America at war! (1941–) – Part 3

Maj. de Seversky: Cassino’s lesson

By Maj. Alexander P. de Seversky

OPEN: New frontiers

Wife helps scientist prove belief wrong on magnetic current
By Roger W. Stuart, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Unfit for fighting –
Battle crackups aren’t yellow; they’ve endured beyond limits

Relatively simple cure is rest, sleep and removal from combat strains
By Marjorie Van de Water

The man who cracks up in combat is not yellow. He is no more a weakling than a man who receives a bullet wound or who develops malaria.

Every man has his limit, mentally and physically. Modern combat puts a maximum strain on the fighters, so that if a man is in the fighting long enough, even the strongest may reach the limit of his endurance.

Fortunately, the cure for such cases is relatively simple. The principal needs are for rest, sleep and to be away from he strains of combat.

Shell shock incorrect

These cases were called “shell shock” in the last war. The term is no longer in use, because it was so loosely used and misused that it lost all real meaning. “Shell shock” was originally intended to describe the condition resulting from the nearby explosion of a shell. The force of the explosion sometimes will injure the body issue and may cause brain concussion. This true shell shock now is called “blast concussion.”

The nervous condition of men who have had more of war than their nervous systems can tolerate has gained new names in this war. The men now speak of combat fatigue, flying fatigue, gangplank jitters, destroyer stomach, war nerves and other such descriptive names. Medical officers prefer not to use any of these names. To do so would imply it is a new disease not known in peace; actually, it is not. It is the natural consequence of too much strain.

NPs don’t act wild

So, the medical officers lump all such conditions under the broad term neuropsychiatric disability, abbreviated as NP, which means simply the disability is a mental or nervous condition. As a label, it tells no more about the nature of the disability than would the term physical disability if that were applied to all wounds and physical illnesses.

You needn’t expect the NP to act wild. Too often, in fact, it is not noticeable that anything is wrong with him, so that he may be distressed needlessly by stupid strangers who ask “Why aren’t you in uniform?”

The first sign you have that he has been under terrible strain may be when he starts to light a cigarette. You may notice then how his fingers tremble. It is difficult, too, for him to control his emotions at times. If painful subjects are brought up, he may leave the room abruptly or possibly even burst into tears. It is well to be careful about questioning him on how he won his decorations. Too often they recall to him the horrors of friends killed and mangled – the awful sights and odors of the battlefields.

Battle nightmares

A chief difficulty that may persist for months is the torture of “battle dreams” in which the soldier relives the terrible experiences of combat over and over again. Sleepless nights and dream-filled slumber may deprive him of rest, so that when morning arrives, he is worn out to start the day.

He may drink in the hope that alcohol will put him to sleep or make him forget the things it is so painful to remember. He may take drug sedatives for the same reason.

Another conspicuous symptom is an oversensitiveness to noise. The dropping of a pan, the banging of a door, or even a sudden noisy movement may make the soldier leap from his chair and set him trembling.

Sympathy and understanding

When he first comes home, he feels like an utter stranger. He realizes no one around him has any conception of the meaning of what he has gone through. He feels it is useless to speak of what has happened to him, because none of these people could possibly understand. He may resent the fact that the folks at home are not suffering as he has suffered, that they are gay and apparently lighthearted. He feels cut off from friends and family.

He needs sympathy and understanding, but no oversentimental pity. Above all, he needs the feeling that he can still contribute in an important way toward winning the war. This he is well-fitted to do, for no one knows more than he the importance and urgency of war plant work.

NEXT: Home, not battlefield, may cause breakdown.

Fight crowd boos Miller’s victory

Lawrenceville fighter gets judges’ decision over Lulu Costantino
By Carl Hughes

Jack’s board denies rumors

Snow prevents Pirate invasion of Indian camp

Major leagues seek to revive kids’ interest

Women-in-mills experiment a failure

Steelmaking a man’s job, Department of Labor survey indicates
By Dale McFeatters, Press business editor


Women may rule

Bedford, Indiana –
If the Democratic slate of office-seekers is nominated and subsequently elected, Lawrence County will be run by the “kitchen brigade.” All Democratic candidates for nominations – from sheriff to county commissioners – are women.

Völkischer Beobachter (April 5, 1944)

Die Versenkungen im Nordmeer und im Pazifik –
Steter Aderlaß der feindlichen Seemacht

Großer Erfolg der japanischen Marine bei den Karolinen

Eine Hull-Erklärung zu Schaffhausen –
Bomben aus ‚Versehen‘

dnb. Genf, 4. April –
Der US-Staatssekretär des Auswärtigen, Cordell Hull, hat nun auch noch eine Erklärung zum Überfall auf Schaffhausen abgegeben, die sich in Worten tiefsten Bedauerns ergeht und versichert, daß „jede nur menschenmögliche Vorsichtsmaßnahme“ angeordnet werde, um eine „Wiederholung eines solchen unglücklichen Falles zu vermeiden.“ Im Übrigen glaubt Hüll, die Schäden und Opfer an Toten und Verletzten mit US-Dollars zudecken zu können.

Was uns an diesen heuchlerischen Äußerungen Hulls, vornehmlich interessiert, ist folgender Satz:

In Verfolg von Bombenoperationen gegen die deutsche Kriegsmaschinerie ließ eine Gruppe unserer Bomber infolge einer Kette von Umständen ausgedehnte Vorsichtsmaßnahmen, die zur Verhütung solcher Vorfälle ausdrücklich ergriffen worden waren, außeracht und flog aus Versehen über Schweizer Gebiet auf der Nordseite des Rheins und warf Bomben ab.

Das ist eine typisch amerikanische faule Ausrede, die nichts an der zur Genüge bewiesenen Tatsache ändern kann, daß es sich um einen der üblichen Terrorangriffe handelte. Kennzeichnend für die Gangstermoral ist aber die Interpretation selbst, daß ein solcher Gangsterstreich über Schweizer Gebiet „aus Versehen“ erfolgt sei. Demnach sind also die Terrorüberfälle auf deutsche Städte, bei den Frauen und Kinder gemordet werden, bei denen deutsche Kulturstätten und Museen in Schutt und Asche gelegt werden, kein Versehen, sondern eine ganz bestimmte Taktik und damit völlig in Ordnung, im Sinne Hulls und seiner jüdischen Hintermänner.

Berner Bund gegen die Luftgangster –
‚Ein starkes Stück‘

dnb. Bern, 4. April –
Die einflußreiche Berner Tageszeitung Bund schreibt zum Terrorangriff der US-Luftgangster unter der Überschrift „Bei der Wahrheit bleiben, bitte!,“ die schweizerische Öffentlichkeit werde mit dem größten Erstaunen die offizielle Mitteilung des amerikanischen Hauptquartiers in England zur Kenntnis nehmen, daß wegen „außerordentlicher Navigationsschwierigkeiten und schlechten Wetters einige Bomben irrtümlicherweise auf Schweizer Territorium fielen.“

Der Versuch des Hauptquartiers, schwere Unglück zu bagatellisieren die Tatsachen zu entstellen, müßte schieden zurückgewiesen werden. Es sei unbestreitbar, daß das Wetter über Schaffhausen gute Sicht ermöglichte. Der Rhein, der Rheinfall und der Bodensee seien ausgezeichnete Orientierungsmöglichkeiten, besonders bei Tage, so daß einwandfrei geschulte Flieger sich hier zurechtfinden sollten. Es berühre peinlich, wenn sich das amerikanische Hauptquartier auf schlechtes Wetter herausreden wolle.

Der Fall der Neutralitätsverletzung werde dadurch nicht leichter, sondern schwerer, weil sich auch noch die Frage der Mentalität stelle. Auch in der amerikanischen Presse werde offenbar die These vom ungünstigen Wetter behandelt, was, von der Schweiz ausgesehen, „schon ein starkes Stück unrichtiger Orientierung der Weltöffentlichkeit ist, wogegen wir Protest erheben.“

U.S. Navy Department (April 5, 1944)

CINCPAC Press Release No. 340

For Immediate Release
April 5, 1944

Ponape was bombed from low level by Mitchell bombers of the 7th Army Air Force on April 3 (West Longitude Date). Moderate anti-aircraft fire damaged three of our planes.

Sixty tons of bombs were dropped on four enemy positions in the Marshalls by 7th Army Air Force Mitchell bombers, 4th Marine Aircraft Wing Dauntless bombers and Corsair fighters, and Navy Hellcat fighters. Runways were hit, fires started, and at one objective, hits were made among a group of motorized vehicles. Anti-aircraft fire ranged from moderate to meager.

Two Navy search Liberators of Fleet Air Wing Two bombed and sank a small cargo vessel docked at Wake Island.

All of our planes returned from these operations.

U.S. State Department (April 5, 1944)

740.0011 European War 1939/33837: Telegram

The Minister in Switzerland to the Secretary of State

Bern, April 5, 1944 — 6 p.m.
[Received 10:39 p.m.]


Mayer [Maher] informs me that Monday afternoon Swiss authorities convened special press conference for confidential orientation Schaffhausen incident. This conference revealed that my prompt visit to Political Department was particularly appreciated and was compared favorably with rather reluctant attitude British in cases violation Swiss air space. On other hand state[ment] attributed to Americans regarding bad weather conditions caused much criticism. Conference felt that this reflected on veracity other Amn communiqués (see my 2086, April 4). Finally correspondent expressed thought that Americans would probably try to buy Swiss sympathy by offering financial reparation but that this would never be enough.

I think last quoted statement need not be taken too seriously since of course financial reparations are expected by Swiss themselves. Statement itself is common reflection of thought of certain class of Europeans who not only now but in prewar period have engaged in this form of polemics against alleged Amn materialism. The idea is hackneyed and motives behind it are discredited.


740.0011 European War 1939/33940a: Telegram

The Secretary of State to the Minister in Switzerland

Washington, April 5, 1944 — 10 p.m.
  1. Please call formally upon the appropriate Swiss authorities to say that with reference to the tragic incident at Schaffhausen on April 1 your Government would welcome information from the Swiss Government as soon as possible as to the full amount of the property and personal damage resulting from the accident in order that appropriate reparations can promptly be made to the unfortunate victims and thus at least to that extent help to alleviate their distress.

  2. Strictly for your information only: It is the strong feeling of the War Department and of this Department that prompt action on the part of this Government in meeting without haggling the claims which the Swiss Government may make for the property and personal damage resulting from this accident will redound to our benefit. We wish therefore that you handle the matter in your dealings with the Swiss with this background in mind without however specifically informing the Swiss that we intend to pay their claims without question.

We understand that the War Department is informing Legge of the foregoing.


The Pittsburgh Press (April 5, 1944)

New Guinea port smashed; Truk hit again

288 enemy aircraft wrecked at Hollandia
By William B. Dickinson, United Press staff writer

Yank fighters sweep Germany, hammering Nazi Air Force lairs

Little opposition reported; Balkans also raided, Berlin hints; Calais area blasted
By Walter Cronkite, United Press staff writer

Italians repulse Nazi attack

Hold positions in hills above Cassino
By Reynolds Packard, United Press staff writer

British retreat near India base

Two other Japanese columns halted


Dewey wins in Wisconsin; Willkie 4th

Stassen, MacArthur run second, third

Milwaukee, Wisconsin (UP) –
A slate of convention delegates, who ignored Governor Thomas E. Dewey’s appeal to leave him out of the Wisconsin presidential primary election, emerged victorious today over the supporters of Wendell L. Willkie and two other GOP presidential possibilities in 1944’s first major test of Republican sentiment.

Incomplete returns from yesterday’s Wisconsin primary election gave Governor Dewey of New York 15 probable delegates to the GOP convention at Chicago, LtCdr. Harold E. Stassen five, Gen. Douglas MacArthur two, and uninstructed delegates, two.

There were 24 convention seats at stake in yesterday’s balloting. Four delegates were elected at large, and two more were selected from each of the state’s 10 Congressional districts.

Dewey’s men win

Dewey supporters had only three candidates running at large, and they won easily. A delegate pledged to Gen. MacArthur appeared certain to win the fourth seat in the statewide balloting.

In the contests for the 20 delegates from the Congressional districts, a MacArthur-pledged candidate was leading in the 5th district, bringing the general’s total to two.

All of the five apparent winners in the camp of former Minnesota Governor Stassen were running in the Congressional district races.

Figures given

Secretary of State Fred Zimmerman, who led the Dewey victory for delegate at large, said the New York Governor’s forces were certain to control the Wisconsin delegation to the GOP convention.

The Dewey victory was achieved without help from the New York Governor who has insisted he was not a candidate and had asked his delegates to withdraw.

In the contest for delegates at large, Mr. Zimmerman led the field with 95,328 votes in 2,365 of the state’s 3,075 precincts. David Hammergreen, second Dewey delegate, had 89,883, and the third, Edward Hilker, 87,881.

Willkie men disappointed

Fred F. Koehler of Milwaukee, a MacArthur candidate, had a vote total of 58,136 for the fourth delegate at large seat. He was followed closely by three other MacArthur candidates. A Stassen candidate, William J. Campbell, was next with 45,271 votes and the highest Willkie-pledged delegate was Vernon Thompson with a total of 38,995.

The voting was a big disappointment to backers of Mr. Willkie, who had campaigned for 13 days in the state seeking election of his delegates.

Walkaway for Roosevelt

The Democratic primary was a walkaway for the slate of 26 delegate candidates pledged to President Roosevelt.

The only opposition came from a partial slate of candidates who were not committed to anyone and ran only under the slogan “Stop Politics – Win the War.”

During his handshaking and speech-making tour from one end of Wisconsin to the other, Mr. Willkie had emphasized that he believed the Republican Party must be willing for the United States to play a dominant role in world affairs.

‘Important’ victory

He said the Wisconsin primary would be the most important primary election in 1944 and probably would point the way to later developments in the GOP’s selection of a 1944 presidential candidate.

Willkie was the only candidate to have a fill slate of 24 delegate-candidates pledged to him. MacArthur had 22, Stassen 19, and Dewey 15.

Under Wisconsin voting laws, the primary vote is not binding on the convention delegates, but by precedent they stick to their candidate as long as he has a chance for the nomination.

West Point, Nebraska (UP) –
Sacrifices will be great and casualty lists long before the war is won, Wendell L. Willkie, candidate for the Republican presidential nomination, told approximately 500 persons here today while en route from Norfolk to Fremont and Omaha.

Mr. Willkie, who will wind up tonight his campaign for Nebraska’s preferential primary April 11, did not mention results of the Wisconsin primary yesterday. Mr. Willkie was to speak later today at Fremont and will make an hour-long speech at Omaha tonight on America’s foreign policy.

Willkie assails Roosevelt regime

Norfolk, Nebraska (UP) –
Wendell L. Willkie said today that the Roosevelt administration was “tired, cynical and disregardful of the will of the people” and added that he wanted to substitute a “Republican administration for this group.”

Mr. Willkie, in addressing a group of 1,000 at a local hotel as a part of his campaign for Nebraska’s 15 votes in the Republican National Convention, appealed to voters to help end “one-man rule, bossism and inside controls.”


Clark faces fight in Missouri

Jefferson City, Missouri (UP) –
Senator Bennett Champ Clark entered the bitter Missouri political turmoil today, seeking Democratic renomination for the Senate seat he has held since 1932.

Senator Clark faces the toughest election test in his career in opposing Attorney General Roy McKittrick, a frequent critic of Senator Clark’s pre-war isolationism.

Six in Missouri pledged to Dewey

St. Louis, Missouri (UP) –
Six of Missouri’s 30 delegates to the Republican National Convention were instructed today in favor of Governor Thomas E. Dewey of New York.

Cicero, Illinois, elects five Republicans

Chicago, Illinois (UP) –
Cicero, a Chicago suburb, elected Republicans to five of six town offices in a local election yesterday, ending 12 years of Democratic control.

Henry J. Sandusky, police magistrate for 23 years, was the only Democrat to win, being elected president of the Town Board.

The offices of collector, clerk, supervisor, assessor and trustee were won by Republicans, giving them control of Town Hall.

Roosevelt, Willkie run in Oregon

Salem, Oregon (UP) –
Wendell L. Willkie, Republican, and Franklin D. Roosevelt, Democrat, will be unopposed in their bid for Oregon’s support at the national party conventions.

President Roosevelt’s name was entered in the May 19 Oregon primary late yesterday by Democratic Party leaders who filed petitions with 1,848 signatures. Mr. Willkie requested two weeks ago that his name be entered on the Oregon ballot. No other presidential candidates filed.

Munitions man kills self as prison nears

Fatal shot fired as marshal waits

Jury sees no evil in Chaplin’s trip

Acquitted, he faces 2 other court actions

Boeing to convert from Fortresses to Super B-29s