America at war! (1941–) – Part 3

Editorial: Philippine prospect

Editorial: Driving into France

With the great port of Cherbourg won, Gen. Bradley has lost no time in turning about with the American 1st Army to smash southward in a heavy new offensive designed to place the Normandy Peninsula entirely in Allied hands.

Preceded by a mighty artillery barrage, the attack is pressing the Nazis on a 40-mile front stretching from the La Haye area on the west coast southeastward to the Saint-Lô and Caumont sectors. Meanwhile, at the eastern end of the front, around Caen, the British have smashed no fewer than 25 savage counterattacks by Rommel who is reported to be grouping 11 divisions for an all-out counteroffensive in this region. It is a question, however, whether he can strike such a blow, not only because his forces have already been severely mauled but also because the British may beat him to the punch and because he must reckon with our fresh American assault.

In any event, no matter how much strength Rommel may be able to throw Into the developing battle, all the reports from Normandy confidently suggest that It will not be enough. Apparently our British and American forces have everything they need to win over the whole peninsula, so that if the Nazis really commit themselves to a showdown test of arms in an effort to contain us, they may be so shattered as to make possible a swift Allied advance deep Into France toward such great objectives as Le Havre and Paris.

Lacking appreciable air support and having to worry about possible Allied landings elsewhere, the Nazis appear to have more than they can handle in the British around Caen and in our new American offensive. The battle of the Normandy Peninsula, in fact, seems to be shaping up rapidly into the battle of France. Once our forces are able to pour out of their present confined combat area into the big broad maneuverable country, events are likely to move very fast and decisively.


Gould Lincoln: The political mill

By Gould Lincoln

Two weeks hence, the Democrats will be on the eve of their national convention. Today the Democrats have not heard directly from President Roosevelt that he will run again. The same situation existed in 1940, two weeks before the President said he would accept a third-term nomination. He may or may not tell his followers his decision about a fourth-term nomination until the Democratic convention is actually underway.

If he wants the nomination, it is his. He does not have to worry about that. He might worry about another election. And certainly, no man has had as much reason as the President to wish release from the arduous job he has – after approximately 13 years.

The fact remains, however, that he is still to make a formal statement regarding his future political plans. He may feel that he cannot with propriety say whether he will accept a nomination until it has actually been tendered him. But if he has no plan to run for the Presidency again, he is late in disclosing his attitude. Certainly, a sudden declination, made to the delegates assembled in Chicago, would bring about a chaotic situation. No other candidates have been brought forward.

So, it is taken for granted that the President will permit his name to go before the coming convention and that he will accept its decision. Recent visitors at the White House, without quoting Mr. Roosevelt, have come away insisting he will be a candidate. Many weeks ago, Democratic National Chairman Hannegan said flatly he believed the President would run.

The Republicans, having nominated their national ticket – Dewey and Bricker – and written their party platform, are awaiting the results of the Democratic convention. Their campaign and its character will depend on the Democratic nominee and the Democratic platform. All of their platform. All of their speeches, including those at the recent Republican National Convention, have been written in the belief that Mr. Roosevelt will run again. If at the last minute, a new presidential nominee should be trotted out, the Republicans would amend their campaign plans materially.

Far more delegates to the coming Democratic National Convention have been ‘‘instructed” for President Roosevelt than were “instructed” for Governor Dewey before the Republican convention. Yet the “draft” of Mr. Dewey was accomplished with ease. Governor Dewey, like the President, had never said personally he would accept nomination. But some of his closest political friends and advisers went to Chicago, the convention city and issued statements declaring their belief the New York Governor would run if nominated.

It remains to be seen whether the draft of President Roosevelt for a fourth-term nomination can be obtained with as great unanimity as was the draft of Mr. Dewey. Delegations from some of the Southern states, especially Texas, Mississippi and South Carolina, are inimical to a fourth term. Indeed, a revolt not only against the nomination of Mr. Roosevelt but also against his reelection is threatened in the South.

That the “draft” of Mr. Roosevelt will go through, unless he halts it, is certain. But there are drafts and drafts. His “draft” in 1940 met with opposition in the Democratic convention. His own former chief political lieutenant, James A. Farley, was strongly opposed to a third-term nomination. Mr. Farley is still opposed to a President’s having more than two terms in the White House. It is expected he will have part in any attempted insurrection against the renomination of the President that crops up.

If the President is renominated, two New Yorkers, one a former Governor and the other the present Governor, will toe the mark in the presidential race. This recalls the 1920 contest, between Ohioans, one the late President Harding and the other former Governor Cox. In that presidential campaign, Franklin D. Roosevelt was the vice-presidential candidate on the Democratic ticket with Mr. Cox.

McCallum: Engineers, signal men little publicized, but defy death regularly

By Walter McCallum

Völkischer Beobachter (July 5, 1944)

Ein ‚deklassierter‘ Kriegsschauplatz

Normandie-Landekopf soll angeblich nur deutsche Kräfte binden

dr. th. b. Stockholm, 4. Juli –
Zu Beginn der fünften Invasionswoche beginnt sich der englischen Öffentlichkeit angesichts der gescheiterten Offensive Montgomerys eine gedrücktere Stimmung zu bemächtigen. Die Erfolge der bolschewistischen Armeen im Mittelabschnitt der Ostfront bieten, obwohl sie im Mittelpunkt des Interesses stehen, keinen Trost. Denn politisch könnten diese Erfolge nur bedeuten, daß England noch zu weiteren Zugeständnissen gezwungen wird.

Mit der üblichen Übertreibung schreibt der militärische Mitarbeiter des Daily Telegraph, Generalleutnant Matin, die „Hauptaufgabe der Westmächte sei es jetzt, soviel deutsche Kräfte wie möglich im Westen zu binden, während die Russen nach Berlin stürmen.“ In dieser Übertreibung steckt ein Körnchen Wahrheit. Der Sinn der Invasion, ohne den sie sich gar nicht gelohnt hätte, war ja, durch eigenen militärischen Einsatz endlich einen politischen Kräfteausgleich zu schaffen. Wenn es jetzt in der englischen Presse heißt, „Weißruthenen sei die ‚dynamische Arena der Entscheidung‘ und im Osten werde sich das Schicksal des Krieges vollziehen,“ so drückt man wider besseres Wissen aus rein agitatorischen Gründen den Brückenkopf in der Normandie, um den bereits so viel englisches Blut vergossen wurde und der bereits so viel wertvollstes Kriegsmaterial einschließlich unersetzlichen Schiffsraumes kostete, zu einem Nebenkriegsschauplatz herab, was auf die englische Öffentlichkeit nur eine tief enttäuschende Wirkung ausüben muß Ein Bericht der Stockholms Tidningen aus London spricht denn auch von der deprimierenden Wirkung des ersten Invasionsmonats.

Zu der niedergedrückten Stimmung haben die fliegenden Bomben natürlich nicht weniger beigetragen als die Meldungen von der Invasionsfront. „Fliegende Bomben,“ so lautete der letzte Reuters-Bericht, sind in dichter Folge über England niedergegangen. Außerdem sind gewöhnliche Flugzeuge den Bomben gefolgt. In einem Gebiet haben die Bomben erheblichen Schaden angerichtet, wenige Minuten später hörte man das Brummen von Flugzeugmotoren, dem kurz darauf vier Explosionen folgten. „In dem Reuters-Bericht wird diesmal nicht ein einziger Abschuß erwähnt. Die englische Abwehr steht also ‚V1‘ immer noch machtlos gegenüber.“

US-Dampfer Santa Elena vernichtet

Der Verlust des 9.135 BRT großen Dampfers Santa Elena wird amtlich bekanntgegeben. In der Verlautbarung des US-Marineministeriums heißt es, daß der Dampfer, der als Truppentransporter in Dienst gestellt war, einem Angriff deutscher Torpedoflugzeuge zum Opfer fiel.

Generaloberst Dollmann beigesetzt

Generalfeldmarschall von Rundstedt hielt die Gedenkrede

Paris, 4. Juli –
Auf dem Pariser Heldenfriedhof Ivry wurde am Sonntag der am 27. Juni plötzlich verstorbene Oberbefehlshaber der 7. Armee, Generaloberst Dollmann, feierlich beigesetzt. Der Oberbefehlshaber West, Generalfeldmarschall von Rundstedt, nahm mit den Feldmarschällen Rommel und Sperrle sowie anderen hohen Offizieren an der Feier teil. Generalfeldmarschall von Rundstedt, der im Aufträge des Führers einen Kranz an der Gruft niederlegte, würdigte in seiner Ansprache die großen soldatischen Leistungen des Verstorbenen und betonte, daß es das Verdienst des Generalobersten Dollmann gewesen sei, wenn der Feind seit den Tagen seiner Landung um den von ihm erhofften Erfolg gebracht wurde.

Rom unter der Okkupantenfuchtel

Von unserem Berner Berichterstatter

Innsbrucker Nachrichten (July 5, 1944)

Feind in der Normandie blutig abgewiesen

Schweres Vergeltungsfeuer auf London – Feindliche Durchbruchsversuche in Italien gescheitert – Hartes Ringen im Mittelabschnitt der Ostfront

dnb. Aus dem Führerhauptquartier, 5. Juli –
Das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht gibt bekannt:

In der Normandie trat der Feind beiderseits der Straße Bayeux–Caen in den gestrigen Morgenstunden nach schwerem Vorbereitungsfeuer mit starken Infanterie- und Panzerkräften zum Angriff an. Es entwickelten sich heftige Kämpfe, in deren Verlauf der Feind überall blutig abgewiesen wurde. Auch südwestlich Tilly brachen mehrere feindliche Vorstöße in unserem Abwehrfeuer zusammen. Am Westflügel des Landekopfes dauerten die schweren Abwehrkämpfe auch gestern den ganzen Tag über an. Alle Angriffe scheiterten unter hohen blutigen Verlusten für den Feind. Wo der Gegner in unsere Linien eindringen konnte, wurde er durch Gegenstöße sofort wieder auf seine Ausgangsstellungen zurückgeworfen.

Schwere Kampfflugzeuge griffen in der Nacht feindliche Schiffsansammlungen vor der normannischen Küste an und versenkten einen Zerstörer und ein Handelsschiff von 5.000 BRT. Ein Kreuzer wurde schwer beschädigt.

Über dem Landekopf und den besetzten Westgebieten wurden 62 feindliche Flugzeuge, darunter 45 viermotorige Bomber, abgeschossen.

In Mittelfrankreich wurde ein durch Fallschirm abgesetzter britischer Sabotagetrupp in Stärke von 43 Mann liquidiert, weitere 108 bewaffnete Terroristen wurden erschossen.

Schweres Vergeltungsfeuer liegt auf London.

In Italien lag der Schwerpunkt der Kämpfe gestern im Raum südlich Arezzo und nördlich Siena. Nach erbitterten wechselvollen Kämpfen konnte der Feind dort einige Kilometer nach Norden vorrücken. Seine Versuche, einen Durchbruch zu erzielen, scheiterten. An der westlichen und östlichen Küstenstraße zerschlugen unsere Grenadiere, von Artillerie und schweren Waffen hervorragend unterstützt, alle auch mit Panzern geführten feindlichen Angriffe.

Im Südabschnitt der Ostfront wurde die Stadt Kowel zur örtlichen Frontverkürzung planmäßig und ohne feindlichen Druck geräumt.

Im Mittelabschnitt dauert das harte Ringen um die Landengen zwischen den Sümpfen im Raum von Baranowlcze und Molodeczno an. Östlich und nördlich Baranowlcze wurden die Sowjets nach schweren Kämpfen in Riegelstellungen aufgefangen. Südlich Minsk kämpfen sich unsere Verbände weiter zurück. Nordwestlich der Stadt wurden heftige Angriffe der Bolschewisten abgewiesen. Hier schoss eine Panzerkampfgruppe unter Führung des Generalleutnants von Saucken in beweglicher Kampfführung in der Zeit vom 27. Juni bis 3. Juli 232 feindliche Panzer ab. Um Molodeczno wird erbittert gekämpft. Auch nordöstlich Wilna sind heftige Kämpfe mit sowjetischen Angriffsspitzen im Gange. Westlich und nordwestlich Polozk brachen zahlreiche, von Panzern unterstützte Angriffe des Feindes unter hohen blutigen Verlusten zusammen.

Schlachtfliegergeschwader unterstützten den Abwehrkampf des Heeres und fügten den Sowjets hohe Verluste zu.

Ein Verband schwerer Kampfflugzeuge führte in der Nacht einen zusammengefassten Angriff gegen Minsk. Zahlreiche Großbrände wurden beobachtet.

Bei einem Angriff sowjetischer Flugzeuge auf Kirkenes wurden 26 feindliche Flugzeuge im Luftkampf abgeschossen.

Nordamerikanische Bomber flogen nach Rumänien und warfen Bomben auf Kronstadt. Es entstanden Schäden und Personenverluste. Fünf viermotorige Flugzeuge wurden abgeschossen.

Einzelne britische Störflugzeuge warfen in der letzten Nacht Bomben im rheinisch-westfälischen Gebiet.

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (July 5, 1944)

Communiqué No. 59

The Allied advance southwards in the COTENTIN Peninsula made further progress during the day, particularly in the vicinity of SAINT-RÉMY-DES-LANDES and BLANCHELANDE. Our troops to the west and north of LA HAYE-DU-PUITS, and now within four miles of the town. A small gain was also made southeast of SAINT-JORES.

In the CAEN area, Allied forces were engaged in fierce fighting south of the village of CARPIQUET.

There was a considerable increase in air activity yesterday. The principal effort was directed by our fighter bombers against enemy communications – road, rail and water – over a mile wide area extending from NANTES in the west to CAMBRAI in the east. Considerable damage was caused to trains, tracks, barges, motor transport and flak towers, in the ANGERS-TOURS-LAVAL area.

In the immediate battle zone south of CAEN, and at LESSAY on the extreme western flank, targets were attacked in direct support of our ground forces.

There was a series of encounters with enemy fighters during these small operations and a number were destroyed. Our losses were small.

Last night, the railways at VILLENEUVE-SAINT-GEORGES and ORLÉANS were attacked by heavy bombers, 14 of which are missing. Light bombers also attacked successfully enemy reinforcements, particularly in the western battle sector. They also hit rail targets south of PARIS.

Coastal aircraft attacked enemy shipping off BRITTANY during the afternoon and in the Channel last night.

Communiqué No. 60

Further advances have been made by Allied forces in the base of the CHERBOURG Peninsula although resistance is strong and the enemy is well-positioned on high ground.

Most progress was made in the coastal sector. SAINT-NICOLAS-DE-PIERREPONT and NEUF-MESNIL have been liberated and some units are now approaching LA HAYE-DU-PUITS.

In the CAEN area, the enemy is counterattacking strongly.

Our position at CARPIQUET remains firm.

During the night, coastal aircraft heavily attacked concentrations of E-boats and other vessels between DIEPPE and GRAVELINES. One armed auxiliary vessel blew up and several other craft were damaged.

Bad weather again interfered with air operations this morning.

Heavy bombers attacked airfields in BELGIUM and HOLLAND. They were escorted by fighters which subsequently strafed a variety of ground targets, including railway yards, power stations and airfields.

Medium bombers escorted by fighters bombed two bridges over the River ORNE, a fuel dump at SENONCHES, a rail junction at L’AIGLE and a supply depot in a wood 20 five miles southwest of DREUX. Two of the medium bombers are missing.

Fighter-bombers attacked flak positions in the CAEN area and railway targets near LAVAL.

U.S. Navy Department (July 5, 1944)

Remarks by Secretary of the Navy at Press Conference

For Immediate Release
July 5, 1944

You have the news review for this week. I would like to make these further observations:

The Navy’s desire is to present the news of the war so far as naval action is concerned as realistically as is humanly possible. It is desired that news be angled neither optimistically nor pessimistically; any such attempt carries the implication that the people of the country are not able to place proper evaluation upon events of the war. The Navy does not believe that to be the case.

At the conclusion of a recital of news such as has been related today, I am always struck by the fact that the net impression left is a distinctly favorable one; the cumulative effect of such impressions cannot but lead subconsciously to the conclusion that the war is relatively close to being over.

That is not the case. I am saying that as much to myself as to you. What is happening now is that, logistically speaking, we are getting close to the place where we can force the enemy in the Pacific to stand up and fight; but I have no illusions but that the fighting which the enemy will do when he is cornered will be bitter and costly. In battering down the outer rim of Japanese defenses we have been successful, and that work has gone at a somewhat faster pace than had been hoped for. The main battles, however, which will be necessary before Japanese power can be destroyed are still to come. It is likely that these final battles will occur on land, and that means the application of infantry power with all of the accompanying elements of assault over vast areas.

The war in the Pacific goes well, but it is a long war.

Communiqué No. 529

Pacific and Far East.
U.S. submarines have reported the sinking of 17 vessels, including two combatant ships, as a result of operations against the enemy in these waters, as follows:

  • 1 light cruiser
  • 1 destroyer
  • 2 medium tankers
  • 5 medium cargo transports
  • 3 small cargo vessels
  • 1 large cargo transport
  • 3 medium cargo vessels
  • 1 small cargo transport

These actions have not been announced in any previous Navy Department communiqués.

The Free Lance-Star (July 5, 1944)

Battling foe in city’s streets today

Actions flare up on British front

SHAEF, England (AP) –
Doughboys fought hand-to-hand late today through the streets of La Haye-du-Puits, German anchor on their western flank in France, after seizing the railway station 300 yards from the heart of that important junction town.

Besides battering into La Haye-du-Puits, Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley’s men scored advances of more than two miles along the entire front near the town, six miles inland from the western coast. A field dispatch said the railway station fell shortly after 9:00 a.m. (local time).

The Germans counterattacked with infantry and tanks, throwing in giant Tiger tanks for the first time on the U.S. sector in Normandy in a vain effort to save the town, the dispatch added.

Violent fighting also flared at the eastern end of the front near Caen. Field Marshal Erwin Rommel attacked heavily against the lower tip of the British wedge southwest of Caen, seeking to break through the Allied line. Canadian troops were forced back in the battle for Carpiquet Airfield, due west of Caen.

SHAEF, England (AP) –
The U.S. 1st Army has battled the Germans out of 17 villages and hamlets in its explosive assault down the Cherbourg Peninsula during the past 24 hours, driving the Germans back to within one mile of La Haye-du-Puits, western anchor of Nazi defenses in Normandy.

On the eastern extreme of the bridgehead front, Canadians fought hand-to-hand today with stubbornly resisting Germans for Carpiquet Airfield three miles from Caen, while the British to the south beat off new German tank attacks with heavy enemy losses.

Lt. Gen. Omar N. Bradley’s tireless U.S. doughboys, attacking in a jagged 20-mile arc from Carentan to the west coast of the Cherbourg Peninsula, advanced from a half-mile to two-and-a-half miles in swampy, canal-creased country.

Six-road junction

U.S. columns converging on La Haye-du-Puits, an important six-road junction, were within two miles of the town on the west, three miles on the north, a mile on the northeast and three miles on the east. Capture of the town appeared imminent.

Progress was far from easy. The Germans resisted heavily in all sectors, and a particularly violent engagement was going on a half-mile south of newly-captured Saint-Jores, east of La Haye.

The long-quiet Carentan sector erupted into bloody fighting when the Americans launched an attack down the Carentan–Périers road. The doughboys advanced half a mile in an attack starting at noon yesterday.

Each foot of the advance had to be covered with artillery. Swamps and canals channelized the fighting to the narrow area along the road.

On the Carentan–Tilly-sur-Seulles sector of the front, there was only patrol activity.

East of Gavrus, at the butt of the Odon River bridgehead, the Germans launched a night counterattack, but it was smashed by Gen. Bernard L. Montgomery’s big gun batteries. Another similar attack to the south three hours later was also smashed.

Light opposition

The British advance which captured Verson, two miles below Carpiquet and four miles southwest of Caen, encountered only light opposition. But to the north, where the Canadians captured Carpiquet, three miles west of Caen, the Germans resisted violently and beat back all attempts to capture the airfield.

Field Marshal Gen. Erwin Rommel had tanks dug in on a ridge overlooking the airfield. These tanks swept the field with fire and even rocket-firing Typhoons failed to dislodge them. Digging tanks in to the turret is a device the Germans used with considerable success in Russia and at Cassino in Italy during the past winter.

Slightly improved weather allowed the Allies to put up over 3,500 planes in support of the bridgehead yesterday and at least 23 German planes were shot down.


Wagner declines vital party post

Refuses chairmanship of Democratic Platform Committee; another is sought

Senator Robert F. Wagner (D-NY), two-time chairman of the platform-making Resolutions committee at Democratic National Conventions, has declined the job again and party leaders were reported today to have offered it to a prominent House member.

The Democratic National Committee expects to announce the name of the new chairman before the weekend. That will permit appointment of a subcommittee which will assemble in Chicago before July 17, hold hearings, and put up a scaffolding for erection of the 1944 national party platform.

The subcommittee will have no power to act. The convention itself, which begins July 19, must create the resolutions and other major committees.

Scrap may develop

It will be in the Credentials Committee that a scrap may develop over seating fourth-term or anti-fourth-term delegates from some order of business will have to pass on Southern demands for the restoration of a rule that a two-third vote is necessary to nominate.

One reason Wagner turned down the resolutions chairmanship is that he is attending an international monetary conference at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire. The conference will probably overlap the Democratic candidate picking.

Except for the Democrats’ planning, the Fourth of July was largely a holiday politically. New York Governor Thomas E. Dewey, the Republican presidential nominee, took things easy.

George renominated

In Georgia, a quiet Democratic primary was marked by the efforts of Negroes to vote. They were refused permission, but their efforts laid the basis for a court test.

Senator Walter F. George easily won renomination. Rep. Cox of Georgia’s 2nd Congressional district, a critic of the Federal Communications Commission, was apparently headed for return to the House and Reps. Peterson of the 1st district and Gibson of the 8th district held commanding leads over their opponents.

In Mississippi, Rep. John E. Rankin held a strong lead in the state’s 1st district congressional race, heading his opponents by about eight to one. Rep. Whitten held a three-to-one lead in the 2nd district while Rep. Abernathy held a lead of about 4,000–300 in the 4th district with half the precincts counted.

Smashing aerial raids on France

Troop concentrations and railroads are hit by British


London, England (AP) –
U.S. Fortresses and Liberators bombed airfields in Holland and Belgium, rocket bomb nests and other targets in the Pas-de-Calais Department of France today in swift continuance of devastating attacks by the RAF from the Channel coast to the German Ruhr.

Up to 500 U.S. planes, half heavy bombers and half convoying fighters, carried out the forenoon assault in cloudy weather with opposition as scant that all returned.

London, England (AP) –
In one of the most devastating series of night assaults since the Normandy invasion began, British heavy and light bombers smashed as railroads, troop concentrations and flying bomb nests in France last night, while Mosquitos struck anew at the enemy’s fuel supply by blasting a synthetic oil plant in the Ruhr.

Indications that Germany was getting another pounding today came from the German radio which said that bomber formations were approaching the northwestern part of the Reich.

During the sweeping overnight operations, which climaxed a July 4 display of aerial might in which nearly 5,000 planes ranged over the continent yesterday, RAF Lancasters and Halifaxes pounded railway yards at Villeneuve-Saint-Georges on the southeastern outskirts of Paris and at Orléans, 75 miles to the south.

The blows renewed a campaign – recently interrupted by bad weather – to disrupt the movement of enemy supplies and reinforcements to the Normandy battlefront.

Another formation of British heavies plastered launching ramps for flying bombs in northern France – the second heavy attack in less than 24 hours on the lair of the robot raiders which continued to drone across the Channel during the night.

Fourteen heavy bombers were reported lost in the attack on railyards below Paris while 13 planes were lost in raids on the Ruhr and the rocket bomb nests and in minelaying operations. The Germans asserted 40 four-engined bombers were downed during the night.

Mosquitos and Bostons of the 2nd Tactical Air Force also ranged over France during the night, making what Allied air headquarters described as a record number of attacks on German communications.

U.S. warships and planes blast Jap bases on Fourth

USPACFLT HQ, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (AP) –
Guns of U.S. warships and rockets of carrier planes shattered Japanese bases on the Fourth of July 700 miles south of Tokyo.

Saipan, on the invasion route to Japan, is seven-eighths in the hands of still advancing U.S. Marines and soldiers.

Noemfoor, on the invasion route to the Philippines, is falling in a lightning operation to infantrymen, reinforced by paratroopers.

The latest task force thrust toward Nippon, aimed at the Volcano (Kazan) and Bonin Islands, resulting in the sinking or beaching of three Jap destroyers, the sinking of two other ships and the destruction in sky battles of 64-80 planes at a cost of nine U.S. carrier aircraft.

These fast-breaking developments along a Western Pacific war front of more than 2,000 miles – from the Bonins to Dutch New Guinea’s Geelvink Bay – were reported in a series of communiqués last night and today.

Reports Guam attack

Tokyo radio added to the flaming action the unconfirmed report that carrier-based U.S. planes raided Guam, south of Saipan, Monday.

The enemy air base of Rota, between Guam and Saipan, was shelled by warships and bombed by carrier planes Sunday.

The Volcano-Bonin attack was a two-day operation which raised to 36 the number of Nipponese ships sunk and to 826 the total of enemy planes destroyed since the Western Pacific offensive opened June 10. U.S. losses for the same period were listed as 160 planes – and four warships damaged, but none sunk.

Adm. Chester W. Nimitz said the Fourth of July attack also left an enemy destroyer dead in the water and burning, damaged several small cargo ships and set fire to harbor installations and warehouses.

Carrier planes opened the operation the day before, blasting Iwo Jima in the Volcano group, shooting down 39 interceptors for certain, probably bagging 16 more and destroying or damaging 24 on the ground. Three raiders were lost.

Second day’s blow

On the second day, cruisers and destroyers moved in to shell Iwo Jima while rocket-firing planes attacked both it and Hahajima in the Bonins. In that attack, 25 enemy planes were downed and six raiders were lost.

On Saipan, invaded June 14, Marine heroes of Tarawa and the Marshalls and infantry veterans of Central Pacific invasions left the worst terrain behind them as they squeezed the Japanese into the northeast corner. More than 7,000 of the enemy have been slain.

In the Southwest Pacific, Gen. Douglas MacArthur’s 6th Army troops which quickly won an airfield on Noemfoor opened a powerhouse push Monday toward a second drome, backed by reinforcements parachuted to the beachhead.

De Gaulle will arrive Thursday

Elaborate Washington welcome is being planned


FDR overseas trip called conjecture

Washington (AP) –
Presidential Secretary Stephen Early today characterized as “pure speculation” published conjecture that President Roosevelt may be planning another overseas trip which might lead to his acceptance of a fourth-term nomination from abroad.

Some of Mr. Roosevelt’s recent news conference comment has given rise to speculation on another foreign trip but in each instance, the President has accompanied his remarks with laughter or gestures which left reporters unable to decide whether he was teasing them or dropping a hint.

Monetary expert defends his plan

Parleys continued by 44 United Nations representatives

Allies advancing toward Florence

Eighth Army drives to within five miles of Arezzo

17 Jap vessels sunk in Pacific

Washington (AP) –
Navy Secretary Forrestal reported today the sinking of 17 Japanese vessels, including a light cruiser and destroyer, by U.S. submarines operating in Pacific waters.

He disclosed the latest bag of U.S. underseas craft at a news conference at which he reported that the submarines deserve “the lion’s share of the credit for knocking the props from under Japan’s conquest.”

Forrestal said that the rate of sinking of the Japanese merchant fleet would be accelerated “and has caught up with the Jap retreat.”

Japan, he said, “is losing merchant ships faster than she can afford to” and continuation of the current trends “will leave her by the end of 1944 with a sizable and growing deficit.”

The war against Japan, he said, had moved at “a faster pace than we had hoped for.”

Eisenhower observes Normandy battle area

SHAEF, England (AP) –
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower returned to his headquarters today after celebrating the Fourth of July by flying with Maj. Gen. Elwood Quesada on an observation trip over the Normandy battle area.

Eisenhower flew in a Mustang over the combat area with Quesada, chief of the U.S. 9th Air Force Fighter Command.

New Army ace downs 28th plane

A U.S. 8th Air Force fighter base, Britain (AP) –
Lt. Col. Francis Gabreski of Oil City, Pennsylvania, became the top scoring U.S. Army Air Force fighter pilot today by shooting down his 28th plane near Évreux, France.

Texas convention action attacked

Jesse Jones protests again binding of electors


GOP party heads talk with Dewey

Plans are mapped out for campaign strategy

Albany, New York (AP) –
Telephone conferences with party leaders kept Governor Thomas E. Dewey abreast today of fast unloading organization plans which appeared likely to concentrate the direction of senatorial and Congressional, as well as presidential, campaigns in New York City headquarters.

The Republican presidential nomination who spent a quiet holiday at the Executive Mansion yesterday, has conferred frequently by telephone with GOP National Chairman Herbert Brownell Jr. Otherwise, he has attained remarkable seclusion for a presidential candidate since his return to Albany last Saturday from Chicago.

Thus far this week, Dewey has had no appointments with party leaders and has expressed the desire not to hold conferences at his farm near Pawling, New York, where he will go Friday for a “homecoming” celebration and rest.

Meanwhile, however, the Dewey strategy board has been busy with plans to weld the customary Congressional and senatorial campaigns into the drive for the Presidency. Tentative arrangements are also underway for a conference with other Republican Governors in an attempt to enlist their active support in the vote-getting battle.