America at war! (1941–) – Part 3

The Pittsburgh Press (January 13, 1944)

Budget adds $90 billion for war use

Restoration of tax increase demanded in list of nation’s needs
By Lyle C. Wilson, United Press staff writer

Yanks cut Cassino defenses

5th Army takes Cervaro; American-French force menaces flank
By C. R. Cunningham, United Press staff writer

U.S. armada credited with great victory

Fighter assembly plants smashed at cost of 64 planes
By Walter Cronkite, United Press staff writer

‘It’s inconceivable’ –
Fortress staggers home, ‘held together by holes’

Bloody parachute on floor mute testimony to tragedy, fear and heroism
By Collie Small, United Press staff writer

Yankee Stadium stunt flier one of raid’s heroes

Marines kill 300 more –
Jap attacks beaten off; troops barges destroyed

Enemy dead in Cape Gloucester area now 2,400 compared to 400 U.S. casualties
By Don Caswell, United Press staff writer

Army’s war losses total 105,229 men

Washington (UP) –
Secretary of War Henry L. Stimson revealed today that U.S. Army casualties through Dec. 23 totaled 105,229 – 16,831 killed, 38,916 wounded, 24,067 missing, and 25,415 prisoners of war.

Casualties among American elements of the 5th Army since its invasion of Italy amounted to 18,119 – 2,798 killed, 11,762 wounded and 3,559 missing.

The latest announcement of Navy, Marine and Coast Guard casualties included 15,186 killed, 6,616 wounded, 8,429 missing and 4,292 prisoners of war, making the overall casualty total for all services 139,752.

The all-services total includes 32,017 killed, 45,532 wounded, 32,946 missing and 29,707 prisoners of war.

James Stillman, banker, taken by death at 70

Figured with former wife in sensational divorce suit in 1921

Vote violation charged –
Indict Murray, Smith demands

Article on big donations by CIO cited

Hotelkeeper convicted of barring Negro guest

Heavy penalty for strikes provided in new House bill

Offending unions would be deprived of all rights provided by U.S. labor acts
By Fred W. Perkins, Pittsburgh Press staff writer

Theater talk

By Florence Fisher Parry


In Washington –
Republicans deny blocking soldier vote

Members of House election group strike back at Democrat accuser

Washington (UP) –
Four of the five Republican members of the House Elections Committee today denied charges by Democratic Leader John W. McCormack that they had blocked development of a workable soldier-vote bill and in turn accused him of being partially responsible for the delay.

The fifth Republican member – Rep. Ralph A. Gamble of New York – was recovering from pneumonia and his office demanded to know how he could block any legislation from a hospital bed.

Confident of satisfactory bill

While blaming Mr. McCormack and other administration leaders with slowing progress on the soldier-vote issue, the four Republicans nevertheless expressed confidence they, with the aid of three Democratic committee members, would soon be able to get a satisfactory bill to the floor.

Rep. Karl M. LeCompte (R-IA) declared that:

You can be sure that by the end of the week, we will report out a bill that will give every member of the Armed Forces, the American Red Cross, merchant seamen and civilians overseas a chance to vote in the coming elections.

Worley blamed for delay

Rep. Harris Ellsworth (R-OR) charged that Elections Chairman Eugene Worley (D-TX) had forestalled a committee showdown for fear his bill would be defeated. Mr. Worley’s bill would call upon the federal government to print, distribute and collect ballots and then send them to the individual states, which would determine their validity.

In the Senate, where a purely state-control bill has already been passed, administration forces were busy seeking a compromise similar to Mr. Worley’s proposal. There were reports that several Senators who voted for the original state-control bill were ready to support a measure for limited federal participation.

U.S. court restricts Associated Press

Simms: Russo-Polish border dispute is major issue

One of world’s biggest single questions confronts Allies
By William Philip Simms, Scripps-Howard foreign editor

Lt. Kennedy saves his men as Japs cut PT boat in half

All but two return after destroyer rams them
By Inga Arvad, North American Newspaper Alliance

Bangkok raided by U.S. bombers

Six Jap cargo ships blasted

Chase Bank pleads innocent of charges

U.S. to free soldiers for overseas duty

Muslim’s test of law slated

Koran’s holy days conflict with schooling


Roosevelt’s doctor: ‘Take it easy’

Washington (UP) –
President Roosevelt’s doctor has asked him to “take it easy for a while,” the White House disclosed today.

White House Press Secretary Stephen T. Early said RAdm. Ross T. McIntire, the President’s physician, asked Mr. Roosevelt to maintain a relatively light routine for the time being.

The President has just gone through an attack on influenza and the labor incident to the State of the Union and budget messages.

Federal jury busies itself with bum’s rush for Barry

Whether Chaplin violated Joan’s civil rights presents puzzle for Hollywood panel

Freddie Bartholomew discharged from Army

Lardner: Italy, like Russia, has snow and ice

Yanks, with air superiority, have field day strafing Nazi convoy trapped by blizzard
By John Lardner, North American Newspaper Alliance