America at war! (1941--) -- Part 2

Bomben auf Palermo und Syrakus –
Verteidigungskämpfe auf Sizilien

dnb. Rom, 11. August –
Der italienische Wehrmachtbericht vom Mittwoch lautet:

Im mittleren und nördlichen Frontabschnitt in Sizilien lieferten italienisch-deutsche Truppen schwere Verteidigungskämpfe, um den Vormarsch des Feindes aufzuhalten. Messina wurde wiederholt von feindlichen Luftstreitkräften angegriffen. Italienische Flugzeuge griffen Geleitzüge in den Gewässern Siziliens an und trafen einen leichten Kreuzer und zwei Dampfer mittlerer Tonnage, während Nachtbomber die Häfen Palermo und Syrakus mit Erfolg angriffen.

Deutsche Kampfflugzeuge beschädigten auf der Reede von Augusta und an der Nordküste der Insel vier Transportschiffe von insgesamt 17.000 BRT., einen Torpedobootzerstörer und einige Landungsboote durch Bomben. Ein englisches Flugzeug wurde in der Nähe der Küste Sardiniens von einem unserer U-Boot-Jäger abgeschossen.

Sehr hohe Verluste der Amerikaner auf Sizilien –
Kein schneller Sieg in Aussicht

dnb. Lissabon, 11. August –
Zu den Kämpfen auf Sizilien schreibt die Lissaboner Zeitschrift Esfera, daß diese durchaus nicht zu dem schnellen Sieg führen, den die Anglo-Amerikaner erhofften. Im Gegenteil, die Engländer und Amerikaner hätten sehr hohe Verluste. Wenn aber für die Eroberung des Vorfeldes, von dem aus erst der eigentliche Angriff auf Europa beginnen solle, bereits ein so hoher Einsatz an Truppen und Material benötigt werde, so könne man sich eine Vorstellung davon machen, wie ungleich schwieriger die Lage für die Achsengegner würde, wenn sie gegen die Hauptverteidigungslinie Europas anstürmen müßten, und die Achsenmächte nicht nur ihre Vorhut, sondern das Gros zum Einsatz brächten.

Man müsse zu unterscheiden wissen: Die Achsengegner pflegten ihre militärischen Operationen und Absichten mit einer großen Reklametrommel zu begleiten, in Deutschland dagegen sei man der Ansicht, daß reden Silber, schweigen aber Gold ist; außerdem sei das letzte Wort über die derzeitigen Kämpfe noch nicht gesprochen.

In Sizilien wie in Nordafrika –
Jüdische Ausbeuter am Werk

dnb. Stockholm, 11. August –
Unter der Überschrift „Die Plünderer halten sich heran“ bringt Folkets Dagblad einen ausb Tanger datierten Bericht, demzufolge die Bank des nordamerikanischen Morgan-Konzerns Vertreter nach Französisch-Nordafrika entsandt hat, um dort größere Industrieunternehmen und sonstige Firmen zu erwerben. In erster Linie seien die marokkanischen Eisenbahnen Gegenstand ihrer wirtschaftlichen Spekulationen.

tc. Tanger, 11. August –
Die nordamerikanische Antiquitätengroßhandlung Cadoorie and Co. hat einen Auftrag zum Aufkauf sizilianischer Antiquitäten gegeben. Es handelt sich um das gleiche Unternehmen, das bei europäischen Emigranten große Aufkäufe tätigte und Versteigerungen von Gemälden, Möbeln, Porzellan und anderen Kunstgegenständen ansetzte. Die Firma war auch beim Vertrieb von Kunstschätzen tätig, die im spanischen Bürgerkrieg geraubt worden waren.

Hinter dem Namen Cadoorie verbirgt sich der Jude Pimpernell, der häufig seinen und den Namen seiner Firma nach der Branche, in der er gerade „arbeitet,“ zu wechseln pflegt. Der Vertreter in Algier, Sally Winestone, hat Beziehungen zu den Besatzungsmitgliedern der britisch-nordamerikanischen Lazarettschiffe angeknüpft, die sich nun bemühen, seine Aufträge auszuführen.

Zusammentreffen mit Roosevelt –
Churchill in Kanada

dnb. Berlin, 11. August –
Der britische Premierminister Churchill ist nach Meldungen des britischen Reuter-Büros in Begleitung von Familienangehörigen und einigen Beamten in Kanada angekommen, um mit dem USA.-Präsidenten Roosevelt zusammenzutreffen.

U.S. Navy Department (August 12, 1943)

Communiqué No. 456

North Pacific.
On August 12, at about 8:11 a.m. east longitude time, a formation of nine Army Liberator (Consolidated B‑24) heavy bombers attacked Japanese installations in the Kuril Islands. Numerous hits were scored in the desig­nated target areas. About 40 enemy fighters intercepted of which five were shot dawn and others probably destroyed or damaged. Two of the U.S. bombers are missing.

The Pittsburgh Press (August 12, 1943)

Germans reported evacuating Sicily

Landing ruse pinches off Germans

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The Germans are outflanked again as units of Gen. George S. Patton’s 7th Army stage a second landing behind German lines in Sicily, and today the troops were reported locked in bitter battles with the Nazis. Protected by naval guns, the troops landed near the mouth of the Naso River (see map above), west of Capo d’Orlando, and established a beachhead only some 40 miles from Messina. Meanwhile, the main body of Americans was just west of Capo d’Orlando, putting the Nazi forces between two fires. The strategic mountain town of Randazzo was also feeling the force of the Americans’ might, the Yanks being reported within three miles of the town, with its fall imminent. On the right wing, British 8th Army forces moved slowly but steadily up the coastal corridor of the slopes of Mt. Etna. Advance elements were at least 15 miles north of Catania.

U.S. II Corps HQ, Sicily, Italy (UP) –
A U.S. battalion that landed eight and a half miles behind the German lines on the north coast of Sicily joined the main body of U.S. infantry today after beating off savage enemy counterattacks from front and rear.

The landing force pinched off a sizeable number of German and Italian prisoners as they fought their way through to Lt. Gen. George S. Patton’s 7th Army infantry swarming eastward along the coastal road to Messina, now on more than 40 miles away.

It was not known immediately in what strength the junction was effected.

A British correspondent with the 8th Army reported that a German evacuation of Sicily “now is in full swing,” with all types of craft shuttling across the Strait of Messina under cover of a terrific anti-aircraft barrage, but added that the withdrawal had not reached the scope of a mass evacuation.

Military sources in London said the Germans appeared to be evacuating about 1,000 troops a day from Sicily. The Germans were reported using ferries and all types of craft, under cover of a terrific anti-aircraft barrage from 300 guns which limited accuracy of Allied air attacks.

It was the identical force which hit the Axis flank at dawn Sunday east of Sant’Agata that crashed in to establish a new beachhead in the early hours of Wednesday.

Hit beaches on the run

This force hit the beaches on the run, cut the main road, took “considerable” prisoners, then headed into the mountains where the Germans clung tenaciously to dominant bluffs overlooking the sea.

When first radio contact between the troops and the main attacking forces had been established, it was learned the landing force had surprised the enemy, taken prisoners and established the beachhead.

Meanwhile, part of the main attacking army from the west pushed along the coastal road, while a column on the right flank of the main road cut through the mountains, jumped astride the northside road (apparently the highway from Naso to Randazzo) and then worked northeastward toward the landing party.

A big jump

This second landing represented a jump of about three more miles than the first six-mile flanking maneuver Sunday, so that the distance separating the two U.S. forces would be wide enough to permit heavy sea and aerial pounding of the enemy.

The Navy sent ashore a fire-control party to accompany the landing forces. Army auxiliary men praised the accuracy of the naval gunners.

The German High Command admitted today that U.S. troops had made a second landing on the northeastern coast of Sicily, west of Capo d’Orlando, but said the largest part of the force had been prevented from landing and the rest was “annihilated” on the beaches.

Southward, at the middle of the yielding Axis defenses across the tip of Sicily, the 7th Army’s right wing pushed within light artillery range of Randazzo, key junction commanding the pass between Mt. Etna and the Caronian Mountains. The Americans were reported meeting nothing stronger than light artillery fire.

NBC said the Americans were within three miles of Randazzo, and the fall of the strategic mountain town was imminent.

On the Allied right wing, the British 8th Army plugged slowly but steadily up the coastal corridor on the slopes of Mt. Etna. Advanced elements reached a point at least 15 miles north of Catania, taking the neighboring villages of Praiola and Zafferana, 41 miles south of Messina.

A German communiqué said Axis forces in Sicily had carried out “according to plan” certain “disengaging movements toward a shortened bridgehead” – an acknowledgement of a large-scale withdrawal.

U.S. Flying Fortresses, again carrying the war to the Italian mainland, plastered the Terni railroad and highway hub 40 miles north of Rome with explosives which wrecked factories, arms plants and transport facilities.

Second bold stroke

The second bold strike behind the German lines along the north coast of Sicily was carried out in the early hours of Wednesday. Supporting it was fire from U.S. naval units, including cruisers and destroyers, and bombers of the North African Air Forces.

The landing near the mouth of the Naso River east of Capo d’Orlando was made in the face of stiff German resistance. Put on the alert by the Sunday morning foray, which crumpled the north end of their defense line, the Nazis were ready and waiting.

The second leapfrog move toward the complete conquest of Sicily was aimed at the mouth of the Naso River because it offered a natural mooring for the troops going ashore in small barges and landing craft.

After the landing, U.S. ships offshore laid down a paralyzing bombardment of German positions slightly inland.

Drive on Randazzo

U.S. units pushing along the Randazzo road from Cesarò were within light artillery range of the vital junction town by 4 p.m. yesterday.

The concerted British 8th Army push from Bronte was meeting stiff resistance midway between Bronte and Randazzo.

All along the line, the Axis forces were beginning to show signs of fatigue and shortage of food and water. Tactical air forces had made virtually useless all the roads leading to Randazzo, where the Axis plight was especially taken.

Québec talks arranged for Allied chiefs

Roosevelt, Churchill will confer; Premier visits Niagara Falls
By John A. Reichmann, United Press staff writer

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Québec, historic Canadian city on the St. Lawrence and port of call for oceangoing vessels, is the scene of initial conferences between Britain’s Prime Minister Winston Churchill and Canada’s Prime Minister Mackenzie King. Map shows location of Québec in relation to Ottawa, capital of Canada, and Washington, DC.

Québec, Canada –
Military staffs of the United States, Great Britain and Canada today prepared the groundwork for the sixth meeting of President Franklin D. Roosevelt and Prime Minister Winston Churchill which will be held in Québec’s ancient and historic Citadel at an undisclosed time in the immediate future.

Mr. Churchill, accompanied by his daughter Mary, left Québec late yesterday by special train and arrived today at Niagara Falls, Ontario.

Visits U.S. soil

Their train passed through Montréal last night and was in the station there for 10 minutes. During that stop, Mr. Churchill and his daughter left the train and strolled on the platform.

It was understood that Mr. Churchill went to Niagara Falls to rest and to show the falls to Miss Churchill who is making her first visit to the New World. The length of his visit was not known.

Mr. Churchill and Mary crossed into the United States during their sightseeing tour. Traveling by auto from Niagara Falls, Ontario, the party crossed the Rapids Bridge to Niagara Falls, New York, and immediately went to the Suspension Bridge railroad station where his train was waiting.

Paris with cigars

As the train was pulling out, Eddie Brady, Negro baggage handler, ran after it shouting:

Mr. Churchill, please, one of your cigars.

Mr. Churchill took the cigar he was smoking from his mouth, looked at it regretfully and then, apparently changing his mind, reached in his pocket and threw his cigar case to the baggage hauler.

Mr. Churchill’s destination after he left the American side of the falls was not revealed.

Staffs at work

The official announcement issued yesterday afternoon that Mr. Roosevelt would go to Québec, did not indicate when he would arrive.

Huge military staffs, headed by the chiefs of staff of the United States, Great Britain and Canada, were at work in the Château Frontenac, which is at the base of the 332-foot hill surrounded by the Citadel.

The military leaders were known, but lesser-known military men whose special abilities serve the most important purposes were there and they will remain anonymous because their presence might tip off the enemy to the “how” of future military operations.

As far as could be learned, Russian and Chinese military and naval experts are not among those at work in the Château.

War Cabinet meets

Mr. Churchill with Sir John Anderson attended a three-hour meeting of the Canadian War Cabinet yesterday. The announcement of this meeting, which was termed a joint meeting of the Canadian and British War Cabinets, said another would be held. It was believed to have dealt with the future uses of Canadian troops.

It will be Mr. Roosevelt’s second trip to Canada recently. It was revealed Monday that he had spent a few days fishing and resting in Ontario.

An historic city

Québec’s Citadel, chosen as site for the sixth conference of the Allied war leaders, is one of the most historic places on the North American continent. Built on high cliffs overlooking the St. Lawrence River, its first walls were erected by the French against the menace of Indians in the 16th century. Nearby are the Plains of Abraham, scene of the decisive battle between the British and French which resulted in Canada becoming British. It is now the summer home of the Canadian Governor General.

Premier Marshal Joseph Stalin received the U.S. and British Ambassadors to Russia at the Kremlin yesterday, Radio Moscow reported today.

Soviet Foreign Commissar Vyacheslav Molotov was present and it was presumed that the Québec conference of Mr. Roosevelt and Mr. Churchill was discussed.

Bonn, Wesseling, Gelsenkirchen hit; 25 bombers lost

Record-shattering blows dealt arms district by U.S. 8th Air Force; raid follows attack by RAF
By Walter Cronkite, United Press staff writer

Tokyo reports Kurils raid

Bombing of enemy ‘Pearl Harbor’ indicated
By the United Press

Italian rail center bombed

Factory destroyed, royal arms plant hit
By Donald Coe, United Press staff writer

Bid rigging case settled for $250,000

U.S. and informer Marcus to split payoff from electrical firms

UAW strikes Chrysler plant to enforce shortage rules

‘Don’t try to maintain production,’ says CIO group when men are absent from department

Baby talk

By Florence Fisher Parry

2 inspectors suspended in glider crash inquiry

Washington (UP) –
The Army Air Forces materiel command will decide on the basis of a current investigation whether disciplinary action should be taken against two civilian inspectors at the Robertson Aircraft Corporation, St. Louis, manufacturers of the glider which crashed Aug. 1 killing 10 persons.

The War Department announced late yesterday that faulty manufacture by a subcontractor, faulty inspection by the prime manufacturer, and inadequate enforcement of inspection procedures, combined to produce a fatal hidden defect in a wing strut metal fitting.

While the materiel command’s investigation continues, Charles C. Latty, Army Air Forces inspector in charge, and William W. Williams, AAF receiving inspector, have been suspended temporarily.

Davis wants to free draft from the WMC

Calling of fathers tagged unjustified, grandiose; state aroused
By Robert Taylor, Press Washington correspondent

5-week heat wave hits most of U.S.

Willkie: GOP victory possible in 1944

In monopoly scandal –
Congressman hits system of plane fueling

Says Air Forces ignored recommendation of Army engineers
By Thomas L. Stokes, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Rats ‘conquered’ on Capitol Hill at $15 per

By Ned Brooks, Scripps-Howard staff writer

Normandie still rises

New York –
The hull of the former French liner Normandie, rising approximately 2.5 degrees a day, reached an angle of about 37 degrees today.

Editorial: Roosevelt-Churchill decision

Edson: Publications to stir up trouble still circulate

By Peter Edson