America at war! (1941–) – Part 3

Gen. Roosevelt is buried among 2,000 fallen Yanks

Battle noise furnishes accompaniment to ‘Taps’ at cemetery near Normandy village
By Henry T. Gorrell, United Press staff writer

Sainte-Mère-Église, France –
The body of Brig. Gen. Theodore Roosevelt, who died of a heart attack Wednesday night, rested in a simple grave today among those of 2,000 fallen comrades in the U.S. Army cemetery outside this liberated Normandy village.

As the body was lowered into a white-canvas-lined grave after an impressive military ceremony at twilight last evening a final salute was fired by a rifle squad picked from thee companies the general had led in the first D-Day assault on the beaches.

The rumble of gunfire from the front interpolated the rites and furnished an accompaniment to the muffled notes of the bugle sounding “Taps.”

The general’s son, Capt. Quentin Roosevelt of the “Fighting First” Division and his buddy and aide, Lt. Marcus O. Stevenson of San Antonio, Texas, stood solemnly at attention during the ceremonies.

Around them were more than a dozen high-ranking generals; several hundred doughboys; and numerous French who had gathered at the cemetery to honor the dead American soldiers as part of the Bastille Day observance.

The rites were conducted by two Army chaplains, Col. James A. Bryant of Crystal Springs, Mississippi, and Lt. Col. P. C. Schroder of Flushing, New York (former pastor of the Lutheran Church of the Messiah).

Editorial: More on Monroney and Gore

Editorial: On selling bonds

Edson: LSTs and such inspire (?) some summer verse

By Peter Edson

Ferguson: Peace planning now

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
The quadruple alliance

By Bertram Benedict

Poll: Public split on allowing beer on ships

Vote on lifting of ban is tie
By George Gallup, director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Henry: Violent fight in cemetery routs Germans

Battle for ‘Murphy’s’ is short but bloody
By Thomas R. Henry, North American Newspaper Alliance

With U.S. forces in Normandy, France – (July 12, delayed)
It was “Judgment Morning” today at the village churchyard, “Murphy’s Crossroads.”

There were screams of shells and Gabriel’s trumpet as tombstones were knocked down, graves blown open, and an hour’s death rain on a suicide company of German paratroops manning machine guns among 17th-century crosses and through holes punched through church walls.

“Murphy’s” is the soldier pronunciation of the crossroads at La Meauffe, near Saint-Lô, east of the Vire River, where a unit of Missourians and Kansans fought yesterday, ending in one of the briskest fights of the campaign.

Unit is halted

A unit under the command of Lt. Col. Joseph Alexander of Chicago jumped off at dawn yesterday and was halted in midmorning before a hedgehog village (a village whose outer defenses included barbed-wire entanglements).

There was a little church, a moated chateau, and a few farmhouses where the Germans commanded all approaches. There were machine guns behind gravestones, in chateau windows and at road corners.

The crossroads was an elaborate system of dugouts connected by long tunnels.

Caught in hail

“I got six months’ training in two hours,” Capt. Gerald E. O’Connell of Emporia, Kansas, in command of the leading company.

Caught in a death hail of machine-gun fire, the men sought shelter in the ditches. There we were observed from the steeple and pinned down for two or three hours by mortars and German 88s behind La Meauffe.

Machine guns were firing from a brush pile 20 yards ahead. I finally made a flying leap over a hedge and lay with my breath knocked out on the other side. A few minutes later, I crawled back to shelter with the others.

Attack is repulsed

A second attack at noon was repulsed, and all afternoon the men lay in foxholes under a harassing mortar fire. The night was horrible for the troops, half of whom were kept awake constantly expecting a German onslaught.

Relief came this dawn when our artillery poured 1,500 rounds into the crossroads, under which the Germans died or fled. Then the infantry, with Lt. Sidney K. Strong of St. Ignatius, Montana, leading, advanced again under cover of intermittent shelling and chateau grounds. They found the place strewn with dead.

A few prisoners were taken, but most Germans had stolen out in the night, leaving only suicide groups. By noon the place was mopped up.

I never saw before such a Golgotha as “Murphy’s” cemetery after the battle. Tombs were a heap of rubble. Graves, many of them from the 17th century, yawned wide open.

Church is demolished

Dead Germans were strewn in the surrounding fields. Glass artificial flowers were pathetic dust. Wings were clipped on two pink and blue porcelain angels over the grave of two little girls. The old stone church was near complete demolition.

The only object intact was a gilt-crowned, red-robed, life-sized figure of Jesus, on a high pedestal over a bomb-struck altar overlooking the scene with sorrowful eyes.

With Lt. Col. Harry W. Johnson of Alexandria, Virginia, today I went over the scene of yesterday’s battle where artillery landed squarely 10 yards behind a 500-yard line of elaborate dugouts.

The barrage caught the defenders eating a breakfast of macaroni and water. They never knew what hit them. one who was shaving died with his razor in his hand. Another was apparently on his knees at morning prayers.

Twenty ghastly dead boys lay in a row on the edge of a red clover field.

“They look like big wax dolls,” said Col. Johnson in pity.

It has not been long since they played with soldier dolls. Thus, Hitler scrapes the bottom of his manpower barrel.

Latin lover pitches woo

He learns lot from film girls
By Ernest Foster

Millett: Voters’ talk isn’t idle

Men get serious about campaign
By Ruth Millett

Williams: Buddy Lewis makes ‘All-Star team’ again

By Joe Williams

President runs long shot risk for Wallace

Roosevelt silence stirs hopes of score
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

G.I.’s overseas now often see movies first

Bottlenecks cleared by added projectors

De Gaullists prove adept in civil affairs

They take over in Caen with efficiency
By L. S. B. Shapiro, North American Newspaper Alliance

Caen, France –
Gen. Charles de Gaulle’s organization for the relief and rehabilitation of liberated French towns and cities is proving so brilliantly effective in the case of Caen that the pretentious preparation of Allied Civil Affairs detachments seem, to some extent, superfluous.

Even before British and Canadian troops entered the city, resistance leaders loyal to Gen. de Gaulle had, by popular consent, taken over the local administration, food control and health services with the result that Allied officers found that only limited material aid was required of them. Today, Caen is being administered by Fighting French officials acting in cordial liaison with Allied military authorities.

Allies are delighted

Allied civil officers are frankly delighted with this situation. A Canadian colonel charged with Caen’s civilian relief told this correspondent today:

The French authorities are working beautifully. What they need is our help, which is thankfully received. They asked us for oil to work a generator in a big hospital for the pumping machinery with which to restore the water system, soap, medical supplies and a very limited supply of staple foods. These we had prepared and were able to furnish immediately.

Everything else was fully organized by the officials acting under the de Gaulle organization. The city is being administered to the post by Gen. de Gaulle long in advance of D-Day.

The French preparations were meticulous, even to medical orderlies and cooks recruited from among French women in England. They all have been working magnificently with our civil affairs officers and our field commanders.

Within a few hours of the entry of our troops, the French administrators had requisitioned civilian trucks for the evacuation of homeless refugees to Bayeux. Only 3,000 required evacuation, some 30,000 electing to remain in Caen. Civilian casualties thus far counted are below advance estimates. About 650 were found in a hospital and there are about 600 civilian dead.

Worked with underground

The net result of Gen. de Gaulle’s ambitious preparations for civilian relief is that his appointees are everywhere and assuming complete control. This fits in with the plans of Allied Civil Affairs detachments whose instructions are to hand over the civil administration to the French as quickly as they can handle it. And de Gaulle appointees are quick as lightning in presenting the administrative fait accompli in every liberated town.

Everything points to the conclusion that Gen. de Gaulle made his preparations through Underground channels within France long before our invasion. Local leaders and rehabilitation problems were determined the moment Gen. de Gaulle took formal control of the resistance movement in July 1942.

McGlincy: Only one robot hits beachhead

By James F. McGlincy, United Press staff writer

U.S. 1st Army HQ, France – (July 13, delayed)
A German pilotless plane, either by accident or design, plummeted into the American sector on the eastern end of the Allied line in Normandy recently.

No other pilotless planes have landed on our front since then, and it is still uncertain whether this single instance was an error or an experiment by the Nazis. American officers said the Germans might have sent over the plane as a test, but the fact that there has not been any repeat performance led them to believe that it was an accident, probably due to a bad rudder or some other mechanical defect.

Nevertheless, it was conceded that the plane might have been launched from the runways later discovered in the Cherbourg area which at that time had not yet been captured.

The lone flying bomb did not land near any military installations and inflicted only minor damage.

Lt. Gardner Botsford of New York City, who investigated the incident, said that despite the tremendous explosion, the flying bomb failed to dent the earth. Pieces of metal were scattered for 100 yards but, Lt. Botsford reported, there weren’t enough to pick up or even try to begin to put together.

Candy loaded with thermite latest Nazi booby trap

Allied air mastery over invasion coast stops Luftwaffe, helps secure beachhead

London, England –
Seven days of air superiority over the Normandy beachheads played a vital part in making possible the successful start of the invasion of Europe. In those crucial seven days, Allied fighters and bombers flew 56,000 sorties, smashed 42,000 tons of bombs against the German defenders and destroyed 397 enemy planes.

The Luftwaffe, weakened by the long assault on replacement factories in Germany and years of combat against the ever-increasingly powerful U.S. and British air forces, was swept completely from the skies those first few nervous days. Even the German radio admitted that the Nazis seldom dared move troops or supplies except at night.

Douglas transports began the invasion five hours before H-Hour when they roared across the Channel. In eight hours, they dropped an army of 35,000 to 50,000 airborne troops behind German lines by glider and parachute.

After dawn, a train of them, 50 miles long and nine planes wide, rushed good, guns, artillery, ammunition and reinforcements.

On the second day, engineers were needed. Again, the transports took off to ferry over men to build the first Allied airstrip in France. From the second day on, the C-47s flew wounded back to England.

Meanwhile, Allied fighter-bombers and medium bombers were throwing an almost impenetrable air blanket over the beachhead. Fighters flew cover, smashed troop concentrations and hit strongpoints. Medium bombers severed the last Seine bridges to cut off Nazi reinforcements. Heavy bombers raised havoc with targets farther behind the front.

The completeness of Allied air superiority was made possible in part by the tremendous pounding given Germany by the Allied air forces for long months before.

In May, Americans and British hit Nazi Europe with 154,380 tons of bombs, averaging more than 200 tons an hour, day and night, for the entire pre-invasion month.

Well over half the U.S. fighters, bombers and transports participating in the long pre-invasion assault as well as the actual invasion of Fortress Europe are equipped with Pratt & Whitney engines and Hamilton Standard propellers.

Chamber urges U.S. air policy; win war, keep peace, foster trade

Scope of airpower widens as Army unleashes Superfortresses, Navy reveals ‘Task Force 58’ roving Pacific, CAB outlines 20 world routes

Maj. de Seversky: Bigger bombers

By Maj. Alexander P. de Seversky

Ernie Pyle V Norman

Roving Reporter

By Ernie Pyle

In Normandy, France – (by wireless)
The hospital was in our hands but just surely. On up the street a block there seemed to be fighting. I say seemed to be, because actually you can’t always tell. Street fighting is just as confusing as field fighting.

One side will bang away for a while, then the other side. Between these sallies there are long lulls, with only stray and isolated shots. Just an occasional soldier is sneaking about, and you don’t see anything of the enemy at all. You can’t tell half the time just what the situation us, and neither can the soldiers.

About a block beyond the hospital entrance, two American tanks were sitting in the middle of the street, one about 50 yards ahead of the other. I walked toward them. Our infantrymen were in doorways along the street.

I got within about 50 feet of our front tank when it let go its 75mm gun. The blast was terrific there in the narrow street. Glass came tinkling down from nearby windows, smoke puffed around the tank, and the empty street was shaking and trembling with the concussion.

As the tank continued to shoot, I ducked into a doorway, because I figured the Germans would shoot back. Inside the doorway there was a sort of street-level cellar, dirt-floored. Apparently there was a wine shop above, for the cellar was stacked with wire crates for holding wine bottles on their sides. There were lots of bottles, but they were all empty.

Crew comes boiling out of turret

I went back to the doorway and stood peeking out at the tank. It started backing up. Then suddenly a yellow flame pierced the bottom of the tank and there was a crash of such intensity that I automatically blinked my eyes. The tank, hardly 50 feet from where I was standing, had been hit by an enemy shell.

A second shot ripped the pavement at the side of the tank. There was smoke all around, but the tank didn’t catch fire. In a moment, the crew came boiling out of the turret.

Grim as it was, I almost had to laugh as they ran toward us. I never have seen men run so violently. They ran all over, with arms and heads going up and down and with marathon race grimaces. They plunged into my doorway.

I spent the next excited hour with them. we changed to another doorway and sat on boxes in the empty hallway. The floor and steps were thick with blood where a soldier had been treated within the hour.

What had happened to the tank was this: They had been firing away at a pillbox ahead when their 75 backfired, filling the tank with smoke and blinding them.

They decided to back up in order to get their bearings, but after backing a few yards the driver was so blinded that he stopped. Unfortunately, he stopped exactly at the foot of a side street. More unfortunately, there was another German pillbox up the side street/ all the Germans had to do was take east aim and let go at the sitting duck.

The first shot hit a tread, so the tank couldn’t move. That was when the boys got out. I don’t know why the Germans didn’t fire at them as they poured out.

The escaped tankers naturally were excited, but they were as jubilant as June-bugs and ready for more. They never had been in combat before the invasion of Normandy, yet in three weeks their tank had been shot up three times. Each time it was repaired and put back in action. And it can be repaired again this time. The name of their tank, appropriately, is Be Back Soon.

*Leave tank motor running

The main worry of these boys was the fact that they had left the engine running. We could hear it chugging away. It’s bad for a tank motor to idle very long. But now they were afraid to go back and turn the motor off, for the tank was still right in line with the hidden German gun.

Also, they had come out wearing their leather crash helmets. Their steel helmets were still inside the tank, so were their rifles.

“We’ll be a lot of good without helmets or rifles!” one of them said.

The crew consisted of Cpl. Martin Kennelly of Chicago (the tank commander), Sgt, L. Wortham of Leeds, Alabama (driver), Pvt. Ralph Ogren of Minneapolis (assistant driver), Cpl. Albin Stoops of Marshalltown, Delaware (gunner), and Pvt. Charles Rains of Kansas City (the loader).

Pvt. Rains was the oldest of the bunch, and the only married one. He used to work as a guard at the Sears-Roebuck plant in Kansas City.

“I was MP to 1,500 women,” he said with a grin, “and how I’d like to be back doing that!”

The other tankers all expressed loud approval of this sentiment.

Völkischer Beobachter (July 16, 1944)

Die Hauptstadt der Bewegung in der Bewährung –
Das Verbrechen von München

Neue Verwüstungen und Zerstörungen von Wohnbauten und weltberühmten Kulturstätten

Anerkennungsschreiben des Reichsmarschalls

Örtliche Angriffe in der Normandie verlustreich abgewiesen –
Neuer Großangriff des Gegners in Italien

Erwarteter Sowjetangriff im Raum von Tarnopol und Luzk in harten Kämpfen abgewiesen

dnb. Aus dem Führerhauptquartier, 15. Juli –
Das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht gibt bekannt:

Im Abschnitt von Caen verlief der Tag ohne besondere Kampfhandlungen. Auf Grund der an den Vortagen erlittenen hohen Verluste führte der Feind nur örtliche Angriffe östlich und nordöstlich Saint-Lô sowie im Abschnitt zwischen Pont Hébert und Sainteny. Er wurde überall verlustreich abgewiesen.

Schlachtfliegerkräfte unterstützten die Kämpfe des Heeres im Landekopf und griffen belegte Ortschaften sowie Bereitstellungen des Feindes mit guter Wirkung an. 21 feindliche Flugzeuge wurden in Luftkämpfen abgeschossen.

Im französischen Raum wurden wiederum 37 Terroristen Im Kampf niedergemacht.

Schweres Vergeltungsfeuer liegt auf London.

An der italienischen Front nahm der Feind mit zusammengefassten starken Kräften seinen Großangriff gegen unsere Stellungen zwischen der ligurischen Küste und Poggibonsi wieder auf. In erbitterten Kämpfen wichen unsere Truppen wenige Kilometer nach Norden aus. Poggibonsi ging nach schweren Straßenkämpfen verloren.

Im Abschnitt südöstlich Arezzo und beiderseits des Tiber wurden starke Angriffe des Feindes zum Teil im Gegenstoß abgewiesen.

Nördlich Fabriano und westlich Filottrano wurden unsere Gefechtsvorposten auf die Hauptstellung zurückgenommen.

Sicherungsfahrzeuge der Kriegsmarine versenkten im Golf von Genua ein britisches Schnellboot.

Im Südabschnitt der Ostfront traten die Bolschewisten im Raum von Tarnopol und Luzk zu dem erwarteten Angriff an. Sie wurden gestern in harten Kämpfen unter Vernichtung zahlreicher Panzer abgewiesen, einzelne Einbrüche abgeriegelt.

Im Mittelabschnitt erwehrten sich unsere zäh kämpfenden Divisionen der fortgesetzten sowjetischen Durchbruchsversuche durch energische Gegenstöße.

Im Seengebiet nördlich Wilna, beiderseits der Düna sowie im Raum von Opotschka wurden die auf breiter Front weitergeführten Durchbruchsversuche der Sowjets im Wesentlichen blutig abgeschlagen. Unsere Truppen säuberten einzelne Einbruchsstellen.

Die Luftwaffe griff mit starken Schlachtfliegerkräften an den Schwerpunkten in die Kämpfe ein und vernichtete in Tiefangriffen zahlreiche sowjetische Panzer, Geschütze und Fahrzeuge. 87 feindliche Flugzeuge wurden durch Jagdflieger und Flakartillerie abgeschossen. In der Nacht bekämpften Kampf- und Nachtschlachtflugzeuge den sowjetischen Nachschubverkehr und Truppenansammlungen des Feindes mit guter Wirkung.

Ein nordamerikanischer Bomberverband führte einen Terrorangriff gegen Budapest. Durch deutsche und ungarische Luftverteidigungskräfte wurden zwölf feindliche Flugzeuge vernichtet.

In der Nacht warfen einzelne britische Flugzeuge Bomben im Raum von Hannover.