America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

Kinkaid to head fleet operating with MacArthur

Aleutians admiral given Southwest Pacific command

Children in Naples clean Yank breakfast mess kits

Leftovers feed gamins, but that condition always has existed in Italian city
By William H. Stoneman

Gestapo bars Nazi collapse, prisoners say

Released Allied captives observe deterioration in enemy morale
By Francis H. Fisher, United Press staff writer

New fighters to face Nazis

Yank Air Force in Britain to be doubled
By Walter Cronkite, United Press staff writer

In Washington –
Senate peace resolution interpreted as endorsing post-war police force

One of measure’s framers offers explanation for vague ‘power’ clause to forestall amendment urging ‘military force’

Bond advertising bill backed by committee

Navy casualties 30,789

Washington –
The Navy Department today announced additional casualties, bringing to 30,789 the total casualties of the Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard in this war. This includes 12,141 dead, 5,438 wounded, 9,021 missing and 4,189 prisoners of war.

Judge delays suit of Flynn’s accuser

Producers urge Clara Bow to return to the movies

Editorial: Gag, filibuster, or fair play?

Editorial: The coal strikers

Editorial: Somebody please tell OPA

Edson: Giant new U.S. bombers to hit Axis from home

By Peter Edson

Background of news –
Willkie-Dewey maneuver

By Jay G. Hayden, North American Newspaper Alliance

Closed session hears gambler ‘sing his song’

Tammany Hall leaders named in disbarment proceedings

A ray on rayon

By Maxine Garrison

Pegler: Communism in the New Deal

By Westbrook Pegler

Maj. de Seversky: Wake attack has been misinterpreted; surprise factor accounts for success

By Maj. Alexander P. de Seversky

Hadassah quits Jewish group

Women’s organization emphasizes politics

Changes in tax plans urged to help industry

Bank cites need of ample reserves for post-war changeover

Network sale costs mikemen salary cuts

Ben Grauer hardest hit by double job ban
By Si Steinhauser

Völkischer Beobachter (October 27, 1943)

Iran bezahlt hohe Frongelder für seine Bedrücker –
Nordamerikaner übernehmen iranische Polizei

Engländer völlig an die Wand gedrückt

Japans fester Glaube –
Tojo: Deutschland und Japan werden bald die USA und England auf die Knie zwingen