America at war! (1941–) – Part 3

Navy fliers win $1,700 jackpot for sinking sub

Japs still able to attack U.S., general says

West urged to keep Civilian Defense

Wounded Yank keeps going, receives Medal of Honor

Maritime Service halts use of draft eligibles

Foster: Women copy the stars

Ladies imitate Hedy and Lana
By Ernest Foster

Steel output breaks record during March

High rate threatened by labor losses

Ernie Pyle V Norman

Roving Reporter

By Ernie Pyle

With 5th Army beachhead forces, Italy – (by wireless)
One day I was driving on a muddy lane alongside a woods, with an officer friend who has been wounded twice and who has been at war a long time.

On both sides of the lane were soldier walking, returning to the rear. It was the typical movement of troops being relieved after a siege in the front line. Their clothes were muddy, and they were heavily laden. They looked rough, and any parade ground officer would have been shocked by their appearance. And yet I said:

I’ll bet those troops haven’t been in the line three days.

My friend thought a minute, looked more closely as they passed, and then said:

I’ll bet they haven’t been in the line at all. I’ll bet they’ve just been up in reserve and weren’t used, and now they’re being pulled back for a while.

How can you tell things like that? Well, I made my deduction on the fact that their beards weren’t very long, and although they were tired and dirty, they didn’t look tired and dirty enough.

My friend based his on that, too, but more so on the look in their eyes.

“They don’t have that stare,” he said.

A soldier who has been a long time in the line does have a “look” in his eyes that anyone with practice can discern.

Eyes that see not

It’s a look of dullness, eyes that look without seeing, eyes that see without transferring any response to the mind. It’s a look that is the display room for the thoughts that lie behind it – exhaustion, lack of sleep, tension for too long, weariness that is too great, fear beyond fear, misery to the point of numbness, a look of surpassing indifference to anything anybody can do to you. It’s a look I dread to see on men.

And yet it’s one of the perpetual astonishments of a war life to me, that humans recover as quickly as they do. you can take a unit that is pretty well exhausted, and if they are lucky enough to be blessed with some sunshine and warmth, they’ll begin to be normal after two days out of the line. The human spirit is just like a cork.

When companies like this are pulled out for a rest, they spend the first day getting dug into their new position, for safety against occasional shellings or bombings. Usually, they’ve slept little during their time in the line, so on their first night they’re asleep early, and boy, how they sleep.

Next day they get themselves cleaned up as best they can. They shave, and wash, and get on some fresh clothes if their barracks bags have been brought up. They get mail and they write letters, and they just loaf around most of the day.

Take on replacement

On both the second and third days, they take on replacements and begin getting acquainted with them. All over the bushy slope where they’re bivouacked, you see little groups of men squatting in tight circles. These are machine-gun classes. The classes are for the new men, to make sure they haven’t forgotten what they learned in training, and to get them accustomed to the great necessity of knowing their guns and depending on them.

Replacements arrive in many different stages of warfare. The best method is for replacements to come when a whole regiment is out of the line for a long rest. Then the new men can get acquainted with the older ones, they can form their natural friendships, and go into their first battle with a feeling of comradeship.

Others arrive during these very short rest periods, and have only a day or so to fit themselves into the unit before going on into the great adventure.

The worst of all is when men have to join an outfit while it’s right in the line. That has happened here on the 5th Army beachhead.

There have been cases here where a company had to have replacements immediately. It was in circumstances where no frontline movement whatever in daytime was possible. Hence the new men would have to be guided up at night, establish themselves in their foxholes in darkness, and inhabit that foxhole until it was all over.

I feel sorry for men who have to do that. It must be an awful thing to go up to the brink of possible death in the night time in a faraway land, puzzled and afraid, knowing no one and facing the worst moment of your life totally alone. That takes strength.

Pegler: Dies Committee

By Westbrook Pegler

All that glitters isn’t gold?
Miscasting and tough life at the front make flops of biggest film stars

Minor players are greater hits with G.I.s
By John Lardner, North American Newspaper Alliance

Unfit for fighting –
Home ties cause more breakdowns of soldiers than battlefield

Too many are tied to apron strings; others see themselves as unwanted
By Marjorie Van de Water

Clinging-vine and hateful relatives in the home are bad for a soldier’s morale, and Marjorie Van de Water points out in her third article on the Army’s neuropsychiatric cases, cause more breakdowns than the battlefields.

The home, not the battlefield, is the cause of breakdown for most of the men discharged from the Army as neurotic.

Combat can and does cause men to crack up. But the great majority of the men so far discharged have had their difficulties right here in this country, in the training camps.

The trouble with most of these men is that, although their birth certificates indicate they are of “military age,” their behavior shows they are boys not yet grown up emotionally.

Many are tied to the apron strings of mother, sister, wife or perhaps father. They are affectionate boys dependent upon some loved one and literally cannot get along without her.

So homesick they’re ill

Nearly all normal boys need the love and care of someone. Most boys who go into the Army are homesick now and then and long with a wistful pain for Main Street and the old back porch, or a certain flight of stone steps in the city. Nearly all are delighted with a letter from home or a snapshot. But the pain of separation from home and family is so intense for a few that it is impossible for them to put heart into their military duties. They sit and brood. They are actually ill. Finally, they have to be sent home.

It may not be the boy himself who is the dependent one. It may be the mother or the wife who is utterly helpless when the draft takes away the man of the house. If there is serious illness, or the roof leaks, the only solution seems to be to send posthaste for the man who is now in uniform. If he is not able to drop Uncle Sam’s affairs immediately and go to the rescue of those at home, he feels guilty and worried and the home folks feel deserted and sunk.

Blind leading blind

And sometimes the man in uniform not only is held back by the stranglehold of a clinging vine at home, but he is also helplessly dependent on the same persons who must lean on him. It seems a little like the blind leading the blind, but it often happens that the mother-son or husband-wife ties are so intimate and tight that neither can get along without the companionship and help of the other.

But not all the soldiers discharged for mental or emotional unfitness have such indulgent mothers or wives and happy, comfortable homes. Contrasted with this type are the men who never get mail from home, nor do they want it. They have no home worthy of the name – no place or person to look back on with loving memory or to look forward to with longing. They see themselves as unwanted children, resented by unwilling parents or hated by jealous brothers and sisters.

4 in 10 from broken homes

Anticipation of return to such a hateful spot may be harder for a soldier to face than are the hand grenades and rifle fire of the enemy. When the going gets extremely tough, he has less need to cling to life than has the man with affection awaiting him after victory.

And so it is the home – with demanding and dependent love, or with rejecting and embittering hate – that may out too much burden on the soldier and cause his breakdown.

NEXT: Soldier with NP discharge makes excellent worker.

Millett: There’s a post-war dream rationing cannot touch

By Ruth Millett

Cuccurullo’s 4-F status bolsters Bucs

Weather again halts contest with Indians

Ramos pleases McKechnie in first workout

No tax on tubes –
Radio escapes new federal tax increases

Revenue collector defines ‘lights’
By Si Steinhauser

Lawyer to go to prison in draft case

Last escape barred by Supreme Court

Statement of Wendell Willkie Withdrawing from the Presidential Race
April 5, 1944

Broadcast audio (WOR):

If in our foreign policy we deny any worthy aspirations of those who want to be free, as secret power politics inevitably tends to deny them, we shall be laying the groundwork for the third world war.

The American people have faith, infinite faith, in the process of democracy. They want – they demand – a foreign policy that will affirm that faith.

Now my fellow Americans, I have something quite personal that I want to say on this occasion – something that perhaps is of not much importance, but it involves what I have been trying to do, the things I have been fighting for.

As perhaps some of you know from the public press, it is my conviction, and it has been my conviction, that no Republican could be nominated for President of the United States unless he received at the convention the votes of some of the major Midwestern states. For it is in this section of the country that the Republican Party has had its greatest resurgence. Therefore, I quite deliberately entered the Wisconsin primary to test whether the Republican voters of that state would support me in the advocacy of every sacrifice and every cost necessary to winning and shortening the war and in the advocacy of tangible, effective economic and political cooperation among the nations of the world for the preservation of the peace and the rebuilding of humanity.

The result of the primary yesterday is naturally disappointing to me and doubly so since the delegate who led at the poll is known as one active in organizations such as the America First, opposed to the beliefs which I entertain, which I deeply believe.

Now, as I have said on many occasions of late, this country desperately needs new leadership. It is obvious now in view of the results yesterday that I cannot be nominated. I therefore am asking my friends to desist from any activity toward that end and not to present my name at the convention. I earnestly hope that the Republican convention will nominate a candidate and write a platform which really represents the views which I have advocated and which I believe are shared by millions – millions of Americans. I shall continue to work for these principles and policies for which I have been fighting during the last five years.

Thank you very much.

Völkischer Beobachter (April 6, 1944)

44 US-Terrorbomber über Bukarest abgeschossen –
Erfolgreiche Gegenangriffe zwischen Stanislau und Tarnopol

U.S. Navy Department (April 6, 1944)

CINCPAC Press Release No. 341

For Immediate Release
April 6, 1944

Four enemy‑held atolls in the Marshall Islands were bombed and strafed by Dauntless dive bombers and Corsair fighters of the 4th Marine Aircraft Wing, Mitchell bombers of the 7th Army Air Force, and Ventura search planes of Fleet Air Wing, Two on April 4 (West Longitude Date). A Corsair fighter was shot down near one of the objectives, Wotje Atoll, and its pilot rescued by a destroyer. Shore batteries opened fire on the destroyer, scoring two hits which did minor damage. The destroyer returned the fire.

Moen and Dublon Islands in the Truk Atoll were bombed on the night of April 3‑4 (West Longitude Date) by 7th Army Air Force Liberators. On Dublon bombs were dropped on oil storage tanks, and several fires were started between the seaplane base and Dublon town. Smaller fires were set on Moen Island. One of six enemy fighters which attempted interception was shot down, and one was probably shot down. Two of our planes are missing.

A Liberator search plane of Fleet Air Wing Two bombed and probably sank a tanker near Moen Island.

Ponape Island was raided by Mitchell bombers of the 7th Army Air Force escorted by Marine Corsair fighters. An airfield and adjacent buildings were hit. Moderate anti-aircraft fire was encountered.

The Pittsburgh Press (April 6, 1944)

U.S. Liberators pound French invasion coast

RAF hits plane plants; Ploești also raided
By Phil Ault, United Press staff writer


Withdrawal laid to defeat in Wisconsin

Spectacular move ends stump speech
By Gaylord P. Godwin, United Press staff writer

Omaha, Nebraska –
His “One World” crumbled by an overwhelming defeat in the Wisconsin primary election Tuesday, Wendell L. Willkie headed East today after a dramatic withdrawal from the race for the Republican presidential nomination last night.

The 1940 GOP nominee, who polled more than 20 million votes when he ran against President Roosevelt four years ago, made his exit at the conclusion of a 45-minute speech in which he bitterly attacked the administration’s foreign policy.

‘It is obvious’

“It is obvious now that I cannot be nominated,” he said, and with the promise to “continue to work for these principles and policies for which I have fought during the last five years,” he threw in the towel.

Only the reporters in the audience of 4,000 persons knew that Mr. Willkie was to make his farewell address as he walked onto the stage of the Omaha City Auditorium. He had summoned them to his hotel room yesterday afternoon and casually told them of his decision.

The Wisconsin vote was so decisive, he said, that he had decided to withdraw, but he requested that they withhold the announcement until after his speech.

Blows kiss to crowd

He walked onto the stage a half hour late and blew a kiss to the crowd in response to the cheers.

He said:

I wish I could speak to you from my heart tonight. But if I spoke of what’s on my mind, I would make too great a castigation of American politics.

He then began his prepared address.

Mrs. Willkie sat in the audience and hardly took her eyes from her husband as he made his farewell.

Wife is relieved

“Are you relieved?” a reporter asked afterward.

She replied softly:

Yes, I am if Wendell is. Whatever he does is 1000% all right with me.

Mr. Willkie made his decision to quit about midnight Tuesday while listening to the results of the Wisconsin primary. He and Mrs. Willkie were sitting in their hotel room at Norfolk, Nebraska, when he told her of his decision, a friend and political adviser reported.

Task to be great

He then went to bed and slept soundly, rising the next day to go to West Point where he told his audience:

I hope America unites behind the next President, whoever he may be, for his task will be greater than that of the first President of the United States.

He spoke again at Fremont and then returned to Omaha yesterday afternoon to tell news reporters of his decision.

Gardner Cowles, one of Mr. Willkie’s closest friends, said he appeared “more jovial yesterday than he had been in the last two weeks. He seemed relieved.”

Dewey supporters are jubilant

Milwaukee, Wisconsin (UP) –
The forces of Governor Thomas E. Dewey were jubilant today as they counted 15 and possibly 17 of the state’s 24 delegates to the Republican National Convention bagged in Tuesday’s primary election.

Wisconsin Secretary of State Fred Zimmerman said:

It’s no longer a question of whether Dewey will be drafted [at the national convention]. He already has been drafted by the voters of Wisconsin.

Mr. Zimmerman, head of the state’s Dewey organization, polled 112,737 votes to lead the delegate-at-large candidates.

Returns from 80% of the state’s 3,074 precincts assured the New York Governor of 15 of the state’s delegates, with two uninstructed delegates described as “leaning toward” Governor Dewey.

LtCdr. Harold E. Stassen, former Governor of Minnesota, ran second with four delegates and Gen. Douglas MacArthur was in third place with three.

Wendell L. Willkie, the only candidate to have a full slate of 24 delegate candidates, failed to grab a single delegate, despite his active 13-day campaign in the state.

Cavendish sees Dewey victory

Fred T. Cavendish, the 1940 pre-convention campaign manager in Allegheny County for Thomas E. Dewey, today said he saw in the Wisconsin primary results evidence of a nationwide sweep for Mr. Dewey.

He said:

The unusually large number of voters taking part in the primary in Wisconsin is an indication of the sentiment for Governor Dewey and I believe this sentiment prevails throughout the nation.

London hears Willkie to back fourth term

London, England (UP) –
The Evening Standard said in its Londoner’s Diary column today that Wendell L. Willkie, as a result of his defeat in Wisconsin, was expected to advocate a fourth term for President Roosevelt.


Bolt by Willkie is possibility

Republican chiefs shed few tears
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

Washington (UP) –
Wendell L. Willkie’s withdrawal from the contest for the Republican presidential nomination projected him today into a new role as freelance political adviser with a mission to commit the party to significant post-war cooperation in international affairs.

He withdrew last night in a statement that challenged the party with the possibility that he may bolt the ticket this year if he regards the candidates or the platform to be against the principles he has espoused.

There was recognition of the possibility that Mr. Willkie might take a walk is the comment of most party members on his retirement from office-seeking politics. They generally expressed the hope that he would remain on the anti-New Deal firing line through the presidential campaign.

He retired when Wisconsin Republican preferential primary voters accorded Governor Thomas E. Dewey of New York a vote of confidence despite the fact that Governor Dewey repudiated his backers there and Mr. Willkie made a vigorous campaign. The slate of Willkie delegates not only trailed Governor Dewey’s men, but ran behind those committed to LtCdr. Harold E. Stassen, former Governor of Minnesota, and Gen. Douglas MacArthur. Mr. Willkie was blanked.

But Mr. Willkie’s acknowledgment of the futility of his own presidential ambitions was accompanied by an aggressive insistence that he would continue to speak his mind. He aimed at Governor Dewey, too, an indirect charge of accepting so-called America First support.

It is assumed that Mr. Willkie intends to continue the America First line of criticism wherever he deems it to be justified and that he will make himself notable in this political year by asking most of the embarrassing questions.

Criticized Dewey

Mr. Willkie has criticized and resented Governor Dewey’s unruffled insistence that he is not a candidate for the Republican presidential nomination and that he will not campaign for it. In his new role, Mr. Willkie inevitably will undertake to smoke the Governor out.

But organization and Congressional Republicans generally waived him out of the contest with some cheers and few misgivings. The consensus seemed to be that Governor Thomas E. Dewey’s chances of being drafted for the nomination steadily were improving.

Rep. Joseph W. Martin Jr. (R-MA), House Republican Leader, said he was confident Mr. Willkie would stand by the Republican Party, to which he went from the Democrats after President Roosevelt’s first election in 1932 to help lick the Roosevelt administration this year.

Willkie’s statement

Mr. Willkie’s statement in Omaha last night follows:

It has been my conviction that no Republican could be nominated for President unless he received at the convention the votes of some of the major Midwestern states. For it is in this section of the country that the Republican Party has had its greatest resurgence. Therefore, I quite deliberately entered the Wisconsin primary to test whether the Republican voters of that state would support me in the advocacy of every sacrifice and cost necessary to winning and shortening the war and in the advocacy of tangible, effective economic and political cooperation among the nations of the world for the preservation of the peace and the rebuilding of humanity.

The result of the primary is naturally disappointing and doubly so since the candidate who led the poll for delegates is known as one active in organizations such as the America First, opposed to the beliefs which I entertain.

As I have said many times, this country desperately needs new leadership. It is obvious now that I cannot be nominated. I therefore am asking my friends to desist from any activity toward that end and not to present my name at the convention. I earnestly hope that the Republicans will nominate a candidate and write a platform which really represents the views which I have advocated and which I believe are shared by millions of Americans. I shall continue to work for the principles and policies for which I have fought during the last five years.

Dewey backer hit

The reference to the former America First adherent was evidently to Wisconsin Secretary of State Fred R. Zimmerman, who organized the Dewey-for-President movement in Wisconsin and got more votes than any other delegate-at-large candidate.

Mr. Zimmerman retorted today in Milwaukee:

We’re all 100% for America around here. Regardless of what contributed to my vote, if Willkie thinks I’m for America second or third or fourth, he’s crazy. Maybe that’s why he got the licking he did at the polls. Maybe the voters feel that he’s for Russia, or England, or France first. If anybody else feels as he did let ‘em line up with that young man and they’ll get the same licking he did.

Smith sees victory

This charge followed shortly upon a statement by Rev. Gerald L. K. Smith, one-time Louisiana minister who variously attached himself to the late Huey P. Long, the Townsend Old-Age Pension movement, Father Charles E. Coughlin and others, that Mr. Willkie’s defeat in Wisconsin was a great victory for America First.

He added that he was communicating with Governor Dewey who, in a New York speech this week, said “the Gerald L. K. Smiths and their ilk must not be permitted to pollute the stream of American life.” Rev. Smith said he was writing to Governor Dewey that he was not at all offended by the remark and that he was “confident you have been misinformed concerning my activities.”

Two third parties

There have been two recent third-party movements of consequence. Theodore Roosevelt, a national hero, wrecked the Republican Party in 1912 by organizing the Progressive Party and becoming its presidential nominee. The late Robert M. La Follette, a great political figure in his own right, organized a Progressive Party in 1924. He carried Wisconsin and the city of Cleveland, Ohio.

There was scant support for speculation that Mr. Willkie would attempt a third party. But as a free agent – a rover in the political croquet game – he may prove now to be in a position to exert more influence than as a candidate for the presidential nomination. His opposition to Governor Dewey’s nomination generally is conceded. He now is in a position to ask embarrassing questions. That Mr. Willkie will continue the “America First” theme of attack is almost inevitable and he is expected to bombard the Governor with questions about his availability for the Republican nomination in view of Governor Dewey’s repeated statements that he wants to complete his four-year term in Albany.

Stop-Dewey drive

Another development foreseen today was a “Stop-Dewey” movement which should attract Cdr. Stassen, Gen. MacArthur’s supporters and Governor John W. Bricker of Ohio. It is the custom of presidential aspirations to mow down the frontrunner. That may explain in part what happened to Mr. Willkie in Wisconsin.

Some Republicans expressed regret that Mr. Willkie attacked Governor Dewey as being supported by “America Firsters.” Among them Senator Robert A. Taft (R-OH), who said:

It is unfortunate that Willkie allowed his natural disappointments to lead him to attack Republicans who disagree with him on foreign policy. Nevertheless, his withdrawal will lead to greater unity of all Republicans behind the principles declared at Mackinac.

Other Republican comments:

  • Senator Gerald P. Nye (R-ND):

I am surprised at Willkie would allude to the America First backing… which seems to be an acknowledgment that the America First thought is still prominent in this country.

  • Senator John A. Danaher (R-CT):

If Mr. Roosevelt would only do the same thing, I think our people would have a great deal more confidence in the general scene.

  • Rep. Hamilton Fish (R-NY):

The withdrawal of Mr. Willkie is an unselfish and patriotic act in order to promote unity in the Republican Party and assure the Republican Party and assure the defeat of the New Deal, the fourth term and the bureaucratic administration.

Landon surprised

Alf M. Landon, 1936 Republican nominee, said he was surprised by Mr. Willkie’s action and added:

Last December, I predicted that Dewey would be the nominee and that Willkie would not be much of a factor at the convention. The results in Wisconsin speak for themselves.

Representative Democratic command came from Herman P. Eberharter (D-Philadelphia):

Willkie had no chance from the beginning because the bosses had greased the Republican machinery for their favorite boy – Dewey. We’ll take Dewey without even breathing.

Cassino battles rage in Italy

Nazis hinted mapping new attacks
By Reynolds Packard, United Press staff writer