. Roosevelt to show himself in New York, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. If they can get him to Detroit, so much the better. The only future speaking engagement so far announced is a broadcast from here Oct. 5.

Governor Dewey’s next swing will take him into New England. And there are reports that Mr. Roosevelt is also urged to speak in Massachusetts.

After his New England tour, Governor Dewey will make a swing into the rich and political potent Lake states, just where many of the President’s advisers believe he should go, too.

At this early stage of the political contest, the bitter feeling already approaches that of the final week before election.

Republicans find comfort in the fact that, in the President’s first political address he found it necessary to answer Governor Dewey on several points, notably the charge that he was an indispensable man that the administration intended to retard discharge of war veterans, that the Roosevelt administration was responsible for depression. And it was noted, too, that the President resurrected the “New Deal,” a descriptive phrase which he told press conference listeners last winter had been outgrown and outmoded.

Democrats assessed the speech as a bell ringer that formally opened Mr. Roosevelt’s fourth term effort with a spectacular whoosh. Veterans of the Roosevelt press conferences have rarely seen him in better spirits than on last Friday when he was turning all his attention to his campaign.

He frankly explained that he was putting a lot of work on the speech. It was observed, too, that Robert E. Sherwood, one of the ablest collaborators in preparation of Mr. Roosevelt’s state papers, had returned from England and was being seen around the White House.

Churchill in England

London, England –
Prime Minister and Mrs. Winston Churchill have returned to England from the Québec Conference.



Let’s get down to cases

By Florence Fisher Parry

Now really! We are not going to have accept Orson, too! The public’s capacity for practically anything has been considerably enlarged to meet the presidential campaign from both quarters, but I think this is just a leelte but too much to expect it to absorb.

Or are we to accept the choice of Mr. Orson Welles for the conspicuous role of introducing Mr. Henry Wallace to the Madison Square Garden Party rally last Thursday night as further indication of the New Deal’s bland assumption that the public is ignorant anyway?

When I tuned in to the mellifluous voice the other night and it finally dawned on me that it […] Orson introducing […] one of the biggest Democratic political rallies of the presidential campaign, I simply couldn’t believe it.

Orson? Who is a preposterous figure even on the corner of Hollywood and Vine? For him to be elevated to the platform of any political rally is an incongruity which was enough to put a strain on the credulity of the most cynical anti-New Dealer.

You may have read not more than a week ago of the party that Orson threw in Hollywood. And was it a party! The Borgias would have stood goggle-eyed at its weird and lurid extravagance.

Some of this off-the-beam genius for extravagance and hyperbole entered into a notable radio broadcast which the United States Treasury commissioned Orson to write for the opening radio program of the Fifth War Loan Drive. Those of us who heard this broadcast will not soon forget it! Remember the dialog between the old-timer and our Secretary of the Treasury, Mr. Morgenthau? This radio broadcast hit the all-time corny in radio entertainment.

OK by me!

So, it cannot be claimed by the New Dealers that they are not wholly familiar with Orson’s brand of genius, character and technique. In spite of this, however, he was the chosen one to introduce Mr. Wallace.

Mind you, this is OK by me. But that it should be OK by our candidate for a fourth term is something to ponder. Surely, we should count on more dignity in campaigning than that.

I listened to every word of Orson and the defender of the New Deal faith, Mr. Wallace. As a matter of fact, I have listened to every radio speech of the present Democratic campaign. I even restrained myself from tuning out Mr. Ickes.

I try to hear all of Governor Dewey’s speeches, but if they collide with a New Deal speaker, sorry, I will just have to read the text of Mr. Dewey’s speech the next day.

The weakest thing about this whole campaign is that each party keeps spending its breath on its own disciples and converts. This was done in the last presidential campaign. The Willkie-ites talked to Willkie-ites, and the Roosevelt-ites talked to Roosevelt-ites. A house divided against itself will fall apart if the occupants of each leaning half cling only to their own walls. Governor Dewey spoke to 90,000 in Los Angeles. The total number isn’t important; the important thing is how many of those 90,000 were in the opposing camp and how many of them he could convert to his side.

Why not try this?

In Madison Square Garden, Vice President Wallace spoke to 20,000. It can be assumed that almost everyone present was already a New Dealer. It seems to me that if every person who makes up an audience of a major campaign speech would be pledged to bring with him someone from the opposing party, then we might get somewhere. Then, truly, the American populace might be informed!

I see all too many Republicans tune out a Democratic speech. I see too many New Dealers refuse to listen to any Republican campaigner. Here is where reform is needed. Here is where the weight of propaganda should work. By whatever device, by whatever persuasion, Republican workers in the field should make a Democrat listen to or read a Republican argument. By whatever device or recourse, a New Dealer should make a Republican listen to a New Deal argument.

Then and then only will our people make up their own minds. Then and then only can mass voting be broken up and the shameful machineries of racketeer politics be weakened.

Reich’s fate still studied, Hull insists

Cabinet officer silent on dispute


Wallace warns of inflation

Vice President cites need for Roosevelt

Buffalo, New York (UP) –
Vice President Henry A. Wallace asserted last night that post-era scarcities of consumer goods plus unprecedented spending power would bring sky-high inflation unless America reelected President Roosevelt as the “maestro” whose experience would enable him to control it.

He told a meeting sponsored by the Committee for the Reelection of President Roosevelt:

The time is coming when, unless we have the old maestro, that inflation will blow up as suddenly as the drop from a precipice. As liberals, it is our sacred duty to hold ourselves together.

Wants OPA kept

Mr. Wallace called for post-war retention of the Office of Price Administration, without which, he said, an inflation would set in “such as we have never seen and spectators would make bullions but labor, farmers, Canada, England and the whole world would get headaches.”

Predicting that the problems of reconversion would be difficult and require great skill, he said the President had had an opportunity to observe such forces “at work on a worldwide basis.”

‘Not tired old man’

He doubted if any who heard the President’s speech Saturday would believe he was a “tired old man.”

“But when it comes to intellect, give me the old maestro,” Mr. Wallace said.

In an earlier address to the Farmers for Roosevelt Committee, Mr. Wallace charged that reactionaries, “especially in the Republican Party, have done their best to drive a wedge between labor and agriculture.”

House defied in election quiz

Washington (UP) –
The Committee for Constitutional Government, founded by Rochester publisher Frank Gannett, today defied authority of a Congressional committee to subpoena a list of its contributors and a spokesman said the organization would leave the matter for courts to decide.

E. A. Rumely, executive secretary of the Committee for Constitutional Government, told the House Committee on Campaign Expenditures that subpoenaing its financial records “is beyond the power of this Congressional committee” because the organization spent no money in support of or opposition to any political candidate or party.

Yielding to the committee subpoena, he said, would set a precedent “for the misuse of the power of Congress to attack and smear any citizen or group of citizens who organize to support a philosophy of government or take a position on broad public measures of any kind, but without participating in elections.”

Committee Chairman Clinton P. Anderson (D-NM) refused immediate comment on what his next step would be.

9,600 men idle in labor disputes

By the United Press


Aid for farmers pledged by Dewey

Oklahoma City, Oklahoma (UP) –
Continuance of several New Deal farm aid programs on a modified basis was promised Oklahoma farmers today by Governor Thomas E. Dewey as he opened a series of conferences with state agricultural, labor and veterans and business groups.

The GOP nominee told farm leaders that a key point in his platform was the revision of social security laws to include them.

Z. H. Lawter, secretary of the Oklahoma Farmers Union, said he believed Governor Dewey “made a good impression” on the Oklahoma farm group.

Mr. Lawton said after the conference:

He talked about social security and he was emphatic in stating that he favored wider courage to take in agricultural workers. And he is for continuing the Farm Security Administration and – in a general way – the triple-A program.

W. E. Harvey, owner of several farm near Ada, said of Governor Dewey, “He talks my language.”

Fireworks promised by Governor Dewey

Aboard the Dewey Special –
Governor Thomas E. Dewey all along has been hinting that the foremost objective of his present transcontinental tour was to smoke President Roosevelt into open battle – the sooner the better – and he lost no time in seizing the President’s Saturday night speech as the consummation of that purpose.

Traversing the New Mexico desert at noon yesterday, Governor Dewey issued a statement asserting that Mr. Roosevelt has “dropped the mask of a ‘non-political’ campaign and I shall feel free to examine his record with unvarnished candor beginning with a national broadcast at Oklahoma City Monday night.”

The complaint heard increasingly from Dewey supporters is that he has been too tender both of President Roosevelt and the New Deal.

Governor Dewey heretofore has made no answer to this criticism but his associates have not been so reticent. They said that, opposing as he was a war-burdened President, sitting silently and aloof in the White House and, as reported, in none too good health, there was a great question as to how far Governor Dewey could go in direct attack without arousing popular feeling adverse to himself.

Certainly Mr. Roosevelt has now demolished this reservation.


Bricker ‘certain’ of Pennsylvania

Cleveland, Ohio (UP) –
Governor John W. Bricker, Republican vice-presidential nominee, was back in Ohio today, convinced of a Republican victory in the New England states and Pennsylvania in November.

Governor Bricker will return to Columbus Wednesday after attending a meeting of the Supreme Council of the Scottish Rite here for two days.

Before leaving his special car at Cleveland yesterday, Governor Bricker said that he was “amazed at the size and enthusiasm” of the crowds he spoke before during his whirlwind 3,250-mile swing through five Eastern States.

Upon his return to Columbus, Governor Bricker will rest until Oct. 1 when he will start on a 9,250-mile tour which will take him through the Northwest, the Pacific Coast and 20 states.

Actually, the Governor’s western trip will begin in the South with two meetings on Oct. 2 at Bowling Green, Kentucky, and at Nashville, Tennessee.

He will be at Centralia, Illinois, on Oct. 3 and at St. Louis on Oct. 4. On Oct. 5, he will speak at Ottumwa, Iowa, and Rock Island, Illinois. He will spend Oct. 6 in Milwaukee and on Oct. 7 move on to St. Paul, St. Cloud and Duluth. Minn. From Duluth, he will launch his campaign into the Pacific Northwest, but schedules for the trip have not been definitely decided.


America Firsters endorse Dewey

St. Henry, Ohio (UP) –
Gerald L. K. Smith of Detroit and Harry Romer of St. Henry, presidential and vice-presidential candidates respectively of the America First Party, today announced the support of their party for the Dewey-Bricker Republican ticket.

At a rally attended by 3,000 persons yesterday, Smith and Romer said that their party could not carry the nation this year, but added that the groundwork was being laid for 1948.

Browder assails GOP candidates

Chicago, Illinois (UP) –
Earl Browder, president of the Communist Political Association, last night bitterly denounced Governors Thomas E. Dewey and John W. Bricker for what he called “divide and conquer” tactics in their assertions that the Democratic Party is being dominated by Communists.

Speaking at a rally marking 25 years of Communist activity in the United States, Mr. Browder reaffirmed CPA support of the Roosevelt-Truman ticket, and alternated criticism of the Republican candidates with attacks on Col. Robert E. McCormick’s Chicago Tribune.

“Dewey and Bricker are making a major issue against Roosevelt that the Communists are supporting him,” Mr. Browder said in his first Chicago appearance since the CPA replaced the American Communist Party early this year.

He added:

What nonsense it is talking about someone capturing Roosevelt. The reactionaries have been trying to do it for 12 years, but no one has succeeded yet. Even Hirohito dreamed of it, with no more success.