America at war! (1941–) – Part 3

Ferguson: Baby business booming

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Background of news –
The mail order business

By Bertram Benedict

Poll: Labor support still clings to Roosevelt

Small percentage changes its mind
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Millett: Luxuries are legitimate

They’re made; why not buy them?
By Ruth Millett

Browns after major league win record

Ernie Pyle V Norman

Roving Reporter

By Ernie Pyle

Naples, Italy – (by wireless)
A Red Cross worker rides each hospital ship, not only to do anything for the wounded she can, but also to help keep the ship’s staff and crew happy.

On our ship, the Red Cross girl was Percy Gill of Palo Alto, California. She used to teach physical education at Castilleja School for Girls.

After supper, she passed out a bottle of Coca-Cola to every man on the ship. It was the first time most of the boys had had one since leaving America. The Merchant Marine seamen in the crew always help her pass the cokes around.

Miss Gill has a tiny office filled with books, toilet supplies, musical instruments and magazines. As soon as the wounded men are brought aboard, she gives everyone a pack of cigarettes and a toothbrush, for most of them have lost their gear.

Some completely empty-handed

As they were swung aboard, you see some completely emptyhanded and others carrying their pitiful little possessions in their tin hats, balanced on their stomachs. Some have on hospital pajamas, some just OD shirts, some only their dirty gray underwear.

Miss Gill does not intrude herself on the men, for she knows that the most badly wounded want to be left alone. Now and then she’ll give a boy a book and discover that he’s still looking at the same page three hours later. Another boy used his as a fan all afternoon.

Miss Gill has books in French, and in German too. Every shipload has a few wounded prisoners. We had two on my trip. One was a startled-looking German kid whose card showed him to be only 17. The prisoners are treated just the same as anybody else.

Miss Gill’s musical warehouse includes an accordion, four guitars, a violin, two saxophones, a clarinet, a trombone, and two dozen harmonicas. She doesn’t have many requests for either the musical instruments or the books on these short trips between the beachhead and Naples, for there’s hardly time. But on the long trip back to America they are a godsend, for the men are feeling better by then and time goes slowly. On one 16-day trip across the ocean the wounded men read 3,000 books – an average of six to a man.

Relief from mud and cold

It is a relief and a comfort for men to be on a hospital ship after their months of mud and cold and misery and danger and finally the agony of their wounding. It is a relief because the hospital ship is so little like war, and because those who operate it are in a world apart from the world these men have known.

There’s no blackout at all. Nobody is ever dirty or cold. Cabin windows have no shutters. You can smoke on deck. Big spotlights slung on brackets point their dazzling beams at the big red cross painted on the ship’s sides.

The ship takes its course far outside the channels of regular war shipping, and instead of keeping radio secrecy we broadcast our position every 15 minutes. The hospital ship wants the enemy to know where it is so no mistake can be made.

Our ship has had several “incidents.” It has been stopped by surfaced submarines and been circled by enemy planes. But the enemy has always respected it. The greatest danger is going to such places as Anzio, or standing in ports during air raids.

Scene of quiet and peace

Usually, the ward lights are left on until 10:30 p.m. But on our trip, they were turned off at 9:30, for we were to dock very early next morning and the men had to wakened by 5:00 a.m. to give the nurses time to get the wounded all washed and fed.

By 10 o’clock, the inside of the ship was dim and quiet. Nurses went about softly in the faint glow of the blue nightlight. The doctors, all through, were playing chess and solitaire in their small salon on the top deck. A few soldiers strolled on deck or hung over the rail. It was warm and gentle outside. The washing of the water seemed like a purring against the ship’s sides.

It was wonderful to be going away from war instead of toward it. For the badly wounded there was a sense of completion of a task, for the others a sense of respite. And the sheets and the soft beds and the security of walls lent a confidence in things present and to come.

There was intense suffering aboard that ship. But by 10:30, you could somehow feel the quiet, masked composure that comes to men of turmoil when they settle down for the night in the clasp of a strange new safety.

And early next morning we were here.

Maj. de Seversky: Cassino

By Maj. Alexander P. de Seversky

Big Allied drive begun in India

Attack from two sides in Kohima region
By Walter Logan, United Press staff writer

British mourn sudden death of naval chief

Lauded as man who created two-ocean fleet
By William H. Stoneman

London, England –
High figures in British public life and the entire British press joined today in paying their respects to the late Frank Knox, whose sudden death was first announced to the British public over the radio at 9:00 p.m. (3:00 p.m. ET) last night.

Every newspaper in the realm reported the news in extensive front-page stories and paid tribute to the late Navy Secretary and publisher as “the man who gave America its two-ocean fleet.”

All joined in recalling his clearsighted attitude toward Hitler, Mussolini and Japan long before the United States entered the war; his energetic efforts to obtain full aid for Britain and his unrelenting efforts to speed up construction of the U.S. Fleet after he had joined the Roosevelt Cabinet.

Memorial services set

Few public figures, British or American, have received such united tributes from the British press upon their passing.

Arrangements have been made by Adm. Harold R. Stark, U.S. naval commander in the European Theater, for a memorial service Monday at St. Mark’s Church. Representatives of the British and U.S. Armed Forces, the British government and Mr. Knox’s many personal friends now in London will be present.

One of the most striking tributes paid and one which Mr. Knox would have appreciated most deeply was that of A. V. Alexander, First Lord of the Admiralty, whom Mr. Knox met when he visited London last winter.

‘Heavy loss suffered’

He said:

The Allied cause has suffered a very heavy loss in the unexpected passing of Col. Frank Knox. Both before and after Pearl Harbor, he proved himself to be a great friend to those who were fighting for the cause of freedom.

From the moment when the President included him in his administration, Col. Knox worked with might and main for the great American Navy and had a great share in the building up of that strength which is exercising such an influence along the road to victory.

We have constantly maintained a clear understanding and complete cooperation. His name will be treasured by all the friends of the American Navy and we in Britain feel that we have lost a personal friend. His example of devoted service will continue to inspire us to the end of the road.

Sends sympathy

Immediately upon receiving news of Mr. Knox’s death, the following signal was sent by Mr. Alexander to the Navy Department in Washington:

Greatly distressed at news of unexpected death of Col. Knox. I was looking forward to seeing him next month. On behalf of Board of Admiralty and the whole of the Royal Navy, I send our sympathy with U.S. Navy and Navy Department in their great loss.

Adm. Stark, a good friend of long standing, expressed his regret in the following statement:

Not only has the Navy lost its greatest Secretary and a great fighting heart, but also Britain has lost one of her staunchest friends overseas. The Navy will feel very keenly his passing because of his great understanding and sympathy with naval personnel and their problems, as well as the country’s naval needs.

Lauded by Winant

Another tribute came from U.S. Ambassador John G. Winant, once his stout opponent in New Hampshire politics and later, after they had both become deeply concerned in winning the war, his friend.

The Ambassador said:

The many friends that Frank Knox had in Great Britain deeply feel his loss. We who knew him at home shall miss a brave soldier and a great Secretary of the Navy.

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U.S. leaders pay tribute to Frank Knox

Forrestal: ‘One of greatest gone’

Blue star for ‘excellent’ rating in ASTP

Top 10% will be eligible for insignia

Arabian pipeline called step towards Fascism

Chairman, head of GE reelected 20th time

Völkischer Beobachter (April 30, 1944)

Europa-Verluste der USA im Pazifik bemerkbar –
Kontinentaler Zusammenhang des Luftkrieges


Wir haben in diesem Kriege gelernt, auf Stimmungen nicht mehr allzu viel Gewicht zu legen. Die Frage also, wie das englische Volk vor dem größten Abenteuer seiner Geschichte gestimmt ist, braucht daher keine übermäßige Bedeutung zu besitzen und trotzdem. wird man den Stimmungsfaktor nicht ganz außer Acht lassen dürfen.

Wie ist nun die Stimmung in England? Es liegen zur Beantwortung dieser Frage eine ganze Fülle von Andeutungen vor, die jede für sich nicht allzu viel, besagen, die aber, zusammengestellt, dennoch die merkwürdige Atmosphäre wiedergeben, die das von der Außenwelt hermetisch abgeschlossene Inselreich erfüllt. Greifen wir einmal die Witze heraus, die man sich zurzeit in London erzählt. Denn Witze sind nicht die schlechtesten Gradmesser der allgemeinen Stimmung.

Ein unbekannter Künstler, so erzählt man sich in London, hatte das Bild eines Soldaten gemacht in voller Invasionsausrüstung und in der Geste eines Kreuzfahrers. Der eine Arm ist hoch erhoben, aus den Fingern aber wachsen Zweige und Äste und aus den Füßen dicke Wurzeln. Aus diesem Witz geht nicht hervor, ob es ein amerikanischer Soldat ist, der in zweijährigem Warten auf die zweite Front Wurzeln geschlagen hat. In den Augen der Engländer wäre dies auch kein Witz mehr, sondern ein schlechter Scherz.

Eines ist richtig – wenn irgendetwas im britischen Volk die Freude an dem großen Abenteuer trübt, so ist es die Anwesenheit der Yankees. Auch dafür ein Witz als Beispiel: Ein englischer und ein amerikanischer Soldat stehen auf dem Picadilly Square. Plötzlich fährt ein schäbiger und wackliger Kraftwagen vorbei. Da sagt der Yankee: „Was für ein Wrack! Weißt du, was wir mit einem solchen Wagen machen würden, wenn er in Neuyork erschiene?“ „Nun, das will ich dir sagen,“ erwidert der Tommy. „Wenn ihr ihn so behandelt wie alles hier, so würdet ihr ihn entweder trinken oder küssen!“

Was aber, wenn Stalin den Briten und Yankees doch noch die Last der Invasion abnimmt? Viel belacht wird in London folgender Witz: Um 4 Uhr morgens wird plötzlich an Churchills Schlafzimmertür heftig geklopft. Ein dringender Telephonanruf wäre da. Churchill brummt, geht aber doch ans Telephon und hört plötzlich eine vertraute Stimme sagen:

Winston, hier ist Stalin. Ich bin in Calais, du kannst rüberkommen, es ist nicht mehr gefährlich!

Wie lange aber werden die Bolschewisten noch warten? Die Briten wissen recht gut, daß sie um das Abenteuer nicht herumkommen. Auch folgender Witz kann ihnen nicht viel helfen – wieder sind ein paar Tage vergangen, ohne daß die Invasion gekommen ist. Stalin sieht aus den Fenstern des Kreml hinaus auf den Roten Platz und erblickt einen Genossen tief im Gebet versunken. Der Genosse wird hereingerufen und gefragt, warum er denn bete? „Für die zweite Front,“ ist seine Antwort an Stalin. „Was bekommst du dafür, Genosse?“ „Elf Rubel in der Woche.“ Stalin: „Da wirst du aber unterbezahlt!“ „Das schon, aber siehst du, Genosse, es ist wenigstens eine Dauerbeschäftigung.“

Mit Witzen sucht sich das bedrängte Gemüt zu erleichtern, also sind die Gemüter der Briten bedrängt. Ja mehr als das, sie sind ausgesprochen nervös. Wie der Londoner Vertreter des Svenska Dagbladet meldet, hat die Spannung in London einen solchen Grad erreicht, daß sich die Zeitungen genötigt sahen, besondere ärztliche Vorschläge zur Bekämpfung der „Zweiten-Front-Nervosität“ zu veröffentlichen.

Dr. Th. B.

Roosevelt hat ihm die Wege geöffnet –
Monokapitalismus beherrscht USA

Stockholm, 29. April –
Während die amerikanischen Soldaten auf den Schlachtfeldern verbluten, hat sich der Monokapitalismus aller wichtigen Schlüsselpositionen in Amerika versichert und beherrscht völlig den. Präsidenten. Mit diesen Worten faßt der amerikanische Wirtschaftsjournalist S. F. Stone in der Zeitschrift Nation, wie Folkets Dagbladet aus Lissabon berichtet, seine Eindrücke über die innerpolitische Lage in den Vereinigten Staaten zusammen.

Das schwedische Blatt bezeichnet es als sehr bemerkenswert, daß Stone nicht dem republikanischen Lager angehört, sondern von Anfang an Anhänger Roosevelts war und die Politik des US-Präsidenten bisher unterstützt habe. Stone beschwert sich bitter darüber, daß man durch einen unsympathischen Kuhhandel, den man für nötig gehalten habe, um die USA mit in den Krieg hineinzubekommen, allmählich einen strategischen Posten nach dem anderen Männern übertragen habe, die die krassesten Vertreter des großen Monokapitalismus seien. Roosevelt selbst habe dem Monokapitalismus alle Wege geöffnet, so daß es jetzt in Wirklichkeit Amerika beherrscht.

Durch Ernennung Claystons (einem der größten Baumwollmilliardäre) zum Leiter dieser für den Staat notwendigen Produktion habe Roosevelt diesen Produktionszweig dem Monokapital ausgeliefert. Damit nicht genug, habe er ferner einen der führenden Vertreter des Monokapitalismus, Frankhiney, zum Chef der Arbeitsbeschaffungsorganisation ernannt, die sich der heimkehrenden Soldaten annehmen soll.

U.S. Navy Department (April 30, 1944)

CINCPAC Press Release No. 382

For Immediate Release
April 30, 1944

Forty‑one tons of bombs were dropped on the Truk Atoll by 7th Army Air Force Liberators on the night of April 2 (West Longitude Date). Anti-aircraft fire was meager. Several enemy planes were seen but did not attempt interception.

Ponape Island was bombed on April 28 by 7th Army Air Force Mitchells and a single 7th Army Air Force Liberator. Airfields were hit and fires observed.

Sixty‑five tons of bombs were dropped on remaining enemy objectives in the Marshalls on April 28 by Mitchells and Liberators of the 7th Army Air Force, Dauntless dive bombers of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing, Ventura search planes of Fleet Air Wing Two and Navy Hellcat fighters. Gun positions, buildings, and runways were hit. At one objective, a barge was severely strafed by Hellcat fighters.

The Pittsburgh Press (April 30, 1944)

63 bombers missing; southern arm of air pincer pounds Toulon

Record pre-invasion attacks also hurl destruction on France, Oslo and Hamburg
By Walter Cronkite, United Press staff writer

Dead German nearly bags Yank in battle over Berlin

By Collie Small, United Press staff writer

Bevin: Invasion date has been set

Big Three agree, Briton reports

So their comrades would not risk death –
Six fliers adrift in icy Pacific wave away rescuers, and perish

By Russell Annabel, United Press staff writer

12 missionaries saved from Japs

Nuns in group held captive 14 months

New Guinea bases of Japs pounded

Truk hit 15th time from Solomons