America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

Die anrüchige ‚Amgot‘ macht böses Blut –
Der Streit um die Beute beginnt schon

Eigener Bericht des „Völkischen Beobachters“

rd. Stockholm, 22. August –
Der Skandal um die „Amgot,“ die von Engländern und Amerikanern gemeinsam aufgezogene Organisation zur Ausbeutung Siziliens, die einwandfrei durch die Londoner und Neuyorker Großfinanz beherrscht wird, beginnt sich in der anglo-amerikanischen Außen- und Innenpolitik auszuwirken. Die „Amgot“ hat es fertiggebracht, die wirklich nicht sehr weißen Westen der Plutokratien rasch derart zu beflecken und ihrem Ansehen sogar bei den eigenen Mitläufern einen solchen Stoß zu versetzen, daß eine Fortführung dieses Experiments gegenwärtig als zweifelhaft erscheint. Daß Großbanken ihre Direktoren in die maßgebenden Posten geschoben haben, spielt dabei noch die geringere Rolle. Das gehört natürlich mit zum System. Aber die allzu unverblümte Art, wie England und die USA. wiederum die eigenen imperialistischen Tendenzen in den Vordergrund geschoben und die kleineren Schakale zähnefletschend zurückgescheucht haben, wie sie sich weder um die Versprechungsphrasen der Atlantik-Charta noch um die Mitbestimmungsansprüche ihrer kleineren Verbündeten scheren, hat böses Blut gemacht.

Ein Vorstoß aus Kanada

Jetzt kommt bezeichnenderweise von französisch-kanadischer Seite ein Vorstoß, der sich zugleich gegen die Schiebungen der „Amgot“ und das Narrenspiel wendet, das mit der sogenannten Anerkennung des französischen Algierausschusses betrieben wird, wobei ja die Überläufergenerale nun von den eigenen Auftraggebern betrogen und hinters Licht geführt werden sollen. Ursprünglich war in Aussicht gestellt worden, daß dieser Verräter- und Überläuferausschuß eine Art „Regierungs“-Autorität erhalten solle. Jetzt heißt es auf einmal von englisch-amerikanischer Seite, die verheißene „Anerkennung“ bedeute lediglich die Akzeptierung des Ausschusses als einer Art „temporärer Behörde“ für die von de Gaulle und Giraud verratenen Kolonialgebiete, aber nicht einmal als eines vorbereitenden Werkzeuges für eine provisorische Regierung.

In Neuyork verlautet zu diesem sauberen Plan – der freilich de Gaulle und Giraud verdientermaßen jenen Tritt versetzt, auf den sie längst von seiten ihrer Auftraggeber gefaßt sein mußten – man sei sich darüber klar, daß diese Regelung beim Algierausschuß, der ja auf Anerkennung seiner „totalen“ Ansprüche auf Gleichberechtigung im Rate der Alliierten hoffe, keine besondere Befriedigung erwecken werde. Aber mehr als eine begrenzte. Anerkennung könne aus praktischen Gründen nicht in Frage kommen.

Der Vertreter des Algierausschusses in Kanada, Kommandant Bonneau, veröffentlichte daraufhin in der französisch-kanadischen Presse einen recht bösartigen Artikel. Er hält darin den Anglo-Amerikanern vor, daß sie ohne Zusammenarbeit mit den Europäern über Europa entscheiden wollen. Es wäre, so meint er, verhängnisvoll, wenn sie etwa mit Hilfe der „Amgot“ zu regieren versuchten, zumal ja keiner der Alliierten, weder die USA. noch England noch Tschungking-China oder die Sowjetunion „im eigentlichen Sinne europäische Länder“ darstellten.

Von englisch-amerikanischer Seite werde es gegenwärtig für ratsam gehalten, von der „Amgot“ nicht mehr soviel zu reden. Ein hoher Beamter der Nahostabteilung des Washingtoner Außenministeriums hielt es sogar für angebracht, bezüglich der italienischen Kolonien eine „internationale“ Verwaltung in Aussicht zu stellen. Auf keinen Fall dürfe etwa „eine einzelne Macht uneingeschränktes Eigentumsrecht erhalten,“ wobei er beteuerte, daß die Vereinigten Staaten überhaupt keine Absichten hegten, sich Kolonialgebiete anderer Länder anzueignen.

Diese mit grotesker Heuchelei vorgeschobene Uneigennützigkeit, der freilich die Praxis in Nord- und Westafrika, auf Martinique usw. entgegensteht, sowie die These, daß überhaupt keine einzelne Macht italienischen Kolonialbesitz übernehmen dürfe, haben freilich ihren guten Grund: die fraglichen italienischen Kolonialgebiete befinden sich fast ausnahmslos zur Zeit in englischer Hand. Der USA.-„Idealismus“ läuft auf einen Erpressungsversuch an England hinaus, die amerikanische Mitausbeutung der italienischen Kolonien zu gestatten.

Aufruhr im mittleren Atlas –
Amerikanisch-marokkanische Kämpfe

The Pittsburgh Press (August 23, 1943)

31 in one battle –
Allies down 114 planes in raids on Italy

Rail center near Naples battered; landing on mainland denied
By Reynolds Packard, United Press staff writer

Yanks, Canadians occupy isle 20 miles from Kiska

Three damaged midget submarines discovered at captured enemy base in Aleutians

Québec puzzle –
Russia only major ally now absent

Australia and China join in war conferences now nearing an end
By Merriman Smith, United Press staff writer

Québec, Canada –
Announcement that Australian representation was being added to the Québec Conference today focused new attention on the absence of Russia, now the only one of the big Allied fighting powers without some representative in the war talks led by President Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill.

Sir William Glasgow, High Commissioner for Australia in Canada, was due from Ottawa. U.S. Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox arrived by plane from Washington. And there was some indication that Under Secretary of State Sumner Welles, absent from Washington, might have been called into the conference.

Deny connection

Represented now by top men in the Québec war conferences approaching a conclusion were the United States, Great Britain, Canada, China and Australia.

Official sources still denied any connection between the Québec Conference and the Russian withdrawal of Ambassador Maxim Litvinov from Washington. But they admitted that the timing of the announcement raised a multitude of questions as to the impression the Soviet was trying to convey to the world.

Virtually every important war figure in the higher echelons of the British, American and Canadian governments was on hand. Mr. Roosevelt scheduled a series of continuous conferences during the day and it was definitely known that the meetings are at a point of final approval of a master plan for destructive operations against the Axis the remainder of this year.

Mystery continues

As the arrivals of new officials here continued so did the air of mystery over the conference of the past seven days. Last night, some officials tacitly advised some of their contacts that today would bring a big announcement. A morning press conference produced the news that Mr. Churchill and Prime Minister W. L. Mackenzie King were to make an automobile tour of the city.

Chinese Foreign Minister T. V. Soong, lunched with President Roosevelt and was expected to remain for additional talks in the afternoon. Mr. Roosevelt was devoting some time in preparing his Ottawa speech.

May blitz cities

While official sources cautioned against excluding any war theater from speculation, there were increasing indications that an intensification of the aerial offensive against Italy was near. The plans, it was believed, called for such cities as Naples, Brindisi and Taranto to be “Hamburged” from the air, and then, if the Italian government still refused to capitulate, an invasion.

Dr. Soong’s arrival yesterday was followed by a statement from White House Press Secretary Stephen T. Early:

The President expected to confer as soon as possible with Dr. Soong. Mr. Churchill will participate in these discussions which have to do with the plans for the war on Japan, the emphasis being given to that and all points pertaining to the war on Japan.

Welcomes Stimson

Yesterday, the conference at the Citadel began right after breakfast. Mr. Roosevelt welcomed Mr. Stimson, then lunched with the Prime Minister and the War Secretary and a number of others.

After lunch, the President drove to the Isle d’Orleans with Mrs. Churchill and inspected several old churches. Lewis O. Douglas, American deputy war shipping administrator, who was once principal of McGill University and who has an intimate knowledge of Québec Province, acted as “guide.”

Hold long parley

After the drive, Mr. Roosevelt joined Mr. Churchill, Secretary of State Cordell Hull, British Foreign Secretary Anthony Eden, Sir Alexander Cadogan, the Permanent Under Secretary for External Affairs in the British government, and James C. Dunn, State Department political advisor.

The conference began about 5:30 p.m. and lasted far into the night. It obviously involved bigtime foreign policy from the political standpoint.

While the intensive conferences were going on in the Citadel, the armed staff chiefs and many of their aides, including some secretarial help and technical experts, cruised on the St. Lawrence and the Saguenay Rivers. Leaving Saturday night, they returned late yesterday.

Québec sure Reds won’t make peace

Allied strategy based on belief that Russia will stay in war
By Henry J. Taylor

Québec, Canada –
The overwhelming fact which emerged from this conference cannot be told officially. The absolute conviction among the conferees in the Québec discussions is that Germany and Russia will not make an armistice or in any way arrive at a separate peace.

The reason this cannot be told officially is, of course, because this source of widespread anxiety and speculation throughout the United States and Great Britain cannot be recognized officially. But this correspondent has established the fact through direct contact and individual inquiry.

The directives emanating from this conference and every plan decided here are based on the conviction that there will be no diminution of fighting on Germany’s Eastern Front.

This possibility effects every fundamental in Allied strategy. In a military problem so large as this you cannot make alternate plans which include such an eventuality as this. It bears directly on the size of our forces needed for victory., the time and place of opening the so-called second front, the disposition of the British Navy from European waters to help us in the Pacific, the design of our Air Force equipment and organization, the type of it we are willing to supply Russian under Lend-Lease and, most of all, the length of the war and its cost in blood, sweat and tears.

The time comes when you have to make up your mind. The time has come. The minds are made up. Plans which would be disastrous if the Germans were in any way released from fighting on their Eastern Front have been agreed to here and the die is cast.

The news value of this dispatch – and it is vastly important news – is that anyone in our country or abroad who believes that there may be a reproachment between Russia and Germany differs with the final judgment of the conference of Québec.

Roosevelt to broadcast

Washington (UP) –
The White House announced today that President Roosevelt’s address Wednesday in Ottawa will be delivered at noon and will be broadcast.

‘Gertie from Berlin’ is a Pittsburgh girl

Nazi propagandist with intriguing voice moved from Mt. Oliver to Germany in 1938

3-month draft quota 907,000

10 million to be under arms by Sept. 30

Ickes returns 53 more mines to operators

Restoration of production affects pits involved in walkouts

Half a ton of paper used to save bureaucratic face

Matter of who cooperates with whom creates a $516 question of capital protocol

Annabel: Japs’ threat to return to Kiska brings laughs

Allies find virtually every object in enemy’s camp riddled by repeated raids
By Russell Annabel, United Press staff writer

4 Coast Guards refuse orders, are arrested

Brewster plant employees leave jobs in protest

Wolfert: Pearl Harbor raid labelled Japan’s error

Yank officers say enemy should have driven south first
By Ira Wolfert

Skip-bombing by U.S. fliers disrupts Jap plan in Burma

Planes frequently fly as low as five to 10 feet off ground to insure accuracy

Bickel: U.S. reporters restricted at Québec parley

Official correspondents curbed at insistence of federal agency
By Karl A. Bickel, Scripps-Howard Newspaper Alliance

Yank lives 43 days surrounded by Japs

Wounded, half-starved, naval officer kills five enemy soldiers sent out to get him
By Frank Tremaine, United Press staff writer

Aid reaching China, Yank general says

Allies pound Jap defenses at Salamaua

Yanks, Australians seize heights overlooking New Guinea base
By Brydon Taves, United Press staff writer

Here’s news: U.S. has profit on war damage insurance

Total may reach several hundred million dollars unless there are serious raids