America at war! (1941–) – Part 3


Editorial: It depends on who and how

By order of the Federal Communications Commission, Western Union has forbidden the transmission of telegrams of congratulation.

The order was issued to keep the telegraph wires open for the great volume of war business. Which would seem to make sense. Most citizens have accepted this “sacrifice” gracefully.

But President Roosevelt, from that undisclosed naval base from which he delivered a radio speech to the Democratic Convention, telegraphed “heartiest congratulations” to Senator Harry S. Truman on Mr. Truman’s nomination for Vice President.

This, as the FCC admits, was a clear violation of the order. Since Mr. Roosevelt is Commander-in-Chief, you couldn’t expect Western Union to turn down his wire. No more than you can expect the FCC to do anything about it.

Of course, some private citizens have violated the order, too. But they had to be more subtle. Like a friend who sent a telegram to another: “So sorry can’t send telegram I’d like to send.”

But Mr. Roosevelt boldly used the forbidden word: “Congratulations.”

This is like it is with so many other things. The government makes the rules and the government breaks ‘em.


Heath: Dewey’s visitors go away visibly impressed

By S. Burton Heath

S. Burton Heath, writing a series of articles from Albany, is substituting for Peter Edson, regular conductor of the Washington Column, who is absent from Washington for a few days.

Albany, New York –
The Dewey personality is working up here – and like a bit of yeast tossed into the brew, it is turning a heterogeneous collection of casual ingredients into a potentially powerful liquor whose flavor seems to appeal to many.

In other words, Candidate Dewey is busy right now making friends: Dispelling any idea that he is an autocrat who gets nasty if he can’t have his own way, and whipping anti-Roosevelt parts into a pro-Dewey machine.

Most of Mr. Dewey’s visitors since his nomination have of course, been Republican officeholders, aspirants or party leaders, who are stuck with the GOP candidate at least until Nov. 8, whether they like him or not. They would not be expected, in this political season, to leave his presence breathing smoke and fire and hurling anathemas.

But capital correspondents, whose business it is to know when a politician is being political and when he is sincere, think that the enthusiasm of Governor Dewey’s conferees thus far has been from the heart.

Variety of callers

The Dewey appointment book, since he accepted the nomination, shows four types of callers. There have been members of his official family visiting him on state business. There have been newspaper, magazine and radio representatives ranging from the men assigned to his office to top executives of the biggest publications coming to get acquainted or to arrange for special articles.

There have been a few individuals who have come to discuss policies, issues, strategy, organization and party financing – such persons, for example, as National Chairman Brownell, National Financial Chairman Kemper, former National Chairman Spangler (now party general counsel).

And finally, there have been Republican members of both houses of Congress, who are being invited by state delegations. These practical, down-to-earth, 24-hour-a-day politicians provide an acid test of the Dewey personality. That is particularly true because the earlier ones from Vermont, Massachusetts and Connecticut leaned strongly to Wendell Willkie until the 1940 candidate pulled out of this race. When I went through New England last winter, some of these people couldn’t see Dewey for Willkie.

The Congressional members and aspirants all are running for office themselves this year, except for an occasional senator. When they get back home, they go out through the countryside seeking votes. Their job here is to determine for themselves whether their own fortunes will be advanced by plugging Mr. Dewey assiduously for the White House or by giving him lip service as a formality and playing lone hands thereafter.

Personality rings bell

The impression gained by political observers is that without exception these people are going away with the idea that they can serve themselves and their party best by going all out for Candidate Dewey.

As they put it, with apparent sincerity, they are “inspired… impressed… completely overwhelmed by the force of his personality.”

Veteran Congressman James W. Wadsworth of New York, more articulate than many, summed up the general reaction when he said:

I am greatly impressed with the Governor’s vigor. He travels a straight road. He fills the atmosphere of discussion with vigor. It’s very refreshing and encouraging.

That, of course, is the purpose of this preliminary phase of the Dewey campaign – to make friends, to send apostles back to the hustings enthusiastically singing praise of the presidential candidate while he is preparing thunderbolts to launch at President Roosevelt during and climaxing two months of the campaign.

Thus far the system seems to be working. There will be nothing muscle-bound about the fervor with which those who have come to Albany thus far will talk Dewey to their constituents back home.


Editorial: Party splits

Both parties are now trying to heal the wounds of their convention battles. In either case party unity may make the difference between victory and defeat in November. At the moment the Republicans are better off. They left fewer throats cut and hearts broken than Mr. Roosevelt’s remote-control sessions in Chicago last week.

Anti-Roosevelt Democrats in the South are talking third party, under some such name as “Jefferson Democrats.” In Texas, unless there is an unexpected last-minute deal between the present majority, anti-Roosevelt faction and the “rump” fourth-termers, there will be rival Democratic tickets in that state.

The two biggest convention fights last week were settled in favor of the restive South to prevent party revolt spreading beyond Texas. Mr. Wallace was ditched and Senator Truman nominated for the Vice Presidency to appease the South, though that was not the only reason. Likewise, the platform fight over the racial issue ended in a plank of evasion, and a complete defeat for Negro and Northern Democratic delegates who demanded something better even than the surprisingly strong Republican plank.

Candidate Roosevelt and his convention bosses had the unhappy choice of alienating Southern votes or Northern Negro votes in the election, and chose the latter as the lesser electoral risk. But Negro organizations claim they hold the November balance of power in at least eight Northern and border states, including New York, Ohio and Indiana.

There will be no Democratic split as a result of the bitter vice-presidential fight. Wallace supporters are FDR supporters first, and the CIO labor leaders who made the convention noise for Mr. Wallace had accepted Mr. Truman secretly in advance as their best compromise.

Republicans have been successful in turning a convention vice-presidential fight into a unity asset. The popular Governor Warren might have been a stronger candidate – he hopes to swing the Pacific Coast states anyway by campaigning – but his withdrawal enabled all factions to unite on Governor Bricker of Ohio, a key state. all, that is, except the Willkieites; and it is doubtful at the moment that Mr. Willkie will bolt.

So, at the start of the campaign, Mr. Dewey’s forces are more united than those of Mr. Roosevelt.

Ferguson: Gullible parents

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

UP names Grigg London manager


Millett: Heaven help the man!

Wife and husband in Congress fight
By Ruth Millett

In Texas, a war plant worker who is a candidate for nomination for Congress asked for an injunction to keep his wife from competing with him in the race. The judge said nothing doing. But you can’t blame the man for trying to eliminate his wife’s opposition.

For a wife could be a deadly political opponent. Suppose, for instance, she did nothing more than to introduce into political circles the kind of talk woman pass off lightly at bridge parties. No man whose wife did that could hope to impress anybody with his fitness for an important political office.

You know the kind of talk I mean. The little story about how George got stung on a business deal. And the hilarious tale of last summer’s victory garden – which George deserted for the golf course after a few evenings’ work.

And then some of George’s peculiar notions about running a house. And how the poor dear is so forgetful he can’t even remember his wedding anniversary. And the way his wife manages him by making him think all of her bright ideas are his.

There is nobody in the world into can make a man look more incompetent, or more of a comic strip character, than his ever-loving wife.

And that’s when she is on his side. If she were running against him for a political office – heaven help the man.

U.S., British groups open oil parley

Production control, distribution discussed
By Hal O’Flaherty

Argentina, irked by Hull, recalls envoy

Dignity injured, government hints

De Gaulle urges reduced bombings



Pegler: Communist-CIO

By Westbrook Pegler

New York –
The rise of Sidney Hillman’s Political Action Committee of the CIO to a commanding position in the Democratic Party calls for a serious study of Hillman’s political and personal history and of the persistent, though often changing methods of the Communists in American affairs.

Like Hillman, many of these indefatigables are naturalized citizens in the legal sense but mere angry prejudice against as “foreigners,” and against their exasperating effrontery, is a dangerous weapon. It can be politically effective but it invites consequences as bad as the dangers which it undertakes to defeat.

Anyway, there are many native Americans in the conspiracy – notably Earl Browder, a Kansan, claiming to come of an old Virginia line – who are the more dangerous for the very reason that they would not be included in such prejudice.

The better way is to get out the books and Congressional documents and the rosters of Communist organizations and their more or less innocent subsidiaries and cram during the period of less than four months remaining before Election Day.

A big assignment

Those of us who have been at it for years realize that this is a big assignment and, this being so, it would be well for the Americans for once to take a lesson from the Communists, themselves, and organize “study groups” to learn how the Communists operate and who they are.

One reason why the few Communists could command the attendance of Henry Wallace and Francis Biddle, the Attorney General, at conferences with their man, Hillman, in Chicago, and issue to the Democratic Convention an order for the nomination of Mr. Wallace which barely was defeated, was that they are constantly at it. They are diligent where Americans are mentally lazy.

For the purpose of study by neighborhood and shop and office groups, the reports of the Dies Committee would be useful because they contain condensed information, including lists of names and organizations of the Communist front. Martin Dies’ own book, The Trojan Horse in America, is another informative authority.

Another book, amounting to a history and directory of American Communism for a certain period with detailed information on Hillman and others who carry over into the present crisis, is Benjamin Gitlow’s I Confess. Gitlow is a backslider, Browder’s predecessor in American Communism, who told all with such firm authority that the worst of his old comrades couldn’t even say he lied.

Example of Communist treachery

Ben Stolberg’s Story of the CIO, published in 1938, and his recent Tailor’s Progress, short and full of information. And, as an example of the ruthless and cynical treachery of the Communists to any American who has served their purpose, even at the risk of his life, there is Proletarian Journey, by Fred Beal. He was still in prison in North Carolina at last reports, convicted of a Communist murder in a riot. The book tells of his escape to Russia and of his disillusionment there, after which the American Communists disowned him and let him go to prison.

The Dies Committee’s data has a bad reputation for the very reason that it attacked and exposed Communism in the Roosevelt government. Thus, the New Deal propaganda agencies and the Communist intelligentsia sheered Martin Dies into disrepute as a witch-burner. And, only recently, Hillman, whom Dies had exposed, was able to move into Texas with such financial and political power that Dies knew he couldn’t be reelected to Congress and decided to sit out a term.

Among the people who should be reached by such study are the American workers who have joined unions, willingly or not, who may actually believe that the fight against Communism is a fight on labor, as the Communists dominate the CIO today. Philip Murray is the prisoner of the Communists. They control him and the CIO through their seats in the executive committee. Hillman is as badly off. They have got to play ball or die.

Maj. de Seversky: Post-war power

By Maj. Alexander P. de Seversky

Heinz: A Free Frenchman dies to stay free

It was one of those things that happen in a war
By W. C. Heinz, North American Newspaper Alliance

Gave ex-husband $3 million, Barbara Hutton asserts

Dinah Shore heiress asks court to give her complete custody of their son, Lance

Pirates send Butcher against Giants

Dodgers humble Bucs, rout Sewell, 12–7, in late 9-run outbreak

Indians, with Bagby, seem like good pennant threat

Navy board begins Pearl Harbor probe


Networks post political pay-as-you-go sign

Lift ban against Democratic song
By Si Steinhauser

Radio’s networks banned the Democratic Party theme song, “Don’t Change Horses in the Middle of the Stream” until the Roosevelt nomination, then let down the bars. That was “for free,” as they say in the entertainment world. Now the bars are up again, unless and until the Democrats contract and pay for time. After that they may sing and play their favorite song until the time runs out.

That’s the network attitude. They didn’t intend to play politics and don’t intend to do so now.

If the Demmies use the song, and it is apparent that they intend to, why doesn’t the GOP have someone write new lyrics to a “dew, Dew, Dewey Day” and give them some competition in a musical way?

“Don’t Change Horses in the Middle of the Stream” was written by the same trio who wrote “Mairzy Dotes:” Al Hoffman, Milton Drake and Jerry Livingstone.

For the rest of the campaign President Roosevelt will have to decide when he is “reporting to the nation” and when he is talking politics. In the first case the networks will give him time, in the latter the Democratic National Committee will have to pay. On the other hand, every time Mr. Dewey speaks his party will have to pay, for the very simple reason that he isn’t President – not yet, his followers would probably add to that.

Völkischer Beobachter (July 26, 1944)

Warum haben die USA kein Chinin?
Roosevelt verdient am Tod seiner Soldaten

Englische Kritik an Montgomery

Stockholm, 25. Juli –
Die englische Öffentlichkeit ist über die Einstellung Montgomerys zur Lage in der Normandie beunruhigt. Man habe, nach dem Londoner Korrespondenten von Nya Dagligt Allehanda, zunächst große Hoffnungen auf den angeblichen Durchbruch gesetzt, der sich jedoch tatsächlich nur als ein Vormarsch um knapp 10 Kilometer erwiesen habe. Nicht alle militärischen Beobachter Londons seien geneigt, die ganze Schuld dem schlechten Wetter zuzuschieben. Britische militärische Beobachter erklärten, daß die starke Artillerie Rommels, davon besonders seine 88-Millimeter-Geschütze, die britische Offensive gestoppt hätte, so daß diese nur eine lokale Bedeutung erhalten habe. Montgomery habe befürchtet, im deutschen Sperrfeuer die britischen Kampfwagen zu verlieren und sie darum zurückgezogen.

In der Daily Mail schreibt Liddell Hart, aus allen Kommentaren gehe deutlich hervor, daß man mit den taktischen Methoden Montgomerys unzufrieden sei.

Unser Kampf gegen die Kindermörder

Von Prof. Dr. Johann von Leers

Deutscher Abwehrerfolg an der Invasionsfront

Berlin, 25. Juli –
Im Westabschnitt der Invasionsfront gingen im Laufe des Montags schwere Luftangriffe der Nordamerikaner auf den Raum zwischen Saint-Lô und Périers nieder, Mehrere hunderte vier- und zweimotorige Flugzeuge warfen ihre Bombenlasten auf die kleinen Dörfer im Raum südlich und südwestlich Amigny und die Straßen im frontnahen Hinterland. Schweres Artilleriefeuer löste die Bombardierungen ab. Dann trat der Feind mit starken Infanterie- und Panzerverbänden zum Angriff an. In erbitterten Kämpfen errangen unsere Truppen einen eindrucksvollen Abwehrerfolg. Von einem unbedeutenden, durch Gegenstöße abgeriegelten Einbruch nördlich Amigny abgesehen, blieb die alte Hauptkampflinie fest in unserer Hand. Die Kämpfe dauern weiterhin an.

Im Abschnitt der zweiten britischen Armee ist der Feind dagegen immer noch damit beschäftigt, seine Stoßdivisionen in die frontnahen Bereitstellungen vorzuziehen. Das Zögern der Briten ist in Anbetracht ihrer schweren Verluste verständlich, die sie bei ihrem letzten Angriff im Orneabschnitt erlitten. Sie haben erlebt, daß unsere Grenadiere trotz Trommelfeuer und massierter Flieger- und Panzerangriffe das Stürmen nicht verlernt haben. Gegen Kanadier, die sich nach mehrstündigem schwerem Artilleriefeuer in den Besitz einer wichtigen Höhe setzen konnten, trat eine zumeist aus Ostkämpfern zusammengesetzte Kompanie zum Gegenangriff an. Sie schob sich unbemerkt an den Nordrand der Höhe heran und drang dann mit der blanken Waffe von rückwärts in die Gräben der Kanadier ein. Der Widerstand wurde rasch gebrochen, der Rest der feindlichen Besatzung gefangen. Die Höhe war damit wieder in eigener Hand und der geplante zweite Angriff der Briten über die Höhe hinaus nach Süden unmöglich geworden.

Ebenso wenig wie die Grenadiere ließen sich unsere Panzerjäger durch das schwere feindliche Trommelfeuer und den Masseneinsatz britischer Kampfwagen aus der Ruhe bringen. Einer der feindlichen Panzerkeile stieß während der Kämpfe südlich Caen auf eine Pakabteilung, die in wenigen Stunden 35 britische Panzer abschoss und damit dem feindlichen Stoßkeil das Rückgrat brach.

Die leichte Wetterverbesserung führte besonders in den Abend- und Nachtstunden zu Luftkämpfen, in denen neben den erfahrenen Jagdfliegern auch Nachwuchsjäger zu Erfolgen kamen. Gegen Abend schossen sie im Kampf gegen einen mehr als doppelt so starken feindlichen Jagdverband sieben Doppelrumpfige nordamerikanische Flugzeuge ab. Ritterkreuzträger Hauptmann Weiß errang dabei seinen 114. und 115. Und Ritterkreuzträger Leutnant Groß seinen 50. Luftsieg. Einige Stunden später brachte ein junger Nachtjäger in 3000 Meter Höhe seinen ersten viermotorigen Bomber zum Absturz und erzielte damit für sein Nachtjagdgeschwader den 500. Nachtabschuss.

Innsbrucker Nachrichten (July 26, 1944)

Im Westen Abwehrschlacht großen Ausmaßes

Erfolgreiche deutsche Gegenangriffe – Feindlicher Großangriff auf Florenz – Hohe Panzerverluste der Sowjets

dnb. Aus dem Führerhauptquartier, 26. Juli –
Das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht gibt bekannt:

Im Verlauf der schweren Kämpfe südlich Caen gelang es dem Feind, westlich der Straße Caen–Falaise in unsere Stellungen einzubrechen und weitere Infanterie- und Panzerkräfte nachzuführen. Unsere fanatisch kämpfenden Truppen verhinderten jedoch das Ausweiten der feindlichen Einbrüche und traten dann in den Nachmittagsstunden zum Gegenangriff an. Nach erbitterten Kämpfen waren am Abend die alten Stellungen wieder voll in unserer Hand, die Verluste des Feindes sind hoch. 18 Panzer wurden abgeschossen. Auch nordwestlich Saint-Lô tobt eine Abwehrschlacht großen Ausmaßes. Nachdem die ersten feindlichen Angriffe, die unter stärkster Artillerie- und Luftwaffenunterstützung vorgetragen wurden, abgewiesen waren, gelang es dem Feind, an einigen Stellen in unsere Front einzudringen und die Straße Saint-Lô–Périers nach Südwesten zu überschreiten. Gegenangriffe sind im Gange. Seit den heutigen Morgenstunden haben die Kämpfe mit großer Wucht auch auf den Raum nördlich Périers übergegriffen.

Schlachtflieger griffen feindliche Bereitstellungen im Landekopf mit gutem Erfolg an und beschädigten vor der Küste ein großes Transportschiff schwer. In Luftkämpfen wurden elf feindliche Flugzeuge abgeschossen.

Im südfranzösischen Raum wurden wiederum 110 Terroristen im Kampf niedergemacht.

Schweres „V1“-Vergeltungsteuer liegt weiterhin auf dem Großraum von London.

In Italien hat der Großangriff gegen den Raum südlich Florenz begonnen. Der erwartete Durchbruch ist dem Gegner nicht gelungen. Erst nach schwersten Kämpfen und unter besonders hohen Verlusten konnte er geringen Geländegewinn erzielen. Weitere Angriffe gegen unsere neuen Stellungen wurden zerschlagen. Nördlich Arezzo und beiderseits des Tiber scheiterten feindliche Angriffe unter Abriegelung örtlicher Einbrüche. An der adriatischen Küste trat der Feind erneut zum Angriff an. Heftige Kämpfe sind dort noch im Gange.

Kampffähren der Kriegsmarine beschädigten vor der westitalienischen Küste zwei britische Schnellboote.

Bei Angriffen auf Nachschubgeleite in der Ägäis brachten Sicherungsfahrzeuge der Kriegsmarine, Bordflak und Jagdflieger von 15 angreifenden Bombern 7 zum Absturz.

In Galizien brachen zwischen dem oberen Dnjestr und Lemberg zahlreiche von Panzern unterstützte Angriffe der Sowjets blutig zusammen. Im Stadtgebiet von Lemberg warfen unsere Truppen den Feind im Gegenangriff zurück.

Im Abschnitt einer Armee wurden in der Zeit vom 14. bis 23. Juli 553 feindliche Panzer abgeschossen. Hierbei hat sich die hamburgische 20. Panzergrenadierdivision unter Führung von Generalleutnant Jauer besonders ausgezeichnet.

Im Kampfraum zwischen oberem Bug und Weichsel gewann der Feind gegen den San und den Raum von Lublin weiter Boden. Südöstlich Lublin wurden dagegen alle feindlichen Angriffe zerschlagen.

Zwischen Brest-Litowsk und Grodno sowie östlich und nordöstlich Kauen scheiterten alle feindlichen Durchbruchsversuche an der zähen Abwehr unserer Divisionen.

Auch an der Front zwischen Dünaburg und dem Finnischen Meerbusen errangen unsere Truppen gegen alle Durchbruchsangriffe der Bolschewisten einen vollen Abwehrerfolg. 47 feindliche Panzer wurden dort abgeschossen.

Hauptmann Weißenberger, Gruppenkommandeur in einem Jagdgeschwader, errang an der Ostfront seinen 200. Luftsieg.

Feindliche Bomberverbände griffen Orte in West- und Südostdeutschland an. Besonders in Stuttgart entstanden durch einen erneuten Terrorangriff Schäden und Personenverluste. Einzelne feindliche Flugzeuge warfen außerdem Bomben auf das Gebiet der Reichshauptstadt und auf Orte in Ostpreußen.

Luftverteidigungskräfte brachten 51 feindliche Flugzeuge zum Absturz.

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (July 26, 1944)

Communiqué No. 101

In the area west of SAINT-LÔ, Allied troops have advanced up to 3,000 yards on a wide front and have crossed the PÉRIERS–SAINT-LÔ road at a number of places. South of CAEN, fighting has been very bitter and enemy counterattacks, some supported by armor, have continued all day. Our initial gains have been held and fighting continues in the area of MAY-SUR-ORNE, VERRIÈRES and TILLY-LA-CAMPAGNE.

Following yesterday morning’s operations in support of ground forces in both the CAEN and SAINT-LÔ sectors, smaller formations of Allied aircraft continued close support of our ground forces throughout the day.

Numerous tanks, gun positions, strongpoints and motor transport just forward of our line and an enemy headquarters west of SAINT-LÔ were among targets attacked by fighter-bombers and fighters.

Other formations of both fighters and medium bombers attacked communications targets, including bridges, fuel dumps, supply depots, railyards and trains behind the enemy lines.

At least 25 enemy aircraft were destroyed yesterday. Seventeen of ours are missing.

Communiqué No. 102

In the western sector, the Allied advance has continued to make steady progress and the battle area has been extended.

East of the ORNE, the enemy is making every effort to block our entry to the open country southeast of CAEN, and additional enemy reinforcements have been brought into the area.

Allied attacks have been heavily engaged by defensively-sited armor, artillery and mortar fire.

In one locality our forces have repulsed a heavy enemy counterattack which was strongly supported by tanks.

Small forces of medium bombers operating in poor weather bombed enemy positions in the SAINT-LÔ area and a fuel dump near ALENÇON this morning.

Formations of fighter-bombers struck at enemy bivouac areas, machine-gun positions and other tactical targets which were indicated by our land forces.