America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

Ernie Pyle V Norman

Roving Reporter

By Ernie Pyle

Ernie Pyle returned to the United States today for a well-earned rest after 14 months spent in Ireland, England, Africa and Sicily. The following column and several others still to be printed were written before he left Sicily.

Somewhere in Sicily, Italy – (by wireless)
When the 45th Division went into reserve along the north coast of Sicily after several weeks of hard fighting, I moved on with the 3rd Division, which took up the ax and drove the enemy on to Messina.

I am still doing Engineers, and it was on my very first day with the 3rd that we hit the most difficult and spectacular engineering job of the Sicilian campaign.

You’ve doubtless noticed Point Calava on your maps. It is a great stub of rock that sticks out into the sea, forming a high ridge running back into the interior. The coast highway is tunneled through this big rock, and on either side of the tunnel the road sticks out like a shelf on the sheer rock wall.

Our Engineers figured the Germans would blow the tunnel entrance to seal it up. But they didn’t. They had an even better idea. They picked out a spot about 50 feet beyond the tunnel mouth and blew a hole 150 feet long in the road shelf. They blew it so deeply and thoroughly that if you dropped a rock into it, the rock would never stop rolling until it bounced into the sea a couple of hundred feet below.

We were beautifully bottlenecked. You couldn’t bypass the rock, for it dropped sheer into the sea. You couldn’t bypass over the mountain; that would take weeks. You couldn’t fill the hole, for it would keep sliding off into the water.

All you could do was bridge it, and that was a hell of a job. But bridge it they did, and in only 24 hours.

Infantry crawls across chasm

When the first Engineer officers went up to inspect the tunnel, I went with them. We had to leave the jeep at a blown bridge and walk the last four miles uphill. We went with an infantry battalion that was following the retreating Germans.

When we got there, we found the tunnel floor mined. But each spot where they’d dug into the hard rock floor left its telltale mark, so it was no job for the Engineers to uncover and unscrew the detonators of scores of mines. Then we went on through to the vast hole beyond, and the engineering officers began making their calculations.

As we did so, the regiment of infantry crawled across the chasm, one man at a time. You could just barely make it on foot by holding on to the rock juttings and practically crawling.

Another regiment went up over the ridge and took out after the evacuating enemy with only what weapons and provisions they could carry on their backs. Before another 24 hours, they’d be 20 miles ahead of us and in contact with the enemy, so getting this hole bridged and supplies and supporting guns to them was indeed a matter of life and death.

Room for only so many

It was around 2 p.m. when we got there and in two hours the little platform of highway at the crater mouth resembled a littered street in front of a burning building. Air hoses covered the ground, serpentined over each other. Three big air compressors were parked side by side, their engines cutting off and on in that erratically deliberate manner of air compressors, and jackhammers clattered their nerve-shattering din.

Bulldozers came to clear off the stone-blocked highway at the crater edge. Trucks, with long trailers bearing railroad irons and huge timbers, came and unloaded. Steel cable was brought up, and kegs of spikes, and all kinds of crowbars and sledges.

The thousands of vehicles of the division were halted some 10 miles back in order to keep the highway clear for the engineers. One platoon of men at a time worked in the hole. There was no use throwing in the whole company, for there was room for only so many.

At suppertime, hot rations were brought up by truck. The 3rd Division Engineers went on K ration at noon, but morning and evening they get hot food up to them, regardless of the job.

If you could see how they toll, you would know how important this hot food is. By dusk, the work was in full swing and half the men were stripped to the waist.

The night air of the Mediterranean was tropical. The moon came out at twilight and extended our light for a little while. The moon was new and pale, and transient, high-flying night clouds brushed it and scattered shadows down on us.

Then its frail light went out, and the blinding nightlong darkness settled over the insidious abyss. But the work never slowed nor halted throughout the night.

Clapper: Alliances

By Raymond Clapper

U.S. State Department (September 7, 1943)

Memorandum by the U.S. Chiefs of Staff

Washington, 7 September 1943.

CCS 270/7

Plans for the Use of the Azores

With reference to CCS 270/4, the U.S. Chiefs of Staff present to the British Chiefs of Staff for their information a brief outline of operations in the Azores contemplated by the U.S.:
a. The employment of anti-submarine aircraft initially in the coverage of all convoys on the Middle Atlantic lanes, and eventually for patrol around the Azores as necessary to obtain effective anti-submarine aircraft coverage of the Middle Atlantic.

b. The employment initially of not to exceed two naval support groups from the Azores bases in anti-submarine operations on Middle Atlantic convoy routes; to be subsequently expanded should adjustment of convoy routes dictate.

c. Operations of air transport service and ferry delivery service to the United Kingdom, the Mediterranean areas, India and China.

It is estimated that the above proposed operations will require the following facilities:
a. For U.S. Naval surface craft: San Miguel Island. One operating and supply base at Ponta Delgada.

b. For U.S. Naval aircraft:
(1) Fayal Island. One seaplane base at Horta, with, sufficient facilities to accommodate 6 ASW seaplanes, and 6 NATS seaplanes.

(2) San Miguel Island. One landplane base with three 6,000 ft. runways, and facilities for 12 VLR landplanes and 1 group (approximately 30) of CVE aircraft, capable of expansion to provide for 4 squadrons of VLR aircraft.

c. For U.S. Army Air Force aircraft:
(1) Terceira Island. One landplane base at Lagens Field with two 7,000 ft. runways for air transport and ferry operations, and accommodations for 3,500 personnel.

(2) Flores Island. One landplane base with two 7,000 ft. runways for air transport and ferry operations. If the terrain of Flores Island does not permit adequate air base construction, the base may be placed on Santa Maria Island. Housing facilities to be provided to accommodate 3,300 personnel.

d. Existing cable systems and communications facilities essential to the operations of U.S. forces based on and operating through the Azores and to the operations of U.S. forces in the North African and European theaters of operations.

Ultimate U.S. forces for which accommodations will be required are estimated to amount to:

U.S. Army 6800
U.S. Navy 1400

The U.S. Chiefs of Staff plan preliminary preparations at this time in order that these facilities can be established in the Azores at the earliest practicable date.

U.S. State Department (September 8, 1943)

President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill to the Commander-in-Chief, AFHQ

Washington, September 7, 1943.
[September 8, 1943, 1:15 a.m.]

Operational priority


From President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill to General Eisenhower, personal and secret.
Your No. W9412 Dated September 7, 1943.

The President and the Prime Minister approve the following for press release. This release will be made by them jointly at a press conference in Washington at 1830 B on September 8, 1943.

At this moment General Eisenhower is broadcasting the following announcement:

The Italian Government has surrendered its armed forces unconditionally. As allied commander-in-chief, I have granted a military armistice, the terms of which have been approved by the Governments of the United Kingdom, the United States, and of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, acting in the interests of the United Nations. The Italian Government has bound itself to abide by these terms without reservation. The armistice was signed by my representative and the representative of Marshal Badoglio, and becomes effective this instant. Hostilities between the armed forces of the United Nations and those of Italy terminate at once. All Italians who now actively help to eject the German aggressor from Italian soil will have the assistance and support of the United Nations.

Marshal Badoglio has undertaken simultaneously to make an announcement of the armistice, and his message to the Italian armed forces and people will be issued forthwith.

The President and the Prime Minister added that the armistice is strictly a military instrument, signed by soldiers. No political, financial or economic terms are included. These will be imposed later. The granting of an armistice does not necessarily imply recognition of any Italian government, or acceptance of Italy as an ally or collaborator.

Völkischer Beobachter (September 8, 1943)

Das Ziel des Sowjetimperialismus: Dardanellen und Persischer Golf –
Roosevelt als Schrittmacher Moskaus

Roosevelts Leibagitator

Von unserem Lissaboner Berichterstatter C. E. Frhrn. v. Merck

Um die militärische und politische Vorrangstellung –
Washington sichert die britische Beute

Von unserer Stockholmer Schriftleitung

Die Versenkungserfolge Japans vom August –
Japanische Gegenoffensive bei Salamaua

Verstärkte Abwehr zersprengt feindliche Verbände –
53 viermotorige Terrorbomber abgeschossen

dnb. Aus dem Führer-Hauptquartier, 7. September –
Das Oberkommando der Wehrmacht gibt bekannt:

Im Süden der Ostfront standen unsere Truppen gestern in sehr schweren Abwehrkämpfen gegen starke sowjetische Infanterie- und Panzerkräfte. Von der übrigen Ostfront werden bis auf örtliche Kampftätigkeit am Kubanbrückenkopf und im hohen Norden keine besonderen Ereignisse gemeldet.

Einheiten der Kriegsmarine wiesen im Finnischen Meerbusen an der Ostküste der Logabucht Landungsversuche sowjetischer Stoßtrupps ab und schossen dabei zwei kleine Landungsboote in Brand. Bei einem Nachtgefecht wurde ein feindliches Schnellboot versenkt.

Der Feind verlor gestern an der Ostfront 144 Panzer und 59 Flugzeuge.

Auf der kalabrischen Halbinsel hatten unsere Sicherungstruppen nur geringe Gefechtsberührung mit dem Feinde. Nördlich Palmi wurde ein britischer Angriff abgewiesen.

Feindliche Bomberverbände drangen am gestrigen Tage, begünstigt durch unsichtiges Wetter, in den südwestdeutschen Raum ein. Sie wurden durch Jagdflieger und Flakartillerie zersprengt und kamen dadurch nicht zu einem einheitlichen Angriff. Mehrere schwer beschädigte feindliche Flugzeuge landeten auf Schweizer Gebiet. Bombenwürfe auf die Städte Stuttgart und Straßburg verursachten Personenverluste und Schäden.

In der vergangenen Nacht griffen britische Bomber das Gebiet von München an. Auch sie wurden bereits vor Erreichen des Zieles zersprengt. Es entstanden Schäden in Wohnvierteln und an öffentlichen Gebäuden der Stadt sowie in einigen Ortschaften Südbayerns. Die Bevölkerung hatte Verluste.

Bei den gestrigen Tages- und Nachtangriffen vernichteten Luftverteidigungskräfte nach bisher vorliegenden unvollständigen Meldungen 53 viermotorige britische und nordamerikanische Bomber.

Verbände der Luftwaffe bekämpften in der vergangenen Nacht wirksam stark belegte Flugzeugstützpunkte des Feindes im Raum von Cambridge. Zwei deutsche Flugzeuge werden vermißt.

Italienischer Wehrmachtbericht –
Bomben auf Biserta

dnb. Rom, 7. September –
Der italienische Wehrmachtbericht vom Dienstag lautet:

Im Verlauf des geordneten und langsamen Rückzugmanövers an der Küstenzone Südkalabriens haben sich zwischen feindlichen Voraustruppen und Nachhuten der Verteidigung lebhafte Kämpfe entwickelt. In den Gewässern Siziliens wurde ein Schiff von einem unserer Flugzeuge torpediert: deutsche Flugzeuge haben über den Hafen von Biserta zahlreiche Bomben abgeworfen.

Eine bedeutende Anzahl viermotoriger feindlicher Flugzeuge hat das Zentrum der Stadt Neapel angegriffen und schwere Schäden verursacht. Ebenso wurden Ortschäften in der Provinz Neapel und Salerno angegriffen, wobei schwere Schäden entstanden sind. Drei feindliche Flugzeuge wurden von italienisch-deutschen Jägern abgeschossen, ein weiteres wurde von der Artillerie eines Geleitzuges zerstört.

Die Kämpfe in Kalabrien

An der Nordküste Kalabriens verstärkten sich die gelandeten Briten am 4. und 5. September weiterhin durch Zuführung von Truppen und Material. Trotz sehr starken feindlichen Jagdschutzes griffen deutsche und italienische Kampfflugzeuge die Landungsstellen und Übersetzfahrzeuge wiederholt an, brachten dem Feind durch Bombentreffer empfindliche Verluste an Menschen und Material bei und schossen in Luftkämpfen mehrere britische und nordamerikanische Flugzeuge ab.

Mit den nachgeführten Kräften versuchte der Gegner in das Gebirge einzudringen, doch lieferten hier die deutsch-italienischen Sicherungen, deren Widerstand durch das zerklüftete Bergland erleichtert wurde, den vorgehenden Briten schwere, für den Feind verlustreiche Gefechte.

Auch an den folgenden Tagen führten Briten und Kanadier mehrere solcher Unternehmen durch. Die deutsch-italienischen Truppen beschränkten sich weiter auf hinhaltende Verteidigungskämpfe und erschwerten durch umfangreiche Sprengungen und Feuerüberfälle das Vordringen der feindlichen Verbände.

Europäische Juden möchten Palästina ‚industrialisieren‘ –
Araber sollen Kulis werden

Eigener Bericht des „Völkischen Beobachters“

U.S. State Department (September 8, 1943)

Roosevelt-Churchill meeting, 10:55 a.m.

United States United Kingdom
President Roosevelt Prime Minister Churchill
General Marshall Field Marshal Dill

Memorandum by the U.S. Chiefs of Staff

Washington, 8 September 1943

CCS 339

Directive for the Control Commission and AMG in Italy

It is necessary that General Eisenhower be furnished immediately with a Directive for his use in the event that the Conditions of Surrender are accomplished. The Directive should inform him:

a. Whom he shall designate as Military Governor for occupied Italy.

b. The Basic Organization of the Control Commission and its relationship with Allied Military Government and the Italian National Government, as General Eisenhower requested in his Naf 340.

Facts bearing on the problem

a. General Eisenhower, pursuant to the Directive furnished him for HUSKY, established Allied Military Government. He designated General Alexander as Military Governor and empowered him to exercise the functions of Allied Military Government in Sicily. Recently General Eisenhower requested authority to extend the jurisdiction of Allied Military Government under General Alexander to areas of continental Italy captured in the near future. General Eisenhower was given such authority. General Eisenhower cabled that he did not intend that the authority given the Commanding General, 15th Army Group, would include supervision of the Italian National Government.

b. General Eisenhower, in his Naf 340, outlined his preliminary plans for handling the Control Commission, Allied Military Government in Italy, and the Italian Government. This planning has been done in the absence of any such Directive from the Combined Chiefs of Staff. A reply to Naf 340 has been sent to General Eisenhower, which confirms his present planning program, but which does not constitute an adequate Directive. The reply states that he will receive such a Directive in the near future.


a. Control Commission
The Control Commission referred to in this Paper is created by the authority contained in Paragraph 37 of the comprehensive surrender terms Document in General Eisenhower’s possession and is quoted herewith:

There will be appointed a Control Commission representative of the United Nations, charged with regulating and executing this instrument under the orders and general directions of the Allied Commander-in-Chief.

With reference to the term “United Nations” mentioned above, the Document states in the preamble that the United States and United Kingdom governments are acting on behalf of the United Nations. This explains the reason for establishing a Control Commission consisting of personnel furnished generally by the U.S. and U.K.

b. Jurisdictional Authority of AMG and the Control Commission. The jurisdictional authority of the Control Commission, the Allied Military Government in Italy (AMG), and the Italian Government can be explained as follows:

(1) The Control Commission is charged in the Instrument of Surrender with regulating and executing its provisions. Therefore, the Commission enforces the Surrender Conditions; it does not govern. The Commission operates under the orders and general directions of the Allied Commander-in-Chief. In the performance of its duties, the Commission functions through existing governmental agencies, whether it is territory being governed by the Italian Government, or by AMG.

(2) AMG is a governing body, and constitutes the sovereign authority in occupied Italy.

(3) The Italian Government constitutes the sovereign authority in unoccupied Italy.

(4) The Control Commission operates throughout Italy and makes use of both governments as its operators in order to assure compliance with the provisions of the Surrender Terms. The Control Commission is not an administrative governmental agency, and does not infringe upon the functions of the Italian Government or AMG.

(5) The division of Italy into occupied and unoccupied areas is based on military considerations and not on economic self-sufficiency. Hence it is of the utmost importance that there be close coordination between the policies and operations of AMG, the Italian Government, and the Control Commission.


a. Conflicts in the operation of AMG and the Control Commission may well ensue in actual practice unless one individual is the head of both agencies. To insure complete cooperation and coordination between AMG and the Control Commission, and to insure that the same policies prevail in both occupied and unoccupied territories, it is proposed that General Eisenhower designate an American officer of high rank to serve both as Military Governor of Italy and Deputy President of the Control Commission.

b. The Enclosure is a proposed Directive to General Eisenhower.

c. We are informed that the British members of the Combined Civil Affairs Committee concur in the proposed Directive subject to comment from London.


That the Combined Chiefs of Staff approve the enclosed Directive and submit it to the President and the Prime Minister for their approval.


Draft Directive on Military Government in Italy


Directive to General Eisenhower from the Combined Chiefs of Staff

In the event that the terms of surrender are concluded, it is of the utmost importance that the Control Commission for Italy and AMG follow uniform policies and procedure in their dealings with the Italian Government and people. Their functions must be completely coordinated under one supreme authority. To accomplish this, you will announce yourself as President of the Control Commission, and appoint a Deputy President who will also be the Military Governor of occupied Italy.

Allied Military Government. The Directives for AMG for HUSKY will serve as a basis for AMG in Italy. As circumstances require, you will acquaint the Italians and Italian Government with the areas over which AMG has extended or will extend its jurisdiction.

Control Commission.
a. Functions. To enforce and execute the Instrument of Surrender under your orders and general directives.

b. Organization. The Control Commission will be divided into three sections: (1) Military, (2) Political, (3) Economic and Administrative. Each Section will be in charge of a Vice-President, and will be divided into sub-commissions to conform as nearly as practicable with the Organization of Italian Ministries.

c. The Military Section will be divided into the following sub-commissions: (1) Naval Forces, (2) Land Forces, (3) Air Forces, (4) Prisoners of War, (5) War Material Factories, and (6) Material Disposal.

d. The Economic and Administrative Section will be divided into the following sub-commissions: (1) Interior, (2) Justice (Law, Order, Police, Prisons), (3) Finance, (4) Foreign Trade, (5) Industry and Commerce, (6) Public Works and Utilities, (7) Fuel, (8) Food, (9) Agriculture, (10) Public Health, (11) Labor, (12) Transportation, (13) Communications (Postal Telegraph, and Telephone, Radio).

e. The Political Section will be divided into the following sub-commissions: (1) Foreign and Internal Affairs, (2) Civilian Internees and Displaced Persons, (3) Information, Press, Censorship, and (4) Fine Arts and Archives.

f. Where the functions of the various Sections overlap, liaison and, if necessary, exchange of personnel, will be arranged between the sub-commissions concerned.

g. A suitable Secretariat should be established.

h. You may assume that each Government will assume expenses of the personnel it furnishes, and that other expenses will be shared equally.

a. Allocation of posts between U.S. and U.K. The Commission will be organized generally on an Anglo-American basis, according to the most convenient alternation of posts and preserving the ratio in numbers of 50/50; at any rate, in the higher posts.

b. The allocation of the principal posts between U.S. and U.K. is as follows:

Deputy President of the Commission U.S.
Vice President in charge of the Military Section U.S.
Deputy Vice President in charge of the Military Section U.K.
Vice President in charge of the Political Section U.K.
Deputy Vice President in charge of the Political Section U.S.
Vice President in charge of the Economic and Administrative Section U.K.
Deputy Vice President in charge of the Economic and Administrative Section U.S.

In the event a vacancy should occur in the posts of the Deputy President, Vice Presidents, or Deputy Vice Presidents, such a vacancy will be filled by a person of the same nationality.

The posts of heads of the sub-commissions will, insofar as possible, be distributed equally between the U.S. and U.K., and the assistant heads will similarly be of opposite nationality.

Except in special cases, the personnel of the Military and Economic and Administrative Sections should have a military status, and the personnel of the Political Section should have a civilian status. The Deputy President of the Commission should be military.

The Vice President of the Economic and Administrative Section will be the Chief Civil Affairs Officer of Allied Military Government.

It is contemplated that provision will be made for representation of the interested United Nations at the Headquarters of the Control Commission. Further instructions will be sent to you on this point.

The channel of communication for instructions and directives and all matters of policy will be to and from the Allied Commander-in-Chief, through the Combined Chiefs of Staff.

The Chief of Staff to the Commander-in-Chief, AFHQ to the Combined Chiefs of Staff

AFHQ North Africa, 8 September 1943


W–9423/1907. Following cipher message has just been received (to AGWar from[for] Combined Chiefs of Staff and to USFor for British Chiefs of Staff from Smith signed Eisenhower. This is Naf 365. Delivery times to both addresses immediately required.)

Owing to changes in the situation which has broken down and the existence of German forces in the Rome area it is no longer possible to accept immediate armistice since this proves [would mean?] that the capital would be occupied and the government taken over forcibly by the Germans. Operation GIANT 2 no longer possible because of lack of forces to guarantee airfields. General Taylor ready to return to Sicily to present views of the government and awaits orders. Communicate means and location you prefer for this return. Signed Badoglio.

CinC is now in conference with Commanders at Advanced Command Post and has this information. Decisions taken will be communicated to you at the earliest possible moment. They probably will be to call off GIANT 2 (this is inevitable) and to go ahead with all other plans. Question of whether announcement of armistice should be made as originally scheduled is most important. It might have great effect on Italian resistance and after all we have the signed document which was completed in good faith by an authorized representative of the man who now retracts. It is possible but not probable that Ambrosio will leave Rome and go ahead with the original plan from some other location. In any case we would like to have at the earliest possible moment your thought on whether or not we should proceed with the armistice announcement for the tactical and deception value it might have. Certainly the Italian government itself deserves no consideration. This is Eyes Only.

The Chief of Staff, U.S. Army to the Commander-in-Chief, AFHQ

Washington, September 8, 1943


It is the view of the President and the Prime Minister that the agreement having been signed you should make such public announcement regarding it as would facilitate your military operations. (To Eisenhower or Smith personal attention from Marshall) No consideration need be given to the embarrassment it might cause the Italian Government.

President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Churchill to the Commander-in-Chief, AFHQ

Washington, September 8, 1943


From President and Prime Minister to General Eisenhower, Algiers.

We agree with line you are taking as indicated in your 387 and are withholding all announcements here and in London until we know what you have said and done.


The Commander-in-Chief, AFHQ to the Combined Chiefs of Staff

Algiers, 8 September 1943


W–9443/1972. Supplementing Naf 365, I have just completed a conference with the principal commanders and have determined not to accept the Italian change of attitude. To AGWar for the Combined Chiefs of Staff and to USFor for the British Chiefs of Staff signed Eisenhower. This is Naf 387. We intend to proceed in accordance with plan for the announcement of the armistice and with subsequent propaganda and other measures. Marshal Badoglio is being informed through our direct link that this instrument entered into by his accredited representative with presumed good faith on both sides is considered valid and binding and that we will not recognize any deviation from our original agreement. Acknowledge time of delivery to both addresses is desired immediately.

Proclamation by Gen. Eisenhower of the Italian surrender
September 8, 1943, 12:30 p.m. EWT


Broadcast audio (CAN):

This is Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Commander-in-Chief Allied Forces. The Italian government has surrendered its armed forces unconditionally. As Allied Commander-in-Chief, I have granted a military armistice, the terms of which have been approved by the governments of the United Kingdom, the United States and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics acting in the interests of the United Nations. The Italian government has bound itself to abide by these terms without reservation. The armistice was signed by my representative and the representative of Marshal Badoglio and becomes effective this instant. Hostilities between the armed forces of the United Nations and those of Italy terminate at once. All Italians who now act to help eject the German aggressor from Italian soil will have the assistance and support of the United Nations.

U.S. State Department (September 8, 1943)

Roosevelt-Churchill luncheon meeting, 1 p.m.

United States United Kingdom
President Roosevelt Prime Minister Churchill
Secretary of War Stimson Colonel Llewellin
Mr. Baruch
Mr. Hopkins

From Stimson’s Diary:

At one o’clock I went over to the White House to lunch where there was a very cheerful party – the President, Churchill, Barney Baruch, Harry Hopkins, Colonel Llewellin, British Resident Minister for Supply, and myself, with the naval aide of the Prime Minister and another younger Englishman who I think was in his party. Of course the surrender [of Italy] was talked over every which way, and the probable effects.

Then we got on to post-war talk and there was a great deal of back and forth talk by the Prime Minister and myself on that subject. He had just made a speech up at Cambridge when he received a degree which took very much the position that I have been taking in regard to carrying on the association of Great Britain and the United States in the war into the immediate post-war period and doing it as informally as possible and without an attempt to build up by treaty a big organization like the League of Nations. I also broached to them the suggestion I had made at the meeting [with Hull and Secretary of the Navy Knox] in Hull’s office on Monday, namely that when we come to creating an association of all the allied powers it should start with an economic association to repair the ravages of war and to keep them from starvation and to do this by establishing stable money systems and preventing the rise of tariffs between the needy nations. The Prime Minister at first started to criticize the idea that we should become almoners of the other nations, but I made it clear to him that that was not my idea, but on the contrary that we should as far as possible confine ourselves to doing what was left undone among the several small successor states after the Great War in Central Europe and what was successfully accomplished by our thirteen post-Revolutionary states in 1787.

The President’s Personal Representative in North Africa to the President

AFHQ North Africa, September 8, 1943

Personal and secret

My Dear Mr. President: In accordance with the instructions of the Commander-in-Chief I departed from Algiers on August 31 with General Walter B. Smith, the Chief of Staff, Mr. Harold Macmillan, British Minister Resident at Allied Force Headquarters, and General Zanussi, the second emissary sent to Lisbon by General Ambrosio, arriving at Cassibile airport, near Syracusa (this is a landing field which our forces carved out of an almond grove and is a splendid piece of work), and stopped at Fairfield Camp nearby. We arrived simultaneously with Brigadier General Strong, Assistant Chief of Staff G-2, who had gone to Palermo in advance to meet Giuseppe Castellano, who, accompanied by Signor Montanari (of the Italian Foreign Office acting as interpreter – his mother is an American), arrived from Rome that morning. Castellano, you will recall, was the first emissary sent by Marshal Pietro Badoglio to Lisbon. Castellano and Montanari were the emissaries at Lisbon with whom General Smith and Brigadier Strong conferred two weeks ago. In the party at Fairfield were also Brigadier Sugden (G-3 at Allied Force Headquarters), Commodore Dick, Chief of Staff of Admiral Cunningham, General Joseph Cannon and General Lemnitzer, both of whom are now with the 15th Army Group.

General Zanussi and General Castellano got together for a few minutes and then entered into a military conference with General Smith and the others above-mentioned, Macmillan and I staying in another tent with General Alexander who had come over from the headquarters of the 15th Army Group.

This meeting lasted until about 2 p.m. According to General Smith, General Castellano’s attitude had stiffened considerably since his meeting in Lisbon. Both General Smith and Brigadier Strong attributed this to the arrival in Italy of increased German forces which now amount to nineteen divisions. It was apparent that in the minds of the Italians the great question was not the character nor the harshness of our armistice terms (you will recall that the British Ambassador in Lisbon had communicated to General Zanussi informally the complete armistice terms), or even the question of unconditional surrender. The outstanding factor is that the Italians are not free agents at liberty to do as they please. It is a nice balance in their minds whether we or their German allies will work the most damage and destruction in Italy. They are literally between the hammer and the anvil.

The Italian representatives in this first conversation at Fairfield insisted that they could do but little and were not prepared to sign anything, long or short terms, unless we could guarantee an Allied landing north of Rome – even a little bit north of Rome. They asserted that if we only land south of Rome the Germans will take the city and everything north of it. In their minds the slaughter, pillage and destruction would be too awful to contemplate.

General Smith made no commitments but said there was a possibility of our landing – for example, a force of airborne troops north of the Eternal City. The Italians said that in such a case their forces would guarantee no opposition to the landings on the Rome airfields and would aid our forces in holding them.

There was lengthy discussion of the military situation, eventual German plans, the possibility of a German deal with Russia and also the question of the Italian fleet. Commodore Dick appeared confident that the Italians are prepared to yield on the fleet and come over. There was considerable question of an operation in Taranto which was subsequently developed and now contemplates the landing of the First British Airborne Division in cooperation with the fleet and with the promised cooperation of the Italian forces.

After the military meeting, Macmillan and I had a brief conversation with Generals Castellano and Zanussi. We impressed on them the urgency of stimulating their government to take immediate steps, reminding them that this is their last chance. The Allies, we pointed out, had not bombed the city of Rome as yet, but there was no reason to defer such action. We suggested that if the Italians declined now to accept and sign, three things were indicated:

(1) The King and the present Italian Government would be all through as far as the Allies are concerned.

(2) We would be obliged to incite disorder and anarchy throughout Italy, even though it might not appear that it would be in our interest to do so and from the military point of view such a state of affairs might present certain disadvantages.

(3) We would obviously be obliged to bomb relentlessly and on a large scale until all the major Italian cities, including Rome, would be reduced to ashes and piles of rubble.

The reaction of the Italians remained the same and, in a sense, it was like preaching to the converted. The fact remained that the Rome Government still appears more afraid of the immediate German peril than of the Allies. Generals Castellano and Zanussi both said that it is a question of inducing the cautious and frightened men at Rome who, as much as they yearned to be rid of the Germans, lack the bold initiative to act against them, especially as they are not entirely convinced that the Allies are strong enough to take immediately a major part of Italy, even with Italian help, and protect the country against the large German forces. The latter, in their fury against the Italians, they believe, would unquestionably destroy ruthlessly.

Generals Castellano and Zanussi were permitted to depart from Sicily about 5 p.m. August 31, returning to Rome by Italian plane via Palermo. It was understood between them and General Smith that if Allied Force Headquarters had no reply indicating Italian acceptance by midnight September 1, the Allies would find it necessary to bomb Rome heavily.

That evening we dined with General Alexander and after dinner General Smith, Brigadier [Major General] Richardson, Macmillan and I went with General Alexander to his trailer for a discussion. General Alexander, as he had done in our earlier conversation that day, emphasized the weakness of the Allied position and the danger that unless the Allies are actively aided by the Italians in landing in AVALANCHE and elsewhere, the operations might fail or at least gain a limited success at a very heavy cost of lives. It was obvious that in his mind, as well as that of Macmillan, a disaster at the present time would have a catastrophic effect in England even to the extent, they say, of causing the fall of the British Government and seriously compromising Britain’s determination to remain in the war. They talked much of the fatigue, both of the British people as well as of the soldiers, many of whom have been away from home over three years. General Alexander pointed out that the Germans now have at least nineteen divisions in Italy which, added to the sixteen Italian divisions, makes a total of thirty-five divisions. AVALANCHE contemplates an initial landing of three to five divisions and a buildup over two weeks of a maximum of eight divisions. He also emphasized that a landing on a hostile shore is the most dangerous of military operations. General Alexander, therefore, is positive that literally everything must be done to persuade the Italians to help our forces, both during the landing as well as afterwards. Without that aid he would have no assurance of success. There would be, in his opinion, a grave risk of disaster. He urged that nothing be neglected to persuade the Italians to cooperate and said that he would be quite willing to risk his reputation and, if necessary, to retire from the army should his Government disapprove his insistence on immediate signature by the Italians of the short armistice terms, and Allied acceptance of Italian military cooperation.

On September 1, a radio message was sent from Allied Force Headquarters to Rome, in accordance with the recommendation of Generals Smith and Alexander, that Allied airborne forces should land in the Rome area incident to AVALANCHE. This was done after Brigadier Strong, Commodore Dick and Brigadier Sugden returned to Algiers and reported to General Eisenhower, who considered their recommendations, as well as that of Admiral Cunningham, who has always vigorously supported the idea of an operation in the Rome area.

We therefore waited at the Fairfield Camp, which is pleasantly situated in an olive grove, making a side trip to Palermo (one hour by air) to inspect the Allied Military Government organization there. Incidentally, we found that the Allied Military Government has performed remarkably well and we greatly admired both the efficiency as well as the fine spirit of both the American and British officers who are engaged in that task.

After dinner September 1, we received a radio message from Rome saying that the emissaries would return on the morning of September 2. This was most encouraging and General Smith decided to go to the Termini airfield to meet their plane. On August 31, the Italian plane had landed at the Palermo airport by mistake and caused somewhat of a sensation. It had been expected at Termini, a more isolated airport which is a bit east of Palermo.

Early on September 2, General Smith met the Italians at Termini and accompanied them to Fairfield – General Castellano, Signor Montanari, Major Marchesi and the Italian pilot who, incidentally, knows the Rome airports well.

General Smith ascertained from the Italians that they were not yet authorized to sign either the short or the long armistice terms, but that they were instructed to discuss the matter of military cooperation with the Allies. They suggested that the signature be postponed until after the Allied landing on the mainland. This sounded bad and General Smith indicated great dissatisfaction. The Italians had brought with them considerable military data – maps showing the disposition of the German forces, etc.

It was decided at this point that General Alexander should make an impressive entrance in full dress uniform, approach the Italians, who were in a tent which had been assigned to them at Fairfield, and indicate that he was coldly furious that they had returned unprepared to sign, thus wasting our time. He went through with this performance very well, making thereafter a stern exit, and the Italians seemed impressed. General Alexander insisted also afterwards, in discussing the matter with us, that under no circumstances were the Italians to leave Fairfield unless and until they signed. General Smith missed no opportunity to impress on the Italians the terrible destruction and chaos which their country would suffer if they failed.

Shortly thereafter the Italians requested the transmission of a radio message to Rome in which they urgently recommended that immediate authorization be given them to sign and discuss afterwards the details of military cooperation with the Allies. This was done about noon.

It was decided also that, in the interval, it would be best to let the Italian representatives “stew in their own juice” and all conversation with them was avoided.

General Alexander, in a conversation with us, reviewed again the disproportionate situation of fighting thirty-five Axis divisions with an initial five or six divisions available in the first days of AVALANCHE, and those not even landed but faced with the perilous test of getting ashore under the fire of several first-class German divisions. He again and again said that our forces needed every possible aid we could induce by hook or crook the Italians to extend. He said he was ready to stake his military career in the effort to prevail upon the Italians to come over to our camp, employing any ruse or subterfuge to gain this end. Everyone agreed that the odds against the Allies without Italian aid are unreasonably great and were determined to prevail on the Italians to sign the short terms and then work out the details of military cooperation.

In the afternoon of September 2, we were greatly relieved to receive from the Commander-in-Chief a message saying that you and the Prime Minister were agreed that our dealings with the Italians should be governed by military considerations alone. We had all been disturbed over the thought that it might be believed that the stage was all set for a public Allied-Italian armistice ceremony, forgetting that the Italians are living in the cage with the tiger and are not free agents. Military necessity required that the negotiations be conducted with the Italians in the greatest secrecy.

During the afternoon, I participated in a conference attended by Generals Cannon, Timberlake, Lemnitzer and Taylor, who are engaged in the preliminary planning for the landing of the 82nd Airborne Division on the Rome airports. They all agreed that it is a hazardous undertaking which could only succeed if the four Italian divisions in the Rome area, or part of them, actively cooperate in resisting the German Panzer forces said to be six hours distant. They all thought the risk was worth taking, even if the divisions were lost.

No news was received from Rome late September 2 because the last message from Allied Force Headquarters despatched from Castellano to General Ambrosio was only transmitted at 9 p.m. due to atmospheric difficulties. In that message General Castellano informed General Ambrosio that it was urgently necessary that he be authorized to sign immediately and that Marshal Badoglio transmit to the British Minister in the Vatican a document confirming the authorization to accept the terms unconditionally and to sign the short armistice terms.

We received on the morning of September 3 an encouraging message from Rome saying that the matter was under consideration. At 4:30 p.m., a radio message was received from the Badoglio Government granting General Castellano the necessary authority and stating that the deposit of the document confirming the authorization had been made. The British later received advice that the document had been deposited with the British Minister in the Vatican.

In the meantime, General Eisenhower had arrived on a visit to Sicily in connection with the BAYTOWN operation and conferred with General Smith, several officers, Macmillan and myself. He approved General Smith’s signing the armistice terms as his representative as a strictly military arrangement which must be regarded as highly secret until announcement can be made a few hours before the AVALANCHE operation.

At 5:30 p.m. on September 3, at Fairfield Camp, the short armistice terms with Italy were signed in behalf of Field Marshal Pietro Badoglio, Head of the Italian Government, by Brigadier General Giuseppe Castellano, and in behalf of Lieutenant General [General] Dwight Eisenhower, Allied Commander-in-Chief, by Major General Walter B. Smith, Chief of Staff.

After congratulations and amenities, General Eisenhower informed General Castellano that the latter had acted in the best interests of his country. General Eisenhower stated that in the case of the Italian people, as had been the case of all other peoples determined to combat Nazi Germany, the Italians could count on the Allies for full cooperation to this end. General Eisenhower thereupon bade General Castellano goodbye and departed for North Africa.

Thus, precisely four years after Great Britain and France declared war on Germany, the duly constituted Italian authorities acknowledged Italy’s defeat, surrendered unconditionally to an American General acting as Chief of Staff to another American General, the Allied Commander-in-Chief. But the Italians went further and agreed to place the resources of their country in the fight on the side of the Allies against Germany. It is truly an historic milestone.

Incidentally, the signature occurred under an olive tree and I enclose a branch of the olive tree as a souvenir.

General Alexander arrived immediately thereafter and a discussion of Italian military cooperation with the Allies ensued between the Italians and Allied staff officers through the night.

Before the military conversations, several questions were asked by General Castellano and Montanari regarding the possibilities which would face the Italian Government in the event of a German spearhead movement to seize Rome. General Castellano talked of the Italian Government and King proceeding to Corsica or Sardinia or Sicily, but expressed a preference for Albania. Macmillan and I took no position but mentioned that possibly in such an event the Palermo region of Sicily might be considered should circumstances require, in which case the Allied forces might delimit a region where Italian sovereignty would be maintained. It was pointed out, however, that the Italian mainland would be available after the future Allied military operations, the details of which, of course, had not been disclosed to the Italians, had been successfully completed.

Immediately after the military surrender terms had been signed, General Smith, in accordance with your instructions, handed General Castellano the text of the full armistice terms with a covering letter which made it clear that these terms must be accepted. It is our thought that as soon as direct contact with the Italian Government can be established after landing, the complete armistice can be signed with appropriate ceremony on behalf of the United Nations and in the presence of their representatives.

At this point I want to speak a word of sincere praise for the superb manner in which General W. B. Smith has handled these negotiations under the intelligent supervision of General Eisenhower. It is an excellent example of what our military men are capable when put to the test.

General Castellano seemed perturbed over some of the conditions, but a detailed discussion of them was avoided.

Macmillan and I also discussed with General Smith the matter of setting up a program for the radio announcement by the King and Badoglio of the signing of an armistice. This would be made immediately prior to AVALANCHE. Macmillan made the point that the announcement should be prepared and registered on phonographic discs so that they could be given immediate and widespread publicity by radio stimulating the maximum aid for our military operations from the Italian people and armed forces. It was agreed to order General McClure to Fairfield immediately to work out the details of this program.

Among the miscellaneous items of information we gathered from the Italians was that Farinacci left Rome wearing a German uniform by the German Embassy plane, which took him to Germany. They also informed us that von Rahn, a German diplomat with the rank of Minister, arrived in Rome four days ago. We recalled his odorous reputation in French affairs. He was the agent who proceeded to Syria in 1941 and was one of the most effective German elements in France after the armistice. We believe that his arrival in Rome may portend the imminence of a German political spearhead involving an effort to capture the King and the Badoglio Government, looking to the establishment of a Farinacci Quisling régime. The Italians stated that Farinacci has absolutely no popular support.

The Italians told us also that over 600,000 additional persons, refugees from the northern bombed cities in Italy, especially Turin and Milan, are now in Rome, because they believe that Rome will be protected from Allied bombing. This is one of the weak points of the Italian position and explains the Italian reaction to our suggestion that it would probably be necessary to bomb the city if prompt and favorable action were not immediately undertaken. It would appear that not much would be necessary to create complete demoralization of a surplus population of hundreds of thousands who have literally no other place to go.

General Castellano informed me in strictest secrecy that Mussolini is now in Maddalena (a small island off the northeast corner of Sardinia). Ciano has departed from Rome but Castellano does not know his whereabouts. Castellano also indicated that during the course of Mussolini’s last meeting with Hitler at Verona, Hitler promised numerous German divisions from the Russian front but said they could not arrive in Italy before October when the mud in Russia would reduce operations in that area.

All of the Italians said that food conditions in Italy are unsatisfactory, largely due to the prevailing lack of transportation. There are important supplies of food in the country, resulting particularly from the excellent cereal crop, but inadequate distribution reduces the supply in urban centers. There is a flourishing black market.

You may have heard the story of General Patton at Licata. The Podestà at that place pointed out to General Patton the ruins of a former Greek temple, saying that it had been destroyed in the last war. General Patton expressed surprise and said that he had not realized that Licata had been shelled in the 1914-18 war. The Podestà explained that he was not referring to the 1914-18 war, but that by the last war he meant the second Punic War.

Faithfully yours,

AFHQ announcement
September 8, 1943, 1:00 p.m. ET

Some weeks ago, the Italian government made an approach to the British and American governments with a view to concluding an armistice. A meeting was arranged and took place in neutral territory.

It was at once explained to the representatives of the Italian government that they must surrender unconditionally. On this understanding representatives of the Allied Commander-in-Chief were empowered to communicate to them the military conditions which they would have to fulfill.

One clause in these military terms binds the Italian government to comply with the political, economic and financial conditions of the Allies which will be imposed later.

Further meetings were arranged and took place in Sicily. The armistice was signed at Allied advanced headquarters there on September 3, but it was agreed with the representatives of the Italian government that the armistice should come into force at a moment most favorable to the Allies and be simultaneously announced by both sides. That moment has now arrived.

The possibility of a German move to forestall publication of the armistice by the Italian government was discussed during the negotiations. To meet this eventuality, it was agreed that one of the senior Italian military representatives should not return to Rome.

He is now in Sicily.

Further, Marshal Badoglio arranged to send the text of his proclamation to Allied headquarters.

Proclamation by Marshal Badoglio of the Italian surrender
September 8, 1943, 7:45 p.m. CET

Il Governo italiano, riconosciuta la impossibilità di continuare l’impari lotta contro la soverchiante potenza avversaria, nell’intento di risparmiare ulteriori e più gravi sciagure alla Nazione, ha chiesto un armistizio al Generale Eisenhower, Comandante in Capo delle Forze Alleate e Angloamericane. La richiesta è stata accolta. Conseguentemente ogni atto di ostilità contro le forze Angloamericane deve cessare da parte delle forze italiane in ogni luogo. Esse però reagiranno ad eventuali attacchi da qualsiasi altra provenienza.

The Italian Government, recognizing the impossibility of continuing the unequal struggle against the overwhelming power of the enemy, and with the object of avoiding further and more grievous harm to the nation, has requested an armistice from Gen. Eisenhower, Commander-in-Chief of the Anglo-American Allied Forces. This request has been granted. The Italian forces will, therefore, cease all acts of hostility against the Anglo-American forces wherever they may be met. They will, however, oppose attacks from any other quarter.