America at war! (1941–) – Part 3

In Washington –
Board to check 4-F standards must be named

Rise of new draft measure is put into effect by President

Editorial: Take over the railroads?

Editorial: How do you explain this?

Tomorrow, Christmas Day, American boys will die in battle in New Britain, in Italy or elsewhere in the world.

Wars do not stop for holidays.

Yet we at home will be celebrating Christmas much as usual. Many homes have been saddened by news of young men who will never be home again. Thousands of others will miss beloved members absent on military duty.

But, in general, those at home will take the day off, exchange gifts, feast on good food and otherwise observe the pleasures of the season.

None of us will be crouching in foxholes, ducking bombs or strafing planes, eating canned rations, dodging ack-ack over Germany, fighting malaria and Japs in jungles.

Under these circumstances, it would seem only natural that the fortunate ones at home would be making every effort to make the simple contributions which would help the men at the battlefronts.

For instance, we would be eager to donate blood to the Red Cross. The plasma processed by the Red Cross for the Army and Navy is distributed to the war fronts and has already saved thousands of lives. But the biggest battles are yet to come and millions of pints are urgently needed.

In spite of this, the Red Cross bank here reports a tragic decline in blood donations. From Dec. 1 to 21, the Red Cross made appointments for 9,730 persons to appear at the Wabash Building. Only 4,475 kept these appointments and while the time was reserved for them, they even failed in the east chore of telephoning to cancel the appointments.

Today, the Red Cross Blood Center is closed – for lack of appointments. And unless there’s an increase in donors, it will be closed again next Friday.

How can you explain this?

Editorial: Always a Christmas

There always will be a Christmas.

The fortunes and misfortunes of the world may alter the lives of those civilized peoples who celebrate the anniversary, but the spirit of Christmas is unalterable, even in war.

This year we observe Christmas with hopes high – too high, with some of us – and in overwhelming confidence that, ultimately, we will cleanse the world of the two great anti-Christ powers.

It is our attachment to the ideals of which Christmas is the great symbol that makes us an indomitable people.

We reach this 1943rd Christmas with some trifling inconveniences with respect to the usual amenities.

Santa Claus stores, jampacked with customers, have been short of many gift items, some of the merchandise has been slightly ersatz and service delays have been commonplace because so many of Santa’s usual helpers are absent fighting a war.

Transportation via the public utilities is more difficult and gasoline rationing has restricted auto travel.

But, for children in this country, Santa will be on the job as usual. His absence in the occupied countries of Europe and Asia should make his activities here the more appreciated.

Christmas is a good time for pondering the events to come before the next Christmas, and the fate of ourselves and the rest of the world in future years.

Public opinion can hasten the end of this war, force a just and practical peace when it is won, and prevent another holocaust.

Public opinion originates in the homes of America, the homes around which all Christmas observance centers.

If we do not forget, on this Christmas Day, the grim facts of history, or the grim certainties of the immediate future, we will have done much toward arming ourselves with policies which will assure the blessings of the Christmas spirit in perpetuity.

Edson: OWI reports are dull and little use

By Peter Edson


Ferguson: Mother of Bethlehem

By Mrs. Walter Ferguson

Long, long ago, Mary journeyed to Bethlehem. There was no room at the Inn. Her newborn son was cradled in a manger.

The Christmas season brings back the details of that ancient lovely story. Today thousands of mothers must think of Mary as they too cradle their newborn sons in strange and humble places. No matter how far from home the paths may lie, there lives forever in the hearts of women the desire to follow their man, and so America’s war brides are closer to the Mother of Jesus than any other generation, if experience means understanding.

Gentle Mary, who saw the star and heard the Angels’ voices, knew her hour of joy. Before her stretched years of sorrow, brought to their final frightful climax at Golgotha. On that day long ago, as she kept watch at the crucifixion of her son, perhaps she sensed that repeatedly, through the ages, women would partake of her bitter cup. It may be so. Certainly, all over the earth now women taste the fear, the grief, the horror. They give up their sons as a sacrifice for causes which seem to them scared. In war, women’s is the hardest part, just as it must have been easier for Jesus to die upon the Cross than for His Mother to stand and watch Him die. Unworthy as we are, we are united in sorrow with the Mother of Sorrows.

Families are scattered this Christmas. Empty chairs will stand at many tables. Our world is a world of apprehension and confusion.

In such a universe, Christmas can only be a yearning in the hearts of humankind. There is no peace on earth. There is only the hope of it which lives within us still, as remote as the Angels’ voices, but shining yet, clear as the Christmas star.

Background of news –
Christmas during war

By Bertram Benedict, editorial research reports

This is the third Christmas during the participation of the United States in World War II. The odds are better than ever that the German phase of the war will be over by the time the fourth Christmas of American participation rolls around next year.

Our first Christmas in World War II came two and a half weeks after Pearl Harbor, and found our Armed Forces everywhere in retreat. The Japanese were advancing in the Philippines and in Borneo, and Manila was to be declared an open city to spare it further bombardment. Pearl Harbor wounded were landed in San Francisco. Hong Kong surrendered, after a 16-day siege, but the British was advancing in Northeast Africa, and the Russians had assumed their winter offensive.

Prime Minister Churchill was in Washington; he joined President Roosevelt in a Christmas Eve broadcast from the Christmas tree just outside the White House grounds.

The 1942 midterm elections were more than 10 months in the future, and the Democrats had more than twice as many seats in the Senate as the Republicans, in the House a majority of about 100. Tire sales had been stopped, prior to rationing, and golfers were buying up gold balls. Auto traffic accidents were higher than in 1940. There were about 1,650,000 in the Army.

By Christmas last year, U.S. forces were everywhere on the offensive. In North Africa, Adm. Darlan was assassinated on Christmas Eve. President Roosevelt, broadcasting from the Christmas tree in Washington, said he couldn’t conscientiously send out hope for a Merry Christmas, but at least it was a merrier one than Christmas of 1941.

On Christmas Day, the RAF bombed Germany heavily; the Nazi radio complained that this was no way to act on the day of peace on earth, goodwill toward men. The British in Africa were driving Rommel westward; the Americans were driving the Germans eastward. The Russian winter counteroffensive was rolling ahead.

In Washington, Congress was showing much interest in pay-as-you-go tax plans. The administration was reported to be opposed to subsidies to hold down food prices as too expensive; some newspapers which were to uphold the subsidy program on Christmas 1943 were denouncing it as folly on Christmas 1942. Mrs. Roosevelt paid Christmas morning visits in the slum districts of the Capital. Auto traffic accidents were only one-half those of the year before. There were about 5,350,000 in the Army.

In World War I, there was no Christmas of hostilities for the United States, for on Christmas 1917, only 165,000 American soldiers were overseas, and none was on the firing line; and by Christmas 1918, hostilities were over.

Christmas Day, 1917, fell on a “meatless Tuesday.” Two days before there had been a “lightless Sunday;” a day later there was to be a “wheatless Wednesday.” Coal for home heating was scarce. So was sugar. The cost of living was going up fast. Railroad transportation was in a tangle, and the government was preparing to take over the roads.

President Wilson, in his Christmas to the Armed Forces, said:

The nation reposes in you its full confidence that in God’s good time and with God’s blessing its troops… side by side with their gallant allies will bring victory and abiding faith to all the world.

Japs send aid to block U.S. in Marshalls

U.S. bombers sight 20 enemy ships in lagoon
By Charles Arnot, United Press staff writer

Poll: No one in party rises as rival to Roosevelt

President named as choice by eight out of ten Democrats
By George Gallup, Director, American Institute of Public Opinion

Ernie Pyle V Norman

Roving Reporter

By Ernie Pyle

At the frontlines in Italy – (by wireless)
Some of you may remember my writing in the fall of 1942, from England, about the Tennessee twins Arlie and Charlie Pass.

Well, they’re in Italy, still going strong, both still driving for colonels, both still looking exactly alike. But one very special thing has happened: Arlie captured himself a German prisoner.

It seems Arlie was driving a couple of colonels up in the frontlines one day when they came to a 20mm gun sitting in the middle of the road, and beyond it was a bridge which was obviously mined.

So, the officers left Arlie in the jeep while they went ahead on foot. While they were gone, a German soldier came out of the nearby woods with his hands up. Arlie just pointed his gun at him and kept it pointed till the officers got back.

Ordinarily Charlie might be expected to feel bad about this extraordinary distinction that has come to Arlie, but I don’t think he need worry, since practically nobody can tell the boys apart. At least half of the people they meet will think Charlie was the one who captured the German. Charlie’s cue is just to keep his mouth shut and blush modestly at the proper time.

Souvenir expeditionary force

The commanding officer of this artillery regiment did what seems to me a pretty smart thing. Since most of the boys can’t get to a city to buy souvenirs, he had a Special Service officer go to Capri and buy souvenirs for anybody who wanted them.

Lt. Don H. Poston of Logan, Ohio, who used to be a theater manager in Columbus, is the Special Service officer. He was helped out by Pvt. Joe Pacucci of South Philadelphia. He lived for seven years in Naples and didn’t go to America until he was 20, so he knows all the ins and outs over here.

They made two trips to Capri, and they spent more than $3,000. They bought 700 ladies’ cigarette boxes, 500 cameo brooches, nearly 100 vivid little paintings on wood, and scores of rings, bracelets, necklaces and other gadgets. These will be wrapped individually and shipped home at the direction of the individual soldier.

Prices went up more than 100% between their first and second trips. This was partly due to inflation induced by the American soldiers’ willingness to pay practically any amount for practically anything.

As one of our gun crew remarked:

The Germans fight for glory, their cities, and their homes, and the Americans fight for souvenirs.

Lottery going strong

This regiment right now has a lottery on. The grand prize is one bottle of Coca-Cola.

It seems that a few weeks ago Sgt. Woodrow Daniel of Jacksonville, Florida, got a bottle of coke in a package from home. He toyed with the bottle a while and then decided he had a better idea than the obvious one of drinking it. He’d rattle it off and give the proceeds to some worthy cause. So, he started selling chances at two bits apiece.

From there on the thing got big. They decided to adopt an orphan with the money; the orphan to be called the child of some man in this regiment killed in combat. The recipient hasn’t been picked yet, but the money is still rolling in.

The receipts have already passed $1,000. Some soldiers are giving as high as $10 for a two-bit chance, and practically everybody throws in more than the necessary quarter.

The raffle comes off Jan. 1, and the boys hope the Coca-Cola Company will match whatever amount they raise over here. I have no doubt it will. You’ll probably be hearing about it in January.

In the meantime, I tried to find out what they had done with the one bottle of coke. All I could gather was that it’s a military secret.

Pegler: On the new Russian number

By Westbrook Pegler

Clapper: ‘New Deal’

By Raymond Clapper

Halsey: Yanks are superior to Japs

Spending hits highest mark for 14 years

Clubs, theaters, jammed to capacity; jewelry sales skyrocket
By the United Press

The home front –
All honorably discharged veterans get preference for Civil Service jobs

Exam points added for disabled, other men

Radio does ‘its bit’ for a Merry Christmas

Special features for ‘our boys’ provided
By Si Steinhauser

In Pacific –
Air blockade starving Japs

Raids cut New Britain base off from supplies
By Brydon C. Taves, United Press staff writer

Censor forces WACs to lengthen gauze pantaloons

U.S. Navy Department (December 25, 1943)

CINCPAC Press Release No. 210

For Immediate Release
December 25, 1943

Navy medium bombers of Fleet Air Wing Two made a low altitude attack on Nauru at dusk on Christmas Eve (East Longitude Date) setting installations on fire. One of our planes is missing.

Army Liberators of the Seventh AAF bombed Wotje on the evening of December 22 (West Longitude Date). Our planes were attacked by 35 enemy fighters, three of which were destroyed, one was probably shot down and six were damaged. Our casualties were one killed and two wounded.

Enemy bombers made five raids on Tarawa during the night of December 22 and 23, causing minor damage.

Enemy light bombers made three nuisance raids at Makin, two at night one during the day, wounding eight men. Two enemy planes were shot down by an intercepting Army fighter.

On the morning of December 24, 15 enemy fighters dropped bombs from high altitude on Makin, causing no damage.

Wilmington Morning Star (December 25, 1943)

O, Come All Ye Faithful

O come all ye faithful, joyful and triumphant!
O come ye, O come ye to Bethlehem;
Come and behold Him,
Born the King of Angels:
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ, the Lord.

Sing, choirs of Angels, sing in exaltation,
Sing, all ye citizens of Heaven above!
Glory to God, in the highest glory;
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
O come, let us adore Him,
Christ, the Lord.