America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

Aufgelöste Komintern wühlt in USA. –
Streiks als Druckmittel der Sowjets

Von unserer Stockholmer Schriftleitung

U.S. Navy Department (October 27, 1943)

Communiqué No. 477

The U.S. submarine RUNNER (SS-275) is overdue and must be presumed to be lost. The next of kin of personnel in the RUNNER have been so informed.

The Pittsburgh Press (October 27, 1943)

Compromise on Illinois pact given

Lewis refuses to comment; back-to-work order is repeated

Allies drive 5 miles; big battle near

British 8th Army meets fiercest resistance; four towns taken
By Richard D. McMillan, United Press staff writer

Clearing path for 5th Army –
Bombs rip up trenches, bouncing out dead Nazis

Yanks advance after precision air attack in Italy to find shattered German bodies
By Reynolds Packard, United Press staff writer

Figures in red –
Raids on Nazis cost 5,700 men

553 Yank bombers lost in six months
By Walter Cronkite, United Press staff writer

$1 billion asked by Roosevelt to train vets

Congress urged to set up post-war educational vocational fund

‘It’s unworkable!’
Father draft quota fought

House-passed bill faces battle in Senate

Towel stains may unravel heiress’ death

Business heads in war session

Leaders are summoned to White House

Navy gets Normandie

3 submarines launched

15 more railroad unions will take strike ballot

Non-operating groups join Big Five in putting pressure on Vinson, fact board

14th U.S. sub lost, apparently in Pacific

The strategist

By Florence Fisher Parry

Browne: ‘Chicago boys’ sought power

Union expansion move caused dissension, extortionist declares

‘Countess’ pleads guilty as chief of spy ring

Grace Buchanan-Dineen is sixth member of group to admit guilt; death penalty not asked

Pledge given to racketeer, ex-judge says

But he didn’t know ‘business’ of benefactor, he adds

Joy-dazed Yanks return to the world of freedom

Lines of wounded landing in Liverpool show what war can do to human body
By Nat A. Barrows

Treasury’s ad pie to be cut in equal slices

Senate amends plan so that critics will also share in subsidy
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

‘Tried to stuff her down sewer’ –
Father of five arrested in slaying of sweetheart

Red-haired secretary found in gutter in Washington

Nation honors fleet fighting in seven seas

Navy Day finds American force fully recovered from Pearl Harbor
By the United Press

Landing in Balkans predicted –
Supplies pouring into Bari for next stage of invasion

Liberty ships unload quickly in Italian port, turn about for fresh cargoes in North Africa
By Henry T. Gorrell, United Press staff writer

Amity marks Allied parley

Moscow talks may mean post-war unity
By M. S. Handler, United Press staff writer