Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (July 6, 1944)
Communiqué No. 61
Allied troops have taken the railway station at LA HAYE-DU-PUITS, and are pushing on to the south, with the enemy contesting every foot of ground. Our positions at CARPIQUET have been held. Enemy attacks continue.
Fierce combats with strong formations of enemy fighters, which were engaged in varying weather over the battle area and to the south and east, marked out air operations yesterday afternoon and evening. Considerable numbers of our fighters and fighter-bombers, vigorously supporting our ground forces, joined in the air battles which took place along the entire front. Notable air victories were scored in the area bounded by CHARTRES, ROUEN, CAEN and ARGENTAN, by fighters out to attack road and rail transport. They also attacked tanks at CARPIQUET Airfield and special targets indicated by ground commanders close behind the enemy lines and at SAINT-LÔ, VIRE, FALAISE, PERIERS, and DREUX. At least 35 enemy aircraft were shot down during the day and four are missing.
During the night, heavy bombers attacked the railway yards at DIJON. All our bombers returned safely. Light bombers also hit railway junctions and bridges at VILLEDIEU, HYENVILLE and GRANVILLE.
During Tuesday night, a considerable force of enemy E-boats and R-boats attempted to enter the Eastern Anchorage.
The enemy was intercepted, brought to action, and finally driven off by light coastal forces.
Two enemy R-boats were sunk and a third severely damaged.
Special Communiqué No. 4
From 22 June to 3 July, 1944, the French Forces of the Interior have continued their attacks on lines of communication. Previous cuts have in almost all cases been maintained. During this period, FFI troops have been occupied in regrouping and reorganizing.
The VERCORS, part of the GERS, the DOUBS, and ARDECHE and the have been liberated, in spite of violent reaction on the part of the German troops, who were supported by fighter and bomber aircraft and armor. The enemy has suffered severe losses both in men and material. Two aircraft have definitely been destroyed, several armored vehicles have been captured, and in one engagement alone 150 Germans were killed and 15 taken prisoner.
The destruction of lines of communications continues with considerable effect. In the MEURTHE ET MOSELLE, the FFI have, in ten days, caused 24 derailments, thereby destroying five locomotives and 54 trucks. Traffic on the line NARBONNE-SETE-BEZIERS and BEDARIEU was intercepted as a result of numerous attacks, in particular the destruction of two tunnels. Derailments have been caused in the marshalling yards at LUNEVILLE and BLANCVILLE, causing serious dislocation in traffic. The movement of a train of tracks loaded with Tiger tanks was held up in AURILLAC station as a result of the destruction of bridges.
In the neighborhood of the bridgehead, renewed sabotage of the railway lines and the enemy’s telecommunications has been reported. The underground long-distance lines have been cut in more than 100 places. In particular, the important German cable, used by Luftwaffe in the HAUTE SAONE has been destroyed. The repeated station at LIMOGES has been rendered useless. In the ROUSSILLON on the PLATEAU DE MAIMAISON, in the TAIN OULOUSE area, at CHOLEY, in the GERS, many high-tension cables have been cut. An important oil refinery has been put out of action by the FFI. There has been further sabotage of canals.
Communiqué No. 62
Allied troops advancing east of LA HAYE-DU-PUITS have reached the edge of the FORÊT DE MONT CASTRE and are threatening the last area of high ground which dominate the town. Our progress is maintained down the road southwest from CARENTAN in spite of enemy counterattacks.
In the CAEN area, the battle at CARPIQUET Airfield continues with fierce armored and infantry fighting. A number of enemy tanks have been destroyed.
The enemy’s rail and road supply system in the huge triangle PARIS-DOL-LA ROCHE SUR YON, was mauled severely today by our air forces operating in strength and without interruption.
Our fighter-bombers maintained armed reconnaissance patrol in this triangle throughout the morning, severing rail lines at many points. Enemy troop concentrations southwest of CARENTAN and a road causeway near LESSAY were also dive-bombed.
Medium bombers attacked several rail bridges in the combat area with good results. Fuel dumps at CHARTRES, ARGENTAN, and CERENCES were set afire.
Early this morning, during an offensive sweep towards BREST, an enemy force of four armed trawlers was intercepted by destroyer patrols. Three of the enemy were left burning fiercely.