America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

U.S. Navy Department (February 7, 1943)

Communiqué No. 274

South Pacific.
On February 6:

  1. During the morning, small groups of U.S. planes bombed enemy positions on Kolombangara Island in the New Georgia group.

  2. During the evening, Dauntless dive bombers (Douglas) with Wildcat (Grumman F4F) escort bombed Munda on New Georgia Island. All U.S. planes returned.

U.S. forces have established a strong position at Titi, one-half mile west of Marovovo on the northwest coast of Guadalcanal Island. Patrol operations are progressing satisfactorily.

Brooklyn Eagle (February 7, 1943)

U.S. general commands all Allied forces

Appointment seen prelude to early attack against Europe

Fleets trade heavy blows in Solomons

Both sides suffer ‘moderate’ losses, big battle near, says Knox

‘Nutcracker’ drive squeezes Axis in Africa

Nazi counterthrust forces British from Mansour area heights

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Bombers batter bridge Japs repair in Burma

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U.S. signs contract to get more quinine

Lima, Peru (UP) – (Feb. 6)
An agreement between the Peruvian government and the U.S. Defense Supplies Corporation has been signed whereby Peru will supply the United States with quina bark, the source of quinine, President Manuel Prado announced today.

U.S. supplies of quinine from the Far East were cut off when Japan occupied South Pacific territory after the attack on Pearl Harbor.

Destroyer Dashiell launched at Kearny

Kearny, New Jersey (UP) – (Feb. 6)
The destroyer Dashiell was launched here today at the shipyards of the Federal Shipbuilding & Drydock Company. The sponsor was Mrs. Robert Brooke Dashiell of Annapolis, Maryland, widow of the eminent naval constructor for whom the vessel was named.

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9 women jurors put Errol in clear

Win over 3 men for acquittal – Peggy weeps and feels like ‘broken old woman’

Albany to get Rickenbacker’s labor program

Bannigan to submit 3-point post-war plan despite protests

New battlewagon’s broadside described as ‘eruption of hell’

By Sandor S. Klein

Dutch airmen help to blast six Jap ships

Allied bombers range over 1,800-mile front in week of attacks

Claim support for plan to peg play at 1941 level

Move affects upper-bracket salaries – defer action on ride to kill $25,000 limit

OWI pamphlet tells of Negroes’ stake in victory

Paints sharp picture of fascist attitude, cites gains won in U.S.

Legion extends services to vets of World War II

Borough organization is ready to alleviate financial, other woes
By Nat Jaslow

Editorial: Treasury’s efforts to block Ruml Plan are weak, clumsy

The attitude of the Treasury and of some of the important Congressional leaders toward the Ruml Plan is most discouraging. There seems to be considerable basis for the impression that persists in some quarters that responsible government officials are stubbornly fighting this proposal every inch of the way, principally because they did not think of it first.

As a result of the hearings before the House Ways and Means Committee at which Randolph Paul, general counsel of the Treasury, and Beardsley Ruml, banker and businessman and author of the proposal which bears his name, presented their views, there were hints that a compromise might prove the way out for Congress in its present dilemma.

The Treasury, like other opponents of the Ruml Plan, persists in misinterpreting it. Indeed, this pose of not understanding it strikes us as just a device for trying to weaken the plan with the public on the ground that it is needlessly complicated. Also, for this same reason, there is a desperate effort to picture it as a scheme principally to help the rich, whereas actually it is primarily aimed to assist the great mass of medium and small taxpayers who are finding themselves in increasingly desperate financial straits.

The chief error the Treasury and other opponents keep making is to claim that the plan is going to “forgive” a whole year’s taxes, and that the government would lose $10,000,000,000 under it.

As we have pointed out before, the Ruml Plan merely means that the government will change the basis of assessing income taxes so that all will be paying on the current year’s income rather than on last year’s. It is just a case of turning the tax clock ahead for all. The principle involved is thus similar to that of daylight saving.

That the Treasury recognizes the popular sentiment that has lined up back of the Ruml Plan is shown by its modification of its original 100% opposition. Now it expresses a desire to get taxpayers on a pay-as-you-go basis. But not by the Ruml Plan.

Rather than accept such a relatively simple device, the Treasury is floundering around with various proposals to none of which it seems finally committed. Incidentally some of these ideas were effectively spiked by Mr. Ruml in his testimony. The business of paying taxes, on whatever basis, on 1942 income along with those on 1943 income was characterized by him as double taxation that would be an intolerable burden.

Mr. Ruml himself recognized that there would be a few windfall cases of taxpayers who would profit by his plan and he advanced suggestions to meet that situation. He would not have capital gains affected by his plan. And he would provide a special death tax to recover what may be considered windfall because of death.

Such issues can easily be worked out. They are incident to the major purpose of the plan which is to shift the nation over to a businesslike pay-as-you-go basis. Congress should reach its decision as soon as possible for March 15 is approaching rapidly.

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Volkischer Beobachter (February 8, 1943)

Amerikanische Weltherrschaft für das Judentum –
Neue USA.-Pläne zur Vernichtung Europas

Eigener Bericht des „Völkischen Beobachters“

rd. Lissabon, 7. Februar –
Seit Wochen häufen sich in den Vereinigten Staaten die Veröffentlichungen von Plänen und Vorschlägen, die alle unverhüllt auf die Errichtung einer amerikanischen Weltherrschaft und die völlige wirtschaftliche Versklavung der übrigen Völker ausgehen. Je weiter alle diese von Juden erdachten und für Juden geschriebenen Haßgesänge sich von ihrer Verwirklichung abgetrennt sehen, um so giftiger und übertriebener werden die Forderungen. Jetzt ist, wie die USA.-Zeitschrift Time in großer Aufmachung herausstellt, auch der Gouverneur des Staates Minnesota, der 35 Jahre alte Rechtsanwalt Harold Stassen, in Erscheinung getreten und hat seinen Plan für die Neuordnung unter amerikanischer Führung verkündet.

Dieser Plan sieht, der Time zufolge, vor, daß die Achsenfeinde erst einmal ihr Programm aufstellen und sich zu einer wirtschaftlichen Einheit zusammenschließen, der auch die übrigen Völker der Welt beizutreten gezwungen werden sollen. Es soll dann von einem Weltparlament – das natürlich in den USA. tagen müßte – ein Weltpräsident gewählt werden, der einen Rat von sieben Mitgliedern bestimmt. Das Programm des Weltrates soll zu allererst die restlose Entwaffnung der Achsenmächte und die Bildung einer internationalen (sprich: amerikanischen) Truppenmacht unter dem Befehl des Weltpräsidenten und die Schaffung eines internationalen Gerichtshofes vorsehen. Der Weltpräsident könnte natürlich nur – Roosevelt sein.

Die amerikanische Zeitschrift Look veröffentlicht ebenfalls in großer Aufmachung die Vorschläge von zwei führenden amerikanischen Politikern Pierre von Passen und William L. Shirer, die auf eine restlose Zerstörung des deutschen Volkes und aller anderen nationaleingestellten Völker Europas hinauszielen. Passen fordert die Ausrottung aller nationalsozialistischen Einrichtungen und tritt dafür ein, daß sämtliche deutschen Schulen und wissenschaftlichen Institute bis zur „Demokratisierung“ Deutschlands erst einmal verantwortlich von sowjetischen, amerikanischen oder englischen Lehrern geleitet werden. Die deutsche Industrie will Passen unter die Aufsicht alliierter Kommissionen stellen, ebenso sollen alle deutschen Kohlenbergwerke internationalisiert werden. Die deutsche Regierung soll gezwungen werden, die Rassentheorie als eine „politische Lüge“ anzuerkennen und an alle ausgewanderten Juden eine feierliche Einladung zu richten, wieder nach Deutschland zurückzukehren. Alles ehemalige jüdische Eigentum müsse zurückerstattet, beziehungsweise voll entschädigt werden.

Auch die deutschen Sozialeinrichtungen, das deutsche Versicherungswesen und die Arbeiterschutzgesetzgebung dürften in bisheriger Form nicht mehr weiterbestehen. Passen fordert dann weiter, daß mit der Zerstörung des Nationalsozialismus auch sämtliche übrigen „faschistischen Inseln“ in Europa rücksichtslos unterdrückt werden.

William L. Shirer geht noch weiter. Deutschland dürfe nicht nur keine Armee, Flotte oder Luftwaffe mehr besitzen, sondern Amerika müsse auch die deutsche Industrie unter ständige Kontrolle stellen, und Deutschland dürfe in Zukunft nicht einmal mehr die Erlaubnis besitzen, Zivilflugzeuge zu bauen.

Die deutsche Wehrmacht und ihre Verbündeten werden aber ihrerseits dafür sorgen, daß diese jüdischen Haßpläne niemals verwirklicht werden.

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Brooklyn Eagle (February 8, 1943)

Bills demand labor draft of men to 65, women to 50

Hoover warns of crisis in food, oil shortages

Allies bombard Europe with full air might

Axis targets blasted from France to Italy – U.S. attacks Sardinia

U.S. planes strafe Jap troops in Burma

Chungking, China (UP) –
American Warhawk fighter planes roared from Chinese bases on successful strafing forays against Japanese troop and truck columns in the Kengtung region of eastern Burma, a communiqué from Lt. Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell’s headquarters announced today.

The P-40s destroyed 20 trucks and buses and damaged others loaded with enemy troops.

New Delhi, India (UP) –
Royal Air Force pilots, flying American-built B-24 Liberators, dropped nearly 30 tons of heavy bombs on Rangoon, Japanese-held capital of Burma, during the night, a British headquarters communiqué said today.

Gradual pay-go tax proposed

Washington (UP) –
A plan for gradually easing the American income taxpayer to a pay-as-you-go basis without substantial loss of revenue to the government was proposed to the House Ways and Means Committee today by M. F. Bravman, New York attorney.

Bravman would bring the bulk of taxpayers to a current basis in 1947 by annually increasing the Victory tax and applying it as credit against tax on current income.

The regular income tax rate would be correspondingly lowered each year as the Victory tax was increased and would be paid according to the present system.

At the end of four years, when the Victory tax on small incomes would reach 20%, the taxpayer in this bracket would be on a pay-as-you-go basis, Bravman said.

Bravman’s plan was the eighth submitted to the committee, which is now in its second week of hearings on the general subject of pay-as-you-go taxation.

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Ersatz shoes encouraged in rationing of footwear

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