America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

Northwest Airlines asks route to Tokyo

Bickel: Parley plans double punch against enemy

Jab into Western Europe, smash at Japan may come together
By Karl A. Bickel, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Québec, Canada – (Aug. 21)
The Roosevelt-Churchill conference took a sudden shift to the East today.

Rumors that Lt. Gen. Joseph W. Stilwell had arrived were a dime a dozen. British Eastern military experts were said to be on the ground. Swinging from the political repercussions of the meetings the “dope” ran to soldiers and sailors, naval changes and a fiercely up stepped tempo in the military planning.

One fading functionary said, as he revived himself on a Scotch and soda:

Our boys are dead on their feet from work.

The strategists are talking about a quick one-two, a short left-arm military jab on the European west coast and a long right swing in the Far East. The Kharkov battle, it is held, has again been underestimated. It was originally regarded as a desperate drive for the capture of a great Soviet city and German strongpoint preliminary to chasing the Germans to the Dnieper.

May break back

Today, the military experts here say that Kharkov is vastly more than that. Kharkov, they assert, is proving to be the point where Stalin is literally breaking the back of the mightiest of the German armies. If the Russians capture Kharkov and secure a real breakthrough, they have either smashed or enclosed the German armies to the south, freed the Caucasus and so endangered the German hold on the Crimea as to make it impossible to hold.

The Dnieper will no longer be sufficient protection and Hitler’s armies may well have to roll back onto Polish and even East Prussian soil. This ism of course, the most optimistic viewpoint but there is no question but that the tempo of things today is vastly swifter than yesterday, that the note is all military.

Stalin’s insistence, that the Western Front is the only front, is still potent with the captains and the kings on the hill, but the war is being regarded as a one-front war now from Russia to Tokyo.

Change strategy

Some observers indeed saw indications of the development of a new strategy involving the abandonment of the theory calling for the initial crushing of Hitler and the slower process of smashing Hirohito.

Instead, they envisaged destruction of Japan on approximately the same time schedule as Berlin. This would have obvious advantages, permitting the democracies to come into the peace conferences with the tremendous asset of a conquered Japan free and clear of any Soviet liens. The United States and Great Britain would then have a stronger position than that of uneasy minority stockholders in the assets of a global war.

10,000 Japs on Kiska fled after 106 aerial attacks

Warships also bombarded island 15 times in final two weeks of intensive blitz

Allies abolish Fascist police

AMGOT moves to restore rights to Sicilians

Wolfert: Distance main foe of U.S. in war with Japs

Principal land bases for Pacific offensive are still to be won
By Ira Wolfert

Messina found ruined; people starving, dying

City’s destruction worst of war; thousands live in misery
By Thomas R. Henry, North American Newspaper Alliance

Gunner kicks bombs on Nazis as Fortress hedgehops home

Pittsburgher clings to foot-wide walk to let ‘em go

Income taxes in July total $541 million

Admiral asks delay in union of Army, Navy

Wants those now in field to have voice in reorganization

Algiers restaurants adopt health rulings

U.S. conciliators give thanks for WLB’s ‘big stick’

Commissioners can now point out advantage of quick settlement before penalties can be exacted
By William Forrester

Senator wants draft leaders to end muddle

Definite statement on pre-Pearl Harbor fathers is suggested

WAC service medal is given approval

Anti-strike act may face test in U.S. courts

WLB overrides Montgomery Ward’s question of constitutionality

‘Not in love’ with Flynn, Nora asserts

Redhead, back from Mexico, denies actor proposed marriage

Overseas Christmas gifts need shockproof packages

Post Office to be careful inspecting wrappings for shipments due Sept. 15 to Oct. 15

Murray opens union battle on advocates of sales tax

Minority refuses to boost levies on high incomes, CIO leaders insists in offering program

Army orders help for tomato plants

Oil operators carry fight for price hike to Congress

Cite need of legislative enactments to ‘force’ OPA to lift ceilings on crude

‘We regret to inform you–’

When War Department says it, parents can be sure that casualty news is first, fast and accurate
By Heizer Wright

Meyer: Bombing will not keep the peace

By Ernest L. Meyer (reprinted from The Progressive)

U.S. officer tells exciting story of air fighting without ‘cussing’

Shelves packed with books about airplanes
By Harry Hansen