America at war! (1941–) – Part 3

Neue unerhörte Neutralitätsverletzung –
Terrorangriff auf San Marino

Innsbrucker Nachrichten (June 29, 1944)

Schwere Kämpfe im Mittelabschnitt der Ostfront

Im Raum Cherbourg halten sich weiterhin deutsche Stützpunkte – London seit zwei Wochen unter dem andauernden Feuer der ‚V1‘ – Erbitterte Kämpfe südwestlich Siena – Voller Abwehrerfolg westlich des Trasimenischen Sees

dnb. Aus dem Führerhauptquartier, 29. Juni –
Das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht gibt bekannt:

In der Normandie dehnte der Feind seine starken Angriffe auf fast 25 Kilometer breite aus. Besonders erbittert waren die Kämpfe im Raum südwestlich Caen, wo der Gegner in dem buschigen, unübersichtlichen Gelände einen schmalen Einbruch erzielen konnte. Der in den Abendstunden einsetzende Gegenangriff deutscher gepanzerter Kampfgruppen drängte die feindlichen Angriffsspitzen auf engstem Raum zusammen. Der Gegner erlitt schwerste Verluste an Menschen und Material. Allein eine Panzerabteilung vernichtete dabei 53 feindliche Panzer. In diesem Abschnitt haben sich bei den Kämpfen der letzten Tage die 12. SS-Panzerdivision „Hitler-Jugend“ unter Führung von SS-Standartenführer Meyer, insbesondere die Kampfgruppen des SS-Sturmbannführers Olbötter, besonders ausgezeichnet, östlich der Orne brachen wiederholte von starker Artillerie unterstützte Vorstöße des Gegners blutig zusammen.

Im Raum von Cherbourg halten sich mehrere unserer Stützpunkte auch weiterhin gegen die feindliche Übermacht. Der Hafen ist zerstört, die Einfahrt immer noch gesperrt.

Ein Vorstoß feindlicher Zerstörer gegen die Kanalinseln wurde durch deutsche Sicherungsstreitkräfte abgewehrt. Eines unserer Vorpostenboote kämpfte dabei die Geschützbedienungen eines Zerstörers nieder und brachte ihm aus nächster Nähe zahlreiche Artillerievolltreffer bei. Der feindliche Zerstörer geriet in Brand und wurde nach schwerer Detonation sinkend zurückgelassen. Zwei eigene Fahrzeuge gingen im Verlauf des harten Seegefechts verloren.

Über dem Landekopf und den besetzten Westgebieten wurden 41 feindliche Flugzeuge abgeschossen.

London liegt nunmehr seit zwei Wochen unter dem andauernden Feuer der „V1.“

In Italien kam es gestern zu besonders erbitterten Kämpfen im Raum südlich und südwestlich Siena, wo der Gegner geringe Fortschritte erzielen konnte. Hart westlich des Trasimenischen Sees errangen unsere Divisionen erneut einen vollen Abwehrerfolg. Wiederholte, mit zusammengefassten Infanterie- und Panzerkräften geführte Durchbruchsangriffe wurden hier im Nahkampf unter Abschuß einer Anzahl feindlicher Panzer zerschlagen. Ein örtlicher Einbruch wurde abgeriegelt. Bei den schweren Abwehrkämpfen in diesem Abschnitt haben sich die 1. Fallschirmjägerdivision unter Generalleutnant Heidrich und die 334. Infanteriedivision unter Generalmajor Böhlke durch besondere Tapferkeit und Standhaftigkeit ausgezeichnet.

Im Mittelabschnitt der Ostfront gewannen die Sowjets im Verlauf der erbitterten Abwehrschlacht an einigen Stellen weiter Raum. Die Besatzungen von Bobruisk und Mogilew setzten dem mit überlegenen Kräften anstürmenden Feind harten Widerstand entgegen. Östlich der mittleren und oberen Beresina sowie südlich Polozk dauern die schweren Kämpfe mit den vordringenden Sowjets an. Südöstlich Polozk scheiterten erneute feindliche Angriffe verlustreich für die Bolschewisten.

Bei den Kämpfen südöstlich Pleskau hat sich die ostpreußische 121. Infanteriedivision unter Führung von Oberst Löhr hervorragend geschlagen. Schlachtfliegerverbände griffen wirksam in die Erdkämpfe ein und fügten dem Feind schwere Menschen- und Materialverluste zu.

Ein Verband leichter deutscher und finnischer Seestreitkräfte beschoss im Finnischen Meerbusen sowjetische Batteriestellungen auf der Insel Narvi und versenkte einen feindlichen Bewacher.

Ein nordamerikanischer Bomberverband griff gestern das Stadtgebiet von Bukarest an. Deutsche und rumänische Jäger brachten zwölf feindliche Flugzeuge, darunter zehn viermotorige Bomber, zum Absturz.

Nordamerikanische Bomberverbände führten gestern Vormittag einen Terrorangriff gegen die Stadt Saarbrücken. In der Nacht warfen einzelne britische Flugzeuge Bomben im rheinisch-westfälischen Gebiet und im Raum von Saarbrücken.

Die Yankee-Invasion Englands

Ein Amerikaner über das englisch-amerikanische Verhältnis

Bern, 29, Juni –
Unter der Überschrift „Die Invasion Englands von der anderen Seite“ veröffentlicht der Bund einen Bericht, den der Amerikaner Murphy aus London für die Zeitschrift Fortune geschrieben hat. Darin finden sich folgende bezeichnende Feststellungen:

Die Amerikaner sind in der Ansicht erzogen worden, die Briten seien unheilbar geziert, eigensinnig, insular und entschieden gleichgültig gegen das, was andere angeht. Aber diese Eigenschaften nützen den Briten heute wenig mehr. Ihre schon überfüllte und vom Krieg eingeklemmte Insel wird von Amerikanern überrannt. Wo man letzten Winter nach Tausenden rechnete, da zahlte die „Invasion,“ wie man das mürrisch nennt, nach hunderttausenden. Schon die rein körperliche Muhe, Platz zu machen, wird mit der Zeit eine Nervenprobe. Die Briten haben der US-Flotte ganze Häfen eingeräumt, sie haben Dorfer verlassen, um unseren Truppen Unterkunft zu geben. Selbst Felder und hecken, die sie seit Generations mit Liebe gepflegt hatten, wurden auf Gnade und Ungnade unseren Panzertruppen preisgegeben, die Platz zum Üben brauchen.

„Ich beginne zu verstehen, was die Indianer durchmachten,“ bemerkte kürzlich ein Engländer.

Züge, Kinos, Wirtschaften, Taxis, Hotels füllen sich mit Amerikanern, besonders in London. In den Speisesälen der Hotels Claridge und Savoy glänzt es von den Schulterabzeichen unserer Offiziere nicht weniger als im Carlton in Washington und die Engländer find manchmal an beiden Orten gleich selten. Das berührt einen kitzligen Punkt der anglo-amerikanischen Partnerschaft – den Geldbetrag, den der Reichere ausgeben kann. Reisende sagen, in aller Welt sei man entzückt über die Art, wie die Amerikaner mit Geld um sich werfen, aber im schwerbesteuerten und streng rationierten England wirft dieses Geldausgeben soziale Fragen auf, die den britischen Stolz verletzen. Wenn der englische Soldat die Steuer abgelegt hat, dann ist er zufrieden, wenn er sich und seinen Freunden gelegentlich ein Glas Bier gönnen darf. Von Bewirtschaftung scharf trinkender Amerikaner ist keine Rede. So fühle er sich in seinen eigenen Wirtschaften arm und niedrig. Ähnlich ist es bei den Fliegern. Man kann sich denken, welchen Schaden der Soldunterschied anrichten kann, besonders in weiblicher Gesellschaft. Es genügt nicht, dass Roosevelt und Churchill auch fernerhin zusammenkommen und dramatische Entscheidungen treffen. Der Amerikaner – es ist Zeit, dass wir es merken – ist ein eigener Kerl, wenn er mit Seidenstrümpfen und Lippenstift sich hinter britischer Weiblichkeit hermacht, in England, wo sich die Reichsten und Vornehmsten den Luxus verjagen müssen.

Supreme HQ Allied Expeditionary Force (June 29, 1944)

Communiqué No. 47

More Allied forces have crossed the river ODON and the width of the bridgehead has increased. Allied armor has been heavily engaged south of the river. There has also been heavy fighting, including armored clashes, north and northwest of CAEN.

Enemy resistance had ceased in the area of the MAUPERTUS Airfield east of CHERBOURG. A few strongpoints remain to be dealt with in the CAP DE LA HAGUE area.

Bad weather again restricted air activity during the afternoon and evening, but armed reconnaissance flights were carried out in the CAEN–LISIEUX–MÉZIDON area. Attacks were made on enemy road transport at several points and a railway bridge at the SAINTE-HONORINE-DU-FAY. According to preliminary reports, 26 enemy aircraft were destroyed. Six of ours are missing.

Last night, our heavy bombers, 20 of which are missing, attacked the railway centers of METZ and BLAINVILLE in eastern FRANCE.

During the night, two enemy aircraft were shot down over northern FRANCE.

Communiqué No. 48

Our hold on the crossings of the river ODON has been strengthened after further heavy fighting in the TILLY–CAEN sector.

Enemy forces which had been bypassed in the area of MONDRAINVILLE and TOURVILLE were eliminated and counterattacks against the base of our salient were firmly repulsed.

North of CAEN, Allied troops have achieved small local gains against fierce opposition.

Fighting continues in the CAP DE LA HAGUE area.

Since the landing in NORMANDY, 121 German tanks have been destroyed by our troops.

Thick cloud and rain squalls restricted air operation this morning.

Fighter-bombers, however, continued the attacks on enemy troops and transport moving towards the battle area. Their targets included road and rail bridges near MONTFORT-SUR-RISLE, CHERISY and SAINT-PAUL-DE-COURTONNE (west of BERNAY), locomotives and trains at ORLÉANS and near FLERS, and rail junctions at VIERZON.

Attacks were made on enemy R-boats and minesweepers off LE TRÉPORT and on self-propelled barges at CAUDEBEC near the mouth of the SEINE.

In a series of encounters, eleven enemy planes were shot down for the loss of four of our aircraft.

U.S. Navy Department (June 29, 1944)

CINCPAC Communiqué No. 66

Organized resistance at Nafutan Point on Saipan Island ceased on June 27 (West Longitude Date). The entire point has been occupied by our forces. Small gains were made along the western shore into Garapan Town, and in the center of the island. Our advance northward is being made against severe enemy resistance. On the night of June 27, enemy aircraft dropped bombs in the area occupied by our forces. Two of the attacking planes were shot down by antiaircraft batteries.

Carrier aircraft attacked Pagan Island on June 27. Barracks and a water reservoir were hit. Only one plane was seen on the ground, and it appeared unserviceable. Several small craft badly damaged in previous strikes were hit by rocket fire.

Truk Atoll was bombed by 7th Army Air Force Liberators on June 27, and neutralization raids were made against objectives in the Marshall and Caroline Islands on June 26 and 27.

Naval aviators have destroyed more than 6,259 Japanese airplanes

For Immediate Release
June 29, 1944

Naval aviators have shot 5,521 Japanese warplanes out of the air since Pearl Harbor, while losing 1,260 planes in aerial combat. At least 65 percent of the U.S. Navy airmen shot down have been rescued.

In addition to the 5,521 Jap aircraft destroyed in the air, naval aviators have, in 1944 alone, destroyed at least 738 Jap planes on the ground. Only 17 Navy planes were lost in this way during the same period.

This 43–1 ratio in ground destruction partially explains the drop in ratio of U.S. air victories In the last three months from 4.7–1 to 4.4–1, according to RAdm. A. W. Radford, USN, Acting VCNO (Air). He explained that the accumulation of Naval strength in the Pacific, plus increasing effectiveness of Navy aerial recon­naissance, has made it possible for carrier task forces to surprise the Japanese and destroy their aircraft before they can become airborne to fight.

“As a result,” Adm. Radford said, “fewer Jap planes are available for us to shoot down. In addition, the Jap pilot is becoming less and less anxious to close with our pilots. So, the air ratio of victories has dropped slightly. This is more than compensated, however, by the 43–1 ground ratio. We don’t care where they are when we destroy them.”

Compilation of statistics in ground destruction of planes for 1942 and 1943 is being completed, but that phase of the aerial war during that period was relatively unimportant.

Combining the available figures not including ground losses of 1942 and 1943, the Navy enjoys a 4.8–1 advantage over Japan in the air war, having shot out of the air and destroyed on the ground a total of 6,259 planes, as against 1,277 planes lost. These figures for destruction of Jap planes do not include losses inflicted by antiaircraft fire. They cover the period from Decem­ber 7, 1941, through June 23, 1944. The figures for the period May 1 through June 23, 1944, are not final.

One reason for the increased air losses of Navy planes in 1944 over 1942 and 1943 is the loss of planes in the incessant bombing raids on Jap holdings, such as the Kurils, Truk and the Marshalls, where aerial opposition is rarely encountered any more, but where heavy anti-aircraft exacts a toll – a very small toll in relation to the frequency and intensity of the bombing raids carried out.

The record of air losses by years follows:

Year Japs Navy Ratio
1942 (including December 1941) 1134 384 3–1
1943 2212 351 6.3–1
1944 2175 525 4–1
TOTAL 5521 1260 4.4–1
1944 (ground) 738 17 43–1
GRAND TOTAL 6259 1277 4.8–1

All of the Navy’s planes have played a part in amassing the victory record. Naturally, it was the fighters – Grumman Hellcat and Wildcat and Vought Corsair – which scored the large majority of the victories, either while escorting the torpedo and dive bombers, or while defending American sea and land forces. The bombers – Grumman Avenger, Douglas Dauntless and Curtiss Helldiver, Consolidated Catalinas and Liberators, Lockheed Venturas – drove home the heavy blows while the fighters fended off the enemy’s air forces.

The Wildcat and Avenger are also built by General Motors’ Eastern Air­craft Division, the Corsair by Goodyear. The Helldiver is also built by Canadian Car and Fairchild of Canada, the Liberator by Ford and Douglas.

CINCPAC Press Release No. 464

For Immediate Release
June 29, 1944

Aslito Airfield on Saipan Island today was renamed Isely Field in honor of Cdr. Robert Henry Isely, USN, commander of VT-16, who was shot down June 12 by Japanese anti-aircraft fire as he was leading a bombing attack on the field.

The change in name was recommended by VAdm. Marc A. Mitscher, Commander, Fast Carrier Task Force, USPACFLT, and was made by Adm. Chester W. Nimitz, CINCPACPOA. Aslito Airdrome was first attacked by carrier aircraft of Adm. Mitscher’s task force in February of this year.

A naval aviator since 1937, Cdr. Isely had taken part in attacks at Tarawa and other Gilbert Islands, at Kwajalein, Palau, Woleai and Truk. He flew aerial cover for Gen. MacArthur’s troops when they landed in Hollandia in New Guinea. Adm. Mitscher’s recommendation was based on Cdr. Isely’s gallant performance of duty during all of these Pacific actions.

The Free Lance-Star (June 29, 1944)

British widening breach in lines

Nazis send two armies into armored fight near Caen; Yanks mopping up

SHAEF, England (AP) –
The Germans were reported today to have thrown the bulk of their 15th and 17th Armies into the defense of Caen in an attempt to halt the British flanking thrust south of the inland port.

But Gen. Sir Bernard L. Montgomery’s men smashed nine counterattacks in 24 hours and widened a breach in the enemy lines.

Supreme Headquarters announced British infantry and armor were streaming across the Odon River southwest of Caen in an ever-widening bridgehead.

Field dispatches said the German command had sent virtually the entire strength of the two armies into fierce armored fighting raging on three sides of the city.

The German communiqué said the British were attacking on a 17-mile front and had achieved a “minor break-in” in the bushy terrain southwest of Caen. One German tank formation destroyed 53 Allied tanks, the communiqué declared. The German Hitler Youth 12th Tank Division was said to have distinguished itself in the fighting.

‘Murderous barrage’

A field dispatch from Associated Press correspondent Roger Greene said hundreds of British guns laid down a “murderous barrage” against German armored forces moving up to attack the British right flank and quoted British officers as saying “German movement on the roads is being slaughtered by our planes.”

The Germans threw 150 tanks into flank attacks yesterday, the dispatch said, and much hand-to-hand fighting occurred in the woods where the British hunted down Germans in camouflaged nests.

Heavy fighting, including large-scale tank clashes, raged at distances of two to four miles from the strongly-defended German base in eastern Normandy. Little change, however, has occurred in the front positions in the past 12 hours.

While British tanks beat against the enemy in a flaming battle at points less than four miles southwest of Caen in an eastward thrust that would strangle the city’s communications, other forces battered the enemy from the north and northwest in fighting almost equally as bitter.

Americans mop up

Westward, the Americans on the Cherbourg Peninsula were mopping up isolated resistance in the Cap de la Hague, where it was unofficially estimated that about 3,000 Germans are still holding out.

The bag of prisoners taken there continued to increase. It was officially announced that Germans captured by U.S. forces in France from D-Day to Tuesday night totaled 28,849.

The fighting around Caen in the present stage is a typical big tank battle, with none knowing exactly where the frontlines are and towns being overrun, only to be retaken a few hours later.

The Supreme Command said:

Every British advance has been met with a most violent local counterattack. It is to be expected the Germans will make a coordinate major counterthrust.

It is considered unlikely that the battle for Caen will be decided before Marshal Erwin Rommel makes such an all-out bid.

Luftwaffe active

In the air, the long-dormant German Air Force sprang into life under a protecting cloak of clouds to support Rommel’s desperate bid to drive back the British, but 27 enemy planes were downed.

Indications that the Germans were moving strategic reserves from Germany into France to meet the Allies in Normandy was seen in a heavy RAF bomber attack last night on Metz, a railroad center near the German-French border. Improving weather gave promise the Allies would be able to bring mote strength into supporting air assaults.

A German report last night of a U.S. attack in the Saint-Lô sector in the western part of the Allied fighting zone lacked confirmation by Supreme Headquarters.


Dewey to consult leaders in presidential campaign

Party platform approved by nominee; ‘biggest’ press conference held

Chicago, Illinois (AP) –
Governor Thomas E. Dewey told what he called the “world’s biggest press conference” today that he hopes to conference” today that he hopes to confer with all of the nation’s Republican leaders, including Wendell L. Willkie, on presidential campaign plans.

Declining to discuss Cabinet possibilities – if he wins the White House – the smiling GOP nominee gave speedy endorsement to many planks of the party’s platform, including those on foreign policy, the President’s Fair Employment Practices Committee, foreign trade and others.

One query was how he planned to reach the servicemen with campaign appeals. Dewey replied that had not yet been determined.

Dewey covered a wide range of issues in answer to questions. He said he had read the Republican platform only one – while he was en route here by plane – and that “it represents my views.”

Expresses satisfaction

The nominees expressed satisfaction with the foreign trade plank of the party platform. While stating that some persons thought it might have been better, Dewey said it should be recognized that the platform was drawn by persons with conflicting opinions, and that as a result there had to be some compromising.

Parts of the foreign trade plank may appear, at first blush, to be inconsistent, he said, recalling that the plank promised an “adequate protective tariff” on competitive products designed to assure American standards.

Dewey said:

The essence of the plank is to be found in the latter part. The party promises that this nation will work with other nations to promote greater trade. This is not inconsistent with the tariff part of the plank.

Foreign policy

Questioned closely about his views on post-war foreign policy, Dewey said he did not believe that the United States should surrender its “sovereign right to make war” to any international organization.

The nominee defended state regulations of insurance companies at length, and promised a Negro reporter that he would live up to his oath to enforce the 13th and 14th Amendments if he is elected.

More than 500 persons – reporters, delegates and just onlookers – were jammed into the conference room.

When Dewey was asked if he thought the GOP platform ruled out an international police force, he shot back at his questioner, “What do you mean by an international police force?”

The reporter said he meant a force to which the various nations would contribute troops. Dewey replied:

If you mean an army with American soldiers, directed by some disembodied spirit, as a world agency, I would say that was ruled out.

To consult Bricker

In discussing the campaign organization, Dewey made it clear that he will consult Governor John W. Bricker of Ohio, the vice-presidential candidate, before making final decisions.

Dewey also replied “certainly I will” when asked whether he would continue as Governor of New York while campaigning for the Presidency.

The nominee was asked to tell how he would carry out his acceptance speech promise to provide full employment.

“I will elaborate on that later,” he said.

Dewey expressed the opinion that federal aid will have to be given to bolster reemployment in the post-war transition period but said he believed the problem must be met chiefly by private enterprise.

He replied affirmatively to a question whether he believed the party platform presumes establishment of a world court after the war.

Promises able Cabinet

The 42-year-old former racket-buster, in his opening statement to the American electoral jury last night, promised that “next year our government will again have a Cabinet of the ablest men and women to be found in America.”

The task of achieving a lasting peace, he declared, “is no task to be entrusted to stubborn men, grown old and tired and quarrelsome in office.”

A middle of the road path was advocated by the shaggy-browed 1944 standard-bearer on the touchy foreign policy issue.

He said:

We are agreed, all of us, that America will participate with other sovereign nations in a cooperative effort to prevent future wars.

There are only a few who really believe that America should try to remain aloof from the world. There are only a relative few who believe it would be practical for America or her allies to renounce all sovereignty and join a superstate.


Dewey to confer on GOP chairman

Chicago, Illinois (AP) –
The newly-elected Republican National Committee named a committee of six today to confer with Governor Thomas E. Dewey on his choice for a new national chairman to run his campaign for the Presidency. The full committee will meet again tomorrow morning.

Col. R. B. Creager of Texas was named ex-officio chairman of the six-member group. Other members: J. Russell Sprague of New York, Ezra R. Whitla of Idaho, Werner W. Schroeder of Illinois, Mrs. Horace A. Sayre of Oklahoma, and Mrs. Katharine K. Brown of Ohio.

Although the name of Herbert Brownell Jr., New York lawyer and Dewey’s gubernatorial campaign manager in 1938 and 1942, was the most prominently discussed for the national committee chairmanship, members said a definite decision is still up to Dewey.

Dewey told a news conference he wants to consult further with his running mate, John W. Bricker, before deciding upon a chairman.

“I want to make clear it will be a joint selection,” he said.

Harrison E. Spangler, present chairman who was elected in December 1942, would not say how he expected to figure in the coming campaign; many of his friends were urging his retention.

U.S. forces approaching Fisa

Fifth Army pushes up coast to capture Castagneto

Japs declare war at ‘serious stage’

New York (AP) –
The Tokyo radio told the Japanese people today that the U.S. thrust into Saipan Island in the Marianas, coupled with other U.S. offensive gestures over a wide area in the Pacific had brought the war to “a very serious stage.”

The broadcast, reported by the Office of War Information, said:

We, the 100,000,000 people of Japan, must realize now, if ever, that the outcome of the battle of the Marianas will exert a very serious influence upon the future war situation.

This is an offensive in which the enemy is prepared to make sacrifices, and even though there are times when there is no strategy whatever behind his actions as regards tactics, the seriousness lying deep in the heart of the enemy, the fierceness of the enemy’s fighting spirit, the enormous number of his ground troops, all are at their highest since the beginning of the war.

U.S. bombers attack Germany

Aircraft centers and oil refineries are hit

Drive on Wewak traps Japanese

U.S. and British advance encircles island


Mrs. Thomas Dewey is on platform beside husband

Chicago, Illinois (AP) –
Her brown eyes aglow, petite and pretty Mrs. Thomas E. Dewey stood with her husband on the klieg-lighted platform while he received thunderous ovations, last night.

Then, as is her custom, the wife of the New York Governor went to sit quietly to one side and watch and listen to her husband with unflagging attention. Her smile beamed above the white orchids pinned to her sheer black frock. Her only ornament was a double strand of pearls.

This was a far greater show than the Texas-born Frances Eileen Hutt of Sapulpa, Oklahoma, ever dreamed of when, as a chorus girl and music student in New York City, she met and married young Tom Dewey, voice student and struggling lawyer from Owosso, Michigan.

Her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O. T. Hutt, joined their son-in-law’s mother, Mrs. George M. Dewey, at Chicago’s bunting-hung stadium to witness Dewey’s acceptance of the presidential nomination.

In his speech, he promised that he would include the “ablest men and women” in his Cabinet if elected.

This opened the question of which leading women in the GOP might measure up to Dewey’s other specifications – “Experienced in the task to be done and young enough to do it.”

Rep. Clare Boothe Luce (R-CT), who addressed the convention Tuesday night, was spoken of, although her political experience is limited to 18 months in Congress.

Another possible Dewey choice might be Mary Donlon, whom he appointed chairman of the state industrial board and who has served this convention as vice chairman of the platform committee.

Reports U.S. battle casualties

Washington (AP) –
U.S. casualties in the war, including the first two weeks of battle in Normandy, total 251,158. Of these, 55,206 are dead – 35,104 soldiers and 20,102 Navy, Marines and Coast Guard personnel.

Secretary of War Stimson reported today that through June 13, U.S. Army casualties were 179,923, of which 32,022 were killed, 73,638 wounded, 37,796 missing and 36,467 prisoners. These figures, he explained, did not include casualties in France because compilation of casualties from individual names transmitted from the field to the War Department lagged behind actual events.

To be added to them, however, was the report of Supreme Allied Headquarters that during the first two weeks of fighting in France, U.S. casualties totaled 24,162 with 3,082 killed, 13,121 wounded and 7,959 missing.

29th Infantry Division is led by Gerhardt

SHAEF, England (AP) –
Maj. Gen. Charles Hunter Gerhardt, son of a general and veteran of the last war, was revealed today as commander of the U.S. 29th Infantry Division in action at Normandy.

Dispatches several days ago placed the division in the vicinity of Isigny.

Gerhardt, 49, took command of the division in July 1943 after it reached England.

He is a crack shot, great believer in physical fitness and filled with competitive spirit. He issued open challenge during training to any man in his division to a shooting match with either pistol or rifle for a two-dollar side bet.

Gerhardt is a rugged disciplinarian and a great individualist and believes in being with his fighting men.

He graduated from West Point in 1917, where he played football, basketball and baseball. He served with the 89th Infantry Division in the last war and participated in the Saint-Mihiel and Meuse-Argonne offensives.

Gains are scored on Saipan Island

Assaults on Japanese mainland declared pending

USPACFLT HQ, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii (AP) –
While U.S. warships and planes attacked half a dozen Japanese bases along a 3,300-mile ocean-spanning arc, U.S. forces on Saipan Island scored gains of up to two miles, headquarters announced.

From Washington came the promise of impending blows at Japan itself. Secretary of the Navy James Forrestal said at a press conference:

The final occupation of Saipan will enable us to protect surface and air operations that will include the mainland of Japan, the Philippines and a greater part of the Dutch East Indies.

One Pacific fleet task force ventured amongst the Kuril Islands to shell Kurabu Zaki, main air base on southern Paramushiru.

Another gave Tinian Island, next door to Saipan in the Marianas, its daily working-over.

Carrier planes swept Guam and Rota, south of Tinian. Land-based Army bombers struck at Paramushiru and Shumushu in the Kurils, and at Yap and Truk, in the distant Carolines.

Japanese hurled torpedo planes and bombers against Allied carriers and transports near the Marianas. The attacks were unsuccessful.

U.S. Marines and infantrymen, already possessing the southern half of Saipan, occupied two villages in a two-mile push up the east coast. On the west coast, they blasted the Japanese street by street, block by block, from Garapan, Saipan’s largest town.

Editorial: It’s been terrible

Editorial: Forbidding future

Allied intelligence is picking up more and more evidence of internal rifts and disorders behind the German fighting lines in France. It makes very pleasant reading.

For example, there is the report, as relayed by Maj. Gen. E. R. Quesada, commander of the U.S. 9th Air Force, that German ground forces are feuding with the Luftwaffe and stealing its fuel and other supplies. According to Gen. Quesada, ground troops needing gasoline for their hard-pressed mechanized units may operate a little longer but the ground troops have to get along without air support.

Then there is the growing activity of French patriot guerrillas and saboteurs. They are cutting communications and transportation facilities right and left. In the mountains of southeastern France, the Maquis are fighting in such strength that they have repelled several German punitive expeditions.

The Germans are particularly annoyed by operations of guerrilla bands in the south because Berlin regards that area as the likely spot for another Allied invasion of France, in which case the guerrillas would be of immediate and direct assistance to the invaders.

Naturally, the Germans do not relish the prospect of fighting against enemies in front of them and at their backs, too, but there doesn’t seem to be much they can do about it outside the borders of their own country. As long as they are in France, they face growing Allied armies in front and strengthened French patriot operations behind.

And even when they retire eventually behind the frontier defenses of Germany, there is no guarantee that the German people will view with complaisance the prospect of being on the receiving end of invasion for a change. Furthermore, there are millions of enslaved foreign workers in Germany who can be counted on for increasing acts of sabotage as the tide of liberation sweeps closer.

What war bonds mean –
Weapons make the Nazis run

By Wes Gallagher

Vets to be given job preferences

The Pittsburgh Press (June 29, 1944)

Ernie Pyle V Norman

Roving Reporter

By Ernie Pyle

On the Cherbourg Peninsula, France – (by wireless)
The American soldiers here are impressed by the loveliness of the Normandy countryside. Except for swampy places, it is almost a dreamland of beauty. Everything is so green and rich and natural looking.

There are no fences as such. All the little fields are bordered either by high trees or by earthen ridges built up about waist high and now, after many centuries, completely covered with grass, shrubbery, ferns and flowers.

Normandy differs from the English landscape mainly in that rural England is fastidiously trimmed and cropped like a Venetian garden, while in Normandy the grass needs cutting and the hedgerows are wild and everything has less of neatness and more of the way nature makes it.

The main roads in Normandy are macadam and the side roads gravel. The roads are winding, narrow and difficult for heavy military traffic. In many places we’ve made roads one-way for miles at a stretch.

The average American finds the climate of Normandy abominable, even in June. We have about one nice day for every three bad ones. On nice days, the sky is clear blue and the sun is out and everything seems wonderful, except that there is still a hidden chill in the air, and even in your tent or under a shade tree, you’re cold.

And on the bad days, the whole universe is dark and you need lights in your tent at noontime, and it drizzles or sprinkles, and often a cold wind blows, and your bones and your heart, too, are miserable.

Most everybody has on his long underwear. I wear four sweaters in addition to my regular uniform. Overcoats were taken away from our troops before we left England, and there are a lot of our boys not too warmly clad.

There is a constant dampness in the air. At night you put your clothes under your bedroll or they’re wet in the morning. All this dampness makes for ruddy cheeks and green grass. But ruddy cheeks are for girls and green grass for cows, and personally I find the ordinary American is happiest when he’s good and stinking hot.

It is the custom throughout our Army, as you doubtless know, for soldiers to paint names on their vehicles. They have names on airplanes, tanks, jeeps, trucks, guns and practically everything that moves.

Sometimes they have girls’ names, and often they are trick names such as Sad Sack, or Invasion Blues or Hitler’s Menace.

Well, the boys have already started painting French names on their vehicles. I saw a jeep named Biento, which means “soon,” and a motorcycle named Char de Mort, which means “Chariot of Death.”

Pretty soon we will be seeing jeeps named Yvonne and Ma Petite Chérie.

The names of a lot of the French towns in our area are tongue twisters for our troops, so the towns quickly became known by some unanimous application of Americanese. For instance, Bricquebec is often called Bricabrac. And Isigny was first known as Insignia but has now evolved into Easy Knee, which is closer to the French pronunciation.

I heard a funny story of one of our young fighter pilots who had to bail out one day recently high over the English Channel.

It seems the pilots carry a small bottle of brandy in their first-aid kits, for use if they are in the water a long time or have been hurt in landing.

Well, this young pilot, once he was safely out of his plane and floating down, figured he might as well drink his before he hit the water. So, he fished it out of his pocket and drained her down while still many thousands of feet in the air.

At high altitude, liquor hits you harder than at sea level. Furthermore, this kid wasn’t accustomed to drinking. The combination of the two had him tighter than a goat by the time he floated down into the channel.

A destroyer had spotted him coming down, and it fished him out almost as soon as he hit the water. Even the cold plunge didn’t sober him up. He was giddy and staggering around and they couldn’t keep him in one spot long enough to dry him off.

The captain of the destroyer sensed what had happened, and being afraid the kid would take cold wandering around the deck, he came up and said with affected harshness, “What the hell are you doing here? Get below where you belong.”

Whereupon the wet young lieutenant drew himself up in indignation and, with all the thick-tongued harshness of a plastered guest who’s been insulted by his host, replied: “I assure you I don’t propose to remain where I am not wanted.”

And forthwith he jumped overboard. The destroyer had to rescue him again.

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Völkischer Beobachter (June 30, 1944)

‚Deutschland ist der wahre Freund‘

Die finnische Presse zum gemeinsamen Kampf