America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

Over $3 billion still needed

Rhode Island second state to fill quota

Elevator workers strike at Rockefeller Center

Thousands of office employees are marooned; independents reject arbitration plan

Army defies order of federal court

Americans give Nazis a taste of shellfire

Yanks seize heights after fighting through tough opposition
By Reynolds Packard, United Press staff writer

Hope calls off pipeline area

Competitor was awarded certificate

Plane crashes into plant; three aboard it killed

First Lady back in U.S.

San Francisco, California –
Mrs. Eleanor Roosevelt returned to the mainland today, completing a month-long aerial tour which included visits to Australia, New Zealand and island outposts.

Kirkpatrick: Allied air forces learn teamwork in Africa, Sicily

Days of individualistic shows gone; sky, sea, land forces develop coordinated pattern of attack
By Helen Kirkpatrick

Yanks destroy 20 Jap planes over Gilberts

Adm. Nimitz reports on attack by Navy and Army fliers
By Mac R. Johnson, United Press staff writer

Stimson silent on reports Marshall to be promoted

But Secretary says generals are put where they will be ‘of greatest possible use’

Cecil Brown quits; censorship charged

Good physique aids wounded Yanks to live

One soldier hit in groin spends six weeks in Nazi territory
By William H. Stoneman

Yanks pound Nazis in Rhodes, Greece

Capital GOPs see Willkie ad, stay skeptical

Critics agree, however, that right opposition hasn’t been found
By Daniel M. Kidney, Scripps-Howard staff writer

U.S. expenses top $20 billion

Even government’s normal expenditures increase

Alien wins fight to enlist in Army

Disbanded Italian soldiers stream to haven in south

Troops trudge along roads through Allied 5th and 8th Armies; beg for ‘C’ Rations
By John O’Reilly, representing the U.S. combined press

‘An awful roar and then’ –
Yanks attack after tanks roll over their trenches

Americans mow down German infantry trying to follow up mechanical assault in Italy
By Relman Morin, representing the combined U.S. press

Western New York faces meat crisis

Girls battle police to greet Sinatra

President sends plea to shipyard employees

Congressman posts cash bond of $2,500

College man deferments plague U.S.

Inquiry shows government lacks figures on its technical needs
By Charles T. Lucey, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Slayer of 38 Japs amazed when general salutes him

John Basilone, here on tour, won highest honor for heroic defense on Guadalcanal

U.S. employs 300,000 single, childless men

Interior Department charged with no readjustment to war effort

Adm. Blandy: U.S. can rearm Italian ships

More civilian aid proposed

Home front needs bolstering, official says

Frank O’Brien, 68, editor of Sun, dies